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Reviewer in POM Classical Approach

- The older approach that we follow in marketing.

Market Segmentation In this approach, goes on inside their minds and
- A marketing term that refers to aggregating what kind of customers look few tried to look at
prospective buyers into groups or segments with the customers’ behavior and we observe how they
common needs and who respond similarly to a interact with specific products. This gives us an
marketing action. idea into what or what kind of product features.
We also get an understanding of their spending
patterns. Although this method is quite robust, it
takes time.

Modern Approach
- We collect data from the market. This data is
analyzed and. They get to the segmentation. The
analytical approach gives us the advantage of
looking at different kinds of feasibilities at the
same time. Firstly, we can crack the economist’s
visibility of our product by understanding the
price that the customer is ready to pay for our
Target Market products. Secondly, we can also understand. Their
- A homogeneous group will have people who purchasing behavior.
have similar characteristics and behaviors.
- We create these groups based on characteristics Targeting
like the demographic of our customers. We may - Once we are done with identifying the target
also look at their psychographics and behavioral market, we can then decide on how to
aspects. This first step is critical to understanding communicate our products to them. The targeting
what our customer group really wants. strategy will depend a lot on the segment as well
as the type of product that we are trying to sell.
- Segmentation is about partitioning your potential Positioning
customers into smaller groups. However, even - The way the customer looks at your product will
within segmentation, we have different steps. determine their behavior. Firstly, the customers
The first step is to identify the set of customers. get the cues about the product pricing from your
Secondly, we select them based on the criteria. positioning. Secondly, you communicate to your
Thirdly we divide them into groups. You can use customers whether they should buy or not buy
the MAAS system to identify the right set of your products.
Measurability: Measuring the customer’s needs Three Different Types of Positioning
and spending habits 1. Functional Positioning
Accessibility: How well can we approach the set - Try to project the useful aspects of our Products.
of customers? 2. Symbolic Positioning
Actionability: Can we develop a compelling - The focus of the firm is to communicate the
selling point for the given customers? notional values of the product or the firm.
Sustainability: Do we deliver more value to this - Customers need a fulfilling self- esteem which
specific group by creating it? we do through the symbolic positioning
3. Experimental Positioning
Two different ways of approaching the - Focus is there on evoking emotions. This type of
segmentation process: positioning tries to make the customer feel
Classical approach or the observational approach nostalgic or emotional about an issue, memory,
Modern approach or the analytical approach idea, or person.
Market Research
- The systematic design, collection, analysis and
reporting of data and findings relevant to a
specific marketing situation facing the company.

Research Process.
1. Who are our typical buyer?
2. Where do our buyers come from?
3. How big is our market?
4. What are our customers’ aspirations?
5. How do our customers shop and with whom
6. What do our customers buy?
7. Why do customers refuse to buy our products?

Types of Market Research.

1. Focus Group Discussions (FGD’s)
2. In-Depth Discussions (IDIs)

Micro Environment
- Environment that has direct impact on your
business, they have the ability to influence micro
Macro Environment
- More general it is the environments in the
economy itself. It consist of external factors that
the company itself macro environment.
4 P’s
Creating a marketing campaign starts with an
understanding of the product itself. Who needs it,
and why? What does it do that no competitor's
product can do? Perhaps it's a new thing
altogether and is so compelling in its design or
function that consumers will have to have it when
they see it.
- The amount that consumers will be willing to
pay for a product.
- Where the product should be available.
- The term placement also refers to advertising the
product in the right media to get the attention of
- Goal is to communicate to consumers that they
need this product and that it is priced
appropriately. Promotion encompasses
advertising, public relations, and the overall media
strategy for introducing a product.
the market, pricing out production costs, profit
margins, advertising costs, etc.
- Where the product meets the people’s minds.
Establish what effective marketing for the target
demographic is.
Detailed Design & Product Development
- Putting together a minimum viable product or
MVP to please the needs and wants of the
Prototyping & Testing
- need to validate the product as complete and
acceptable by the public, you need to know the
level of viability to expect and if changes need to
be made.
Launch & Commercialization
- The act of putting a product on the market for
the purpose of financial gain.

Product Life Cycle

Idea Generation Marketing Distribution

- New product development process usually starts - aims to promote and sell products or services to
with a good old new-fashioned idea. A modern customers through various channels.
brainwave with hopes to change the world and - This can include online retailers, brick-and-
make some money. mortar stores, wholesalers, and distributors.
Idea Screening - The goal is to reach as many potential customers
Entrepreneurs have this on lock. It might take a as possible and ensure they can purchase the
few tweaks before an idea passes the screening product or service.
process, but it’s imperative that they are screened.
Concept Development Distribution Channel
- Is there a market need for the idea? Does it - Distribution of products takes place by means of
match up to the company’s objectives? What a marketing channel, also known as a distribution
similar products are there on the market, if any? channel.
Test Marketing - A marketing channel is the people,
- A product (or startup as a whole) can also give organizations, and activities necessary to transfer
a bit of insight into how the world would the ownership of goods from the point of
respond to such a product production to the point of consumption.
Marketing Strategy & Business Analysis
- Two critical factors in the new product
development process. The business analysis side
of things includes looking at existing products on

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