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Essentials of Sociology 2nd Edition Ritzer

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Chapter 09: Gender and Sexuality

Test Bank


1. Sex is based on __________________ distinctions, whereas gender is based on

_____________ distinctions.
a. social; physical
b. cultural; biological
c. biological; social
d. social; cultural
ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Medium REF: p. 202; Gender and Sex
OBJ: LO 9-1: Discuss the cultural influences on gender and the effects of gender inequalities.
COG: Comprehension

2. Emily likes to wear dresses, play with dolls, and paint her nails. These are examples of the
various ways Emily is expressing her:
a. sex
b. gender
ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Medium REF: p. 202; Gender and Sex
OBJ: LO 9-1: Discuss the cultural influences on gender and the effects of gender inequalities.
COG: Comprehension

3. One of the first questions we ask when we find out someone is having or adopting a baby is
“boy or girl?” This is because we consider sex and gender a _________; it is a position that
affects all other positions we hold.
a. master status
b. dominant role
c. biological imperative
d. cultural anchor
ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Medium REF: p. 202; Gender and Sex
OBJ: LO 9-1: Discuss the cultural influences on gender and the effects of gender inequalities.
COG: Comprehension

4. People who are born with ambiguous genitalia are usually referred to as
a. transsexual
b. heterosexual
c. intersex
d. ambiphilic
ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Easy REF: p. 202; Gender and Sex
OBJ: LO 9-1: Discuss the cultural influences on gender and the effects of gender inequalities.
COG: Knowledge

5. Levandus is biologically a male but prefers to dress in a very feminine manner and wear
make-up. He decides to undergo a sex change operation in a few years. Levandus would be
considered to be _____________________.
a. intersex
b. heterosexual
c. homosexual
d. transgender
ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: Easy
REF: p. 204; Transgender and Nonbinary Genders
OBJ: LO 9-1: Discuss the cultural influences on gender and the effects of gender inequalities.
COG: Knowledge

6. The term _________________ is used to mean a dominant or idealized form of something.

a. heteronormative
b. hegemonic
c. aspirational
d. hierarchical
ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Easy
REF: p. 203; Femininities and Masculinities
OBJ: LO 9-1: Discuss the cultural influences on gender and the effects of gender inequalities.
COG: Knowledge

7. __________________ is the vision of masculinity that underlies patriarchal systems.

a. Hegemonic masculinity
b. Masculine society
c. Proletarianized masculinity
d. Oligarchic masculinity
ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Medium
REF: p. 203; Femininities and Masculinities
OBJ: LO 9-1: Discuss the cultural influences on gender and the effects of gender inequalities.
COG: Comprehension

8. The characteristics associated with being a male, such as being tall, handsome, young, and
athletic, is referred to as ______________________.
a. emphasized masculinity
b. hegemonic masculinity
c. dominant masculinity
d. hypermonic masculinity
ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Medium
REF: p. 203; Femininities and Masculinities
OBJ: LO 9-1: Discuss the cultural influences on gender and the effects of gender inequalities.
COG: Comprehension
9. During the 1950s, women were expected to stay at home and take care of their husband and
children's needs. These socially constructed ideas are referred to as
a. hegemonic femininity
b. social femininity
c. cultural femininity
d. emphasized femininity
ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: Medium
REF: p. 204; Femininities and Masculinities
OBJ: LO 9-1: Discuss the cultural influences on gender and the effects of gender inequalities.
COG: Comprehension

10. According to the text, a term for a person who does not identify with either being a man or a
woman is:
a. asexual
b. agender
c. transsexual
d. ambisexual
ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Easy
REF: p. 204; Transgender and Nonbinary Genders
OBJ: LO 9-1: Discuss the cultural influences on gender and the effects of gender inequalities.
COG: Knowledge

11. Taking the view that gendered performances are fluid, change over our lives, and when we are
in different settings would be most in line with which sociological theoretical perspective?
a. structural/functional theories
b. conflict/critical theories
c. inter/actionist theories
d. feminist theories
ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Medium
REF: p. 204; Transgender and Nonbinary Genders
OBJ: LO 9-2: Describe the ways in which social forces and factors constrain sexuality.
COG: Analysis

12. __________ is the umbrella term for people whose gender identification or presentation
differs from the gender assigned to them at birth.
a. Cross-gendered
b. Transsexual
c. Transgender
d. Misgendered
ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Easy
REF: p. 204; Transgender and Nonbinary Genders
OBJ: LO 9-1: Discuss the cultural influences on gender and the effects of gender inequalities.
COG: Knowledge

13. A person’s internal sense of being either male or female is called:

a. internal gender
b. gender identity
c. sexual psychology
d. cognitive gender
ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Easy
REF: p. 204; Transgender and Nonbinary Genders
OBJ: LO 9-1: Discuss the cultural influences on gender and the effects of gender inequalities.
COG: Knowledge

14. People who feel that their identity along the male/female spectrum changes depending on the
context are referred to as:
a. genderqueer
b. transgender
c. gender fluid
d. bisexual
ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Easy
REF: p. 204; Transgender and Nonbinary Genders
OBJ: LO 9-1: Discuss the cultural influences on gender and the effects of gender inequalities.
COG: Knowledge

15. How we are expected to behave, dress, and present ourselves refers to __________, whereas
how we think of ourselves in terms of the spectrum of genders is our ____________.
a. gender roles; gender identity
b. gender ascription; gender achievement
c. agency; gender structure
d. gender fluidity; gender lens
ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Medium
REF: p. 204; Transgender and Nonbinary Genders
OBJ: LO 9-1: Discuss the cultural influences on gender and the effects of gender inequalities.
COG: Comprehension

16. The start of the modern U.S. lesbian, gay, and trans rights movement is often connected to:
a. the liberty marches of the 1920s
b. the formation of gay rights groups directly after World War II (1945)
c. the Stonewall riots of 1969
d. AIDS activism in the early 1980s
ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Easy
REF: p. 204; Transgender and Nonbinary Genders
OBJ: LO 9-1: Discuss the cultural influences on gender and the effects of gender inequalities.
COG: Knowledge

17. In the First Nations, two-spirit individuals are considered neither male nor female. In
Afghanistan, sons are required for a family to have prestige, so some girls are treated as boys
until the age of puberty. These are two examples of:
a. gender confusion
b. gender reversals
c. nonbinary gender
d. gender inequality
ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Hard REF: p. 205; Gender Diversity
OBJ: LO 9-1: Discuss the cultural influences on gender and the effects of gender inequalities.
COG: Application

18. Recently, Target decided to stop labeling toys by gender. This is similar to actions in Ireland
and the United Kingdom. In Sweden, children are being taught a gender neutral pronoun.
These are examples of efforts to change:
a. gendered families
b. gendered economies
c. gendered education
d. gendered inequalities
ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: Hard REF: p. 205; Gender Diversity
OBJ: LO 9-1: Discuss the cultural influences on gender and the effects of gender inequalities.
COG: Application

19. One root cause of the gender gap in education is the _____________, which is a way that
dominant social and cultural norms are transmitted through educational systems.
a. transgendered norms
b. gendered curriculum
c. hidden curriculum
d. sex-biased learning
ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Easy
REF: p. 206; Gender and Education
OBJ: LO 9-1: Discuss the cultural influences on gender and the effects of gender inequalities.
COG: Knowledge

20. A teacher assigns her second grade class a spelling lesson in which the students need to write
the names of “boys” toys in one column and “girls” toys in another. This is an example of:
a. transgendered norms
b. gendered curriculum
c. hidden curriculum
d. sex-biased learning
ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Hard
REF: p. 206; Gender and Education
OBJ: LO 9-1: Discuss the cultural influences on gender and the effects of gender inequalities.
COG: Application

21. Girls often outperform boys on most academic indicators. This is because:
a. girls are smarter than boys
b. girls have faster cognitive development than boys
c. girls are better than boys at noncognitive skills such as following rules and doing
d. girls generally work harder than boys
ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Medium
REF: p. 206–207; Gender and Education;
OBJ: LO 9-1: Discuss the cultural influences on gender and the effects of gender inequalities.
COG: Analysis

22. Many female-segregated occupations require education and many male-segregated

occupations do not. This may help to explain:
a. a structural reason for girls’ success in school
b. an interpersonal reason for girls’ success in school
c. a structural reason why girls do worse than boys after grade school
d. an ethnomethodological explanation for girls’ success in school
ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Medium
REF: p. 207; Gender and Education
OBJ: LO 9-1: Discuss the cultural influences on gender and the effects of gender inequalities.
COG: Comprehension

23. Women have made big gains in higher education. The effect of this on the pay gap between
men and women is that:
a. the pay gap still exists at all levels of education
b. the pay gap has reduced to now be insignificant
c. the pay gap only exists in low skills jobs
d. the pay gap only exists in high skill jobs
ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Medium
REF: p. 207; Gender and Education
OBJ: LO 9-1: Discuss the cultural influences on gender and the effects of gender inequalities.
COG: Comprehension

24. When compared to males, females are:

a. Less likely to graduate from high school
b. More likely to receive a bachelor's degree
c. Less likely to receive a bachelor's degree
d. Less competent in reading and writing assessments
ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Medium
REF: p. 207; Gender and Education
OBJ: LO 9-1: Discuss the cultural influences on gender and the effects of gender inequalities.
COG: Comprehension

25. Studies indicate that boys are:

a. less likely than girls to get more attention in class from the teachers
b. less likely to be asked questions when compared to girls
c. receive less constructive criticism
d. more likely to monopolize class discussions
ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: Medium
REF: p. 206; Gender and Education
OBJ: LO 9-1: Discuss the cultural influences on gender and the effects of gender inequalities.
COG: Comprehension

26. In the order of earnings, ____________ earn the most.

a. unmarried men
b. married men
c. married women
d. unmarried women
ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Medium
REF: p. 207; Gender, Family, and Work
OBJ: LO 9-1: Discuss the cultural influences on gender and the effects of gender inequalities.
COG: Comprehension

27. Arlie Hochschild's book, The Second Shift, discusses how:

a. women must make the transition from being in the private sphere to being in the
public sphere
b. most women can only find jobs during the evening or second shift
c. women work outside of the home and then also take care of the majority of the
household duties
d. most women feel as if dual earning households turn private life into a second shift
of work for married men and women
ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Medium
REF: p. 208; Dual-Earner Households and the Stalled Revolution
OBJ: LO 9-1: Discuss the cultural influences on gender and the effects of gender inequalities.
COG: Comprehension

28. Hochschild’s research found that women tend to do more domestic work than men. What does
research suggest on the split between heterosexual men and women on housework in recent
a. The proportion that women do has increased
b. The difference between the genders is shrinking
c. Everyone does less and just has messier houses
d. Men are now performing more of the housework than women
ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Medium
REF: p. 209; Dual-Earner Households and the Stalled Revolution
OBJ: LO 9-1: Discuss the cultural influences on gender and the effects of gender inequalities.
COG: Comprehension

29. How much do women earn on average for every dollar earned by a white man based on 2013
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics?
a. 65 cents
b. 75 cents
c. 80 cents
d. 90 cents
ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Medium
REF: p. 210; Gender Inequality at Work
OBJ: LO 9-1: Discuss the cultural influences on gender and the effects of gender inequalities.
COG: Analysis

30. Research on women in the workplace shows that women ____________ authority on the job
had more diminished mental health than _____________.
a. without; men with authority
b. without; women with authority
c. with; men without authority
d. with; women without authority
ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: Medium
REF: p. 211; Gender Inequality at Work
OBJ: LO 9-1: Discuss the cultural influences on gender and the effects of gender inequalities.
COG: Comprehension
31. Since the Industrial Revolution, ___________ were considered the primary consumers in the
a. men
b. women
c. children
d. men and women (equally)
ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Easy
REF: p. 212; Consumption, Work, and Family
OBJ: LO 9-1: Discuss the cultural influences on gender and the effects of gender inequalities.
COG: Knowledge

32. Women are still thought of as a _________________ market because they purchase things for
a. secondary
b. dependent
c. multiple
d. layered
ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Medium
REF: p. 212; Consumption, Work, and Family
OBJ: LO 9-1: Discuss the cultural influences on gender and the effects of gender inequalities.
COG: Comprehension

33. Women are thought of as a multiple market. What does this mean?
a. Women have more diversity when purchasing items for themselves
b. Women purchase much of the food but also many types of clothing
c. Women buy not only for themselves but make purchases for other people
d. Women tend to buy things in multiples
ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Medium
REF: p. 212; Consumption, Work, and Family
OBJ: LO 9-1: Discuss the cultural influences on gender and the effects of gender inequalities.
COG: Comprehension

34. _______________ has become a global concern related to consumption and marketing for
girls in the Internet age.
a. Truthful advertising
b. Hypersexualization
c. Self-esteem
d. Ambiguous gender messaging
ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Medium
REF: p. 212; Women and Girls as Consumers
OBJ: LO 9-1: Discuss the cultural influences on gender and the effects of gender inequalities.
COG: Comprehension

35. Hamilton and Armstrong define “sexual dilemmas” as:

a. the difficulty in matching experiences to sexual scripts
b. the difficulty of having contradictory norms around sex when it comes to gender,
race, and social class
c. the contradiction of biological and psychological sexual drives
d. the differences in cultural norms around sex in youth culture and the larger
American culture
ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Medium
REF: p. 214; Spotlight on “Hooking Up”
OBJ: LO 9-2: Describe the ways in which social forces and factors constrain sexuality.
COG: Analysis

36. David prepares for a date with Nina by getting money to pay for dinner and a movie because
he assumes that he will pay for the activities of the date. This can be seen as an example of a:
a. heteronormative effect
b. hegemonic economy
c. sexual script
d. heterosexist script
ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Medium
REF: p. 214; Gendered Sexual Scripts
OBJ: LO 9-2: Describe the ways in which social forces and factors constrain sexuality.
COG: Analysis

37. The terms ____________ are exports from the Global North in the global diffusion of sex and
a. rape and assault
b. pornography and erotica
c. gay and lesbian
d. transgender and intersex
ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Medium
REF: p. 218; Global Flows Related to Sex and Sexuality
OBJ: LO 9-3: Describe the effects of globalization on gender and sexualities.
COG: Comprehension

38. According to the 2010 report on the global sex industry, _________ million people
throughout the world, both adults and children, were in forced labor, bonded labor, and forced
a. 20 million
b. 8.5 million
c. 12.3 million
d. 2.6 million
ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Easy
REF: p. 218; The Global Sex Industry
OBJ: LO 9-3: Describe the effects of globalization on gender and sexualities.
COG: Knowledge

39. The increasing participation of women in the labor force has been termed the:
a. contingent work increase
b. feminization of labor
c. the glass escalator
d. industrialized feminism
ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Easy
REF: p. 220; The Feminization of Labor OBJ: LO 9-4: Discuss global flows related to gender.
COG: Knowledge

40. Women in the global paid-labor market have been drawn into labor-intensive, low-paying
industries. This is called:
a. feminization of labor
b. female proletarianization
c. globalization of femininity
d. the export processing zone
ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Easy
REF: p. 220; The Feminization of Poverty and Female Proletarianization
OBJ: LO 9-4: Discuss global flows related to gender. COG: Knowledge

41. Rita is a young Bangladeshi woman who works in a low pay job in a garment factory along
with 350 other young women. She is required to work overtime with no extra pay, and she
notices that the factory in which she works has a number of health and safety violations. But,
Rita needs this job to support herself and her family. Rita’s situation and that of her
coworkers is an example of:
a. globalized femininity
b. gendered export processing
c. masculine exploitation of labor
d. female proletarianization
ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: Hard
REF: p. 220; The Feminization of Poverty and Female Proletarianization
OBJ: LO 9-4: Discuss global flows related to gender. COG: Application

42. The increasing number of women who are being channeled into low-status, poorly paid
manual work is referred to as:
a. institutionalized sexism
b. female proletarianization
c. feminization of work
d. pink-collar feminization
ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Easy
REF: p. 220; The Feminization of Poverty and Female Proletarianization
OBJ: LO 9-4: Discuss global flows related to gender. COG: Knowledge

43. More and more women are falling below the poverty line. This is referred to as:
a. feminization of work
b. feminine relativism
c. feminization of poverty
d. relative poverty of women
ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Easy
REF: p. 220; The Feminization of Poverty and Female Proletarianization
OBJ: LO 9-4: Discuss global flows related to gender. COG: Knowledge


44. SELECT ALL THAT APPLY. Choose the statement(s) that are accurate about sex and
a. only men have testosterone and only women have estrogen
b. male and female are binary categories; you are either one or the other
c. gender exists on a continuum
d. biological sex exists on a continuum
ANS: C, D PTS: 1 DIF: Medium REF: p. 202; Gender and Sex
OBJ: LO 9-1: Discuss the cultural influences on gender and the effects of gender inequalities.
COG: Analysis

45. SELECT ALL THAT APPLY. Marcel is an athletic black American man. He likes to wear
brightly colored shoes and enjoys dancing. His slightly overweight white American friend
Brian enjoys the same things, but he doesn’t do them because if he did, his white friends
would tease him for being “gay.” Which point does this illustrate?
a. Brian’s friends are racist
b. Masculinity is associated with homosexuality in white culture only
c. Masculinity is in part defined by the culture you belong to
d. We merge gendered expectations with those of other intersectional statuses
ANS: C, D PTS: 1 DIF: Hard
REF: p. 204; Femininities and Masculinities
OBJ: LO 9-1: Discuss the cultural influences on gender and the effects of gender inequalities.
COG: Application

46. SELECT ALL THAT APPLY. Pierre is a slender French man who likes to wear a bright
purple scarf and skinny jeans. Nathan, an American, tried wearing a brightly colored scarf, but
his roommate said it made him look like a girl. This illustrates which point(s)?
a. Pierre exhibits hegemonic masculinity
b. Gender performance is static based on one’s upbringing
c. Masculinity is fluid and how it is performed can vary across social settings
d. We merge gendered expectations with those of other intersectional statuses
ANS: C, D PTS: 1 DIF: Hard
REF: p. 204; Femininities and Masculinities
OBJ: LO 9-1: Discuss the cultural influences on gender and the effects of gender inequalities.
COG: Application

47. SELECT ALL THAT APPLY. Even though women have made gains in higher education,
which of the following is also TRUE:
a. Men still earn more bachelor’s degrees than women each year
b. Women still earn less than men at all levels of education
c. Women still earn far fewer degrees in the STEM disciplines
d. Women rarely earn degrees above a bachelor’s degree
ANS: B, C PTS: 1 DIF: Medium
REF: p. 207; Gender and Education
OBJ: LO 9-1: Discuss the cultural influences on gender and the effects of gender inequalities.
COG: Comprehension

48. SELECT ALL THAT APPLY. The failure of men to perform more housework has been
called a stalled revolution in gender equality, especially in the United States. According to the
text, what are some of the factors in the United States that have contributed to this?
a. The insufficient two-week vacation time in most American jobs
b. The lack of parent-friendly work policies that support policies such as maternity
c. The technological revolution that encourages everyone to work around the clock
on their paid employment
d. The rise of video games that men tend to do instead of cleaning up after
ANS: A, B PTS: 1 DIF: Medium
REF: p. 209; Dual-Earner Households and the Stalled Revolution
OBJ: LO 9-1: Discuss the cultural influences on gender and the effects of gender inequalities.
COG: Analysis

49. SELECT ALL THAT APPLY. Women lose ground on salaries and advancement in the
workforce for the following reasons according to the text:
a. They take time away to care for children
b. They are on average less educated than men
c. Their domestic work limits their performance at work
d. They rarely take charge or try to advance
ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Medium
REF: p. 210; Gender Inequality at Work
OBJ: LO 9-1: Discuss the cultural influences on gender and the effects of gender inequalities.
COG: Analysis

50. SELECT ALL THAT APPLY. Which of the following reasons was given in the text for
changes in women’s consumption patterns?
a. Increased participation in the labor force
b. Having children at later ages
c. The spread of feminism
d. The increased importance of expressing identity through consumption
ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Medium
REF: p. 212; Consumption, Work, and Family
OBJ: LO 9-1: Discuss the cultural influences on gender and the effects of gender inequalities.
COG: Comprehension

51. SELECT ALL THAT APPLY. Which of the following are true of contemporary marketing
and advertising?
a. Products are marketed in mostly gender-neutral ways
b. Sex is used to advertise products as varied as food, toothpaste, and cars.
c. Products are marketed in highly gendered ways
d. Adult men and women are passive in the face of marketing pressures
ANS: B, C PTS: 1 DIF: Medium
REF: p. 217; Sex and Consumption
OBJ: LO 9-1: Discuss the cultural influences on gender and the effects of gender inequalities.
COG: Analysis

52. SELECT ALL THAT APPLY. Which of the following are reasons for increased interest by
sociologists in the topic of sexuality?
a. The growing number of sexually linked problems
b. The increase in teen pregnancies
c. Social changes in attitudes and behaviors around sex
d. The sex culture of the Internet
ANS: A, C, D PTS: 1 DIF: Medium
REF: p. 212–213; The Sociology of Sexuality
OBJ: LO 9-2: Describe the ways in which social forces and factors constrain sexuality.
COG: Analysis

53. SELECT ALL THAT APPLY. Sofia is going to her high school prom. To prepare, she and
all her female friends buy new dresses, matching shoes and purses, have their hair done, get
manicures and pedicures, and expect to be picked up by their male214; dates at their houses
in rented limousines. These behaviors are evidence of:
a. sexual scripts
b. heterosexism
c. gendered consumption
d. community building
ANS: A, C PTS: 1 DIF: Medium
REF: p. 214; Gendered Sexual Scripts
OBJ: LO 9-2: Describe the ways in which social forces and factors constrain sexuality.
COG: Analysis

54. SELECT ALL THAT APPLY. According to the text, which of these previously unacceptable
behaviors do the majority (over 50%) of Americans now report as “morally acceptable” based
on a 2003 report?
a. Sex between an unmarried man and an unmarried woman
b. Married men or women having an affair
c. Polygamy
ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Medium
REF: p. 215; Social Constraints on Sexuality
OBJ: LO 9-2: Describe the ways in which social forces and factors constrain sexuality.
COG: Comprehension

55. SELECT ALL THAT APPLY. Which of these criteria are necessary ingredients to informed,
effective sexual consent?
a. Both parties understand what they are consenting to
b. There is no coercion, force, threats, or pressuring
c. Understanding is expressed by both parties, either through words, actions, or silent
d. Both parties understand that consent can be revoked at any time
ANS: A, B, D PTS: 1 DIF: Medium REF: p. 215; Culture and Consent
OBJ: LO 9-2: Describe the ways in which social forces and factors constrain sexuality.
COG: Comprehension

56. SELECT ALL THAT APPLY. Identify the items in this list that represent risks to survivors of
rape, sexual abuse, incest, or sexual violence when compared with those who did not have this
traumatic experience:
a. 3 times more likely to experience depression
b. 4 times more likely to contemplate suicide
c. 13 times more likely to abuse alcohol
d. 26 times more likely to abuse drugs
ANS: A, B, C, D PTS: 1 DIF: Medium REF: p. 216; Culture and Consent
OBJ: LO 9-2: Describe the ways in which social forces and factors constrain sexuality.
COG: Comprehension

57. SELECT ALL THAT APPLY. Which of the following are ways that sexualities can be
a. sex acts for sale
b. sex toys
c. drugs to treat sexual dysfunctions
d. online dating sites
ANS: A, B, C, D PTS: 1 DIF: Medium
REF: p. 217; Sex and Consumption
OBJ: LO 9-3: Describe the effects of globalization on gender and sexualities.
COG: Comprehension

58. SELECT ALL THAT APPLY. Which of the following illustrate “global flows” related to
sex and sexualities?
a. Social movements for gay, lesbian, and transgender rights
b. Globally applied laws that restrict certain types of sex acts
c. sexual goods and services, such as sex tourism
d. universal consent laws
ANS: A, B, C PTS: 1 DIF: Hard
REF: p. 218; Global Flows Related to Sex and Sexuality
OBJ: LO 9-3: Describe the effects of globalization on gender and sexualities.
COG: Application

59. SELECT ALL THAT APPLY. Which of these factors have contributed to women being the
more likely victims of international violence?
a. The nature of warfare has become more asymmetric, leaving women more
vulnerable to violence
b. Women are more likely to be in the armed forces now than in the past
c. Women are more affected when a conventional ground battle takes place
d. Women are more likely to be terrorists now than in the past
ANS: A, B, D PTS: 1 DIF: Medium
REF: p. 221–223; Gender, War, and Violence
OBJ: LO 9-4: Discuss global flows related to gender. COG: Analysis


60. Globally, the United States ranks at the bottom in government supported time off for new
a. True
b. False

ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: Medium

REF: p. 209; Dual-Earner Households and the Stalled Revolution
OBJ: LO 9-1: Discuss the cultural influences on gender and the effects of gender inequalities.
COG: Analysis

61. Sex is primarily a biological distinction between males and females, whereas gender is based
primarily on social distinctions.
a. True
b. False

ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: Easy REF: p. 202; Gender and Sexuality

OBJ: LO 9-1: Discuss the cultural influences on gender and the effects of gender inequalities.
COG: Knowledge

62. People who are born with ambiguous genitalia are usually referred to as transsexuals.
a. True
b. False

ANS: F PTS: 1 DIF: Easy REF: p. 202; Gender and Sex

OBJ: LO 9-1: Discuss the cultural influences on gender and the effects of gender inequalities.
COG: Knowledge

63. Sex is binary, but gender exists on a continuum.

a. True
b. False

ANS: F PTS: 1 DIF: Medium REF: p. 202; Sex and Gender

OBJ: LO 9-1: Discuss the cultural influences on gender and the effects of gender inequalities.
COG: Comprehension

64. Cultural definitions of traits associated with being a woman or a man are called “femininities”
and “masculinities.”
a. True
b. False

ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: Easy

REF: p. 202; Femininities and Masculinities
OBJ: LO 9-1: Discuss the cultural influences on gender and the effects of gender inequalities.
COG: Knowledge

65. Hegemonic masculinity is directly linked to patriarchy as a societal form.

a. True
b. False

ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: Easy

REF: p. 203; Femininities and Masculinities
OBJ: LO 9-1: Discuss the cultural influences on gender and the effects of gender inequalities.
COG: Knowledge

66. According to the text, men have to think more about what it means to be a “man,” while
women can take for granted what being a “woman” means.
a. True
b. False

ANS: F PTS: 1 DIF: Easy

REF: p. 204; Femininities and Masculinities
OBJ: LO 9-1: Discuss the cultural influences on gender and the effects of gender inequalities.
COG: Knowledge

67. Heteromonic masculinity refers to a set of socially constructed ideas about masculinity that
focuses on the interests and desires of men.
a. True
b. False

ANS: F PTS: 1 DIF: Easy

REF: p. 203; Femininities and Masculinities
OBJ: LO 9-1: Discuss the cultural influences on gender and the effects of gender inequalities.
COG: Knowledge

68. Being masculine or feminine must be attached to gender but can be detached from biological
sex or the body.
a. True
b. False

ANS: F PTS: 1 DIF: Easy

REF: p. 204; Femininities and Masculinities
OBJ: LO 9-1: Discuss the cultural influences on gender and the effects of gender inequalities.
COG: Knowledge

69. Don was born a male but prefers to dress and behave like a female. His identity can be
referred to transgender.
a. True
b. False

ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: Medium

REF: p. 204; Transgender and Nonbinary Genders
OBJ: LO 9-1: Discuss the cultural influences on gender and the effects of gender inequalities.
COG: Comprehension

70. Gender is a master status.

a. True
b. False

ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: Easy REF: p. 202; Gender and Sex

OBJ: LO 9-1: Discuss the cultural influences on gender and the effects of gender inequalities.
COG: Knowledge

71. Gender is most often left out of the structure of our social institutions.
a. True
b. False

ANS: F PTS: 1 DIF: Easy

REF: p. 205; Gendered Inequalities
OBJ: LO 9-1: Discuss the cultural influences on gender and the effects of gender inequalities.
COG: Knowledge
72. In global measures of gender inequality, no country has a measure that represents complete
equality, where women do as well as men across all life dimensions.
a. True
b. False

ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: Easy

REF: p. 205; Gendered Inequalities
OBJ: LO 9-1: Discuss the cultural influences on gender and the effects of gender inequalities.
COG: Knowledge

73. Domestic work is now the biggest global labor market for women.
a. True
b. False

ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: Easy

REF: p. 220; The Feminization of Migration
OBJ: LO 9-1: Discuss the cultural influences on gender and the effects of gender inequalities.
COG: Knowledge

74. The hidden curriculum is a term which refers to a school's unofficial rules by which students
learn various behaviors, attitudes, and values.
a. True
b. False

ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: Medium

REF: p. 206; Gender and Education
OBJ: LO 9-1: Discuss the cultural influences on gender and the effects of gender inequalities.
COG: Comprehension

75. Arlie Hochschild's book The Second Shift argues that women work outside the home and take
care of the majority of household and child care duties within the home as well.
a. True
b. False

ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: Medium

REF: p. 208; Dual-Earner Households and the Stalled Revolution
OBJ: LO 9-1: Discuss the cultural influences on gender and the effects of gender inequalities.
COG: Comprehension

76. Sexuality has a growing presence in the global media.

a. True
b. False

ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: Medium

REF: p. 217; Social Change and the Globalization of Sexuality
OBJ: LO 9-3: Describe the effects of globalization on gender and sexualities.
COG: Comprehension

77. More and more women have been entering the labor market in large numbers in countries all
over the world. This is referred to as the feminization of labor.
a. True
b. False
ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: Medium
REF: p. 220; The Feminization of Labor OBJ: LO 9-4: Discuss global flows related to gender.
COG: Comprehension

78. Many women, especially in developing economies, are working in low-paying jobs that
provide no benefits and have substandard working conditions. This is referred to as marginal
a. True
b. False

ANS: F PTS: 1 DIF: Medium

REF: p. 220; The Feminization of Labor OBJ: LO 9-4: Discuss global flows related to gender.
COG: Comprehension

79. The global women's movement has focused on such issues as economic concerns, health care
issues, and violence against women.
a. True
b. False

ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: Medium

REF: p. 223; The Global Women’s Movement
OBJ: LO 9-4: Discuss global flows related to gender. COG: Comprehension

80. Rape cultures tend to be prevalent in and around college campuses due to the presence of
alcohol and drugs, the age of the population, and the ratio of men to women.
a. True
b. False

ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: Medium REF: p. 215; Culture and Consent

OBJ: LO 9-2: Describe the ways in which social forces and factors constrain sexuality.
COG: Comprehension

81. People categorized as engaging in sexual behavior that is other than heterosexual are generally
labeled deviant and expected to explain this behavior.
a. True
b. False

ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: Medium REF: p. 213; Sexual Selves

OBJ: LO 9-2: Describe the ways in which social forces and factors constrain sexuality.
COG: Comprehension


82. Explain the difference between sex and gender, and explain how the two terms relate to each

Correct answer varies but should define gender as a cultural term referring to societal
definitions of expected behaviors, attitudes, and personalities, and usually related in terms
such as man, woman, boy, or girl. Sex, by contrast, is principally a biological term expressed
as male or female and refers to a person’s chromosomes, genitalia, and hormones.

PTS: 1 DIF: Medium REF: p. 202; Gender and Sex

OBJ: LO 9-1: Discuss the cultural influences on gender and the effects of gender inequalities.
COG: Comprehension

83. Explain the terms hegemonic masculinity and emphasized femininity. What social
consequences are related to these two gender forms?

Answers vary but should define hegemonic masculinity as the dominant form or most
idealized vision of masculinity that is taken as natural and linked to patriarchy, a form of
society that is dominated by men and focused on men and hegemonic masculinity. This pairs
with emphasized femininity in which ideas of model womanhood are organized around
accommodating the interests of men and patriarchy. Emphasized femininity focuses on
women’s social rather than intellectual abilities, encouraging them to accept secondary roles
that nurture others. The text claims that these roles adversely affect men and women because
they are rigid expectations that create stress and disappointment for those who fall short of
these ideals. However, some men do greatly benefit from this arrangement, but often in ways
that are invisible to them.

PTS: 1 DIF: Medium REF: p. 203–204; Femininities and Masculinities

OBJ: LO 9-1: Discuss the cultural influences on gender and the effects of gender inequalities.
COG: Comprehension

84. Transgender is an umbrella term related to several gender identities. What gender identities
are grouped under the term transgender? Name one risk factor for people who identify as

Correct answers vary but should include a definition of transgender as any person whose
gender identity and/or gender presentation differs from the gender assigned to them at birth or
in infancy. This is not a single path but may include those who choose to have surgery and
hormones to accomplish gender reassignment or those who opt not to make these adjustments;
it may include people who feel their identities change depending on social context, “gender
fluid”; or may include those who feel that neither gender is a completely appropriate match.
Transgender people are at risk for discrimination in most parts of the world, which can
include violence or other forms of discrimination in the workplace and the world.

PTS: 1 DIF: Medium REF: p. 204–205; Transgender and Nonbinary Genders

OBJ: LO 9-1: Discuss the cultural influences on gender and the effects of gender inequalities.
COG: Analysis

85. How has the hidden curriculum affected the way girls are treated in the educational system?
Identify one way that girls are affected in their outcomes as adults.

Correct answers vary but should include a definition of hidden curriculum, or a school’s
unofficial norms, routines, and structures that transmit dominant cultural norms and values,
including those related to gender. Girls are affected by this because the hidden curriculum
conforms to gender norms that create a gap in education between education in girls and boys.
Girls often experience success in primary and secondary schooling, in part because they are
more likely than boys to comply with school rules, do homework, and be obedient to teacher
requests. However, women still do not go into STEM disciplines at the rates of men, and
despite better performance on completion of high school and college, women do more poorly
on standardized exams and experience a pay gap in the workplace.

PTS: 1 DIF: Medium REF: p. 206; Gender and Education

OBJ: LO 9-1: Discuss the cultural influences on gender and the effects of gender inequalities.
COG: Analysis

86. What is meant by the term sexual scripts? Explain ways that sexual scripts are used and how
they influence sexual identities, and give one example of a sexual script.

Correct answers will vary but should define sexual scripts as the culturally produced, shared,
and reinforced social norms that serve as blueprints, or maps, to guide sexual and gender
behavior. These scripts include information on the who, what, where, when, how, and why of
socially constructed sexualities. These may be used to explain deviant sexual choices or
common stories of sexuality, such as virginity. They offer a cultural path for explaining
specific sexual choices and are greater in sexuality than in any other aspect of intimate life,
but they may make it seem like there is a clear process around sexual experiences, when often
there is not.

PTS: 1 DIF: Medium REF: p. 214; Gendered Sexual Scripts

OBJ: LO 9-2: Describe the ways in which social forces and factors constrain sexuality.
COG: Analysis


87. Discuss the social changes that are significant to the globalization of sexuality. Name at least
three reasons and discuss its implications for sexuality.

Correct answers vary but could include the factors of globalization of media and technologies,
increasing urbanization, globalized social movements and social change, and increased

PTS: 1 DIF: Medium

REF: p. 217; Social Change and the Globalization of Sexuality
OBJ: LO 9-3: Describe the effects of globalization on gender and sexualities.
COG: Analysis

88. Discuss the concept of “feminization” as it relates to global flows. Select two forms of
feminization discussed by the text and elaborate on the meaning of each, using an example
and citing at least two factors for how this affects women globally.
Correct answer varies but should include at least two of these: feminization of migration,
feminization of labor, feminization of poverty, and female proletarianization. Women in
export processing zones may also be considered as correct. Feminization of migration: an
unprecedented increase in women’s migration, which enriches the Global North but often
exposes women to the worst forms of discrimination, exploitation and abuse. Feminization of
labor: a notable increase in women’s labor force participation rates worldwide, which allows
for gender equality movements and better integration of many areas of the world into the
world economy. Feminization of poverty means that those living in poverty are more likely to
be women than men. Female proletarianization is the channeling of women into low-paying
manual work with low status and often in dangerous occupations with lack of security and
poor working conditions. Women in export processing zones may also be considered as
correct as a subset of female proletarianization in special industrial areas of developing
countries designed to draw foreign investment from multinational corporations. The effects
are that they claim to reduce poverty and unemployment but the working conditions are often
brutal with long daily schedules, insufficient breaks or health and safety measures, and sexual
harassment, violence, and abuse in the workplace.

PTS: 1 DIF: Medium REF: p. 219–221; Global Flows Related to Gender

OBJ: LO 9-4: Discuss global flows related to gender. COG: Analysis

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