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Faculty Mentor: Prof. Avani Raval

Organization Mentor: Mr. Deepanshu Dochaniya

All India Marwari Yuva Munch


Manya Jain
Roll. No: 227137

14 July 2023


Manya Jain
E-mail ID:

Contact No.: 7007125352


All India Marwari Yuva Munch

133/47 Anandpuri, Transport Nagar, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh


12 June, 2023 – 8 July, 2023


To share the experience of SIP:
1. Learnings from SIP
2. Work Experience


Prof. Avani Raval


Table Of Contents


Executive Summary………………………………………………...5

About The Organization

 Introduction (NGO Details)……………………………………………6
 Achievements and Campaigns……………………………………..…..8
 Mission & Vision………………………………………………………11

Details of the Research Based Project

 Introduction…………………………………………………………….13
 Methodology……………………………………………………………14
 Observation……………………………………………………………..16
 Conclusion……………………………………………………………...17

Learning from the Summer Trading

 Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on the Industry/Organization………….21
 Application of Concepts, Tools, Techniques and Skills Learnt in the
 Augmentation of soft skill………………………………………………22
 Directions For Future Learning and Career Path……………………….23

Some of my work during internship………………………………..24




I am grateful to Mr. Deepanshu Dochaniya for his constant support and

guidance during my internship. I would like to thank my classmates, and fellow
inters without whom this project would not have been a grand success. My
sincere thanks to Prof. Avani Raval for being my mentor and supporting me
throughout this internship.

I feel privileged to work in “All India Marwari Yuva Munch”, and I extend my
deep sense of gratitude for an amazing platform provided to prove myself and
explore the learning and apply it practically. I would like to thank the Institute
of Management, Nirma University for providing me such an opportunity
through a well-planned curriculum.

At last, I would like to thank my family and friends for the emotional support
throughout the internship.

Manya Jain


This report is about my internship program with “All India Marwari Yuva
Munch”. In this comprehensive report, I have discussed about every major
aspect of the organization which I observed and perceived during my internship
program. In this report you will find a general description of this non-profit
organisation, along with its mission, vision, achievements as well as projects
accomplished by them from their incorporation till the present. During my
internship program, I had been associated with different projects whose main
aims were working for children present at the shelter home and to improve their
educational, health and nutrition status; donating blood for free; maintaining our
city and looking towards its cleanliness and sanitisation. The prime tasks which
were allotted to me included to make content for the social media pages of the
NGO and create some posters and videos and also increase self-awareness
amongst ourselves. Moreover, I also distributed my time there in mentoring the
children by imparting them some basic knowledge. Lastly, the skills and
management lessons that I learnt during my summer internship program have
also been discussed. Additionally, the application of concepts and techniques
that I learnt during my first year BBA at Nirma University have been
mentioned. The report also contains my perception about the employee’s
satisfaction, work culture of the NGO.
Part A consist of introduction and history of the organization, organisational
makeup, competitive analysis, awards and achievements, it’s campaign and its
mission and vision.
Part B contains the information of tasks that were completed throughout the
The internship's overall lessons learnt and their potential influence on my future
ambitions and activities are summarised in Part C of the report.



Name: All India Marwari Yuva Munch

Established on: 10 October 1977

More info: 40+ years

670+ branches
50,000+ members
10,00,000+ man hours

History: A small group of socially conscious Marwaris banded together in 1977

to establish a platform that would unite the country's dispersed Marwari
population and carry out significant projects for social upliftment. Their vision
and aim inspired the creation of the All-India Marwari Yuva Manch. The
AIMYM is a non-profit, voluntary youth organization that was founded in
Guwahati, Assam, on October 10, 1977. By 1983, it grew to include 23 North-
Eastern towns and cities. In a brief period of less than eight years, it gained a
national perspective during its First National Convention, which was held in
Guwahati on the 18th, 19th, and 20th of January 1985. The organization currently
operates more than 685 branches across the nation, with its headquarters in
Delhi. At present there are more than 1,00,000 active members. On June 27,
2021, the organization's Kanpur branch had its cornerstone placed. Shivam
Agarwal and Deepanshu Dochaniya were named as the branch's president and
secretary respectively.

This platform's goal is to mobilize the youth force and direct their energy
towards the advancement of the community and the country. The association
assists in the identification of potential leaders and guides them so they may
take actionable steps to steer the community towards the right path. According
to AIMYM, young people should be at the forefront of global change and
innovation because they serve as important forces for peace and development.
With the aid of youth power and the Marwari community, the primary goal of
Marwari Yuva Manch is development on a national, social, economic, political,
physical, and moral level.
The organization operates under the Manch Darshan ideology, which has five
primary goals:
Manch Foundation: Public Service
Manch Aim: Social Reform
Manch Strength: Individual Development
Manch Desire: Social Dignity and Self Security
Manch Goal: National Development and Unification
The organization has placed a strong emphasis on working on programs that
promote social service, individual growth, social dignity, and national
development. The group effectively manages more than 400 ambulances and
funeral vans through its branches around the world. It has built more than 5,000
water filters, donated more than 10,000 artificial limbs, screened more than
1,25,000 people for cancer, and distributed more than 1,00,000 automobile trash
cans as a part of their various initiatives.

 AIMYM has its own 4 centers for Limb Manufacturing provided free
limbs to 1,07,000+ people.
 It has conducted Special Camps in Border Areas for Military Peoples and
 AIMYM has conducted Swatch Bharat Abhiyan on 11 January 2015 with
participation from more than 500+ branches.
 It has built and support more than 2300 drinking water facilities across
 It collects more than 1,00,000 units of blood per year.
 In 2014, AIMYM launched India’s first ever Ultra-Modern Mobile
Cancer Detection Unit (Hospital) with Tactic Biopsy attachment and
Tele-radiology System which has conducted 3000 check-ups and detected
300+ cancer patients in various states like Delhi, Gujarat, Maharashtra,
Assam, Bengal.

 Tree Plantation
This tree plantation drive aimed at planting trees to address various
environmental issues and promote sustainability. The process of
organizing a tree plantation drive typically involves identifying
different sites, mobilizing volunteers, planting saplings. These NGOs
have a long-term perspective. It not only involves planting trees but
also monitoring their growth, ensuring maintenance, and promoting
sustainable practices to maximize their survival. By organizing this
campaign our organization ensures that there is greenery all over the
city and there is conservation of natural resources.

 Artificial Limb
Most of the disabled people living in India are isolated and poor. Their
disability, combined with poverty and lack of education, deny them
access to rehabilitation services. The AIMYM developed an
appropriate, simple, informal and humane camp approach under which
artificial limbs, callipers, and other aids are provided easily and free of
cost at the camp site. The AIMYM organizes a large number of camps
every year in various parts of the country where artificial limbs,
(Jaipur prostheses), polio callipers, etc. are produced and provided on
the spot.

 Blood Donation Camp

This campaign aims to collect blood donation from willing individuals
to support hospitals, blood banks and patients in need. It serves as a
vital link between blood donors and recipients. So, this organization
ensures to provide blood to the needy and save lives of people.

 Cleanliness and Sanitization

Marwari Yuva Manch joined the nation in Swachh Bharat Abhiyan.
On 11 January 2015 around 1,11,111 volunteers joined the campaign
across the nation.

 Cancer Detection Van

The very dangerous disease that is eating up the whole world is
Cancer. So, in such a situation Marwari Yuva Manch has come up
with the Mobile Cancer Van which is rendering free services all over
the country going from one place to another. The highly technically
advanced machines and equipment checks the malign advent of cancer

and provide the public with a scope to cure it by taking immediate

 Female Foeticide
Under this campaign, we are taking care of the pregnant ladies so as to
decrease the Maternal Mortality Rate in India. We are giving them
proper vitamin and nutrition for the first 9 months. We have also
extended this facility to one month after the delivery. Awareness again
is an important part of this campaign. We try to make the women and
their families aware of the good practices when the lady is pregnant.
As an extra service to the society, if a girl-child is born under this
scheme, we will give scholarship to take care of her educational needs.
Till now from 2014 we are able to support over 700 ladies in their
healthy delivery.

Appeal of the NGO

We are looking for the support of society for our sustainable efforts. You can be
associated with this movement to fulfil our organizational and societal goals.
We will be glad to have your support.

Come Together To Serve Better….


Mission – The main aim of the organisation is to organise the youth force
scattered directionless for want of appropriate leadership and to prepare them
for making due contribution to the progress of community as well as of the
nation through the process of individual development by mobilising their youth
power in constructive directions. This NGO gives ample opportunity to the
youth who may give leadership in any sector.

Vision – To organise youth force to become duty bound for all round
development of the nation at social, economic, political, physical as well as
moral level.




The Experiential-based project work is done in many parts:

1. Content creation
2. Spreading awareness
3. Joining different campaigns
4. Doing social service
5. Educating the children at the shelter home

The task of content creation included to create some posters for distributing it to
people and also it included to create some posters for social media handle. It
also included to spread content regarding cleanliness and sanitation to people
and students.
We interns were supposed to spread awareness amongst people related to social
causes prevailing in the world and most importantly in our country.
Apart from all this we were also supposed to organise event and campaign for
the organisation as well as teach students.
Working as an intern in this organisation helped me in learning a lot many new
things and also helped me to build myself socially and develop my overall
personality by meeting new people and tackling different challenges.

Context of the Organisation and Specific Department:

Throughout my summer internship programme at AIMYM, I had been working
under different projects whose main objectives were to satisfy health care needs
of people and students, lowering amount of pocket cost in their treatment. These
projects and campaigns were basically held to create awareness.


So, I started my internship with knowing about the organisation doing all the
research work about its past and what all events it has conducted before. Then I
interacted with people which were connected to the organisation. Learned their
thoughts about the NGO. Focused on their ideas on to how to make this
organisation more popular. After doing my research on all these for a few days I
started making content for all the social media platforms like Instagram using

Ethnographic Study: I must say that the Team with whom I spent my entire
summer internship programme were really co-operative and supportive. My
project co-ordinator Mr Deepanshu continuously ensured that I occupied myself
in any kind of work instead of sitting idle and doing nothing. I thank the entire
AIMYM Team for their constant guidance.

A) Company-Image from Inside: If we want to make our society an ideal one
for all of us to live in, we simply need more organisations like AIMYM. They
constantly strive to improve our community and the nation as a whole. To be
completely honest, hardly anyone could ever accomplish what it is doing, which
is genuinely working for the very well-being of our society, and doing it without
even expecting anything in return.

B) Self-Image of Employees: The employees possessed a higher level of self-

esteem making them more trustworthy and able to make effective decisions

which in turn helped in creating better interpersonal relationships as well as
work environment.
C) Employee Satisfaction: This organisation gives all employees a huge
amount of satisfaction as working over here is itself very good thing and it gives
immense amount of peace by living for others and doing social work and that is
what this organisation focuses on.

D) Effectiveness of instruments for motivating employees: I found not all

employees to be motivating me. Well, my mentors were always encouraging me
to perform better and acknowledged my work, thus helping in increasing my
overall efficiency and productivity.

E) Power equation and hierarchy: The hierarchy over here is well established
and as this is a world-wide organisation so here everything is well maintained
and goes through system and rules. The power equation over here is also very
calm and composed. The people who are above others respect each other and
does not demean the people who are in lower strata. Everyone over here is
treated equal over here and works according to the regulations.

F) Work Culture: I found most of the employees really co-operative, creative,

open to conversation and supportive throughout my summer internship
programme at AIMYM. I could ask queries or for any kind of help from my
team without any sort of hesitation.

G) Sources of conflict: As such there isn’t any source of conflict within the
organisation. Everyone respected each other’s position and work and so
provided with results accordingly. Neither the organisers nor the interns had any
thought of conflicts amongst themselves. All worked as a team and showed their

brilliant skills. AIMYM is a house of different people who work as a team and
live as a family.

H) Sources of opportunities: there are many sources of opportunities.

Nowadays through online digital marketing, many doors have opened up which
have resulted in increase in popularity of the organisation and as a result many
different opportunities have entered. It includes different tie ups, new joining of
employees, establishment of different campaigns and also fresh minds and fresh
ideas. These opportunities has resulted in the fund raising of organisation which
led to increase in more number of help to people.

I) Issues for future competition: I don’t find as such any issues for future
competition as it is well established organisation and it took many years to
develop itself on such a level. Moreover it is a very big organisation and in
coming future none of the organisation will be able to come up with such ideas.


Working as an intern in NGO was a valuable and rewarding experience. One of

the most notable aspects of working was the opportunity to make a positive
social impact. It typically focused on addressing various societal issues such as
poverty, education, healthcare, environmental conservation, human rights, etc. I
witnessed the organisation’s efforts to bring about positive change and improve
lives of individuals and communities.
People over there were from diverse backgrounds, including different cultures
and education fields and they had varied perspectives and expertise, so working
with them broaden my horizons and it foster a sense of culture exchange.

Interning over here provided me with ample opportunities for learning and
personal growth. It helped me develop practical skills related to project
management, research, communication, fundraising.
Some of the observations that I was able to observe over here were:
1. Social Impact
2. Diverse Work Environment
3. Learning Opportunities
4. Collaborative Work
5. Exposure to Real-World Challenges
6. Networking Opportunities
7. Flexibility and Adaptability
8. Exposure to Local Communities


The benefits of the social media campaign were projected to have a significant
impact on the audience and boost the amount of donations for the NGO.

The initiatives of the NGO are expected to reach a large number of people and
assist those who are in need, credit to the regular myth buster and facts updates
on social media platforms and personal counselling on the various campaigns
run by the NGO.

The audience was kept informed about all the campaigns of the NGO and apt
information was circulated through posters and videos. Alternative actions,
such as addressing people of my neighbourhood motivating and assisting and
them in getting donation were proven to be effective.

Summary of trend in organisation:

Several trends have emerged in the NGO sector in recent years. these trends
reflects the evolving landscape of social impact work and effort of organisations
to address new challenges and opportunities.

Some trends are:

1. Technology: This organisation is increasingly leveraging on technology

and digital tools to enhance their operations. This includes using social
media for fund raising, better decision making. Technology has enabled
to reach wider audience.
2. Collaboration: AIMYM has recognised the power of collaboration and
partnerships to tackle complex issues very earlier. Their main groups
included academic institutions, community based organisations, business
organisation, etc. these collaborations helps in collecting resources,
increase networks and also more ideas for sustainable solutions. Cross-
sector partnerships have become common to address social and
environmental challenges.
3. Focus on Sustainable Development Goals: The United Nations SDGs
have gained a lot more attention in the NGO sector. They are aligning
their activities in such a way that is helping our nature to not get wasted
as well as the use of resources have become sustainable.

Apart from all these trends there are many other things that I observed over
here during this 1 month. I found that the past events which were conducted
ensured that there is proper environment sustainability and these trends are
not exhaustive and they may continue to evolve over a period of time. Also

this organisation have a moto of spreading cultural diversity and equality and
spread as much as awareness it can through different ways.

Summary of self-learning:

The internship gave me an incredible opportunity to see the social sector,

industry, and business world first-hand. The intention of the internship was to
focus on the defined problem of an organization in a particular area, analysis
and reach to an optimum measure of solving the same. It helped me understand
and learn about the organizational culture, its structure as well as systems,
importance of working together as a team, developing communication skills,
analytical skills alongside their application. It has helped me to face the external
environment better and reinforce problem solving skills. Before committing
yourself entirely to a subject, taking part in internships can be a terrific way to
sample the real professional experience in that field. Internships have benefits
beyond just having a foot in the door with a potential employer and looking
good on a CV, like the chance to "test drive" a profession. Students are given the
chance to network and establish relationships in their industry. It can also
sometimes be a stepping stone to other chances within the same firm, including
full-time work. I realized the importance of working unitedly as a team and
being punctual when it comes to reporting at the desired location at the assigned
time or communicating the tasks performed daily to our supervisors. It gave me
a tremendous opportunity to have an interaction with children of the slum areas
and address their needs as well as requirements.

Summary of feedback given to organisation:

I had been associated with AIMYM for a month. "I am pleased to inform that
my association with the AIMYM has been fantastic, and I consider it a privilege
as well. My gratitude for the superb work they do to improve the lives of

underprivileged kids. Since children are India's future, AIMYM is making an
investment in that future by giving opportunity to underprivileged kids as well
as enhancing health and nutrition services. I consider it an honour to be a part of
such an organization for my summer internship programme. I would like to
thank them for making me a part of such a noble project which aims at
educating the community's residents on nutrition, health, hygiene, and sanitation
issues that affect children, adolescents, and women. It is an unforgettable
experience for me which has helped me gain confidence and shape me for the
upcoming adversities in life.


The skills that I learnt during my summer internship programme at ALL INDIA
MARWARI YUVA MUNCH include the following:
1. Developing attitude of teamwork
2. Time Management Skills
3. Becoming a good listener
4. Open to Feedbacks
5. Self-Awareness
6. Editing & Graphic Designing



 A financial shortage has been a significant issue faced by the

organization during this pandemic. To reduce the risk of COVID-19,
governments all over the world have had to enact lockdowns and
social distancing laws, which has forced the shutdown of workplaces,
businesses, and schools. Several individuals thus lost their
employment and financial sources.
 Employees of NGO were also forced to begin working from home and
rely on technology to assure productivity. They had to pull back on
their operations as a result. Remote labour cannot fully compensate for
the extent to which AIMYM depend on fieldwork to carry out social
work. Therefore, it has been difficult for them to discover and
maintain a suitable balance between remote work and fieldwork.
 Following COVID-19, an economic crisis had taken place that
restricted donors' capability and availability, making it harder for them

to rely on their contributions. As an alternative to focusing on
competing for public money, AIMYM had to re-evaluate their
business model, and form new relationships with other NGOs.



I have learned a lot about using Canva and making posters with it. Also, I
learned a little about social media marketing.

My team work and management skills were sharpened in the second and third
week, as my mentor gave me a lot of work which included managing guests and
students. Working with other members also helped learn a lot about them.

Working in an internship is different from completing assignments as it is more

of real-world work. I have learned a lot many things that improved self-
awareness and also the work I did as an intern helped me know what my
surroundings are and how people around me sustain their life.

I learned how to effectively talk to people, how to tackle them and how to keep
the communication relevant.


One major soft skill I learned is Problem Solving, wherein we faced a real-
world problem regarding the campaign. There were moments when our
campaign was flat like it was not gaining much popularity also there wasn’t
much participation. I learned how to solve these situations by thinking on my
feet, which I wouldn’t have learned if not for the internship.

I became more adaptable and open to changes and opinions. I was able to
improve myself when various views and opinions were brought to the table and
a decision was taken after everyone had analysed the options.
I have seen my Emotional Intelligence growing. After a point, when the
campaign was running smoothly, a couple of people were unable to work for a
couple of days, but rather than complaining or shouting, I supported them and
we got the work done before the deadlines.



 The duration was short to understand digital marketing but this

surely excites me and I am willing to work in this domain.
 The internship exposed me to understand and learn negotiation and
fundraising for organizations which is interesting and an art in
itself. I am looking forward to applying the lessons to the college
committee’s events.
 On top of everything, the part of my internship work where I was
more lean was working for social cause and spreading awareness
amongst people about our daily routine and what all should one do
to improve the sustainability of earth and conserve our natural
 Talking to influencers and picking their minds on various topics
seems fascinating to me and is a great way to network with
influential people of my generation.


 President of organisation: Mr. Shivam Agarwal
 Mentor: Mr. Deepanshu Dochaniya
 Canva


Fig 1 Fig 2

Fig 1: Poster for Food Drive Fig 2: Poster for Cleanliness

Fig 3 Fig 4

Fig 3: Poster for Animal Feeding Fig 4: Poster for Tree Plantation

Fig 5

Fig 5: Pencil Stand made for best out of waste

Fig 6

Fig 6: Teaching students

Fig 7

Fig 7: Giving students lecture on “Cleanliness”

Fig 8

Fig 8: Went to Gaushala for Animal Feeding



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