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Robin Hood faces several problems in the campaign against the Sheriff.

The band is
challenging to maintain due to its size, with confiscations serving as the main source
of provision and revenue (Lampel, 2021). Simultaneously, travelers started avoiding
the forest, making food procurement difficult (Lampel, 2021). Meanwhile, the
Sheriff’s side has grown in strength, possessing the resources to discover the band’s
weaknesses and having powerful allies, including the regent (Lampel, 2021). Thus,
he has to address the issues of supply, revenue, the Sheriff’s advantages and make
a decisive move against him.

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Robin Hood’s band needs a new strategy, as the current one is not sustainable. As
travelers avoid the forest, they cannot be a stable source of supply and revenue, and
relocation would defeat the campaign’s purpose. The overall mission might need an
updated focus on changing the system that is likely to remain even with the Sheriff’s
defeat, and the objectives should be adjusted. For instance, gathering more people
will probably not impact the outcome, considering the rival’s resources.

SWOT (TOWS) Analysis Merry MenStrengths (S) Merry MenWeaknesses

 S1: Good reputation among the poor  W1: Size

population  W2: Insufficient r
 S2: Military power  W3: Poor discipli
 S3: Division of functions  W4: Vulnerable t

Opportunities (O) SO: WO:

Favorable Nottinghamtrends
 Some troops can be used in the campaign  The band should
 O1: Involvement with to free King Richard; others may continue resources and en
barons to destabilize the situation and cause the advantage of the
 O2: Unrest Sheriff’s expulsion. On the other hand, maintaining the e
 O3: The Sheriff’s inability military power is exploitable to blackmail Scarlet, Little Joh
to collect taxes the barons for support, promising to spare to distribute the
them. It is also possible to convince the (among the baro
population to be more active in the the status quo m
campaign. imprisonment an

Threats ST: WT:

Unfavorable NottinghamTrends
 The band’s military power and division of  The band should
 T1: Attacks by the Sheriff’s functions can potentially reflect attacks on tackling poten
reinforcements and prevent the weaknesses from being alternative to Kin
 T2: Discovery of the band’s exploited. Being in good regard among the share its goals.
weaknesses poor population may compensate for King
 T3: King Richard’s death or Richard’s absence, and his death is likely
non-adherence to the to provoke more defiance.

The present strategy is not viable, but the band has many options to consider,
according to the analysis. Still, killing the Sheriff is no one of them, as he could easily
be replaced by the system, which is majorly responsible for the poor population’s
condition. Moreover, the violence is likely to hinder the barons’ support, who will
probably become wary of the band. Some options include becoming involved with
the plan to release King Richard, which has its advantages and risks. For example,
accepting the offer will remove the imprisonment weakness, and the monarch may
join forces with the band to change the system. On the other hand, Robin Hood and
valuable combatants could perish during the venture, endangering the campaign; the
failure will not bring any benefits, and King Richard’s behavior might contradict the
band’s goals. It is still worth taking the opportunity while having mitigating measures

Robin Hood should use an integrated strategy involving the band’s reduction, the
acceptance of the baron’s offer, and further disruption of the situation in Nottingham.
Consequently, the leaders are to remove those contributing to the disarray and
lacking loyalty, allocate the most skillful for the King Richard initiative, find the
negotiable points if it fails or results in Richard’s non-compliance, and thwart the
Sheriff’s intel-gathering attempts. Ultimately, the band will have enough resources
either for a forceful move or a peaceful one.

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