Unit 1 Pom

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management through workers.

Human and technical skills

play an important role for getting things done.
This view point suffers from the following deficiencies:
The term ‘management’ has been used in different senses. (i) This concept does not specify what type of functions is
Sometimes it refers to the process of planning, organizing, required to be performed for getting things done from
staffing, directing, coordinating and controlling, at other others.
times it is used to describe it as a function of managing
(ii) Management is treated as an art. These days
people. It is also referred to as a body of knowledge, a
management has also acquired the status of science.
practice and discipline. There are some who describe
management as a technique of leadership and decision- (iii) The workers are treated as means of getting results.
making while some others have analyzed management as The needs and aspirations of workers are not taken into
an economic resource, a factor of production or a system account.
of authority.
Management is a science
Management an art
Mary Parker Follett: Science can be defined as a systematic and organised body
“Management is the art of getting things done through of knowledge based on logically observed findings, facts
others.” Follett describes management as an art of and events.Science comprises of exact principles which
directing the activities of other persons for reaching can be verified and it can establish cause and effect
enterprise goals. It also suggests that a manager carries relations.Following are the main characteristics of this
only a directing function.
1) It is a body of systematic knowledge just like science
Management is the art of getting things done through
management has also got various systems and process
people who may be managers or non-managers. At the
to be maintained.
level of chief executive, the work is got done through
2) The scientists perform logical observation before
functional managers, at middle level the things are
deriving any principle or theory. They are very
implemented through supervisors and at lower level of
objective while doing the observations. But when
managers are observing they have to observe human degree.Whereas there is no legal restriction on
beings and observation of human being cannot be appointment of a manager, anyone can become a
purely logical and objective. manager irrespective of the educational qualification
3) Just like scientific principles even the managerial  For all the professions, special associations are
principles are applied and tested. established and every professional has to get himself
4) Management principles are not exact like scientific registered with his association before practising that
principles so their application and use is not universal. profession.
They have to be modified according to the given  For every profession there are set of ethical codes
situation. So this feature of science is not present in fixed by professional organisations and are binding
management. on all the professionals of that profession. In case of
5) Just like in science we do experiments likewise in management there is growing emphasis on ethical
management too the managers experiment on the behaviour of managers. 
human beings in the organisation.
Management is thus all three constituted together ie.,
Management as a profession science profession and art .Management is a huge area of
study that is ever evolving and very much dynamic with
Profession can be defined as an occupation backed by time and situation the pattern changes , buts some
specialised knowledge and training, in which entry is fundamentals like that of managing people is a constant.
restricted. Management helps in finding the best alternative for an
 In every profession there is practice of systematic
body of knowledge which helps the professionals to Nature of management
gain specialised knowledge of that profession. In
case of management also there is availability of  Universal Process: Wherever there exists human
systematic body of knowledge. pursuit, there exists management. Without effective
 The entry to a profession is restricted through an management, the intentions of the organisation
examination or degree. For example a person can cannot be accomplished.
practice as Doctor only when he is having MBBS
 The factor of Production: Equipped and  Achieving Group Goals: Management encourages
experienced managers are necessary for the collaboration and coordination amongst workers. A
utilisation of funds and labour. general control must be provided to the
 Goal-Oriented: The most significant aim of all organisational and personal objectives in order to
management pursuit is to achieve the purposes of a favourably accomplish the aims.
firm. The aims must be practical and reachable.  Increases Efficiency: Management improves
 Supreme in Thought and Action: Managers set productivity by managing resources in a reliable
achievable goals and then direct execution on all conceivable way in order to decrease cost upscale
aspects to achieve them. For this, they need potency.
complete assistance from middle and lower degrees  Creates Dynamic organisation: Management
of management. undertakes the conditions by assuring that these
 The system of authority: Well-defined principles variations are well accepted privately and that
of regulation, the regulation of proper power and objection to change is controlled.
efficiency at all degrees of decision-making. This is  Achieving personal objectives: Management
important so that each self must perform what is promotes leadership and furnishes motivation to the
required from him or her and to whom he must employees to operate effectively in order to
report. accomplish their personal aims while working
 Profession: Managers require to control managerial towards the organisational goals.
expertise and education, and have to adhere to a  Development of Society: Management helps in the
verified law of demeanour and stay informed of enhancement of community by manufacturing
their human and social responsibilities. reliable quality commodities, establishing
 Process: The management method incorporates a employment chances and fostering innovative
range of activities or services directed towards an technologies.
Features of Management:
Significance of Management:
Post-learning a few definitions of management we come controlling and directing). These operations are
across some elements that can be referred to as basic concurrently executed by all managers. The
aspects of management : responsibility of a manager comprises a continuous
series of duties.
 Management is a goal-oriented method: An  Management is intangible energy: It is an
establishment has a predefined set of fundamental intangible strength that can’t be seen but its
goals which are the primary basis for its being. proximity can be felt in the form of the business
These must be easy and explicitly mentioned. operations. The outcome of management is
Different establishments have various goals. For remarkable in an industry where targets are reached
instance, the aim of a retail market may be to according to procedures, employees are comfortable
improve sales, but the purpose of The Spastics and content and there is arrangements rather than
Society of India is to allow education to children confusion.
with specific requirements. Management
strengthens the energies of different individuals in  Management is a group activity: It implies that it
the company towards accomplishing these goals. is not a single person who completes all the actions
of the industry but it is always a group of people.
 Management is all common: The activities Therefore, management is a group endeavour.
associated with managing a firm are familiar to all
companies whether financial, cultural or civic. A
petrol pump must be regulated as much as a school
or a hospital. What managers do in India, Japan,
Germany, or the USA is identical. How they
achieve it may be considerably diverse. This
variation is due to the distinctions in tradition,
history and culture.
 Management is a perpetual process: The method
of management is a set of consecutive, composite,
but distinct purposes (organising, planning, staffing,
MANAGEMENT PROCESS Each manager performs the same functions
regardless of his rank or position in the
 Management is a process which brings the scarce
organization. Even in a non-business
human and material resources together and organization managerial functions are the
motivates people for the achievement of objectives same.
of the organization. Management is not a onetime
 Iterative
act but an on-going series of interrelated activities.
Each manager performs the same functions
The sum total of these activities is known as
regardless of his rank or position in the
management process.
organization. Even in a non-business
 A process is a systematic way of doing things. It is
organization managerial functions are the
concerned with conversion of inputs into outputs.
 Social process There cannot be any sequence which can be
The entire management process is regarded as strictly followed for performing various
a social process as the success of all functions. The sequential concept may be true
organizational efforts depends upon the in a newly started business where functions
willing co-operation of people. Managers may follow a particular sequence but the
guide, direct, influence and control the same will not apply to a going concern.
actions of others to achieve stated goals.
 Managers continuously take up one or the FUNCTIONS
other function. Management cycle is repeated  Planning
over and over again, each managerial  Organising
function is viewed as a sub-process of total  Staffing
management process.  Directing
 Universal (a) Leadership
 Coordination Organising

PLANNING The function of organizing is to arrange, guide, co-

ordinate, direct and control the activities of other factors of
production, viz., men, material, money and machines so as
There cannot be any sequence which can be strictly to accomplish the objectives of the enterprise. In the words
followed for performing various functions. The sequential of Koontz and O ‘Donnel, “Organizing is that part of
concept may be true in a newly started business where managing that involves establishing and intentional
functions may follow a particular sequence but the same structure of roles for people in an enterprise to fill.”
will not apply to a going concern. Other functions of Organization provides the necessary framework within
management such as organizing, staffing, directing, which people associate for the attainment of business
coordinating and controlling are also undertaken after objectives. Following are the steps of organising-
planning. Planning is a process of looking ahead. The
primary object of planning is to achieve better results. It   To identifying the work to be performed;
involves the selection of organizational objectives and
 To classify or group the work;
developing policies, procedure, programmes, budgets and
 To assign these groups of activities or work to
strategies. Planning is a continuous process that takes
place at all levels of management. Following are the
process of planning –  To delegate authority and fix responsibility;
 Gathering information  To co-ordinate these authority-responsibility
 Laying down objectives relationships of various activities.
 Developing the plan premises
 Examining alternative courses of action; STAFFING
 Evaluation of action patterns; The function involves manning the positions created by
 Reviewing limitations Concerned with human organization process. It is
 Implementation of plans. concerned with human resources of resource planning an
Thus, staffing consists of the following: COORDINATION
(i) Manpower planning, i.e., assessing manpower
requirements in terms of quantity and quality. Co-ordination is one of the most important functions of
management. It is essential to channelize the activities of
(ii) Recruitment, selection and training; various individuals in the organization for the achievement
of common goals. Every department or section is given a
(iii) Placement of man power; target to be achieved and they should concentrate only on
their work and should not bother about the work of other
(iv) Development, promotion, transfer and appraisal; organs.
(v) Determination of employee remuneration.


Directing is concerned with carrying out the desired

through people plans. It initiates organized and planned
action and ensures effective performance by subordinates
towards the accomplishment of group activities. Direction
is called management in action. 

The main activities involved in direction are as follows:

(a) Leadership

(b) Communication

(c) Motivation; and

(d) Supervision.

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