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MODULE 2 DELIVERABLE: Narrative Knowing 2

GEUSELF | Individual Work | 100 Points

 Use the previous format (including your name, section, etc.)

 This Output is your solo “Integrative Essay” 1 (also known as Narrative

Knowing 2). This will involve the use of the narrative approach in having
students narrate, describe and understand their own self. The student will
be made to provide empirical, biographical information about
herself/himself that will serve as the focus of the analysis. The different
disciplines, theories and concepts related to the study of the self should be

 INDIVIDUAL SELF | Integrate these topics in your narrative essay. You may
also reflect on your test results in discussing the items below (as it applies

o Erikson’s Psychosocial Self as you have shared with your team for
the “show and tell” activity
o The self as embodied (viz., the physical self: includes abilities,
attractiveness, health and wellness,etc.)
o SOGIE (sex, gender, sexual orientation, expression)
o Cultural self (cultural capital: includes language, education, culture
and art)
o Digital self (virtualities, social media, how technology shapes our
o Economic self (materiality, wealth, affluence, privileges)
o Political self (spectrum of beliefs regarding social welfare, fiscal
matters, role of government in regulating human lives, etc)
o Spiritual self

 RELATIONAL SELF | You must ANSWER the questions and weave them into
your essay. Answer these guide questions, I expect to see them when I mark
your solo work.

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o Why do I need to study or understand the self?
o What factors are necessary for me to understand the self:
o How do I see myself? How do I track changes in me (if any?)
o In what ways am I similar to others (family members, friends,
significant other, etc.?
o What makes me unique as a person?
o How do others see me? What are their usual comments about me?
o What are your roles in society? Describe each role.
o What am I now or what will my future role be?
o Is AUTHENTICITY important to me?
o How are my own life experiences shaping my beliefs, views,

 See image below of having the self at the center. Make your own
diagram and insert it into your document. I need to see how you
visualize YOURSELF in RELATION to these narratives:

 Integrate this with the discussion on Carl Jung’s Archetypes,

 Also see video from the Academy of Ideas
 Results of your authenticity scale (use the reflection you have already
 Results of the Jung test (MBTI) and this test (Jung classic) :

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 This essay should be composed of minimum of 1,000 words. No
maximum number (Garamond/ Calibri, Please, do NOT use Times New
Roman as it makes me very sad, Font size 12). DUE On 12 December 2021
via the official Canvas link as pdf . Make sure it is VIEWABLE.

 The prof is grading you based on what shows up on the speed grader

Rubric for Integrative Essay (inputs are insights from narrative knowing outputs)
1 2 3 4
Criteria Total
Developing Competent Superior Excellent
Proper use of Core concepts Core Limited core Several core
theory/subject and theories concepts concepts and concepts and
knowledge (40%) were and theories theories were theories were
mentioned. were mentioned mentioned
mentioned and and
and appropriately appropriately
appropriatel chosen, chosen,
y chosen and discussed and discussed and
explained. explained explained.
Critical analysis Student did Student Student Student
leading to not achieves achieves achieves
insights demonstrate novel superior excellent and
(40 %) understanding insights and insights and very clear
of self-based becomes deeper insights and
on analysis. explicitly understanding deeper
Student was aware of of self-based understanding
not able to assumption, on analysis. of self-based
apply the values and Student was on analysis.
theories and reasoning able to apply Student was
concepts behind the the theories able to apply
effectively in analysis. and concepts the theories
analyzing key Student was effectively in and concepts
events. able to apply analyzing key effectively in
The student the theories events. analyzing key
did not and The student events.
present concepts presents The student
arguments effectively in arguments presents
that exhibit a analyzing that exhibit arguments

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synthesis and key events. appreciation that exhibit a
integration of The student of the synthesis and
the role of the presents contribution integration of
different arguments and role of the different
disciplines. that exhibit different disciplines.
appreciation disciplines. There is a
of the The work thorough and
contribution presents a detailed
and role of synthesis and explanation of
different integration of how the
disciplines the different different
but the work fields but disciplines
lacks ideas are not merge and
synthesis fleshed out come
and and explained together.
integration. thoroughly.
Organization and Student was Student was Student was Student was
Presentation of not able to able to able to able to
Ideas (20%) present clear, present present clear, present clear,
logical and clear, logical logical and logical and
concise ideas. and concise concise ideas. concise ideas.
ideas. These ideas The student
were was able
summarized summarize
and and integrate
integrated. ideas

MODULE 2 DELIVERABLE: Narrative Knowing 2

Although Erik Erikson was not a medical doctor, he had ideas about improving
individuals' health. His psychosocial theory has eight stages of human development, but we will
focus on the stages that apply to me. The first stage involves building trust and confidence in
the infant. The first psychosocial stage of a child, which begins at birth, is a critical time of
bonding, learning, and, in the case of babies, establishing attachment with their caregiver.
Parents are crucial during this first year because they can model appropriate behavior and
gently reassure their babies as they form harmonious interactions with them. The second stage

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of development of toddlers involves a focus on independence. They now become aware that
they can do things alone, unlike the first stage, where the child is not allowed to do things
independently. For example, when children move from self-feeding to independent eating.
Nothing can stop them from doing what they want, including teachers or parents. They are now
independent in thought and action. The third stage of development takes place in the preschool
years. The child begins to participate in an active social life, facing more significant challenges
than in infancy. It is the role of the parent and the preschool teacher to handle this stage
appropriately to ensure that initiative behavior is acquired through a sense of responsibility for
their care. This stage further develops a sense of accomplishment and eliminates guilt. The
most important developmental stage is that of industry versus inferiority. Children develop a
strong interest in achievement and recognition from significant others at this stage. They realize
that good work can be rewarded with praise and attention but that failing to deliver may not
result in punishment. Adolescence is an important stage of development that impacts people's
lives for the rest of their lives. It is a period where an adolescent can separate from their
parents and start building their own identities. This may not be easy at first, and some parents
may feel like they are losing their child while building up the skills they will need to become
independent adults with a clear identity eventually.

Although our group did not have the chance to present the stages of our development
along with pictures, I still had the chance to share them with my groupmates. When we shared
these pictures with each other, I tried to guess who's who by connecting the shapes of their
faces. I enjoyed the little show and tell that we had, and I am glad that I was able to share my
experiences with my group mates.
The self is a concept that should be analyzed in terms of a minimal account of human
self-consciousness. To this end, I argue for an embodied self which is not an entity for which
stable necessary, and jointly sufficient conditions can be given. As such, the self is not a
metaphysical substance but rather an abstract entity. Contrary to these theories, we must
presume a self-embodied, even if that self is not a metaphysical substance or entity for which
stable, necessary, and sufficient conditions exist. A self-conscious process involves an embodied

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basic affective flow integrated with an intentional object (the self as an agent or as the center
of imagination or thought). Self-consciousness is a phenomenon that many cognitive scientists
have attempted to explain by positing the existence or emergence of a self-constituting entity.
However, there is no reason to think that this entity must be located in the brain or neural
processes or that it must necessarily emerge at any given point in time. Instead, I argue for an
alternative view according to which self-consciousness emerges when there is a special kind of
dynamical relationship between certain aspects of one's brain and its environment - namely,
when those aspects are sufficient for being aware either of oneself as an entity with a specific
form, or of one's own internal states in the context they have been experienced.

As a man, I experienced little to no challenges of being a man since most of the things
around us are built for male users. Growing up, I learned that culture plays a huge role in
gender identity and determining what is masculine and feminine. Women and men have
different gender roles that affect different aspects of their lives and lead to different behavior
patterns and lifestyle habits that can have a significant impact on their health. In society,
stereotypical traits, abilities, and roles are emphasized by exposure to stereotypical gender
roles that are learned early in life.

Our digital lives extend from the moments we spend with friends and family to the
places we go and how we communicate with others. On social media, you can express yourself
and be yourself. However, when you go beyond the limits of your comfort zone, there could be
some adverse side effects. These can either come as cyberbullying or just being impersonated
by someone else. You should always be aware that the digital world can expose you to things
you may not see otherwise in real life. Social media is where you can build your confidence,
share things, and get feedback from others. I have used social media as a platform for self-
improvement and to improve myself in various aspects of life. The world has become
increasingly interconnected, and people's lives have become increasingly attached to their
phones as they share everything through social media. There are types of personalities that
adapt easily to social media. Others do not and still manage to stay as their authentic selves

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online. The benefit is that when you meet a person, you get to see which kind it is and their
preference based on your account, so there is no need to wonder if it is fake.

I consider myself a person of many cultures. The cultures that have had the most impact
on my life are my own family, community, and nation. The culture within each of these groups
has molded and developed me into who I am today. These groups help shape our own beliefs
and morals, which is why we need to embrace them as much as possible in order to be
successful as individuals. We should embrace every member of our community and appreciate
them for what they do for us all. The social learning theory tells us that understanding our
community's behaviors, rules, and principles is one of the most important things for fostering a
strong self. Self-identity is to know who we are in the context of our community, whether at
work, school, or any other activity we engage in. Just like observing others, if we can identify
what we can do and what kind of behavior we must not follow to build our own moral
standards, we have successfully completed this phase. It has helped us in different times to
adapt an appropriate response quickly when needed by giving us confidence in ourselves. This
way, one can gain more benefits by being able to help him/herself (which will also give him/her
more opportunities and benefits), which will lead towards social success. My spirituality is one
of the most integral parts of my life and makes me feel assured concerning what will happen to
my spirit when I pass. My parents raised me throughout my life to believe that I should live as
God wants me to. Whenever I have the decision to make, I will consider what is right and wrong
in God's eyes. Furthermore, it also helps me feel more secure about what happens after death
because I believe there is a better place for our spirits once we leave this world.

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Human beings are living stories narrating their life experiences to one another. In telling
their own stories, it is known that we are not just trying to get to know others but also seeking
to understand them better. Thus, we seek out narratives from others not just for the way they
have lived their lives as individuals but also for the events which have impacted them in a
subtle yet profound manner. For example, many people have had similar difficulties as
themselves during their schooling or college years and thus have similar thoughts or feelings
when it comes to dreams. Nevertheless, each of these people has reacted differently to these
events at different times in his or her life and thus makes an important difference in the
engagement with our lives. Thus, it is important that we should seek out narratives from each
other so that we may better understand ourselves and others.

JUNG TEST - Total Scores:

Authentic Living 26
Accepting External Influence 12

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Self-Alienation 16

The scale can be used as a touch point for discussing personal values and a sense of identity.
Further, the three subscales contained within this measure illuminate ways in which your
students might be more or less authentic. It may be helpful to know that accepting external
influence and self-alienation were both significantly associated with stress and lower happiness
while authentic living was associated with higher happiness. For comparison purposes, Wood
and his colleague reported the mean scores for these three dimensions in both a students’ and
community sample.

TOTAL in Comparison to Students Community Total

MEAN Scores:

Authentic Living: Involves

behaving and expressing 22.05 19.02 26
emotions in such a way that is
consistent with the conscious
awareness of physiological
states, emotions, beliefs, and
cognitions; authentic living
involves being true to oneself
in most situations and living in
accordance with one’s values
and beliefs.
Self-alienation: The subjective 13.34 13.67 12
experience of not knowing
oneself, or feeling out of touch
with the true self.
Accepting external influence: 10.84 12.46 16

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The extent to which one
accepts the influence of other
people and the belief that one
has to conform to the
expectations of others.

“Legit Business”

Authentic is a thought that everyone thinks about. We all have our own definitions of
being authentic, but for me, it's more about being yourself. Creating your own definition of
Authentic is what makes you feel most comfortable, being yourself and being true to who you
In my opinion, the word authentic is not something that should be used lightly because
it can define a person's character. If you are trying to be authentic in your life, then you will
have to learn yourself first. Understand the characteristics that have made you who you are
today and try to follow them through whenever possible. The past cannot be changed unless
you accept it, but if you can change it, then great. Authenticity is a major part of being yourself.
People who are authentic feel comfortable in their own skin and are secure with themselves.
Since people today are very fake and often don't know who they really are, this can be difficult
for them to maintain. Also, being authentic means knowing yourself, your likes and dislikes,
strengths and weaknesses, dreams, goals, or ambitions in life. Do not let others influence you
on these things unless you want to become a couch potato! Authenticity comes when you know
yourself well enough so that you do not need to be told what to think or do by others just
because they claim to know more than yourself. Being authentic means giving yourself
permission to simply be "you." It's about being true to who you are, even when doing so makes
others uncomfortable. Being authentic isn't about caring what other people think or trying to fit
in with what other people believe. Once you start considering the opinion of others before your
own, you begin to lose yourselves and become less of who you truly are. To be an authentic
person is to be a human being. It's about knowing yourself and the world around you.

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Being authentic is all about living life with integrity, and integrity means telling the truth
to yourself and others. Being true to your word means being honest and having integrity in your
words. Being authentic means that you are true to who you are, what you believe, and who you
want to be.

JUNG Archetype Test Results

You are what your archetypes say you are. The Jungian archetypes help us understand
the human psyche and its development throughout our lifetime. The idea of the four

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archetypes gave me a better understanding of Jung's thinking. His belief that these recurring
themes help us understand them makes much more sense. Defining personality as how others
perceive us disturbs me, but Jung's insights still amaze me how he ended up with these
theories. The Jungian view of human character differs from our modern one. In Jungian
psychology, the shadow or dark side of the self is not seen as unfavorable; it represents our
essential nature, innate to us by virtue of being human. The conscious and unconscious minds
cannot be separated; they are inextricably intertwined. When I took the Jung test, I was
shocked by the results it came up with. According to the test results, I never expected to be a
wise man. This result may be because I took things slow personally, and I would take time to
decide on my decisions in life. The Jung test really helps people discover their archetypes.


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