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Application guide

April, 2019
SENER Ingeniería y
Sistemas, S.A.

1 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................3
What is the FORAN Manager ............................................................................................................... 3
2 USERS GUIDE .............................................................................................................4
Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. 4
Running the ForanManager utility ........................................................................................................ 4
User Interface ........................................................................................................................................... 5
File Menu .................................................................................................................................................. 6
Setup Menu ............................................................................................................................................... 8
Selection of module/program to execute .......................................................................................... 11
Selection of project ................................................................................................................................ 11
Selection of working directory ............................................................................................................. 12
Help menu .............................................................................................................................................. 12
3 ADMINISTRATORS GUIDE .................................................................................... 14
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 14
Installation .............................................................................................................................................. 14
Definition of the configuration ........................................................................................................... 14
Syntax and ASCII import file example ............................................................................................... 15
Definition of working directories ........................................................................................................ 16
Storing the last settings used ................................................................................................................ 16
3 Users Guide


What is the FORAN Manager

The FORAN Manager (referred to as FMGR) is the entry to the FORAN system version V70R3.0.
The user uses it for defining the environment and starting the modules.

Compared to previous versions it includes newer browsers, and explorers and a more intuitive user
interface. It has new ASCII configuration files which allow an easier and faster integrity checks.

This utility covers the following:

- Definition of frequently used projects and keep the last project selected.

- Setting the working directory, in which the programs are started.

- Language selection.

- Selection of the user interface layout. The user may choose between different options:

. With a horizontal fixed area for the icons

. A separate window for the icons which may be resized and moved
. A layout without icons with the commands presented vertically at the right side of the screen.

- Define and change the password used when entering a module with the selected project.

- Definition of programs and groups of programs which should be available from the FORAN
Manager, not necessarily only FORAN programs.

All the settings except the password are kept for later sessions.

The User’s Guide chapter explains how to perform all the tasks mentioned in the previous paragraph.
The Administrators Guide chapter explains what the system administrator needs to know to take
advantage of the possibilities available.

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3 Users Guide



The FORAN Manager (FMGR) utility is used to enter the FORAN modules in version V70R3.0. It
also allows the user to configure concepts which defines the environment where he wants to work.

This utility covers the following:

Project: The user may define a list of frequently used projects. The last selection is kept for later

Working directory: Setting of the working directory for the modules.

Language: Choose which language to use in the FORAN modules started.

Database access: Set and change the default user/password used to connect to the ORACLE database
when entering a module with the selected project.

Programs: Definition of programs organized in groups which should be available from the FORAN
Manager, not necessarily only FORAN programs.

All the settings except the password are kept for later sessions.

Running the FMGR utility

There are three usual ways to run the FORAN Manager:
• Desktop: Double click on the FMGR icon on the desktop.
• Windows Start menu: Start->All Programs->FORAN V70R3.0->FORAN FMGR.

NOTE: In the case of installing in a shared common folder it is necessary to share the installation
folder. The folder where the release VmmRn.z has been installed must be shared with all the
workstations that are to use the FORAN system. For example, consider that the server is foran_srv
and there is a local folder in the server identified by C:\ and FORAN has been installed in
C:\FORAN. The installer will create the VmmRn.z folder under C:\FORAN. The folder C:\FORAN
must therefore be shared for all the users. If the name of the server is foran_srv and the name of the
resource to share is foran , this means that C:\FORAN is to be shared as foran . The client’s
workstations must connect the drive //foran_srv/foran and to map it with an assigned letter value,
for instance T:\. This value is to be known as FORANDISK in the clients’ workstations.


Desktop Server is installed for just one computer (like a laptop), it is not required to do this process,
just modify ORB Settings directly in the FMGR.

When starting the utility it asks for the connection default data.

4 / FORAN MANAGER Application guide

3 Users Guide

Figure 1

If the application does not require a password the dialog may be closed with the cancel or escape

The password given may be changed depending on the project selected and the module.

User Interface

The FORAN Manager main window:

The menu bar has the following options:

File menu: Has commands for opening a file browser, setting then working directory, the ORACLE
database connection default data, store and import the configuration and exiting from the
FORAN Manager.

Setup menu: Has functions for adding and deleting items in the project list, adding and deleting
program groups, and adding and deleting programs in the program groups.

Other menus: representing the program groups, contains pull downs with the corresponding programs
(available to the user).

If the user has necessary access he may make his own configuration by adding the programs he use
frequently i.e. editors, navigators, e-mail readers or any program that may be started as a command with
or without command arguments.

At the left side there is the menu with the list of languages. It consists of the list of languages to start
the different applications. Although several languages are displayed not all the applications will use the
selected language.

The second consists of two buttons for selecting the user interface layout i.e. with or without icons or
icons in separate window or in the menu bar window.

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3 Users Guide

The list for setting the current project appears at the right side of the ship icon. Pushing the button
opens an option-menu where it is possible to choose between the defined projects.

Clicking on the ship icon a window will be opened, in which is possible to include information and
comments about the project that is selected at that moment.

Under the project selector you will find the list for setting the working directory, when pushed showing
the last ten directories used or the associated directories to the selected project.. If you want to change
to a directory that does not exist in the list, the function for setting the working directory in the file
menu may be used (see figure 2.4.1). Clicking on the folder icon a directory browser is opened.

After running FORAN Manager or after selecting a project, the work directory field will be empty to
face the user to make a selection (this won’t happen if there is just one directory in the list).

File Menu

Figure 2

The options in this menu are those shown in the figure, the “Set working dir...” command may be
hidden (see How to add and edit projects).


The explorer command opens a browser where it’s possible to manage files and visualize or print
different types of FORAN files.

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3 Users Guide

Database access....

This command allows setting the username and password for the connection to the database. This
username and password will remain for all the applications started until next change.

Save configuration

If the configuration (project, subsystem and program definitions) is changed during the working session
it may be saved to keep it for later sessions. Saving is done by selecting Save Configuration in the File
menu. To avoid accidental loss the program asks to confirm if the user wants to exit without saving the

Save configuration as

This command allows saving the FMGR configuration in a different location to simplify the back up to
avoid accidental information loss. This may also be used to simplify other users’ configuration. Saving
is done by selecting Save Configuration as... in the File menu.


This command allows to import configurations from previous (FMGR v2.x and v1.32) versions of
FMGR. To search for the previous version configuration file a file browser is opened.

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3 Users Guide

Exit program

Selecting the option Exit Program in the File menu will terminate the work session. If the
configuration has been modified then saving configuration dialog is shown.

Setup Menu

The setup menu may or may not be accessible to the user; it depends on how it is installed (see
Configuration Definition in The Administrators Guide).

Add/Edit Project

The option Add/Edit project is in the Setup menu and permits the user to include new projects to
the list or modify projects already defined.

Selecting this option the program opens a window for entering of the project data.

8 / FORAN MANAGER Application guide

3 Users Guide

The data needed to define a project are:

Name: The project identifier, 4 characters (FNAM)

Description Project description. (optional)

DB Alias: The name used at the workstation to refer the ORACLE database where the project tables
are stored.

Descr lang: Default description language for this project. Some items in the FORAN System can be
described with two descriptions: the main description (Primary) and an alternative description
(Secondary). Usually these description languages regard different translation languages which
are used to see/print the same drawing differently. See specific modules documentation for
more details.

HL Directory: The path to the directory where the files containing the forms and decks for the project
are located.

F_ISO: Qualifier for which formats to use when extracting information with ISOM.

Dir. list. It represents the list of associated working directories to that project. Use “;” to separate list
members. If the list is empty the user can click on the associated icon that allows the user to
browse in order to select a working directory. By clicking in the pull down menu the most
recent directories visited will appear. A working directory must be selected in order to have
access to the program applications, in other case the program application will be displayed in
gray and they will not be accessible.

When entering data in the form it is important to remember that:

• The FMGR application is case sensitive.

• When using environment variables, they must be written by starting with a $ and the
name of the variable must be between braces (e.g. ${MARDB}).
• The directories in the directory list must be separated by a comma.
• To move between the fields it is possible to use the pointer (mouse) or with the
<TAB> on the keyboard. <TAB> moves to the next field, <shift><TAB> moves to
the previous field.
• By entering an existing project name the fields are updated with the information of the
given project, and the information may be modified. This way it is also possible to copy
information to new projects with similar information by changing the name and other

Env variables: It is possible to set some environment variables that will be used when this project is
selected. The syntax must be VARIABLE=value . It is possible to set several variables
separated by blank spaces.

Delete project

Select option Delete Project in the Setup menu to eliminate a project from the project list

The user may select the project which he wants to remove from the configuration, doing this does not
affect the database or other files.

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3 Users Guide

Add/Edit Program...

By using the option Add/Edit Program in the Setup menu the user may add new programs to the
user-defined subsystems (program groups) or modify existing program definitions by entering the data
in the form

The data for defining a program are:

Subsystem The name of the subsystem where to include the program.

Name The name which appears in the menu to identify the program.

Description An optional program description.

Position A number of the position in the subsystem menu.

Executable The path to the executable file (command).This may be both .bat (batch/script file) or .exe
(binary executable).

Options Command arguments passed to the executable (optional).

Env variables: It is possible to set some environment variables that will be used when this project is
selected. The syntax must be VARIABLE=value . It is possible to set several variables
separated by blank spaces.

To be able to enter the first field a subsystem must be previously defined.

The FMGR application may not only be used for the FORAN system, the user may also configure it to
run other applications if he/she has privilege to do it.

Delete program

To eliminate a program from the menu bar select the option Delete Program in the Setup menu, a
selection box is opened for selection of the program to remove.

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3 Users Guide

Add Subsystem

To add new subsystems (program groups) select the Add Subsystem option in the Setup menu and
enter the data in the form.

When the data is entered the subsystem is available from the menu bar.

Delete Subsystem

Select the option Delete Subsystem in the Setup menu and select the subsystem (program group) that
you want to delete

It is not necessary to delete the programs defined in the group before removing the group.

Selection of module/program to execute

To start a program,

If the program appears in gray and not accessible, it means that there is not a working directory

Selection of project
The main window of FMGR shows the current project, change it by pressing the left mouse button in
the project field and select the project from the option menu.

By clicking on the associated icon it is possible to enter detailed information about the project.

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3 Users Guide

A new window form will be displayed to enter or to modify the comments about the project.

Selection of working directory

The working directory selection does not work similar to the project selection, the current directory is
shown empty (unless there is only one defined) and by pressing the left mouse button it is possible to
select from the option menu containing previously used directories. If the directory wanted is not listed

This list includes the list of working directories defined in the project or the previously used working
directories. If so, this list can be increased by using the “Set working dir...” command at the File

Help menu
Clicking on the About FORAN option the user obtains information about the workstation, program
version and how to contact SENER support.

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3 Users Guide

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4 Administrators Guide


The objective of this documentation is to inform about the installation of the FORAN Manager
(FMGR) and how to configure it to take advantage of it in your organization.

In a standard installation the FMGR consists of an executable (fmgr.exe ) and a start up procedure
(fmgr.bat) which is located in the corresponding directories of FORAN programs. This is

The first time the program is started it will read a default template and after saving the configuration
the template saved in the user profile. Following starting of the program will search in the same
location. The name used for the template is fmgr_config_V70R3.0.txt. The folder where the
templates are stored is: %USER_PROFILE%\.FORAN.

It is possible to define a common template for all the users in the company by setting a common

Definition of the configuration

The utility uses a file for storing the project and program configuration parameters. The configuration
file is stored in the user’s home directory %USERPROFILE%\.FORAN\fmgr_config_V70R3.0.txt.
By defining an environment variable FMGR_CONFIG containing the path to the
configuration file, it is possible to share the configuration between various users . The
administrator may remove write permission over this file for the users and the setup menu and all the
options for changing the configuration will disappear, and the users will not be able to do any changes
in the configuration (project, program group and program definitions).

The configuration file fmgrtemplate_eng.txt is an ASCII file but may only be created by using the
FORAN Manager. There exists also a possibility of generating the configuration file from an ASCII
file; it is often faster to type similar program definition in a text editor and import with FMGR

To import an ASCII file use the following command:

fmgr -import <name of the ASCII file>

(if the file is not located in the current directory it is necessary to give the full path)

It is also possible to do the inverse operation creating an ASCII file from the current configuration:

fmgr -export <name of the output file>

The options export/import together with an adequate definition of the environment variable
FMGR_CONFIG may be useful for the system administrator to prepare the same configuration for

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4 Administrators Guide

various users or make individual configurations for the users or groups of users. This can be defined
into the script called initforan.bat located in %FORANDISK%/ V70R3.0/run/profile_usr

In this file the administrator can set the variable FMGR_CONFIG pointing to a file with the common
settings for all the users. Protecting the file against writing will avoid that the users can modify it. In
case this file is protected some commands like save configuration, etc... will not be available for the

Syntax and ASCII import file example

Below you find an example of an ASCII import file for FMGR, this example shows the syntax and the
usage of options and environment variables.

The example show the different blocks of information handled by FMGR, each block is circumscribed
by brace parenthesis “{}” and statements defining information end with a semicolon “;”. Comments
starts with an exclamation “!”.

DESCR = "Test project";
MARDB = "t:\bd1\FORANdb\dbsps";
MARHL = "t:\bd1\FORANdb\dbsps";
F_ISO = "dm";
DIRLIST = ${SHIPS}\c987\steel,${SHIPS}\c987\outfitting!;
%SubSystem : "ELS"
Description = "Electrical Subsystem";
%Program : "ELINKS"
Description = "Cable connecting";
Executable = "elinks.bat";
Options = "";
EnvVars = "";
NewConsole = 0;
%Program : "EPOWER"
Description = "Electrical diagrams";
Executable = "epower.bat";
Options = "";
EnvVars = "";
NewConsole = 0;
%Program : "EROUTE"

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4 Administrators Guide

Description = "Cable routing & Cable-tray modelling";

Executable = "eroute.bat";
Options = "";
EnvVars = "";
NewConsole = 0;
%Program : "ELEC_REPORTS"
Description = "Electrical information";
Executable = "${MAREL}/Elec_reports/reports.exe";
Options = "";
EnvVars = "";
NewConsole = 0;

Definition of working directories

When the selected project does not have associated directory, as explained above, the user can add the
directory in the Project configuration view (Setup -> Add/Edit Project...): “Dir. List” field (separate the
directories with “;”).

Storing the last settings used

There is a second file which stores the options selected by the user, i.e. language selection, interface
layout selection, the last working directories used etc. This file has a fixed location:

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