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Rahoshul Islam eeyam

ID: 19191065
Covrse Code' S0C 4839
Covvse Name: Risk and Comunxation

Intodemje is excessive novt of ntoemad ion

a beut A Poblem that is typrcally peliable, spPends

Papidy ard makes dHFiaulf to
s olutiommeco
Achieve. Aceordina to Wopls Health erganizahios9
dgtined 40 infodempr aSaa'aa over abumdance
Cot int oentivn- some accUrate asd s9me o t

so AcCUeate . So, t h makes it har tor

pele +t indtrustwovthy SOvreES ard

Peliade 9Idance uhen they eed . s0, +

basicaly toe much iteemadin ineldn

alse in e nisleadin t ormatiovn In

|digital and physicat enviPemmet uin

digease oetbeeak.
Researe hers have been seeking tools to embat
ifdexmie Cvrthee Fysenbaeh beough up Pov*
Pillas & irbdemic manigemet-
ldia etHealth Liteeacp
ilding and seieree. lte
Hee ency
encoura gin4 Knowle dge retineont and 4Nadty
fnpoveY@t poceses sveh as at checking
And peeP feyiewv

Acctiate and tive knowledge trans lation

whieh drstoetng taetoess sUeh As

peltigal cONmmgrcJa intlvences.

Infe denie kes Pup],e henlth uwoxse.

1odexme ke H haed toe people

dec61on makers, henHh wohevs to Rnd

tvetwbrtbn SoVTCEs CLnd eliale Adawe

when they need i Srees m e
PPs eietifio oeamizatIve ebite.s blejs
And more feople. also y teel Ar
depeessip oveewkelvved, v motiovally drainesad
able to meet tmpo-ent demends.

can afteet deeGIe Y*maKIng PDcesses

Won mnebrate AnsuepS expeeteh And

npt e novgh tne 15 allotted to deepho

the eviderce
J*n Bangladesh let mis infoomet ion spetd
preas i h e hAPpened, There were evmens

o dead bodies mped and throwm oti to

And seAS, real detas vemains hidden and

hidden and

anipulated dada haves wth publie. Opinions

nd fececasts teom deoeioes m tolal mumbens ot

msUSe2d to erete da vnest asnena

deths wEe

citigens .Hatevrests
trom The mve. iniste abol
e virug
ceta m ea ulons perdin
Tmi4 PePresented on o v new Pials. r add4ion.
fake Phetos wdh ne realion to cevI vses to

e ote Cortrove0 S}al stories.

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