Tu Vung Ets 2023 (New)

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Rel ea eR OA canary) SOAN: NGUYEN DUC - TOEIC 990/990 TU VUNG ETS 2023 01 To hold a meeting Verb Té chtic mét budi hop 02 Tobe informed off about sth Ver Dude thong bao ve van de ndo dé To manage natural resources Quan ly tai nguyén thién 03 and wildlife Verb nhién va déng vat hoang KAS da 04 To complete a task Verb Hoan thanh mét nhiém vu 05 To be highly qualified Verb Cé tinh d6/ nang luc tét 06 To be in charge of sth Verb a Cee eae, 07 Consumer demand Noun Nhu c@u nguédi tiéu ding 08 Aremarkable decrease Noun Sy suy giam Ién 09 To pay bills Verb Thanh todn hod don 10 To renew a contract Verb Gia han hop déng 11 A proposed merger Noun a eg old an 12 Aloyal base of customers Noun Mot wong ean trung thanh 13 To be accessible to sth Verb Co the feuylcap/ ra vao dude 14 To analyze the results of sth Verb ae Moh eet Cua cs. Col 15 To do sth in advance Verb Lam cdi gi dé truéc i Wee Verb Lén lich hen apppointment 17 Inan economical way Prep Mét cach tiét kiém 18 To reduce shipping tines Verb Gidm thdi gian giao hang 19 Tocharge an additionalfee Verb Thu thém phi 20 To complete a project Verb Hoan thanh dy én LUYEN THI TOEIC TP HCM - 0973 141 104 ol Hitp://Fb.com/NguyenDucEnglish Rel ea eR OA canary) SOAN: NGUYEN DUC - TOEIC 990/990 21 Specific criteria Noun Cac tiéu chudn cy thé 22 The lead designer Noun Nha thiét ké chinh 23 A comprehensive effort Noun N6 lUc toan dién 24 Torefresh a brond’sidentity Verb femméiPan sc thuong 25 To conduct survey Verb Thuc hién mét khdo sat 26 Unpaid leave Noun Nghiphép khéng lucng 7 A common goal Noun Muc tiéu chung 28 To pursue an interest Verb Theo dudi sé thich 29 Amanagerial position Noun Vi tri quan ly 30. The internal hiring process Noun Quy trinh tuyén dung ndi bo 31 To yield higher profits Verb Tao ra lgi nhud@n cao hon 32 To review a contract Verb Xem xét hdp déng 33 A financial perspective Noun Géc nhin tai chinh 34 To prevent noise Verb Ngd&n ngta tiéng én To reduce energy consumption 2 Anupdated transportation 4... Hé théng giao théng duge system nang cap 37. To be particularly well-suited Verb Bac biét thich hop. 35 Verb Gidm tiéu thy nang lugng 36 38 Abroad knowledge Noun Kién thie rong 39 To become effective Verb Cé hiéu luc Ng&n ngtia mét khé khan, 40 To prevent a challenge Verb ther thach 41 As of + méc thdi diém Prep ké tllGc nao dé. 42 To keep cost within a budget Verb Sig, geen khong vudt gan sach 43 To update a product line Verb Cap nhat déng sén phém LUYEN THI TOEIC TP HCM - 0973 141 104 Bo Hitp://Fb.com/NguyenDucEnglish Rel ea eR OA canary) SOAN: NGUYEN DUC - TOEIC 990/990 44 Valued customers Noun khach hang quan trong 45 Acrucial part Noun Mét ph4n quan trong 46 A foreseeable future Noun Tuong lass the nhin théy duge . ChGp thuan st dung mot 47 To adopt a policy Vere at ams 48 Agenerous policy Noun M6t chinh sach hdo phéng, 29 To expect the possibility of Verb Ki yong kha nang diéu gi cé sth thé xdy ra 50 Tomake anew acquisition Ver MYC Men vie thaw tom/ mua Iai mdi 51 To target a market Verb Nhdm dén mét thj truéng 52. Technical expertise Noun Chuyén mén ki thugt 53 To identify problems Verb an Cie eee) , Thay mat cho, dai dién cho 54 Torepresent an opportunity Verb mot condi 55 To delay the start of sth Verb neon Iai vige bat dau cai gi 56 To reach a decision Verb ua ra quyét dinh 57 To discuss an issue Verb Thdo ludn mét van dé 68 To project a calm sense Verb ne Bien mot fang thal Binh 59 To make every effort Verb N6 Ic hét minh 60 Aprimary contact Noun Ngudi lién lac chinh 61 To approve an application Verb Duyét, chdp thudn dan xin 62 To meet a requirement Verb Bap Ung duge yéu céu 63 To meet safety standards Verb Pe gee teu chuan an M6t tuong lai thinh vugng, 64 A prosperous future Noun Mer tueng larininn vueng, gidu cé LUYEN THI TOEIC TP HCM - 0973 141 104 Bo Hitp://Fb.com/NguyenDucEnglish Rel ea eR OA canary) 65 66 67 68 oo 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 SOAN: NGUYEN DUC - TOEIC 990/990 To provide a workshop To increase the market share To expand the number of sth To handle customer inquiries A careful analysis To increase progressively To make extensive upgrades To deduct a service fee To raise money To be popular with/ among sb Ona (daily/ weekly/ monthly/ regular) basis To evaluate the success of sth Rapid customer service Unexpected expenses A preferred method of shipping To finalize the schedule To gain substantial savings To be almost finished To complete an assignment Aminor task LUYEN THI TOEIC TP HCM - 0973 141 104 Hitp://Fb.com/NguyenDucEnglish Verb Verb Verb Verb Noun Verb Verb Verb Verb Verb Verb Prep Verb Noun Noun Noun Verb Verb Verb Verb Noun Cung cép mét budi héi thao Gia tang thi phan Gia tang sé lugng cai gi do XUly cdc cau héi cla khach hang Su phan tich cGn than Tang dan Thuc hién viéc nang cdp l6n eo Trt phi dich vy Quyén gop tién Dude ai dé yéu thich, phd bin déi vai ai do Quen thudc, hiéu 16 cai gi dé Hang ngay/ tudin/ thang/ thudng xuyén Banh gid sy thanh céng cua viéc gi do Dich vy kh@ch hang nhanh chéng Cac khoan chi tiéu ngodi dy kién Phuding thtic giao hang dude yéu thich hdn Chét Iai lich tinh C6 duge khoan tiét kiém 16n Gdn nhu hoan thanh Hoan thanh nhiém vy duge giao Mét nhiém vu nhdo Rel ea eR OA canary) SOAN: NGUYEN DUC - TOEIC 990/990 86 To revise a report Verb Xem Iai, chinh sta bdo cao 87 Anegative review Noun Banh gid khéng tot 88 To analyze an application Verb = PhGn tich don xin 89 Cutting-edge technology Noun ae nghe tien ten, hien 90 To develop new medicines Verb Phat trién thudc mdi 91 Complimentary tickets Noun Vé mién phi 92 Tomake a reservation Verb Bat ché truée 93 Spectacular views Noun Huéng nhin tuyét dep. 94 To answer an inquiry Verb Td Idi mSt cau hdi 95 Topostanannouncement Verb Bang mét thong bao Su hoat déng doanh 96 Normal business operations ==Noun nghiép thong thuéng To be completed ahead of Hoan thanh sém han tién 7 Verb x schedule dé gg Tbeadamantly opposed)... Kién quyét phan di céi gi sth do 99 An enormous scale Noun Quy m6 Ién 100 To undergo exciting changes Verb Trai qua cdc thay déi thd vi 101 Asales associate Noun Nhan vién ban hang 102 To work remotely Verb Lam viéc tt xa 103. To fill out paperwork Verb Bién vao gidy ts 104. To revise a policy Vern Xm xét, diéu chinh lal chinh sach 105 To improve the productivity Ver Cai thién nding sudt 106 To be badly deteriorated Verb Bi xuéng cdp nding né 107 To take time to do sth Verb Mt thoi gian dé lam gi do 108 To undergo a renovation Verb Trai qua viée tu stia LUYEN THI TOEIC TP HCM - 0973 141 104 Bi Hitp://Fb.com/NguyenDucEnglish Rel ea eR OA canary) SOAN: NGUYEN DUC - TOEIC 990/990 109 A stable workforce 110 Employee retention 111 To be elosed for renovations 112 To abandon sth 113 Expedited delivery 114 Intense colors 115 Ata regular interval 116 To be strictly enforced 117 To be contingent on sth 118 To be fully recyclable 119 To begin production 120 An innovative strategy 121 Awidely anticipated book 122 Anupcoming campaign 123 To present a problem 124 To handle service needs 125 To take possession of sth 126 To promote a healthy lifestyle To complement the main 127 products 128 To do sth simultaneously 129 Ample experience 130 To evaluate specific needs LUYEN THI TOEIC TP HCM - 0973 141 104 Hitp://Fb.com/NguyenDucEnglish Noun Noun Verb Verb Noun Noun Prep Verb Verb Verb Verb Noun Noun Noun Verb Verb Verb Verb Verb Verb Noun Verb Mét Ic lugng lao déng 6n dinn Sy gil chan nhan vién Béng cla dé tu stia TU bd cdi gi dé Giao hang nhanh Mau dam Déu dan (mot khoang thdi gian cach nhau déu dan) Budge thuc hién nghiém tic Phy thudc veo Cé thé ti ché hodn toan Bt dau san xudt Mét chién lugc mdi mé Mé6t quyén sach dug trong gi nhiéu Mét chién dich sp dién ra Phat sinh mot van dé Xt ly ce nhu cau dich vu 86 hitu cdi gi dé Thc day mét Idi sng lanh manh. Bi kém cdc sdn phdm chinh Lam cdi gi dé cling Idic Nhiéu kinh nghiém, kinh nghiém phong phu Banh gid cac nhu cdu cy the Rel ea eR OA canary) SOAN: NGUYEN DUC - TOEIC 990/990 131 To match the need Verb Phi hop nhu cau 132 To reduce energy usage Verb Gidm tiéu thy nang lugng 133 To unveil a new product Verb Ra mdt mét san phdm mdi 134 To file a request Verb N6p mot yéu cau 135 To finalize some details Verb Chét Iai mét sd chi tiét 136 Extensive renovation Noun Tu stia In 137 A stunning view Noun View tuyét dep To give/ deliver a 138 resentation Verb Cémét bal thuyét ffinh 139 To take notes of sth Verb Ghi chu Iai cai gi dé 140 To remodel a building Verb Tu stia mot toa nha 141 To make c payment Verb Thanh toan 142. To locate a store Verb Xac dinh vi tri mét ctfa hang oe Of Verb Lam viée déc lap véi nhau 143 To work directly with sb Verb Lam viéc tric tiép véi ai dé To work primarily with sb Verb Lam viéc cht yéu véi ai dé 144, To lead a discussion/ a Verb Chi tri buéi thdo Iuan/ hop meeting 145 Togo ACCORDING TOsih Ver. DION theo dling vi cal gi dé 146 To fulfill an order Verb ~Hodn thanh mét don hang 147 To adversely affect sth Ver Anh hudng khong tot dén cdi gi dé 148 To speak briefly Verb Phat biéungdn gon To renew membership Verb Gia han thanh vién 149 To renew a contract Verb Gia han hdp déng To renew the subscription Verb Gia han dang ki LUYEN THI TOEIC TP HCM - 0973 141 104 7 | Hitp://Fb.com/NguyenDucEnglish Rel ea eR OA canary) SOAN: NGUYEN DUC - TOEIC 990/990 To hire additional workers oe ae ad To recruit additional staff ct aaeceeteeeea ees 181 Tohandle sth diseretly Vers Cdl auvét van dé nao do mét cach tinh t& To attach importance to something To BREACH the contract/law 183. (=TO BREAK the contract/. Verb Vi phar hdp déng/luat Ié 182 Verb Luu tam vGn dé néo dé law) 184 coeetvewracan Ver Hoan thanh cdc muc tiéu 155 To postpone a meeting Verb HoGn Iai cudc hep 156 To cancel a meeting Verb Huy bé cudc hop 157 To investigate a problem Verb ee ae nghién ottu mot 158 To record working hours Verb Ghi lai gid lam viéc 159 To assume the title of Verb dm nhan chic vy nao dé 160 To ASSUME responsibilities Verb Bam nhan trach nhiém. To be in charge of sth To take charge of sth 161 Ve hiu trach nhié : To be responsible for sth bled al cle atl To be accountable for sth 162 To be eager to do sth Verb Hao htc, ham hé lam gi dé 163 To be perfectly suited for Verb Hoan todn pht hdp 164 To be originally anticipated Verb Budge dy doan lic du 165 To be on display Verb dude trung bay 166 To be subject to Noun/V-ing Verb Phy thudéc/ khé tranh khdi 167 To be fami with sth Verb Quen véi viée gi dé 168 To be widely used Verb Bude sit dung r6ng rai 169 To be highly regarded/ rated Verb Budge danh gid rat tot LUYEN THI TOEIC TP HCM - 0973 141 104 oO Hitp://Fb.com/NguyenDucEnglish Rel ea eR OA canary) SOAN: NGUYEN DUC - TOEIC 990/990 170 Tobe strongly influenced Verb Bi anh hudng nang Tail eared cennteg nto) Verb Néi tiéng vé vén dé nao dé famous for 172 To be nearly complete Verb S4p hon thanh To be/come equipped with 173 someting Verb Bude trang bj véi cai gi do 174 To partner with sb Verb Hdp tac vdi ai dé 175° To purchase a ticket Verb Mua vé 176 To place an order Verb Dat hang 177 To reserve the right Verb C6 quyén lam gi dé 178 To prolong the life Verb Kéo dai sy s6ng 1 a aaa ee Seite inn 180 To ease congestion Verb coe ee gidm 181 To make room for sth Verb Chuan bi ché cho tht gi dé 182 To generously offer Verb Béng gdp day hao phéng 183 To play animportant rele Verb Git mét vai tr quan trong 184 To invalidate an order Verb Huy mét don hang 185 To temporarily halt Ver Tam ngung 186 To extend the deadline Verb Gia han deadline 187 To make a withdrawal Verb Rut tién 188 To settle a dispute Verb Héa gidi tranh chap 189 Ie Present/ show pero) Verb Xuét tinh gidy 18 tuy than 190 To obtain a permit Verb Cé duge/ ldy gidy phép 191 To address a concern Verb Gidi quyét mot médilo ngai LUYEN THI TOEIC TP HCM - 0973 141 104 oO Hitp://Fb.com/NguyenDucEnglish Rel ea eR OA canary) 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 SOAN: NGUYEN DUC - TOEIC 990/990 To make a deol with sb Confidential information Mutual benefits Considerable efforts Avalid receipt Prospective customers Exeptional service Free admission Frequent service Temparory workers Highly skilled workers Substantial contributions Exceptional contributions Generous contributions Sensitive information Inclement weather Promotional products Incidental details Personal items/belongings Tough challenges Economic condi ns Protective packaging Expansion strategy LUYEN THI TOEIC TP HCM - 0973 141 104 Hitp://Fb.com/NguyenDucEnglish Verb Noun Noun Noun Noun Noun Noun Noun Noun Noun Noun Noun Noun Noun Noun Noun Noun Noun Noun Noun Noun Noun Noun Lam Gn véi ai dé Th6ng tin bdo mat Lgi ich chung N6 Iye dang ké hoa dan cé gid tri st dung/ hgp |e Khach hang tiém nang Dich vy dae biét Vé vao ctta mién phi Deh vy xe buyt cé thuéng xuyén NhGn vién tam thdi Lao déng tay nghé cao Béng gop dang ké Su déng gép néi bat Déng gdp hao phéng Théng tin rity cam Thi tiét kndc nghiét Sdn phdm quang cao C&e chi tiét khong quan trong 6 dung ca nhan Thach thc cam go Tinh hinh kinh t& Bao bi bao vé Chién luge mé rong Rel ea eR OA canary) SOAN: NGUYEN DUC - TOEIC 990/990 215. Building permits Noun Gidy phép xdy dung 216 Parking permits Noun . phép d6 xe (thé ad 217 Sales representatives Noun Bai dién ban hang 218 Worker productivity Noun nee Sua} MT ecicua! nhan vién 219 Office supplies Noun Bé dung van phéng 99 Job/ employment/ career Reena openings 221 Patient care Noun Sy cham séc bénh nhén 222 Sales ives Noun Sang kin ban hang 223 Acommon practice Noun Thdi quen phé bién 224 Abundant rainfall Noun Lugng nuéc mua qué nhiéu 205 Areasonable/ affordable Noun Mét mite gia hgp ly price 226 A major success Noun Mét thanh céng Ién, 227 A thorough record Noun Ban ghi chép ti mi 228 Areliable company Noun Céngty uy tin 229 Adistinguished company = Noun Céng ty ndéi bat 230 A spacious interior Noun N6ithéit rong rai 231 eompetent/qualified Noun UNG vién gidi, c6 ai nang candidate luc 232 A routine task Noun Nhiém vy hang ngay 233 A guided tour Noun Tour c6é huéng d&n vién 234 A conflict in schedule Noun Trung lich 235 A training session Noun Budi hudn luyén 236 A training course Noun M6t khéa dao tao LUYEN THI TOEIC TP HCM - 0973 141 104 Hitp://Fb.com/NguyenDucEnglish Rel ea eR OA canary) SOAN: NGUYEN DUC - TOEIC 990/990 Ldi cam on/ xin Idi chan 237 Sincere thanks/ apologies Noun thanh 238 Noun Nguén tt nhét 239 A stringent inspection Noun su kiém tra nghiém ngat Bién bdo giao théng tam thdi 241 Awide/ broad range of sth = Noun Nhiéu tht gi dé 240 A temporary traffic sign Noun 242 A direct impact Noun Anh huéng truc tiép 243. A technical description Noun Symé6 td ky thuat 244 A dedicated team Noun 6i ngd tan tam, tan tuy 245 Asecure place Noun Mét nai an toan 246 A constant increase Noun Sy gia tang lién tuc 247 A detailed report Noun Bao cdo chi tiét 248 A mutually beneficial Noun méi quan hé déi bén cling relationship cd Idi 249 A temporary replacement Noun Sy thay thé tam thdi 250 Aseating capacity Noun Stic chtta 251 A minor error Noun L6inhd 252 Anunprecedented act Noun Hanh déng chua ting co 253 An outstanding work Noun Céng viéc xudt sac 254 An ambitious goal Noun Muc tiéu day tham vong 255 An urgent need Noun Nhu cdu cdp bach 256 A promotional period Noun Thdi gian quéng cao 257 comprehensive Noun kién thtic toan dién knowledge 258 Atno cost/ charge Prep khéng tinh pht 259 At no additional cost/ fee/ Prep Khéng thu thém phi charge LUYEN THI TOEIC TP HCM - 0973 141 104 Hitp://Fb.com/NguyenDucEnglish Rel ea eR OA canary) SOAN: NGUYEN DUC - TOEIC 990/990 260 From now on Prep Ké tu bay gid 261 In preparation for sth Prep wren cot 2 cho Cold 262 In working order Prep me hoat dong on 263. Until further notice Prep we et oer one, Throughout the ep ye 264 a Prep Sudt ngay/thang/nam 265 In conjunction with Prep Chung vdi, cling vdi 266 In compliance with Prep Theo nhu, tuGn theo 267 (Well) in advance Prep That sé6m 268 At all times Prep Vado moi IGc 269 Ina timely manner Prep Kip Ilic 270 In celebration of Prep Nhén dip, dé ki niém In an attempt to do sth 2 2 1a, rs Pr I I 271 (cIn‘on effort to do sth) rep NO luc dé lam gi do In the event of sth A . 272 (In ease of sin Prep Phong khi, trong truéng hdp 273 Largely because/ because Phén lén la do of/ due to 274 Partly because/ because of/ Phat nao la do due to 275 Completely/absolutely free Hoan toan mign phi of charge LUYEN THI TOEIC TP HCM - 0973 141 104 Hitp://Fb.com/NguyenDucEnglish

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