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1. Julius is a newly-appointed nurse manager of The Good Shepherd Medical Center, a tertiary
hospital located within the heart of the metropolis. He thinks of scheduling planning workshop
with his staff in order to ensure an effective and efficient management of the department. Should
he decide to conduct a strategic planning workshop, which of the following is NOT a
characteristic of this activity?
A. Long-term goal-setting
B. Extends to 3-5 years in the future
C. Focuses on routine tasks
D. Determines directions of the organization

2. Which of the following statements refer to the vision of the hospital?

A. The Good Shepherd Medical Center is a trendsetter in tertiary health care in the Philippines
in the next five years
B. The officers and staff of The Good Shepherd Medical Center believe in the unique nature of
the human person
C. All the nurses shall undergo continuing competency training program.
D. The Good Shepherd Medical Center aims to provide a patient-centered care in a total healing

3. The statement, "The Good Shepherd Medical Center aims to provide patient-centered care in
a total healing environment refers to which of the following?
A Vision
B. Goal
C. Philosophy
D. Mission

4. Julius plans to revisit the organizational chart of the department. He plans to create a new
position of a Patient Educator who has a coordinating relationship with the head nurse in the
unit. Which of the following will likely depict this organizational relationship?
A. Box
B. Solid line
C. Broken line
D. Dotted line

5. He likewise stresses the need for all the employees to follow orders and instructions from him
and not from anyone else. Which of the following principles does he refer to?
A. Scalar chain
B. Discipline
C. Unity of command
D. Order

6. Julius orients his staff on the patterns of reporting relationship throughout the organization.
Which of the following principles refer to this?
A. Span of control
B. Hierarchy
C. Esprit d' corps
D. Unity of direction

7. He emphasizes to the team that they need to put their efforts together towards the attainment
of the goals of the program. Which of the following principles refers to this?
A. Span of control
B. Unity of direction
C. Unity of command
D. Command responsibility

8. Julius stresses the importance of promoting 'esprit d corps' among the members of the unit.
Which of the following remarks of the staff indicates that they understand what he pointed out?
A. "Let's work together in harmony; we need to be supportive of one another"
B. "In order that we achieve the same results; we must all follow the directives of Julius and not
from other managers.
C. "We will ensure that all the resources we need are available when needed."
D. "We need to put our efforts together in order to raise the bar of excellence in the care we
provide to all our patients."

9. He discusses the goal of the department. Which of the following statements is a goal?
A. Increase the patient satisfaction rate
B. Eliminate the incidence of delayed administration of medications
C. Establish rapport with patients.
D. Reduce response time to two minutes.

10. He wants to influence the customary way of thinking and behaving that is shared by the
members of the department. Which of the following terms refer to this?
A. Organizational chart
B. Cultural network
C. Organizational structure
D. Organizational culture

11. He asserts the importance of promoting a positive organizational culture in their unit. Which
of the following behaviors indicate that this is attained by the group?
A. Proactive and caring with one another
B. Competitive and perfectionist
C. Powerful and oppositional
D. Obedient and uncomplaining

12. Stephanie is a new Staff Educator of a private tertiary hospital. She conducts orientation
among new staff nurses in her department. Joseph, one of the new staff nurses, wants to
understand the channel of communication, span of control and lines of communication. Which of
the following will provide this information?
A. Organizational structure
B. Policy
C. Job description
D. Manual of procedures

13. Stephanie is often seen interacting with the medical intern during coffee breaks and after
duty hours. What type of organizational structure is this?
A. Formal
C. Staff
B. Informal
D. Line

14. She takes pride in saying that the hospital has a decentralized structure. Which of the
following is NOT compatible with this type of model?
A. Flat organization
C. Shared governance
B. Participatory approach
D. Tall organization

15. Centralized organizations have some advantages. Which of the following statements are
1. Hiahly cost-effective
2. Makes management easier
3. Reflects the interest of the worker
4. Allows quick decisions or actions.

A. 1 & 2
B. 2&4
C. 2. 3& 4
D. 1.2. &4

16. Stephanie delegates effectively if she has authority to act, which is BEST defined as:
A. having responsibility to direct others
B. being accountable to the organization
C. having legitimate right to act
D. telling others what to do

17. Regardless of the size of a work group, enough staff must be available at all times to
accomplish certain purposes. Which of these purposes in NOT included?
A. Meet the needs of patients
B. Provide a pair of hands to other units as needed
C. Cover all time periods adequately.
D. Allow for growth and development of nursing staff.

18. Which of the following guidelines should be least considered in formulating objectives for
nursing care?
A. Written nursing care plan
C. Prescribed standards
B. Holistic approach
D. Staff preferences

19. Stephanie considers shifting to transformational leadership. Which of the following

statements best describes this type of leadership?
A. Uses visioning as the essence of leadership.
B. Serves the followers rather than being served.
C. Maintains full trust and confidence in the subordinates
D. Possesses innate charisma that makes others feel good in his presence.

20. As a manager, she focuses her energy on both the quality of services rendered to the
patients as well as the welfare of the staff of her unit. Which of the following management styles
does she adopt?
A. Country club management
B. Organization man management
C. Team management
D. Authority-obedience management

21. Katherine is a young Unit Manager of the Pediatric Ward. Most of her staff nurses are senior
to her, very articulate, confident and sometimes aggressive. Katherine feels uncomfortable
believing that she is the scapegoat of everything the goes wrong in her department. Which of
the following is the best action that she must take?
A. Identify the source of the conflict and understand the points of friction
B. Disregard what she feels and continue to work independently
C. Seek help from the Director of Nursing
D. Quit her job and look for another employment.

22. As a young manager, she knows that conflict occurs in any organization. Which of the
following statements regarding conflict is NOT true?
A. Can be destructive if the level is too high
B. Is not beneficial; hence it should be prevented at all times
C. May result in poor performanco
D. May create leaders

23. Katherine tells one of the staff. "I don't have time to discuss the matter with you now. See
me in my office later" when the latter asks if they can talk about an issue. Which of the following
conflict resolution strategies did she use?
A. Smoothing
B. Compromise
C. Avoidance
D. Restriction

24. Kathleen knows that one of her staff is experiencing burnout. Which of the following is the
best thing for her to do?
A. Advise her staff to go on vacation.
B. Ignore her observations; it will be resolved even without intervention
C. Remind her to show loyalty to the institution.
D. Let the staff ventilate her feelings and ask how she can be of help.

25. She knows that performance appraisal consists of all the following activities EXCEPT:
A. Setting specific standards and activities for individual performance.
B. Using agency standards as a guide.
C. Determine areas of strength and weaknesses
D. Focusing activity on the correction of identified behavior.

26. You are a public health nurse and there are cases of dengue fever in your town. You should
report this according to what law?
A R.A. 7610
B. R.A. 1082
C. RA. 3573
D. R.A 1811

27. In order to pass the licensure examination, what is the general weighted average to be
reached by the test taker?
A. 75%
C. 65%
B. 60%
D. 70%

28. The ethnical principle stating that a registered nurse is the client's advocate is stated on
what section of the code of ethics for registered nurses?
A. Section 11
B. Section 10
C. Section 9
D. Section 8

29. The Board of Nursing is composed of how many governing bodies?

A. 5
B. 6
C. 4
D. 7
30. Known as the Rooming-in and Breastfeeding Act
A. R.A. 7432
B. R.A 9173
C. R.A. 7600
D. R.A. 7160

31. The Philippine Nursing Law is also known as

A. R.A. 7164
B. R.A 877
C. R.A. 7600
D. P D. 166

32. Is an act to promote, require and ensure the production of an adequatesupply, distribution,
use and acceptance of drugs and medicines identified by their generic names. Medicines are
prescribed in generics.
A. Republic Act 6675
C. Republic Act 6713
B. Republic Act 6758
D. Republic Act 7160

33. The board may allow licensed nurses from foreign countries or state to practice nursing in
the Philippines through special and temporary permit if they belong to the following categories
A. Internationally-well specialist or outstanding experts in any branch of specialty of nursing.
B. Nurses on medical mission whose services shall be free in a particular hospital, center or
C. Employed by schools, colleges of nursing as exchange professors in a branch or specialty.
D. Balikbayan nurses who wants to practice nursing in order to earn credits for continuing
professional education

34. Nursing is considered as rewarding and fulfilling career. Nursing is best described as a
profession that;
A. concerned with patients
B. concerned with proper organization of the ward
C. assist the people towards self-care
D. helps to prevent disease and promote wellness

35. The Board has the mandate to determine whether an applicant for the licensure examination
is qualified to take the said examination. Who among the following is NOT qualified under the
provision of the law?
A. Nurse who finished BSN then proceeded to pursue a medical degree
B. Medical degree graduate who pursued nursing course for one year.
C. Midwife graduate who took up nursing following the AHSE program
D. BSN graduate of a ladderized BSN curriculum
36. The PNA after having deliberated whom to nominate to PRC must have at least how many
candidates for the two positions?
A. Two
B. Four
C. Six
D. Eight

37. On March 26, 1992, the R.A. 7305 entitled "Magna Carta for Public Health Workers" was
approved by Pres. Corazon Aquino. What are the significant objectives of the act?
A. To promote and improve the social and economic well-being of health workers;
B. To develop their skills and capabilities; and
C. To encourage those qualified and with abilities to remain in government service.

38. R.A. 7305 entitled "Magna Carta for Public Health Workers". Its significant objectives are:
A. To promote and improve the social and economic well-being of health workers;
B. To develop their skills and capabilities; and
C. To encourage those qualified and with abilities to remain in government service.
D. None of the above

39. A presidential decree that protects and promotes the rights and welfare of children and
youth. Employment of children below 16 years of age is limited to performing light work not
harmful to their safety, health or normal development and which is not prejudicial to their
A. Presidential Decree 651
B. Presidential Decree 603
C. Presidential Decree 626
D. Presidential Decree 442

40. A nurse observed that the toes of a patient with leg cast was cyanotic and cold to touch, but
she failed to report this the physician. The leg became gangrenous and had to be amputated
below the knee. The court found the nurse negligent in failing to inform the attending physician
of the patient's condition, and to advise the hospital authorities so that appropriate action could
have been taken. What specific negligence does it belong?
A. Failure to report observations to attending physicians.
B. Failure to exercise the degree of diligence which the circumstances of the particular case
C. Mistaken identity.
D. Administration of medicine without a doctor's prescription.

41. Implies the idea of improper or unskilful care of a patient by a nurse, it is also the term for
negligence or carelessness of professional personnel.
A. Negligence
B. Liability
C. Malpractice
D. Incompetence


A. "the thing speaks for itself".
B. "force majeure"
C. "let the master answer for the acts of the subordinate."
D. None of the above

43. Is the lack of ability, or legal qualifications and being unfit to discharge the required duty?
A. Incompetence
C. Liability
B. Negligence
D. Malpractice

44. What law states that "in the administration of intravenous injections, special training shall be
required according to protocol established."
A. Philippine Nursing Act of 1991 Section 21
B. Philippine Nursing Act of 1991 Section 30
C. Philippine Nursing Act of 1991 Section 28
D. Philippine Nursing Act of 1991 Section 20

45. The following are examples of DOCTRINE FORCE MAJEURE, which is not an example of
this doctrine?
A. Terrorist attacks
B. Epidemics
C. Pandemic
D. The surgeon will be held responsible in case a laparotomy pack is lef: in a patient's

46. Senior Citizen's Act also known as?

A. R.A 7164
B. R.A. 9173
C. R.A. 7432
D. R.A. 7305

47. On June 18, 1966, Republic Act 4704 amended certain portions of R.A. 877. Following were
among the most salient changes. Which of the following is not part of the changes?
A. The membership of the Board of Examiners for Nurses was increased from three to five
B. Members of the Board were to be appointed by the President of the Philippines with the
consent of theCommission on Appointments and no longer "upon recommendation of the
Commission of Civil Service."
C. The requisite academic degree for members of the Board was a Master's Degree, instead of
a BaccalaureateDegree in Nursing.
D. Inclusion of the phrase "Unethical conduct" as one of the reasons for revocation and
suspension of certificate of registration.

48. States that the employable age shall be 16 years

A. PD 996
B. PD 825
C. PD 856
D. PD 148

49. Allows former Filipino professionals to practice their respective professions in thePhilippines.
A. PD 541
C. PD 856
B. PD 825
D. PD 148

50. Known as the Hospital Licensure Act

a. Republic Act 1054
C. Republic Act 5901
b. Republic Act 6758
d. Republic Act 4226

51. Provides benefits toworkers covered by SSS or SIS for immediate injury, illness or
A. Presidential Decree 626
C. Presidential Decree 603,
B. Presidential Decree 442
D. Presidential Decree 651

52. Which statement would best explain the role of the nurse when planning care for a culturally
diverse population? The nurse will plan care to:
A. Include care that is culturally congruent with the staff from predetermined criteria
B. Focus only on the needs of the client, ignoring the nurse's beliefs and practices
C. Blend the values of the nurse that are for the good of the client and minimize the client's
individual beliefs during care
D. Provide care while aware of one's own bias, focusing on the client's individual needs rather
than the practices

53. Ethical principles for professional nursing practice in a clinical setting are guided by the
principles of conc written as the:
A. American Nurses Association's (ANA's) Code of Ethics
B. Nurse Practice Act (NPA) written by state legislation
C. Standards of care from experts in the practice field
D. Good Samaritan laws for civil guidelines

54. The distribution of nurses to areas of "most need" in the time of a nursing shortage is an
example of:
A. Utilitarianism theory
B. Deontological theory
C. Justice
D. Beneficence

55. A physician has requested privileges to admit and monitor patients at the community
hospital. A license check by the hospital administrator reveals that there have been four
successful lawsuits against the physician for unsafe medical practice. The hospital ethics
committee will meet to discuss granting privileges to him. Which of the following models will
the ethics committee most likely follow as they review the physician's case?
A. Social justice
B. Patient benefit
C. Autonomy
D. Privilege to practice

56. There has been an accident involving two busloads of school children. The accident victims
have been transported to the local emergency department (ED). The ED nurse is triaging the
children to determine who will receive treatment first. Which ethical framework does this process
A. Teleology
B. Utilitarianism
C. Deontology
D. Categorical imperative

57. Which of the following terms refers to the ethical questions that arise out of nursing
A. Nursing ethics
B. Bioethics
C. Ethical dilemma
D. Moral distress

58. What is the correct term for a belief about the worth of something that serves as a principle
or a standard that influences decision making?

A. Morals
B. Attitudes
C. Beliefs
D. Values
59. A 45-year-old patient is ventilator dependent after a high cervical neck injury. He is alert and
oriented and, after giving it much thought, has decided that he wants to be removed from the
ventilator. The nurse believes the patient intends suicide, but supports his final decision. When
the ventilator is removed, the nurse remains with the patient to support him. The nurse's action
demonstrates respect for what moral principle?
A. Nonmaleficence to de no harm
B. Autonomy to freely do
C. Beneficence + be kind
D. Fidelity

60. What ethical approach focuses primarily on the heart of the person performing the act?
A. Teleological approach
B. Deontological approach
C. Virtue Ethics approach
D. Divine Command Ethics

61. These are systematic guides for developing ethical behavior.

A. Code of morality
B. Code of ethics
C. Moral principles
D. Ethical principles

62. Which reply reflects the BEST understanding of moral development?

A. "Behaving ethically develops gradually from childhood; maybe my generation doesn't value
this enough to develop an ethical code."
B. "I don't agree that nurses were more ethical in the past. It's a new age and the ethics are
C. "Ethics is genetically determined.…it's like having blue or brown eyes. Maybe we're evolving
out of the ethical sense your generation had."
D. "I agree! It's impossible to be ethical when working in a practice setting like this!"

63. The general principles of the Code of Good Governance include the following: SATA
A. Service to Others
B. Professional Competence
C. Solidarity and Teamwork
D. All of the above

64. A home health nurse performs a careful safety assessment of the home of a frail older adult
to prevent harm to the patient. The nurse's action reflects which principle of bioethics?
A. Autonomy
B. Beneficence
C. Justice
D. Fidelity
E. Nonmaleficence
65. This theory posits that an act can only be ethical if it obeys gods law, and the word of god
overrides any other law, custom, or inclination, St. Augustine offered a version of divine
command theory which is considered to be a
A. Deontological, duty based theory
B. Teleological, justice based theory
C Teleological, end-based theory
D. Deontological, justice based theory

66. A physician telephones a prescription for a powerful tranquilizer but directs you to label the
prescription with the name of a mild sedative because the patient is "frightened by the idea of
taking tranquilizers." The drug prescribed is the only effective therapy for this condition, your
state pharmacy practice act includes a strong prohibition against mislabeling. Which two
principles are being violated?
A. Veracity and autonomy
B. Fidelity and nonmaleficence
C. Justice and beneficence
D. Nonmaleficence and autonomy

67. A physician who prescribes an antibiotic against his or her better medical judgement
because the patient believes the antibiotic will help is
A. Respecting patient autonomy
B. Allowing the patient to make an uninformed and, hence, nonautonomous decision
C. Justified in trusting the placebo effect of the therapeutic intervention
D. All of the above
E. A and C

68. The moral principle that actions are right insofar as they involve telling the truth and wrong
as they involve lying
A. Veracity
B. Fidelitv
C. Honesty
D. Fiduciary

69. Patients with harelip or cleft palate may have their defects corrected by plastic surgery. This
is stated in what moral principle?
A. One who acts through an agent is himself/herself responsible.
B.No one is obliged to betray himself/herself.
C.The end does not justify the means.
D.Defects of nature may be corrected.

70. Giving a sleeping tablet to a chronically ill person so he/she can die in peace is morally
wrong. This is based on the principle
A.One who acts through an agent is himself/herself responsible.
B.No one is obliged to betray himself/herself.
C.The end does not justify the means.
D. Defects of nature may be corrected.

71. This principle involves self-determination and freedom to choose and implement one's
decision, free from deceit, constraint or coercion
C. Justice
D. Beneficence

72. During the pandemic, nurses caring for Covid-19 patients despite the risks is an example
based on what ethical approach?
A.Teleological approach
B.Deontological approach
C. Virtue Ethics approach
D. Divine Command Ethics

73. This approach is expressed in the maxim, "the right thing to do is the good thing to do"
A.Teleological approach
C. Virtue Ethics approach
B.Deontological approach
D. Divine Command Ethics

74. The moral principle that includes keeping promises, doing what is expected of us,
performing our duties and being trustworthy
B. Faithfulness

75. This is based on the biblical story of a man who aided an injured person who was waylaid by
thieves and was left half-dead.
A.Good Samaritan Act
C.Dying patient's bill of rights
D.Christian Nurse's duty

76. In testifying before a court, no one can force any person to answer a question if such will
incriminate him/her. This is supported by the moral principle
A. One who acts through an agent is himself/herself responsible
B.No one is obliged to betray himself/herself.
CThe end does not justify the means.
D.Defects of nature may be corrected
77. During an epidemic, immunization against communicable diseases is administered to the
people. This is based on the moral principle
A. The greatest good for the greatest number.
B.A little more or less does not change the substance of an act.
C.The morality of cooperation
D. Principle relating to the origin and destruction of life.

78. All are cited as qualities of a profession, except.

A. It utilizes in its practice a well-defined and well-organized body of knowledge that is
intellectual in nature and describes its phenomena of concern.
B. A profession has a clear standard of educational preparation for entry into practice.
C. A profession is distinguished b the presence of specific culture, norms, and other values that
are common among its members.
D. Entrusts the education of its practitioners to institutions of higher education

79. This doctrine states that the nationality of a person is determined by the law of his descent
or parentage?
A. Jus soli
B. Jos suli
C. Jus sanguinis
D. Jus sanguinos

80. What PRC resolutions requires professionals to have a total of 60 CP credits before renewal
of license?
A. Article IV Section 1-5
B. PRC Resolution Number 2004-179 series of 2004
C. PRC Resolution Number 179-2004 series of 2004
D. PRC Resolution Number 2002-179 series of 2002

81. Which of the following is true regarding the composition of the Board of Nursing?
A. Composed of a Chairperson and six (6) members, representing the three (3) areas of
nursing, namely, nursing education, nursing service, and community health nursing.
B. Composed of a Chairperson and seven (7) members, representing the three (3) areas of
nursing, namely, nursing education, nursing service, and community health nursing.
C. Composed of a Chairperson and five (5) members, representing the three (3) areas of
nursing, namely,
nursing education, nursing service, and community health nursing.
D. Composed of a Chairperson and nine (9) members, representing the three (3) areas of
nursing, namely, nursing education, nursing service, and community health nursing.

82. If the member of the Board was appointed to fill in a vacancy or perform the duties of an
office during the absence of a regular incumbent, he/she was appointed by
A. Regular appointment
B. Ad Interim Appointment
C. Doctrine of Hold-over
D. None of the above

83. What refers to involvement of husband/wife, children, brothers/sisters, mother/father in any

activity that will conflict with his/her position in the Board, particularly money matters?
A. Peculiary Interest
B. Pecuniary Interest
C. Peconiary Interest
D. Pecumiary Interest

84. The compensation of the Board members is based on what principle that means "as much
as they deserve"?
A. Subpoena ad testificandum
B. Subpoena duces tecum
C. Quantum meruit
D. All of the above

85. A member of the Nursing Board is permitted to continue to exercise the functions of the
office after the end of his/her lawful term until replaced. This type of appointment is
A. Regular appointment
B. Ad Interim Appointment
C. Doctrine of Hold-over
D. None of the above

86. The beneficiaries of the comprehensive nursing specialty program are obligated to serve for
how long in any Philippine hospital?,
A. 1 year
C. 3 years
B. 2 years
D. 4 years

87. The following are the qualifications of Nursing Coordinator for Staff Development, except.
A. 2 years clinical experience
B.4 years clinical experience
C. Master's Degree
D. None of the above

88. Which of the following should a dean in a college of nursing have?

A. 1 year of clinical practice in a field of specialization
B. Post-Master's Degree
C. Doctoral Degree in Nursing
D. 5 years teaching experience
89. This contract refers to an agreement among parties involved and is required to be in writing
by some special laws.
A. Formal contract
B. Informal contract
C. Express contract
D. Implied contract

90. A contract that is concluded as a result of acts of conduct of the parties to which the law
ascribes an objective intention to enter into a contract.
A. Formal contract
B. Informal contract
C. Express contract
D. Implied contract

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