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Reverse a Cleared Documents

Updated Mar 29, 2023

Reversing a cleared document is a process that allows you to undo a previously posted
transaction, which was cleared through a payment or clearing document. This can
happen for various reasons such as a billing error, incorrect payment, or any other
accounting mistakes. Reversing a cleared document in SAP helps you to correct such
errors and keep the financial records accurate and up to date.

Generally, reversing a cleared document in SAP is not recommended because it can

create inconsistencies in the financial records and can lead to errors if not done
correctly. When a document is cleared in SAP, it is considered a final transaction, and
reversing it can cause issues with the accounting ledgers and result in incorrect

However, in some cases, reversing a cleared document may be necessary to correct

errors or resolve issues with the accounting records. In such cases, following the
proper procedures and guidelines for reversing cleared documents in SAP is important
to ensure that the financial records remain accurate and consistent.

Example Scenarios to Reverse Cleared Documents

There are various scenarios in which it may be necessary to reverse a cleared
document in SAP. Here are a few examples:

i) Payment made to the wrong vendor: If payment was made to the wrong vendor
and the document has been cleared, the payment document can be reversed and the
payment can be made to the correct vendor.

ii) Incorrect posting: If a document has been posted with incorrect amounts or to
the wrong accounts, it may need to be reversed and re-posted correctly.

iii) Returned goods: If a customer returns goods that were previously invoiced and
paid for, the invoice and payment documents may need to be reversed to reflect the

iv) Duplicate payment: If a vendor mistakenly paid twice for the same invoice, the
duplicate payment can be reversed to correct the mistake.

v) Canceled order: If an order is canceled and the associated invoice and payment
documents have been cleared, the documents may need to be reversed to reflect the

Note: It is important to follow proper procedures and guidelines for reversing cleared
documents to ensure that the process is carried out correctly and that the financial
records remain consistent and accurate.

How to Reverse Cleared Documents? 

Please follow the steps below to reverse cleared document:

Enter T-code  FBRA  in the SAP Command Field and execute it.
Or follow the following SAP IMG path:

Accounting > Financial Accounting > General/Ledger > Document--> Reset Cleared
On the next screen, specify the following details:

Clearing Document Numbers for the Cleared Items

Company Code in which it was posted
Fiscal Year in which it was posted
Next click on the  Reset cleared items  icon to reset the Cleared Status of the Items

Now on the next dialog box, select   Resetting and reverse  option the system will
reverse the document.
On the next popup select  Reversal Reason 01

Once you press the Enter button the clearing document will be reset and a reversal
document will be posted.

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