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SECOND TERM LINEAR EQUATIONS IN TWO VARIABLES 43.1 INTRODUCTION Inearlier classes, we have learnt that a linear equation in one variable (or unknown) x is an equation of the form ax + b = 0 or, ax = b, where a, b are real numbers such that @ #0. The value of the variable which satisfies a given linear equation is known as its solution. The solution of a linear equation is also known as its root. If ax = b is a linear equation, then b X= isits solution or root. Inthis chapter, we shall introduce the notion of a linear equation in two variables x and y. 13,2 LINEAR EQUATIONS IN TWO VARIABLES DEFINITION An equation of the form ax +by +c=0 or ax +by =c, where a,b, care real numbers, 1 40,b # 0 and x, yare variables, is called a linenr equation in two variables. Each one of the following equations isa linear equation in two variables: @ x4 Y=3 (i) -2x+ 3y= 4 (iy a. % +1220 (iv) V3x-V3y-9=0 SOLE If in the equation ax + by = c, we have a= 0,b # 0orb =0,a#0, then the equation reduces toby = cor, ax = c respectively. In either case, we get an equation in one variable. That is why itis generally assumed that both a and bare non-zeroas given in the above definition. ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES EXAMPLE 1 Write each of the following equations in the form ax + by +c = 0 and indicate the values ofa, band cin each case: () 3x4 2y =25 Gi) 7x-5 = 2y (ii) x = 2y Wy 5-fes () 2y-3=v2x SOLUTION (i) Wehave, 3x4 2y = 25 Oncomparing this equation with ax + by +¢ = 0, weobtain 3,b = 2ande = -25 13.1 sau Yo THO NAMA m2 my | EXERCISE 13.1 Se inwing lin utlons 8 he Frm a + y + 0 and inde he 0 ayes 7-509 . aac eae het 6 an (4-520 Gy arvaya9at ti reamde= 5 ee? 2 * a (24920 Oy! 2) veto, ay Ws) eras mss -ay nea x-29 +020 ws there yee, wea oa y= ncamporing equation a ebe-bande=0 2 afbefowigae anion tn ses se z 2, (9 Were, -3 wy se=Z Quy yee Ty gag BB a guege-2y=902931-29-20-0 gue oy cw se=F ow yd Ausaeaaas sess than alo the cost of fountain pen, Whitethissaement 1 teeta ion into variables min with oy +e=0, wean ncompuinghise a 3b=tande= 30 answers (9 Weta, ay-3 Vir = VBr-29 #320 Oncomparingthisequton wth hy += 0, weobain aa Sib=-tande=3 < 439-998 2030-202 3,6 = 938 LUMA Therprnftin npn form ay cag | 622 438-295=0:8 28 Se® oleae Frcompl 2:—3y = Geoneeritens 25~3y~6=O0r -2r-+3y+6a0y |W S4744+0=0;8= 30-706 fates banda ie Oy +3=0;0= 2,020,603 xaMeLE2Wicchftlenig os ryt eo ries xed: (0 Orsty-5=0:0a0,bate= 5 Ore yn (ih ar=2 793 i) Srr0y-4=0;0=3,b= 0,64 SOLUTION () Webave (09 15-2940 0;ae b= -2.e=0 Sart 320= e+ y43=0 2G) 2sOy+320 — G) Or+y-3=0 i) 10+ 0y-720 (i) Wehwe, 9 S-29 +020 9 y-4s0mtre1y—4 : (0 Weteve, 5.05, = 29 ~10 =O, where is the cost of one fountain pen and ys that of Be22030-2- 0-931 Oy-220 oral pen. (0) Wehme, som Jue 3-21y-A=0a 0867-300 Net A LMEAR EQUATION i ies have leant tha every tinear equation in one variable has a nique erate ees Neergoatate sis | MRE en we i a he Sah octet ne ‘ume, etfmetthncongop nesr quinn | Slr anne iat ea os bee ee Soman _ | Sesertitrototstnnmss atin heen ae caiantonkte sande otapentobe Rey. Then acor8™? | gy Ss ntwovanalesa given ow geet OY +e =0, heron, by care re uniberssuc that a # 0 and 8 # O.Then, Pa a Ley s0 ad Stefan ch sais the equation a+ += seledasaltion ft eee=€}jwr-“=" martes ee ont he gn 3-2908 6 eB SAS 2 tt Sa ay = § bene whe Tse 34) -2-2 # 5 16 LS # RHS whens Mt es oi 2g 3 oe toe x = y= 5) isasolut 170 mo stove ty Deve 2y Soest. nee gnc tindy tegen weve cage teiata3 2008 se ret tunel 3 acgldsays snbecgetonds-y-2-Oonehave Tipe tea-s-3=0= 85 sosezyssintainalcy teases etn vee at eer ution 49-30 hag a ee Date manent net ween ca siitos Scent Shing wor > Submis vlceyeerente fray e=O)n$8-Y-3=0 Sen ‘Trecquitionredvesto 0-9-3209 -y=33y 49 S0,(-2)isanothersltionel $-y-3 =O Sima, subetoting x=, weet Qe-y-3209 TsO ye CContinsingin this manner we an olan ay number ofsluions of ~~ Ths linear equstion in vo vaibles has nfiitely many solutions ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES XAMPLES Checking ae sltons oft egution x —2y = 4 and whist @ 0-2) 2H HH — &) WEA OY SOWUTON Intheequaton x=2V=4, wehowe US = -2y and RHS = ¢ ( Subuttoing x= 0 andy=—2in ¥~2y = 6, weget UNS © x24 =0-24-2 «004 == RAS S0,x=0.y=-2or(0.-2 issoluonof x =2y=4, (i) Sabsitting «= 2 andy= Oin x= 29 = 4, we get URS 221-240 24 RAS $0,(2.0)isnotasoluion of he equation ¢=29 = & (i) Subettting = and Uis «41-240 S0,(4.O)saselutionofthegeen uation, (ov) Subeiting x= VB and Win 27-4, wegee px 2448 =-408 6 15 oxosluonafthe venation ia gee tard y= 2-294, weg pga 2x1 4 RAS La ante venation aia fur conse eq Te +y 9 ene, r+ ¥=9 2 Nein egution we get Syed a0ty=9=3y <9 prone ote pvenegatae. the ienequao, weet ee yeI a nty Ie gH 9-m sqy-n bain ofthe tenet r soy sue 2-1 40d x= 2 spec, we olan (9+) and stance renga Bee) Fadel fefc=t.y secon hepato 2 +39 =k BEN ifr Ly Vsasoluonof 2+ 39 en pelsSelekos 243k ba5 mith x= Ly = Disasallionofthequation as + ay = 3, thn find thevalesfe facaluonof Ar + ay =3. {UT Misgiventhat r= 1 ott ax2=3 2 e430 + Fsame-aco = aWedH10 3-0 2 W-nes3)20 2 ete00 932000813. AMES wah Land y= ssaioneeption 3—59~7 =O fee SUNON tsglventhat x = 2k ~1 and 30k-)-8k-7 20 4-9-5k-7 =9-94-10 20-0 =10 PMCS Wx 2 andy = kisasltinofthe uation x~Sy +6 = 0, finde reso Bmw 4 tisgven that x = andy =k i solution ofthe equation x ~5y #6 = 0 te even that 3 = A andy = om Ssasoluton ofthe given equation. Postse20 Bar +600 Kk 3)-20-3) <0 = Mey Y yo ay #1 basolution of heegunon 234 45 =0, Hind thevalue came oT panty eeBa aed beanie co,y 0:27 6 URLS Ry MERRY > ms oi 4;x=3,y 2-2: Now, Coker tention 22439 = 6 Sahatting 1 = 0, nthegaton wet 2n043y =6-35y=65 9 =2 Sa F20,y=2ssasctatonot 24 39= Substiatingy2din 243926, wpe DH 3K0 «bo 24 = 6-9 Thus, x=O,y'=2 and = 3,4 = Daresatonsof 25-+3y = 6 Clr, 1 = 0.9 =2 scommansatona te gen esatons, oe exencise1s2 1. Wie wo sluone fresh the flowing equations 9 areay Wr Gy compe ay Groset 2 temo slats ofthe fom «=0, y= and x= 6 y= Of each ofthe fn @ Saye 3. Check which ofthe ftiowing rslaton the eguin 21 = y= 6 and whichel® ( Ave3ye2 ay areay=28 909 We wer mn m2) *7-LY=Ziaslunotteogtin +=, tbe valoel: 5. ind thevalicat if 5 wiherlowot A Hx=-L ond v= easulation oftheequaion x+4y-728 qnqnn OF A LINEAR EQUATION IN TWO VARIABLES. rorrnrschon we have learnt about the algebraic method ofabainng solutions of ei tou vatables, We have seen that lines eqoation in two variables has Beet, ee ya Ce eee ae Me noint. Let us take any two points P and Q, [EE Hench solton represents a Tee ceo sluts and doe ane passing ber Wein ata ‘herpeccng varus solutions leon he ne pein hough P and. Than we TohsNinencegauon nwo vse geomet repesertey tine hat {bey slaton ofthe near equation represents ponton hee BSveyFoitonthetine ea olson of helper uation ‘sitet raph thelinear equation "io dewthegrapho liner uation wo variables, ema flow the alow Selgbsewhegephofa tear leswesmay corn EL itt equation Let tsquaonbe ax +by +6 0. SBE By pintemofsiotuiny =-[% =) 211 avant ses tora the coreg ales fy fom tc expression in plo ctin eosin ay (fy Yd (0B) ‘Ysera values of xin sca thal he corrsponding asf yare mers MMI py earnest inane axeay_ Mins (0,00 IEY reoetersig arte ierrin +1475 =O reese twos. Hotes i so pepomyecied exgn tscrug ‘arto co ma LUSTRATVE, EXAMPLES. xaMrues Da he ga hector = sStumen Wenave, gered oe gored Where timebave: yote2=3 Whane=8 wehave: y=542=5 sree hove th wing ible xing the abssiae and ordinats of points Tinney te given un. Bo z r 3 a 5 ting te pins (13nd) onthe graph paperand drawing tne cL Eee teteatinaominhg ae jgons 2 THO VARIABLES sas) pes weave wor ag2Koe o 0, weve wet U5 2x0=3 etanng mb ingpiton eine Y= cee oe" fy 23 asehownin ig. 132 Tovestne 2+ ross ane raw grap of thee Dy = 3. rom the np fd he corinne he ai Ores 20. STON Weave, oy Pyea eye i 7 Pring te pois (1-1) and (-,—2) on he raph pope and joing them, Bet aghine nsbownia ig 133 Thine te equi aphoftheegtaton x Foss {9 Tofind connate of hpi when x=-5, we dra stne paral to paid Easing rvgh 5.0. Mise mews he phot y-=3atapcant Pom whale iam ane pro as which ene so yond a regued poeta 5, {i Set Ooms So the equipo isthe point whew teline mets FO Ltegaphibecomditeslnchpomar ea ee ence uetpoit e580) ‘ Repent, tethered y in hese raps Af te coi Seems detonate gph Aid SOLUTION’ Geaphefye y 1 ts (4, 4) on the graph paper and joining them by a line, we aoc oe ‘ehave:y = aoe [Exwehavethe following table exhibiting the absisseand ordinates of he point. "rented theequation ys SUEeterins.-2)and(4sandithemy ainetoclainenerepeeted erga Band 4 am seas ws ao ” sty-3-0 ae OTR ing 34 “Tnegraphlthtnesy = andy -sorestonn OPE Chay tvonesintet 2101.0 sxaMeues: Dangle Seay dant ry intheson rpad ft eine hei nines ‘scuUTONCapheltheegaion 3-29=4 ar-tysdaryet Wenave 2 2 an xadeay= 2s “Thus the ace ante of wo point onthe lin represented by te eqn Biya angen tifolloving abe bhi) repays” 2 By ling the pins (—2) and, te praph pape and drawing a ne ‘Brough thee pr weobanth grphotGeequaon 3-2) = Aasshown ing ia ~eoandordinsesofwoointonthelinerepresnedbyHelveneqatin tee folowing able on eh cotesdlonlacetnein ™ a [a 3s saps 2}0n (1) an aing ey aie, an raph he Cun 138 etna epmsntdy te equations 3—2y=4and+y-3=Otnersetat pint P cote ordists are (2.1). rete The fren ait is lows For the fr Kilometre Re 8, forthe aa aancis Spr, Taig the dita km antl forces Rey rea een or hisdnformetion, nd drawit grap. ‘cunon Toul fareof Roy for covering dstanceofx Kilometres isgivenby yo8e5xtr-0 we ye8e5e-8 ow yo Sed 0 exberequred Inca equation forthe given information. ig r=4 int, we gety=3. og = in, we ge ya54 30m) a Seve have the ftowing tbe etbiing the nrc of wo pint on tein 5e03, eee See (0,3) and (1, 8) on the graph paper and drawing afine passing though Suen he grt ot he ne erste bythe inet egnson() as sown —_~ : 1 “pits Petree Pe Fone EXAMPLE Yanna Ftina, rv stadt le Xf sea gether contre Re) owen th Prim Mister’ Rl Fad hip hth tins, Wrenn ae ‘thc eden ee tgp eee CLUE Let the contebutions of Yin and Fatima be Rsxand Rs yrespectively: Then ‘tert corbionis er +9). Bute total onto eRe Does rey=100 ‘Thisishe euired uation sting thegven dt ting =n) we gat» 10 Alo by substituting = 10 in) we get = 00 ‘Thu wecban th folowing tabling the coordinates of two points on ie) 0 as mes {ettsnow plot thete points A (0,100) and B (100, 0) am the tables Ge antec iran hag Raper stony Sakon pe ee elec ston IN THO VARIABLES ms ao A ror uate bly on api conto ky rota ily ty. tom of in i er scene ingot eae As ead fom heap Srey ely Sond Own. fnew Les beth distance travelled andy bethe work done Then accor tthe poonhire fae 3 yeCa where Cina cortat erent constant fore if uit cas ag cosiny = Ce weget ses ar ite ssid equatonintwo varies asprin) wegety 0 ni) weet =5. sehr the foliing abe ex he vas of yoda vast Panga (ls _ Pet 10,0) and 5) om graph paper onasutabl sale and drawing rough these two pons, we obtain the graphy = Sxasshown in Fig. 13. i Peg areas ra (noe i the work ane ia waelng 2 nits stance, Feprsnting Suns Ses and then da verte inetocaty= [Bapundcr fon Yaris Cea, preset, 10. Hos, woe done intrveing 7 s10 us (Clty, 9 =0 when =, Se wockdoneie seo when so distance evel fin identity oe SUP few [EAMES ecu ie ISA dC ener ies in Fabre hit ‘umes ntti it Ht incr equation Inert aren Cie F(SJeom Donte rapt inet gen a, ang Caisson alent oe (0 helempote 30° te tempete i ae? (i etopenies 95 itopete Can? (9) etempontes a eter Fane on eter 0 etre silane (©) there ctmpotre stray sent Fant and Cas? 9 Ft oss THO ARABS ny a yen . peer cannveset st setae pe deanes2 = 50 3 eget or [Te cenit along ys and plot points A 0,22) and ect no pepe en= Dmisonb ease) roar fasion F=(2)c-+22 asshowninFig 139. gh Aand Btoreprecent he 3p (3) ge ee nies mio Tea ag) {Rum tofndernpeaturein Fabreni ceresponding 020°C ets fist point "eorceneng at secaie rouph oct epee \Jewaamegampromart2 ot oe corresponding to30°C, the sure in Fahrenbeltis 86°. Rgmstotefempermrtn Caster coresponang eS wetting pat Sot 'NPresenting 95°F and draw a horizontal ine through itt cut the line represen - a se — (Z]eanas nomssomrenndcinsMonrons Ct Mra orn 2) wenn (0) Cy, ne poi Fo[2)C +52 8 6 A .38) an ug E780 er enpertcegndeg eC Fano gy (0) Puingc =F Fafr esa shor rasa ‘hs, ~ in aed se 340 Cebus Inowertoind this grep, tusdaw belie representing F=Casshowniatig 3g : estes bat etn psig Fa{ 2) 32 md F=Cntrnctat ste roetingFo( 2] C32 70m Hence, - APC in Cebus ise oA eames ye pint ison tr gap hequton 3 = +7, fa tee SOLUTION inceevry pinton the graph ofa inenr equations soliton ofthe ean advice ven. Terfore-7-30ndy~tisaschion dl teesuaton 3y = at +7, Beda exde7 912-3047 Bead oee EXAMPLE At Ge thecuationf nes psig tng 18). How mony mere such ars in of ines sing rough, 8), yar such ig SOLUTION We observe that x=2andy = 14 is «solution of each of the ft, cations @M-y=0 GH Se-ys8=0 Gi) x-yr2=04 Se tematinsetotinspingthough are 73~y 20 and = 98-8 ch a ig ough en pot ily many nescan be dean Se srvinfintely many inespassng through 19) ~ Ane pit A, 5)on BL eon te raphe etna by 27 fe lusfaent SOLUTION Tis given tht the points A (3,5) and (1, 4) lie on the graph of the ne er tby=7. Theelre, Sand t Sin s7 Th yo Sandx=1y= 4 are solutions of the. eqn ses a an gabe Multiplying) By 3 meget = e122, a Subtracting fom we get : Tb ald» Ptingb Zin, eget W15K2=7 9 9-39 yee e ay ptbed eg Dmegph fine +39 =, 1st cordate fins eres nent exsicond ya 1a) Wefaseraph find thereof the rian frmed by thetic and erties, fee ene erty a aye tte yoo paoingvessye 8 os ng wees 0 ain towing ble gvingcootinte cf wo pint othe liners ton +39 =26 ae oe yee i Fe310 "Fe (6,0) and B08) onthe graph paperand ravings ine psig ough pin weebantheapholtetne trey 2 waowr nb 11 an, line represented by the equation 4x 4 3y = 24 cuts Xand Yaxesat A 6,0) and i srecr ‘jag tP# AOB, formed by the line 4x + 3y = 24 and the coordinate axes isa right hanged uth at cos cnn nat MarR mat sonnet at xanritne Dre gpa 20+ =6 ind Be y+ 20, Shale thereon tsa ns Find ao see Cy souumo Wehae, aeyes and Boys te0 a Gaphoftheequaton rey = 6 Were, deepens oo sear When 2 =0; wehave y= 6 When x23, webave ¥=0 Taran dflovng tesa raneont rey gay my erp rte fe Potingthe pins 40,6) and BG,0) ane graphpapeonasutabesaleand rags lnepting tem we ant apf tele epreerted by the equation 2+ Showniaig i ‘Grapholteaqunion 2x2 <0: Forse a sys 18 THO VARIABLES an wo eyeteo > vet peajwenave ¥ >? omen y=0 2 we ie ton ee ig ee pepots (02) a (210) on he ame graph pope an ining hem we mecemeha cad ean mm reenter er genome wa vane ete ae reenter sie ae one et gaze asettestaed nego = rt PAD = Areaofthe shaded region = (Bex Height) + pweltesadd ron «x9 + Amster) at te art he gpl of he to y= an Dey Sn eo nak sete ine nan Als, determine are Sumo Graphot the equation == S yexctadre yet eng 0, wget y tog y Dasha weg x rete flowing table for the points eine x -y = Fee pense aanasnacanme—— Ping pints 0,-1.8, 0) onthe ar pe and ding ne pang Tete ese phd ke meted ty Be NAO = y= T aah rei Geaphottheegatn 2+ y= Weta, Desye8 oo yoB-2rand e= Poting #0, wepety 8 Puting y=0, we ge ‘Ps wee theft aeeyse rn ving wo pont on thet rpreneried by thos" Foti puts C0.) and Sou hm, wae pag these raph paper and doing ine st Somtintg ns Ff thie erste ty the eeton Dev = 8 a eee = na wamoanes | yo pene 2, Tes ened ye isp i mata nye i» Newel een equa) = Arvo FAC 1 rea = (Base Help) sopedares = 0 sonatas = HUE | rueares =F O39 ts fe PM = xcooinate of P=3} pei “ge et en og ns @rra oD args 0 FE (oy ayant Grete oqutions of two ines passing tough G12). How many more such lines are ‘yard wi? ‘:Atacewhele scooter changes Rs 15 fr fst Kilometer and Re 8 each fr every ‘abequntlomster Fora distance ofxkm an amount ofS spa Wetethe nest ‘ationepesentingtheaboveinformation. ‘Aad brary has ise change forthe st vee daysand an atonal charge for ‘hc thereater Aare pais 27 fora book kept fr seven days. fied charges ‘ran prdy harps ae Ry. Wiessner * Anmberis27 more than the number obtained by reversing Heights its units and ‘Rist xan y spec wrt the ines equation mpegs be above ‘sumer awe digit umber andthe umber ane by reversing te oder 8 i611 ruts tens gio he mimberare and ytespectvely hen wet , Rstoionrereetingte above rater. bepoins (3.5) and (1.3) ona grephpepersnd very thatthe staght line pas ee sepia pn tg ee _ ae Nanean Pe [Mint Clee (1, 1)and (1s theeguson x+y =0) 9. From hecho ven bow chose the equation whos graph given Fig. 13.14 42 (i) yx=2 Gi) y=—242 (hy rey 96 Foun lin Cleary 20) and 1,3 say the egunton 10, tbe point, off ~2)ieson the raph of thetiner equation Sx + hy = 4, find the val In 1WO VARIABLES a un 88 gop tesunton 23912 From eee nd ent $ret (whose x-oordinate i= 1 rence ten low Alo, dhe corte norte graph eu the coordinate anes ene gaesty=t A) 24y=6 () Ses2ys600 1 chien 2 9 = Se erpoboundy egephand soon BP. Als, find the area of theshaded region. i epee te corse 8 seeponel 211 some fepaholy <1] +2. a telling linear equaions on thesame graph paper somite S bry 212, x-y ed suecordatesof the vertices the tingle formed thetwostraightines and coat enfant bali gaps of he neat equtons 4 ~2y 64 Teentcunedby tes nes and ais a. tuptatin is given by he guston 33-49-12 0 andthe pathofanter Tiutagienby the equation 6x +8y ~48 =O. Represent ths svation graphical stan ls doghtes Aas, Seven years go, Tas seven tines oda 04 tert Ashe year om now, shullbe eines asda You wile Yotages of Aarshs and Ravin are x andy years especialy, represent this ‘nally well as geapicly. Liaw wa driving co with itor sped af kh Draw distances ph Fonte graph in the ditans traveled by Aarushi in 2 Hors and 4634-20 «0, Find (i) Howe ass Meyedarayse3=0 a ye8r+7 A reyery 8 r-ytded ens mo (23}w cso @aa.e-9 *460,6.218 (0,00) 6») (2,003) 18 Yaqui EMe03r-ys6—0 1H 6sq-units ® “4.500-0,(,2, Ara= 5 oq.unie 18 . eg ants Hi Z “kn Gi) 304m - —————_, a ie sam nx HON ‘a eousrons OF LINES PARALLEL TOTHE HARI AND YAKS 14 (15,0. we plot how pointsona eee eterna se Sie ebinic rennin rcrnme deypacate Sehr irene atom tanyge tami autor Fine stmt rmtonrne : Sa mnt, Krein teal em eae So pee she 2 anata movement Se etn yy doe Sree oa S ty pata hora) rscasnnals Sau JSEEESECOSGiGena) ecueaen nanan REE Peer CHEE Et E ct Fein So. man equation nwo a — two les, x—3 « 0 is represented by the line PQ as shown Fig. 13.15. In fact, the graph of anequation ofthe form ar i ati Parallel yraxis nd passing through the point ~*, 0) wo VARIABLES et eer Sodio) 320 oeuasn any nays heen eclermy inane "Alo, every point ofthe form (2) sa souton of the ecu mein nes JOB 8 ee A ee i ‘Safe! * edimequtne Dom yO 2-5 aie . (0-5) fe reat TE Te arphof he tine y= cis ine paral oa and ping vows he he "PPh inex-tisaline parallel toyansandpusing tough he pit Set ss ILLUSTRATIVE. EXAMPLES ote equation 2x1 = x~3, and erst thsuon 8 wt erie eC on . fx-392y-re Bele ret me reactors etn eetaoot he slatoncnhenumberlinesshownin Fig, 17. when lasanegeationinene verable. -~ on saxo roar (a Te epronentatin oft < [sport i-aispasing trough hepont $0: 4 Fon [XAMPLED_ Donte soph efacof te fling lear ution i Cvtesion pla @ 2-200 @ x4500 iy 2re4e3ee1 SOLUTION Wehave, x-220 202 ‘Clery, dom ot oti. So it graph ne parle! wo yas passing {he point 0. In ft, pases ough every pint whaseomdinate a 238 RO™® Fig 318. Nan sition onthe cares lan own nig. 133844, gos THO VARABD p90 VARIABLES a seo Yat — oo which meme tat a ves fhe diate he + ‘Tis dee not coin as ‘Cerys ain pra top isan pssing OE Wedave, f ayededest 9 ar-art-1 9 #3 ‘ery dows ot conti Sos graph ia ln pari 088 Posing thoug 9g ‘pun Darshowa ing 1323. 50. PRAMILES. Drews graphic cuation: Oy=-3 @ 2y+3=9 ‘means thal for al values of aac the ov raph of the cquation y = ~ 3s a line pars hele un y= 3 atin pel ras psn uh 2 pea ~ na Mam 5 exeROIe pa graneticnpreiteselefalowng Tinos eran) enoxCeearlne ore Go3=0 y3 (0) 2rv9=0 fe) 3-520 2 Goethe petal preseriaionof 2-113 +0 asanequation in () onevacatie—— @) swovarbles 4. soe een 842-48, and epesent esti on (the manda ag faye Caan pane

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