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Montejo, Jovelyn A.


1. What is your reason for choosing this topic?

* The main reason why I chose this topic, because modern society has a lot of advantage and
disadvantages when it comes to technology especially in the field of privacy because of people’s

2. Why is research on this topic needed?

* To know the main purpose of cyber security in the modern world especially in the field of
information technology.

3. Who benefits from your research and how? This could be individuals, groups,
specific organizations or the wider public for example.
* It will benefit the whole community especially in the group of people who are working under in
intelligence department and for the people who arw studying in the technology world.

4. What is the expected impact of your research? ‘impact’ includes the societal
and economic benefits to be gained from your research.
*The impact of this research in the modern world it will serve as guidelines and additional information
regarding the pro’s and cons of cyber security. It will also help those working intelligence to help them
handle those information better.

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