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Habitat Orientable & Modular Electrodynamic Shield (HOMES)

Malcolm Tisdale, BS ‘23, Mechanical Engineering Athena Kolli, BS ‘24, Mechanical Engineering
Luis Pabon, BS ‘22, Mechanical Engineering Kemal Pulungan, BS ‘25, Mechanical Engineering
Isabella Dulá, BS ‘22, Mechanical Engineering Jules Pénot, BS ‘24, Mechanical Engineering
Polina Verkhovodova, BS ‘22, Mechanical Engineering Calle Junker, BS ‘23, Mechanical Engineering
Leah Soldner, BS ‘24, Mechanical Engineering Kaila Coimbra, BS ‘23, Mechanical Engineering
Tanmay Gupta, BS ‘24, Physics Rithvik Musuku, BS ‘24, Mechanical Engineering
Nathan Ng, BS ‘24, Mechanical Engineering Parul Singh, BS ‘24, Mechanical Engineering

California Institute of Technology, AIAA Student Chapter

California Space Grant Consortium

Dr. John Kasmatka
Phone: 858-534-1779
E-mail: ​

Advisor: Dr. Soon-Jo Chung


1. Quad Chart

2. Summary Statement
As humans seek to establish a permanent presence on the moon, the effects of lunar dust on the astronauts and
equipment must be addressed. Astronauts on the Apollo missions experienced issues with dust adhesion and abrasion,
leading to mechanical failure and adverse health effects due to the ingress of dust in the lunar lander. Exacerbated by the
fact that the dust is electrically charged, the inhalation of these lunar dust particles could cause chronic respiratory
problems as well as other unforeseen adverse effects [1]. A significant portion of the dust is collected in the lower regions
of the spacesuit due to dust plumes being kicked up as the astronaut walks on the lunar surface. Furthermore, the abrasive
effect of the dust increases the wear and tear of surface equipment, thereby reducing their lifetime [1].
To address these issues, the Caltech team introduces the Habitat Orientable and Modular Electrodynamic Shield
(HOMES), as seen in Figure 1. HOMES is a collection of 0.25 x 0.25 m and 1.1 kg panels requiring 8 W embedded with
an Electrodynamic Dust Shielding (EDS) system to mitigate lunar dust in a variety of applications. The EDS system
within HOMES is a series of 3-phase wire electrodes that induce a traveling wave-like electric field to locomote dust
particles on a fixed axis. The fringing electric field generated by the EDS attracts charged dust particles off of spacesuits
and nearby objects. HOMES is a scalable modular system with rotationally symmetric panels that can be tiled to fit a
desired use case. The panels are orientable to allow for customizable field directions. For instance, HOMES can be set up
as a doormat to reduce the amount of particles brought into the cabin by the astronaut on their boots and lower half.
HOMES satisfies all of NASA’s BIG Idea constraints.
If awarded funding, HOMES will be validated and verified up to TRL 6. HOMES will undergo various abrasion,
mechanical loading, vibration, and dust exposure tests on individual and connected panels in a simulated lunar
environment. OB-1 lunar dust simulant will be used for the abrasion and mechanical tests and JSC-1A for the operational
tests. An electronic life test will ensure the functionality of HOMES after repeated use. Several verification tests on partial
prototypes will be run before conducting full system evaluations to minimize costs. The testing program presented will
ensure that HOMES achieves TRL 5 with a stretch goal of TRL 6 depending on the availability of thermal-vacuum
chambers given the current pandemic.
The modularity of HOMES allows it to be applied in many different scenarios, as detailed in section 4.7. of the
proposal. HOMES is an astronaut-friendly design, aided with key insights from NASA astronaut Dr. Bob Behnken.
HOMES succeeds in safely and easily removing lunar dust. If awarded funding, HOMES will be the most scalable,
rugged, and versatile implementation of EDS known to date, thereby advancing the state-of-the-art. With HOMES, we are
taking EDS, a tried and true technology, and incorporating it in a lightweight, modular design that will allow for
tremendous flexibility in lunar dust mitigation within the context of the Artemis missions and beyond.

Figure 1: Isometric view showing an example 4 x 4 configuration of HOMES, including the connected electronics box.

3. Problem Statement and Background

3.1. Challenge Being Addressed
As described in Section 2., the jagged and charged nature of lunar dust particles offers significant risk to the
function of mechanical systems and the health of astronauts. A Dust Mitigation Gap Assessment Report published by an
International Working Group of space administrations across the world, including NASA, reported on the various
approaches that could aid in dust mitigation. According to the assessment, there are three methodologies with which to
mitigate dust: fluidal, mechanical, and electrodynamic/electrostatic. Fluidal solutions, though potentially effective, usually
depend on consumables that decrease the long term dependency of these methods. Mechanical solutions have reduced
efficacy because of the charged nature of the particles [2]. This leaves electrodynamic and electrostatic solutions as the
most promising avenue for technology development to mitigate lunar dust. One such technology is EDS, which is
elaborated upon in the next section. Potential stakeholders for a technology that leverages EDS for lunar dust mitigation
includes NASA and private aerospace companies. If successful, there could also be potential terrestrial applications of
HOMES. For instance, HOMES could be utilized in clean rooms to aid in research and technology development.

3.2. Electrodynamic Dust Shielding Technology

3.2.1. Introduction
EDS was conceived in the 1970s as a potential solution to the many challenges presented by lunar dust. Since
then, the implementation of EDS has expanded to a variety of practical applications. It is still an active area of research
with regards to dust mitigation designs on lunar, martian and terrestrial environments [3]. Typical implementations of
EDS involve electrodes embedded in a surface that function as an interdigitated capacitor and create fringing electric
fields above the surface. EDS systems work through lifting and transporting both charged and uncharged particles through
the use of forces generated by fringing electric fields. In particle size regimes of 20 to 500 μm, Coulombic forces
dominate over other forces, such as adhesive and gravitational forces [4]. Thus, an EDS can successfully remove and
transport particles within this regime.
EDS systems are designed to work on small scale particles [5]. In earth’s atmosphere, Guo et. al showed that EDS
can clear up to 90 % of dust from solar panels, on timescales of around 30 seconds [6]. Similar experiments were
conducted using a lunar dust simulant, JSC-1A, where 20 mg of dust was deposited on solar panels with various electrode
configurations. The solar panels operated at 20 % capacity of the panel’s original output voltage without any dust
mitigation, but after two minutes of EDS activation, the capacity returned to 90 %. After 30 minutes, the capacity of the
solar panels reached 98 % of the original voltage output [7]. EDS has also been tested in various reduced gravity and
vacuum environments. For instance, experiments have been conducted both in high-vacuum and at lunar gravity using
NASA’s Reduced Gravity Flight aircraft. These experiments were conducted using various particle size regimes, from 10
μm up to 450 μm, using lunar dust samples from Apollo 16. The results of the experiments proved successful, offering a
promising outlook on the efficacy of dust shielding technology in the lunar environment [8]. EDS has been deployed on
the International Space Station as a part of the ongoing MISSE-11 payload to understand the performance of EDS in a
vacuum environment [5]. The extensive experimentation conducted with EDS has brought the base technology into TRL 8
[9]. Therefore, EDS offers an effective solution to dust mitigation. However, EDS has yet to be implemented in a modular
and rugged package that could expand its use cases and versatility. The proven efficacy of EDS shows that this new
avenue of implementation could have substantial success.
3.2.2. Physics
Most EDS systems employ a linear geometry with the electrodes having varying voltages to generate electric
fields. The sets of electrodes within an EDS system usually have two or three distinct voltages. With two voltages, a
standing wave electric field is created. However, employing three distinct voltages offers the potential to supply
periodically varying voltages, generating a moving electric field that can push particles in certain directions, as seen in
Figure 2.

Figure 2: An example of a 3-phase EDS implementation from Calle et. al. Electrodes are charged with three distinct,
periodically varying voltages that can create a traveling wave that moves dust particles on the surface [10].

EDS makes use of electrostatic and dielectrophoretic forces to attract and transport particles. The electrostatic
force is exerted on already charged dust particles. The dielectrophoretic force creates a dipole moment on particles and
can be exerted on any particle regardless of charge. In order for an EDS system to effectively clean and remove a
significant portion of the dust particles from a surface, such as the suit of an astronaut, it must overcome the Van der
Waals adhesive forces and the static image charge forces. Thus an EDS system must be designed and optimized with these
forces in mind. The following equations govern the force relationships that particles feel during an implementation of
Electrostatic Forces (1):

Dielectrophoretic Force (2):

Van der Waals​ Force (3):

​Static Im​age Charge Force (4):

where ​Ē is the electric field, ​q is the particle charge, ​R is the particle radius, ​K(ω) is the Clausius-Mossotti Function, ​α is
the adhesion constant, and ε​o is the permittivity of free space. An optimal EDS system should generate an electric field
such that (1) and (2) can dominate over (3) and (4). Section 4.6.3. elaborates further on these governing equations in the
implementation of a finite difference simulation to optimize and evaluate the EDS design in this proposal.

4. Project Description
4.1. Functional Requirements (FR)
FR 1 Remove 90 % of dust in 60 seconds from each panel
FR 2 Generate electric fields that are effective at attracting and transporting dust up above panel
FR 3 Operate for a minimum 15-year lifetime on the lunar surface
FR 4 Survive launch and landing loads during transport of HOMES
FR 5 Support the mass of an astronaut on a single panel
FR 6 Operate in lunar south pole environmental conditions
Table 1: Functional requirements.

4.2. Design Assumptions (DA)

DA 1 Panels are placed on a level surface
DA 2 28V DC power supplied from habitats and landers (following standard power systems on the
International Space station)
DA 3 Off-nominal solar activity is disregarded
Table 2: Design assumptions.

4.3. Mechanical Design

4.3.1. Design Summary

HOMES is designed with the objective of being an easy-to-use and modular dust mitigation system. HOMES
consists of rigid EDS-embedded panels that can be attached to one another in any planar orientation to allow for different
configurations and field directions. HOMES’s mechanical design maximizes resilience to the lunar conditions and ease of
operation while minimizing mass. The device is strong enough to sustain expected applied loads (FR 4, 5). The panels are
designed to be easily carried to account for limited mobility in spacesuits. In addition, the device is designed to sustain the
harsh lunar environment (FR 6). This includes varying temperature ranges and vulnerability to ionizing solar radiation.
Temperatures on the lunar south pole range from approximately -230 ℃ to 120 ℃ [11]. Thus, appropriate protections and
robust materials are used to mitigate damage on the system. Lastly, this device is expected to be used for 15-30 years (FR
3). The aforementioned design requirements of HOMES necessitate a material composition and structure chosen to be
insensitive to temperature variances, wear over time, abrasion, and loading.

Figure 3: Isometric view of an individual panel.

4.3.2. Structure Panels
The panels were designed with simplicity and strength in mind. Each HOMES panel is square to optimize for
surface area while minimizing internal bending moments and aiding with modularity (DA 1). A 0.25 x 0.25 m panel size
allows for significant scalability. For instance, single panels can be used for smaller tasks such as tool cleaning, a couple
panels can be used to clean an astronaut’s boot, and the number of panels can be increased to cover floors or walls. The
panels are designed to maintain connectivity mechanically and electrically, regardless of orientation. That is, the panels
can connect in any orientation to allow for customizable electric field configurations.

Figure 4:​ D
​ rawing with dimensions of an individual panel.

Each panel consists of five layers sandwiched together. The outer layers are made from Alumina, a ceramic
material that will act as an electrical insulator for the device. The bottom Alumina layer is a pocketed to make the sheet
lighter while still maintaining the load requirement (FR 5). The Alumina provides structure for the EDS electrodes and the
Mylar dielectric that surrounds them.

Figure 5: Exploded view of layered panels. Figure not to scale.

The layers of the panels are held together with bolts and tapped holes. To avoid gapping, the bolts will be
preloaded with a torque wrench. The total mass of each panel is 1.1 kg, corresponding to 10.8 N on Earth and 1.78 N on
the Moon. Panel Junctions

The keys and keyways mechanically connect the tiles and provide a path for electrical connectivity. Adjacent
panels are joined using spring-loaded ball detents. Any two tiles can be connected by matching up their edges and slotting
together corresponding keys and keyways. The mechanical interface is simple and easy to attach. The ball detents built
into the keyways help secure the connection against horizontal and vertical movement between panels (FR 5). Based on a
consultation with astronaut Dr. Robert Behnken, tactile feedback is severely decreased when wearing spacesuit gloves. If
necessary, an additional rotational locking movement can be added to provide visual and tactile feedback to the user.
Since alumina is noncompliant, the mechanical connection between tiles remains rigid and ensures that electrical
connections are maintained.
The EDS and power systems of each panel are connected using spring-loaded pin connectors. These pins were
chosen for their resilience to mechanical shock and vibration that may come with the operation of HOMES. Spring-loaded
pins provide a stable and low impedance connection while being compact and easy to use. In addition, spring-loaded pins
have a long lifetime (FR 3). Five pinned connectors are used to facilitate rotational symmetry and provide redundancy. If
testing with lunar dust simulant proves dust will penetrate the spring-loaded pin connectors, other single part spring
loaded contacts will be investigated.

Figure 6: An isometric view of a mail finger joint (left) and a bird’s-eye-view of the rotationally symmetric electrical
connections (right). End Caps & the Electronics Box

End caps are necessary to insulate the exposed electrical contacts on outer panel edges. Without insulation,
charged lunar dust may stick to exposed spring-loaded pins and have unintended effects (FR 1, 2). As such, the end caps
do not contain any electronics or wires. The end caps act as a physical barrier to limit the amount of dust in the joints. In
indoor applications, a variation of the end caps can be used to collect dust by adding a trough, for later disposal.
The electronics box is a separate module and can be placed wherever convenient. It contains the required circuitry
to manage power and control modes. The box itself has a single LED, a large centralized button, and a two position
switch. The LED displays the current mode of HOMES. The button allows the astronaut to change modes. The two
position switch changes the direction of the travelling wave generated by the power supply. As the lunar dust changes
polarity through the day-night cycle, alternating the direction of the wave allows for the dust to continue traveling in the
desired direction. The electronics box is connected to the panels via an integrated wire connected to an end cap. The wires
are low profile and brightly colored for user safety. Both the electronics box and end caps can be seen in Figure 7.

Figure 7: Simplified electronics box (left) and end cap (right).

4.4. Materials
The material selection is driven by the harsh lunar conditions and the functional requirements outlined at the
beginning of this document. The functional temperature range and coefficient of thermal expansion properties were
prioritized. Alumina was selected as the insulating material due to favorable material properties, most notably its abrasion
resistant characteristics, low coefficient of thermal expansion, and wide temperature range, as noted in Table 3 below.
Mylar, a space-verified material, was chosen as the dielectric for its favorable dielectric properties, similar coefficient of
thermal expansion to Alumina, and wide functional temperature range. This provides sufficient structure for the EDS
system while supporting the necessary electric strength and voltage applied for dust removal.
The electronics box is constructed from Aluminum 2219 [12]. With a wide temperature range (-270 ℃ to 315 ℃),
high tensile strength, good fracture toughness, and good machinability, Aluminum 2219 is a viable option to create a
secure electronics box. The electronics box will also be insulated with Multi-Layered Insulation (MLI) to reduce the heat
loss by thermal radiation, as well as being hermetically sealed to protect from dust (FR 3) [13]. All materials are

Metric Alumina (Structure) 316 Stainless Steel Mylar (Dielectric) Aluminum 2219 [12]
[14] (Bolt) [15] [16]

Density 3900 (kg/m​3​) 8000 (kg/m​3​) 1390 (kg/m​3​) 2840 (kg/m​3​)

Tensile Strength 260 (MPa) 482 (MPa) 200 (MPa) 290 MPa

Flexural Strength 379 (MPa) 290 (MPa) 2850 (MPa) -

Compressive Strength 2600 (MPa) 170 (MPa) - -

Coeff. of Thermal 8.6e-6 / ℃ 10.3e-6 / ℃ 1.7e-5 / ℃ 22.3e-6 / ℃


Dielectric Constant 9.1 (at 1 MHz) - 3.2 (at 1 kHz) -

Dielectric Strength 16.7 (kV/mm) - 7 (kV/mm) -

Temperature Range -273.15 ℃ to 1750 ℃ -252 ℃ to 871 ℃ -250 ℃ to 250 ℃ -253 ºC to 315 ºC
Table 3: Material properties.

4.5. Manufacturing
A 3-axis CNC machine will be used to machine the EDS grooves, connecting finger joints, end caps, and outside
geometry of the alumina panels. Holes in the system will be tapped. Manufacturing will be completed in house at the Jim
Hall Design and Prototyping Lab and the GALCIT Precision Machining Shop at Caltech. Due to the lack of machining
operations and moving parts of the system, the construction costs of HOMES will be low.

4.6. Electrical Design

4.6.1. Circuitry and Circuit Elements
To move dust particles, the electrodes must be powered by a 3-phase square wave, as seen in Figure 8.
Simulations showed that 3 kV and 2.6 mA was sufficient to move lunar dust particles off surfaces above HOMES (FR 1,
2). A logic circuit drives the sequence of 3 kV square waves, which dictates the direction of the electric field. The 3 kV
are supplied by a DC-DC boost converter to increase the 28 V source to the required voltage. The block diagram in Figure
8 shows the general circuit components of HOMES.

Figure 8: Block diagram of the circuit, accompanied with an illustration of the waveforms.

The electrodes are manipulated with n-channel enhancement mode high voltage power MOSFETs, each of them
integrated with parallel diodes. Power MOSFETS are a common transistor type used in high voltage applications,
including previous EDS implementations [17]. Each of the three distinct voltage phases are configured with two
MOSFETs that act as switches. Two sets of MOSFETS were chosen as opposed to a singular MOSFET to handle the
higher current loads (FR 1, 2). Using three sets of two MOSFET switches allows for the supply voltage to be the same as
the required electrode voltage, minimizing the necessary voltage on each MOSFET. The MOSFET configuration has been
verified using LTspice and can be seen in Figure 9.

Figure 9: Circuit diagram of MOSFET switching mechanism. The MOSFETs are located at M1, M2, M3, M4, M5,
and M6. Phase A, B, and C are labeled and correspond to the phasing detailed in Figure 8.
4.6.2. Controls and Modes
HOMES will have 2 functional modes, USE mode and STANDBY mode. The system will be in STANDBY
mode the majority of the time, during which no current will be passed through the panels, and no electric fields will be
generated. Astronauts will be able to switch the system into USE mode, by simply pressing a large push button attached to
the electronics box, either with their hand or foot. Once in USE mode, the current will begin to run through the circuit and
charges will build up on the electrodes, generating electric fields and effectively attracting lunar dust from objects placed
on or near the system (FR 1, 2). The system will remain in this mode until one of two things occur, either the astronaut
presses the button again or a ten minute timer that began when the astronaut first pressed the button elapses, both resulting
in the system returning to STANDBY mode, as seen in Figure 10.

Figure 10: Block diagram of the operational modes of HOMES.

Once USE mode is triggered, HOMES will run for ten minutes. This enables increased flexibility for astronaut
use. When astronauts are using the system to clean themselves or other objects, it is likely that they will only spend a few
minutes using the system (FR 1). However, if astronauts were using the system as a work surface, they would spend more
time with the system in USE mode. The ten minute interval also allows for the system to self-clean after being used. A
small LED light near the electronics box will indicate to the astronauts which mode the system is in. Once the system is
plugged in, it enters STANDBY mode and the light will turn on, displaying a solid light. Once USE mode is initiated, the
LED will blink slowly.

4.6.3. Electrode Configuration

The layout of electrodes within HOMES is designed to maximize the extent of the electric field along the top
plane of each panel. To ensure that dust can seamlessly travel between multiple panels, the number of electrodes must be
divisible by three, preventing like-phased wires from being adjacent. Based on a literature review of electrode pitches in
EDS systems, the spacing is always between 7 and 15 mm [18][19]. To satisfy both of the geometry requirements, 10.4
mm was chosen as the electrode pitch for HOMES. The outermost electrodes are spaced 5.22 mm, or half of the pitch,
from each edge of HOMES. This electrode spacing will be optimized during initial prototyping through a combination of
more rigorous simulation and physical testing. As seen on the right side of Figure 6, each like-phased electrode shares the
same color. The yellow wires between connection pins represent the power distribution wire harness feeding to every
electrode. The three power distribution wires within HOMES are all twisted to negate the electric field generated by a
current carrying conductor.

4.6.4. Voltage and Power Requirements

To gain a better understanding of the performance of HOMES, a Finite Difference Electrostatic Simulation
(FDES) was conducted. The FDES was based on extensive literature on the structuring and implementation of such
simulations, paying close attention to Chesnutt et. al [4][18][20]. The FDES was implemented in Python and utilized the
open-sourced software package MEEP [21]. An example of the FDES visualization can be seen in Figure 11. The physics
outlined in Section 3.2.2. offered key inputs into the construction of the FDES. The FDES implemented a Yee grid to
spatially map electrode charge density, position, dielectric, and electric field vectors, and determine if the electric field
was strong enough to overcome oppositional forces specified in equations (3) and (4). FDES determined the electric field
strength and shape, given a 3-phase voltage input. The resistance and capacitance of the system was calculated based on
the electrode configuration. For a single panel, the resistance is 1.2 MΩ, determined from the resistivity of 8.6 meters of
26 gauge copper wire. The capacitance due to the Mylar dielectric in a panel is 0.81 pF. 3.0 kV square waves are
consecutively applied to each of the three phases. From these values, current and power estimates were generated. The
expected current and power draw are 2.6 mA and 8.0 W, respectively. These estimates will be verified during operational
testing but are sufficient to provide an understanding of the feasibility of the system.

Figure 11: Snapshot of FDES with red coloring demarcating high field intensity. The simulation captures a
cross section view of three wires at the center of each circular wavefront.

4.7. Use Cases and Concepts of Operations

One of the goals of the Artemis mission is to “expand U.S. human spaceflight operations at the Moon to support
sustained lunar surface activities and to demonstrate elements of a Mars-forward architecture” [22]. In order to reach this
goal, astronauts will need to maintain a presence on the moon for an extended period of time. The Artemis missions will
be the longest lunar missions to date [23]. Problems that have not been explicitly anticipated could arise once an extended
presence on the moon is established. This is especially relevant to the effects of lunar dust on different systems on the
moon, as this dust is hazardous. The Artemis missions would benefit greatly from HOMES, as the panels were designed to
be as versatile as possible, lending themselves to a wide variety of use cases. The system can be configured to clean dust
in a variety of directions. A few proposed arrangements and their corresponding applications are outlined below.
The lunar doormat could be a useful barrier to preventing dust from entering the habitat. Using HOMES, eight
panels could be configured with strategic electric field orientations. Astronauts may place their feet on the panels and have
the dust cleaned off of their boots. The dust could then be pushed off of the doormat and onto the lunar surface. Vertical
panels on the exterior of the lunar habitat or lander can supplement the doormat to clean the astronaut’s suit as they rotate
in front of the vertical panels. Additionally, HOMES could be used to cover the floor of an airlock, and could easily be
configured to move all of the dust to one corner to be collected and disposed of. That way when astronauts suit up before a
space walk or remove their suits after one, any dust that falls out of the suit could be drawn to the floor of the airlock and
collected in one corner, preventing dust from making its way into the living space. A third application for HOMES could
be a closet to store astronauts’ suits, consisting of panels on the wall. That way, while the suits are not in use, they could
be cleaned to reduce abrasion of the suits and prevent lunar dust from working its way further into the fabric of the suits.
Again, the direction of the electric fields of the panels could easily be configured to collect the dust in one corner of the
‘closet’ to be disposed of. HOMES could also be placed on top of a table or other flat surface to act as a dust free work
surface. The benefit of having a modular dust mitigating surface is that the direction of the electric fields generated are
easily switched by removing a panel and reattaching it in a different orientation. This would be very helpful to remove
dust from irregularly shaped objects and move it to the edges of the panel. Figure 12 demonstrates some of the different
applications of HOMES.

Figure 12: Examples of different applications of HOMES. On the left is a doormat, in the center is a work surface, and
on the right is a closet.

4.8. Verification Testing Program

For the Verification Testing Program, the goal is to validate to TRL 6: prototype validation in a laboratory
environment. A minimum of 8 verification tests will be run with the use of at least five prototypes (three partial and two
complete prototypes) for testing a singular HOMES panel. To test modularity, the focus will be on the joints connecting
the two panels, and for this, six prototypes will be needed (two complete, four partial).
The first class of verification tests are the two destructive mechanical loading tests: maximum load test (ASTM
C1368) and 400 N pulsating load test (ASTM C13161-10) [24]. Both tests will only need to be run once and each test will
require their own partial prototype. For these destructive mechanical load tests, only structurally similar prototypes will be
needed, so an operational EDS system is not necessary for these prototypes. The 400 N pulsating load test is simulating an
average-weight astronaut stepping on HOMES multiple times until failure (FR 3, 4, 5). Ideally, these tests will be run in
lunar thermal conditions.
Next, a destructive abrasion test (ASTM F510) that will require its own prototype will be conducted. To test
abrasion, the test prototype will only consist of the outer layers, the alumina ceramic sheets. Based on the results of this
test, the thickness of the alumina will be adjusted accordingly. However, since HOMES will experience less abrasion than
the simulated amount, the predicted estimates for the alumina thickness will likely be more than enough for protecting the
EDS system and other electrical parts.
One fully operational prototype will be used to go through the vibration, simulated abrasion, and dust exposure
tests. The vibration test will determine if the design can survive the harsh vibrations experience during launch and landing
conditions (FR 4). After undergoing the vibration test, the prototype will be exposed to dust and simulated abrasion tests
to determine its operability and durability in a lunar environment (FR 3). The simulated abrasion and dust exposure tests
will utilize OB-1 lunar dust simulant. The dust exposure test will determine the degree of dust ingress between the
material layers of the prototype, as well as the operational resiliency of the electronics [25]. The abrasion test will simulate
a realistic amount of dust abrasion and evaluate material resiliency. One fully completed prototype could be used for all
three tests; however, if the prototype fails one of the tests during the stages, the design will be adjusted accordingly and
will undergo a retest.
Most importantly, an electronic life test will be performed. This test will take the longest time, so it will be started
immediately after survival of the minimum durability testing. As a rough maximum estimate, HOMES will need to be run
continuously for a little over three months to simulate 15 years of use and about 9.5 months to simulate 45 years (FR 3).
These calculations are under the assumption that the pad will be used five times a day and that the average on and off
cycle is about 5 minutes. This is a maximum estimate because it assumes that the mat is used everyday in those 45 years.
The life test will use a simple robotics wheel that places a dirty boot on the mat with pressure and repeats with a new dirty
boot for each cycle (FR 2). According to NASA simulant reports, JSC-1A is the best simulant for EDS-related testing
[26]. Furthermore, thermal cycling HOMES during the electronic life test will be essential because it will test the thermal
expansion of the materials, which is one of the biggest failures in electronic testing [27].
Ideally, all tests but the abrasive tests will be conducted in practical lunar thermal conditions because materials
behave differently under extreme temperatures. The abrasion tests will not need to be run in thermal conditions because
the hardness of alumina ceramic increases with decreasing temperature. The temperature range for lunar environments is
from -238 ˚C in the lunar night to 127 ˚C during the lunar day, so to simulate lunar thermal conditions, the tests will be
conducted from -260 ˚C to 140 ˚C [26]. Furthermore, only the operational test and electronic life test will need to be run
under vacuum conditions because mechanical load and abrasion tests will be negligibly affected in a vacuum. We are in
correspondence with Abbess Instruments to acquire a thermal vacuum chamber for the electronic lifetime and operational
tests. Since the other tests do not require such equipment, they will be conducted at a Caltech lab under the supervision of
Dr. Chung. For the abrasion tests, a three-body abrasive wear test rig will abrase both sides of the HOMES prototype and
a servohydraulic testing machine will be used for the pulsating load test [28]. Finally, the EMI (electromagnetic
interference) test will be used as a calibration measure for the electromagnetic noise generated by HOMES.
For the modular design, very similar verification tests will be run at the connecting joints. Two complete
prototypes that are exposed to JSC-1A lunar dust simulant will simulate assembling prototypes in a dusty environment.
Then, an operational test to verify that the modularity works with excess dust will be conducted. Finally, two destructive
tests that would require two partial prototypes each will be run: a maximum load test and a 400 N pulsating load test at the
joints. The machinery used in the single panel verification testing will be repurposed for the modular testing.

4.9. Risk Assessment

Negligible Minor Moderate Significant Severe
Very Likely
-Abrasion of surface, materials, or
electrodes due to long-term use
Likely -Wear on bottom of HOMES
-Dust penetration
-EDS field not -Concentrated force
between layers
-Long term wear and dust abrasion strong enough application onto
-Materials expand at
at connection points between to clean all the HOMES by rocks,
different rates due to
modular panels way up the etc on surface of
difference in thermal
boots moon
Possible expansion constants
-Impact of radiation
-Moves out of -Impact of
and cold temperatures
correct position -Impact of EDS radiation and
on panel materials
system on suit electronics cold
-Difficulty in
-Mylar does not withstand full temperatures
range of lunar temperatures on electronics
Unlikely ceramics

Very Unlikely
Table 4: Risk assessment matrix depicting design risks (italicized) and operational risks.

The above risk assessment chart communicates the possible operational risks and design risks organized
according to the severity of their consequences and the likeliness of the risk. The design risks are italicized to separate
them from operational risks. To ensure HOMES’s success, the significant risks, denoted in red and orange, are addressed
and mitigated.
One important point to consider is the impact of radiation and cold temperatures on the electronics. The likelihood
of single high energy particle upsets is very low, and the multi-layer insulation in HOMES protects the electronics from
extreme temperatures (DA 3). If during testing it is found that the EDS field strength does not meet expectations, the EDS
geometry and electronics are designed in such a way that they can be easily altered (FR 1). As for the possible abrasion of
the surface, materials, and electrodes of HOMES due to long term use, ceramics were chosen for the outer layers to reduce
this abrasion. The modularity component of HOMES comes with the risk of wear and abrasion to the joints between
panels. However, this is accounted for as the connection between panels is seamless and leaves nearly no gap. Also, there
are redundancies in the electrical connections such that one connection can fail, but the whole system remains functional.
The material Mylar is being compressed between two ceramic panels, acting as a gasket which should protect against dust
penetration between layers of each panel. Another risk is concentrated force application onto HOMES by rocks on the
surface of the moon. While the consequences would be severe, this can be completely mitigated by astronauts simply
clearing the area before laying down HOMES (DA 1).

4.10. Path to Flight

There are several key modifications and considerations necessary to transition HOMES from on-Earth to lunar

Subsystem / Area of Concern Modification

Electronics box High vacuum High vacuum environment requires conduction cooling to shed heat from
and electrical (10​–60​ Torr), electronic components [29]. To be space-ready the electronics box must be
components cryogenic hermetically sealed, lined with MLI and contain radiators. The current
temperatures components in the electronics box will generate sufficient heat.
(-260 ℃), and
solar radiation
Fasteners for 30 year expected Fastening the two alumina sheets of HOMES with bolts allows for easy
securing mating lifespan assembly and disassembly to access the electrodes which is ideal for use and
Alumina panels testing on Earth. Over a 30 year lifespan these bolts may loosen, potentially
allowing dust to penetrate inside HOMES. The bolts can be tightened over time
to address this.
Alumina plates Unknown shape of HOMES can be constructed from curved Alumina panels or accomodate corners
lunar habitat with easily modifiable geometry.
Electronics box Unknown This cable can be easily modified to meet the NASA Artemis specifications once
connection to connection type established.
central lunar between HOMES
power power supply and
lunar habitats

Panel Packing efficiency Panels can be stacked to minimize the valuable space they occupy during transit.
Construction in transit to the
Table 5: Modifications made to subsystems to prepare for use on lunar surface.
4.10.1. Adherence to Design Constraints and Requirements

The following table delineates specific NASA BIG Idea design requirements and where they are addressed in the

Able to manage and mitigate abrasive dust Sections 3.2.1., 4.4., 4.6.3., 4.7.
Able to mitigate small particles (~0.5-50 μm) Section 3.2.1.
Minimal barriers to NASA adoption (e.g. low mass, small size, low power, etc.) Sections, 4.6.3., 4.10.
Cost-effective solutions Sections 4.3.1., 4.5., 7.
Nonflammable Section 4.4.
Able to work in harsh lunar South Pole environments it is intended for Sections 3.2.1.,, 4.4.
● Lunar noon (up to -49 ℃),
● Lunar night (down to -232 ℃)
● Multiple day/night cycles
● In permanently shadowed regions (down to -243 ℃).
Technologies should reach a minimum Technology Readiness Level (TRL) of 4 Sections 3.2.1., 4.8.
Operational use and simplicity (minimize required crew time for use and maintenance) Sections,,
4.6.2., 4.7.
Verification of dust mitigation capability Sections 4.6.3., 4.8.
Design for the lunar environment Sections 3.2.1.,, 4.4.
● e.g., temperature/ vacuum/ complete darkness/ unique lunar lighting (high
contrast)/ power/ degraded communications/ abrasive regolith/ rugged terrain
that may include extremely soft soil, rocks, boulders, high grade slopes, etc.
Deployment method (autonomous or crew assisted) Sections,,
4.6.2., 4.7.
Innovative design Sections 3.2.1., 4.3.1., 4.7.
Potential stakeholders/funders Section 3.1
Effective packaging for launch and Moon landing Section, 4.10.
Credible fabrication and material selection Sections 4.4., 4.5.
Table 6: Adherence to NASA BIG Idea design constraints and requirements.

5. Capabilities Statement
The Caltech AIAA Student Branch team spearheading HOMES is poised for success due to extensive team
members’ and advisors’ experience, as well as state-of-the-art facilities. Despite the risk of Caltech remaining closed to
undergraduates, the team will still be able to fully develop HOMES to TRL 6. The team is split into three subteams:
Mechanical, Mechatronics, and Mission Integration. The Mechanical team, with five members, who dictate structural
design and material choice. The Mechatronics team, with four members, is in charge of the EDS design and corresponding
power supply. The Mission Integration team, with four members, ensures quality and credibility of designs proposed by
the Mechanical and Mechatronics teams. The Mission Integration team also determines and is in charge of executing the
Verification Testing Program. The hierarchy to team role is as follows: there is one project lead, Malcolm Tisdale, who is
chiefly in charge of giving the team direction, accomplishing the necessary administrative tasks and having the final word
on decisions for seamless teamwork. The project lead is then supported by Polina Verkhovodova and Leah Soldner as
Mechanical leads, Isabella Dula as the Mechatronics lead, and Calle Junker as the Mission Integration lead. Jules Pénot is
the treasurer of the project. Among the team, eight members have participated in student design competitions, two of
which were in the field of space systems. Communication between these teams and roles is facilitated by Discord texting,
voice and video channels, and the video meeting service Zoom. This allows for seamless collaboration of members spread
across three continents and seven states.
The team is structured based on the Agile method of project management. The entire development of HOMES is
centered around the functional and design requirements described in Sections 4.1 and 4.3.1. One to four week long sprints
are set, culminating in a design review, to ensure steady progress. Within these sprints, the team meets at least twice
weekly. One meeting is a short tag-up session, while the second meeting includes time for collaborative work. Subteams
will typically meet one to three times in addition to the full team meetings. Demarcating the end of each sprint we have
had several design reviews including a formal Concept Design Review (CDR) and a Preliminary Design Review (PDR).
We were able to publicize our PDR to the entire Caltech Mechanical and Civil Engineering department faculty and Jet
Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) employees. We received instrumental feedback from about 20 engineers and established
meaningful connections with experts in various astronautics fields. If awarded funding, we will continue this model of
regular tag-ups, sprints and design reviews, as illustrated by the detailed timeline in the proceeding section.
Crucial to our continued success, we have been able to enlist the support and advice from several renowned
experts in the field of astronautics and space engineering. We were able to meet with Dr. Robert Behnken. With 708 hours
in space, 37 hours on spacewalks, and the Joint Operations Commander on the first ever crewed flight of the SpaceX
Crew Dragon, Dr. Behnken was able to provide invaluable feedback on the intricacies of space engineering and
operations. With his experience wearing spacesuits in extravehicular activities, he certified the feasibility of operating
HOMES in the lunar environment. We have also received continued support from our advisor, Dr. Charles Elachi. His
experience as the former director of JPL for 16 years, Professor Emeritus in Electrical Engineering and Planetary Science
at Caltech, and project lead for countless space science missions position him as an invaluable advisor to evaluate the
scientific and engineering credibility of HOMES. Dr. Jason Kastner has provided significant assistance in assuring the
practicality of HOMES. He is currently a Deputy Division Manager in Mechanical Systems Engineering, Fabrication, and
Testing. He assisted us in significantly simplifying our design to ensure its robustness for the 30-year proposed lifespan of
HOMES. His connections to JPL engineering testing facilities provide a critical connection to determining the optimal
methods and facilities for running our desired verification tests. Dr. Manan Arya has and will continue to provide insights
into how we can further reduce the mass as well as increase the ease of deployment of HOMES. Dr. Arya is a technologist
specializing in the next generation of origami space structures. To ensure that the team is accountable for its progress, we
will be meeting with these advisors once a month or more as needed at the end of each sprint. Finally, Dr. Soon-Jo Chung,
a Bren Professor of Aerospace and Jet Propulsion Laboratory Research Scientist, has played a critical role as our primary
advisor. A cutting edge researcher in the field of spacecraft systems and aerospace robotics, Dr. Chung continues to
motivate the team to develop state-of-the-art technology while ensuring that the team runs smoothly. We will meet with
Dr. Chung for weekly meetings. We will continue to receive the guidance from all of these distinguished engineers and
scientists if HOMES is selected to compete in the BIG Idea Forum.

Figure 13: Images of Dr. Chung’s lab workspace (left), clean room (center), and Caltech’s machine shop (right)

Once undergraduate students are allowed onto campus, we will have access to modern facilities to prototype,
manufacture, assemble, and test HOMES. The team is being provided with a Caltech laboratory to serve as the
headquarters for the development of HOMES. An appropriate space is in the process of being identified and will be
provided by the Division of Engineering and Applied Science. This lab will accommodate all team members at once and
will be outfitted with standard hand tools and electronics stations. Furthermore, this space will be used to conduct basic
testing to validate the function of early-stage prototypes. During the summer quarter, this space will be crucial to allowing
for rapid progress as a centralized meeting and working area. The Jim Hall Design and Prototyping Laboratory is outfitted
with both manual and CNC mills and lathes, water jet cutting machines, laser cutters, 3D printers, and band saws. This
shop will be primarily used for quick turnaround parts necessary for prototyping that do not require tight tolerances. The
GALCIT Machine Shop will be used for tight tolerance machining operations for functional and final prototypes as it is
solely operated by staff machinists. The team will utilize the Aerospace Robotics and Controls Laboratory for specialty
electronics assembly in addition to their Markforged Mark Two carbon composite printer for functional prototypes and
test apparatuses. Together, these facilities will allow the team to quickly develop and test a multitude of HOMES

5.1.​ ​COVID-19 Backup Plan

In the case that campus remains closed to undergraduates for a portion or the entirety of the project proposed, we
will still be able to accomplish the goal of developing HOMES to TRL 6. As proven in the proposal writing and initial
design process from September to December, the team is able to effectively communicate and work virtually. Regular
meetings can continue to be hosted through video conferences. While undergraduates remain off campus, faculty and
graduate students are still able to operate on campus. This allows for us to contract the machining and assembly of
HOMES to the staff in the Jim Hall Design and Prototyping Laboratory and the GALCIT Machine Shop. Test articles can
then be shipped to National Testing Service locations. Although this contingency plan requires extra logistic coordination,
given the budget awarded we are confident HOMES can be developed to TRL 6.

6. Project Timeline
Until the first installment of funding is received in early February, the team will focus on sourcing supplies
necessary for the creation of prototypes and securing access to necessary facilities for the testing of the prototypes. Upon
receiving the first installment of funding, material acquisition will begin, and manufacturing will follow as materials
become available. As manufacturing of components are completed, the components will be tested for functionality and be
modified as needed. The first full prototype will be completed by April 16, 2021. Following completion of this initial
prototype, minimum durability testing will be performed. These tests will take approximately two weeks and will ensure
that the design created can withstand the conditions found during launch and on the lunar surface. If the initial prototype is
not able to withstand these minimum conditions, the design will be reworked, and the testing will be repeated on a new
Then, a design review will be conducted with our advisors and members of the Caltech community by May 10,
2021, and the design will be modified based on suggestions. The timing of this design review coincides with the
preparation of the Mid Project Report. Two weeks will be allowed for this period of design modification. A new prototype
will then be constructed, and the minimum durability tests repeated. This period of preliminary testing will be completed
by early June 2021. Once the prototype passes these tests, electronic life testing will begin. This test will continue until the
final technical paper or until failure. It will be run for two months to simulate the required minimum lifetime of 15 years,
and up to nine and a half months to ensure the desired factor of safety of three.
The second installment of funding will be received in late June. At this point, the remaining full and partial
prototypes required for testing will be manufactured. Destructive tests will be run to determine the maximum load that
HOMES can withstand within a certain factor of safety. These tests will take a maximum of two weeks. After these tests,
an EMI test will be performed, taking one to two days. This will be followed by modularity capability testing, which will
take a maximum of three weeks. Once this testing is complete, a second design review will take place, followed by a
period of two weeks spent making design modifications. Prototypes will then be manufactured for any tests that must be
repeated based on design modifications made. Following these final tests, manufacturing of the final, flight-ready
prototype will begin by October 15, 2021 and be completed by November 10, 2021.

Figure 14: GANTT chart of project timeline.


7. Project Budget
The project budget will be divided into five major categories: Materials, Machining and Manufacturing, Labor,
Testing, and Travel Costs. We have managed the budget with cost effectiveness and efficiency in mind. Since the National
Institute of Aerospace is a non-profit organization, the California Institute of Technology’s overhead costs will only add
20 % to the overall budget.

Table 7: Total budget breakdown over both installments.

7.1. Material Costs

The bill of materials (see Table 8), consists of the costs associated with the purchase of the materials and
components that will be needed to manufacture the prototypes and run tests. These materials include Alumina plates that
will be machined into the casing of the system and the electronics box, electrical components, and 50 kg of OB-1 Lunar
Dust simulants for abrasion and EDS testing. A function generator will be necessary to determine the efficiency of
different waveforms for dust-mitigation purposes. The cost estimates of the different components and materials are those
found on supplier’s websites such as Mc-Master-Carr or West Marine; an additional 22 % miscellaneous expense was also
included to account for unexpected costs, sales tax and shipping, as well as slight variations in design iterations
throughout the testing process.

Table 8: Bill of materials.

7.2. Machining and Manufacturing Costs
This budget component consists of all of the different costs associated with the manufacturing of various
components, prototype iterations, and any necessary additional testing equipment. This includes the hourly cost of using
the GALCIT Aerospace Machine shop for approximately 100 hours. The Jim Hall Design and Prototyping Laboratory
hourly rate has been waived by Dr. Ravichandran. Additional costs associated with the use of specialty equipment and Dr.
Chung’s 3D printers have also been taken into account.

Table 9: Machining and manufacturing costs.

7.3. Labor Costs

The labor component consists of all the stipends for students performing summer work and research towards this
project. Seven Caltech Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships (SURFs) have been made available to members of
the HOMES team. These 10-week long, full-time summer research positions will be mentored by Dr. Soon-Jo Chung, our
team advisor, and will be fully dedicated to the prototyping and testing of HOMES. 50 % of the work stipend is covered
by Caltech, making these fellowships a cost-effective way of keeping the team on-campus and involved in the project
during the summer months.

Table 10: Labor costs.

7.4. Testing Costs

The testing costs have been allotted the greatest single portion of the funding to ensure we are able to verify and
validate HOMES to TRL 6. If on-campus instruction resumes, the majority of this money will be used to purchase an
Abbess Instruments thermal-vacuum chamber. 15 % of the testing budget will be set aside for miscellaneous expenses
such as PPE for handling simulant, liquid nitrogen for thermal testing, and test fixtures. A significant portion of the testing
budget is set to be used in the first installment to allow the team to purchase relevant equipment, reserve facilities, and
verify the functionality of the testing equipment prior to testing.

Table 11: Testing equipment costs.

7.5. Travel Costs
The Travel Costs of the budget consist of the expenses related to attending the 2021 BIG Idea Forum in Las
Vegas. All of these expenses were calculated for 18 attendees, which includes the current undergraduate team and advisor
Dr. Chung. The most affordable means of transport from Los Angeles is to fly, so this section consists of the forum’s
registration fee, airfare, a four-night hotel stay in Las Vegas and a food and beverage stipend of $61 per diem per attendee.
These estimates are based on the historical cost of travel to Las Vegas, Nevada.

Table 12: Travel costs.

7.6. Installments
These different budget categories come into play at different stages of the project; most of the materials and
machining costs will be incurred during the first phase of the funding. An additional $5,168.70 have also been allocated
towards unforeseen expenses that could incur during the project.

Table 13: Overall budget broken down into corresponding phases (including 20% Caltech overhead).

8. References
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(2007ESASP.643..239S). NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.
[2] Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI), Canadian Space Agency (CSA), European Space Agency (ESA), Japan Aerospace
Exploration Agency (JAXA), & National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). (2016, February). Dust
mitigation gap assessment report. International Agency Working Group.
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Michalenko, M., & Mazumder, M. K. (2006, October). Electrodynamic Dust Shield for Surface Exploration Activities on
the Moon and Mars. 57th International Astronautical Congress, Valencia, Spain.
[4] Adachi, M. (2017, February). Dynamics of Electromagnetic Particles and Its Application for Mitigation and
Utilization Technologies of Regolith on Moon, Mars, and Asteroids. Waseda University.
[5] Johansen, M. R., Mackey, P. J., Hogue, M. D., Cox, R. E., Phillips, J. R., & Calle, C. I. (2015, August). History and
Flight Development of the Electrodynamic Dust Shield. AIAA Space 2015, Pasadena, CA.
[6] Guo, B., & Javed, W. (2018). Efficiency of Electrodynamic Dust Shield at Dust Loading Levels Relevant to Solar
Energy Applications. IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, 8(1), 196–202.
[7] Calle, C. I., Buhler, C. R., McFall, J. L., & Snyder, S. J. (2009). Particle removal by electrostatic and dielectrophoretic
forces for dust control during lunar exploration missions. Journal of Electrostatics, 67(2–3), 89–92.
[8] Calle, C. I., Arens, E. E., McFall, J. M., Buhler, C. R., Snyder, S. J., Geiger, J. K., Hafley, R. A., Taminger, K. M., &
Mercer, C. D. (2009). Reduced gravity flight demonstration of the Dust Shield technology for optical systems. 2009 IEEE
Aerospace Conference, 1–10.
[9] Buhler, C. R., Johansen, M. R., Dupuis, M., Phillips, J., Malissa, J., Wang, J., & Calle, C. I. (2020, February). Current
State of the Electrodynamic Dust Shield for Mitigation. The Impact of Lunar Dust on Human Exploration Workshop,
Houston, TX.
[10] Calle, C. I., Immer, C. D., Ferreira, J., Hogue, M. D., Chen, A., Csonka, M. W., Van Suetendael, N., & Snyder, S. J.
(2010, June). Proc. ESA Annual Meeting on Electrostatics 2010, Paper D1 Integration of the Electrodynamic Dust Shield
on a Lunar Habitat Demonstration Unit. ESA Annual Meeting On Electrostatics 2010.
[11] Heiken, G. H., Vaniman, D. T., & French, B. M. (1991). Lunar Sourcebook: A User’s Guide to the Moon (1st ed.).
Cambridge University Press.
[12] Smiths Metal Centres. (2018). 2219 Aluminum Technical Datasheet.
[13] Fortescue, P., Swinerd, G., & Stark, J. (2011). Spacecraft Systems Engineering (4th ed.). Wiley.
[14] Ultra-High-Temperature Alumina Ceramic. (n.d.). McMaster-Carr. Retrieved December 13, 2020, from
[15] 316 Stainless Steel Hex Drive Flat Head Screw. (n.d.). McMaster-Carr. Retrieved December 13, 2020, from
[16] Dupont Teijin Films. (2003, June). Mylar polyester film: Physical-Thermal properties.
[17] Bock, J. P., Robison, J. R., Sharma, R., Zhange, J., & Mazumer, M. K. (2008). An Efficient Power Management
Approach for Self-Cleaning Solar Panels with Integrated Electrodynamic Screens. ESA Annual Meeting on Electrostatics.
[18] Chesnutt, J. K. W., Ashkanani, H., Guo, B., & Wu, C.-Y. (2017). Simulation of microscale particle interactions for
optimization of an electrodynamic dust shield to clean desert dust from solar panels. Solar Energy, 155, 1197–1207.
[19] Toth, S. (2016, September). Electrodynamic Shielding (EDS) System to Repel Dust from Solar Concentrators.
University of Florida.
[20] Liu, G., Marshall, J. S., Li, S. Q., & Yao, Q. (2010). Discrete-element method for particle capture by a body in an
electrostatic field. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 84(13), 1589–1612.
[21] A. Oskooi, D. Roundy, M. Ibanescu, P. Bermel, J.D. Joannopoulos, and S.G. Johnson, MEEP: A flexible
free-software package for electromagnetic simulations by the FDTD method, Computer Physics Communications, Vol.
181, pp. 687-702, 2010 (pdf).
[22] NASA. (2020, May). NASA’s Plan for Sustained Lunar Exploration and Development.
[23] Hollingham, R. (2019, July 19). Apollo in 50 numbers: Time. BBC Future.
[24] ASTM International - Standards by Category. (2020). ASTM International.
[25] Rickman, D. L., McLemore, C. A., & Fikes, J. C. (2010, September). Lunar Regolith Simulant User’s Guide. NASA.
[26] Sharon, G., & Tulkoff, C. (2015). Temperature cycling and fatigue in electronics. Materials Science, 1.
[27] Schertz, J. (2019, February 19). Surviving the Temperamental Moon. The Space Resource.
[28] Three-Body Abrasive Wear - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics. (2020). ScienceDirect.
[29] Harris, D. K. (n.d.). Chapter 7: Thermal Considerations of Lunar Based Systems. Auburn. Retrieved December 13,
2020, from
[30] Chung, S. J. (n.d.). Professor Soon-Jo Chung at GALCIT [Photograph]. Aerospace Robotics and Control at Caltech.
[31] Glasser, H. M. (2017, April 26). Exploring the Jim Hall Design & Prototyping Lab [Tweet]. Twitter.
National Institute of Aerospace
Office of Education and Outreach
1100 Exploration Way
Hampton, Virginia 23666

To Shelley Spears, Director of Education & Outreach at the National Institute of Aerospace:

California Institute of Technology

I would like to offer this letter of support for the ____________________________________________________
team competing in the 2021 Breakthrough, Innovative, and Game-changing (BIG) Idea Challenge. The project,

Habitat, Orientable and Modular Electrodynamic Shield

titled ______________________________________________________________________________________
(Project Title)
Dr. Soon-Jo Chung
and led by faculty advisor ______________________________________________________________________
(Faculty Advisor Name)
Division of Engineering and Applied Science
has the full support of ________________________________________________________________________.
(Department, Laboratory, or School of Signee)
Facilities and equipment at the university will be made available to the faculty advisor and student team members

as needed to successfully design, build, test and complete their project. We understand the full research and results

of the team’s project will be presented during the BIG Idea Challenge Forum, tentatively scheduled for November

2021. Assistance will be provided to facilitate processing awards in a timely manner and ordering any necessary

parts and supplies through approved university channels. Academic accommodations, if necessary and requested

in advance, can be made so student participants may attend the BIG Idea Challenge Forum.

Guruswami Ravichandran, Otis Booth Leadership Chair

Printed Name and Title

____________________________________________________ 12/2/2020
Signature Date
(Print, sign, & scan; insert signature image, or open with Adobe Acrobat Reader to sign)

1100 Exploration Way, Hampton, VA 23666 (757) 325-6725

________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________
____________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________

John B. Kosmatka, Ph.D., P.E

Director, California Space Grant Consortium
Professor and Callaway Golf Chair of Structure Mechanics
Department of Structural Engineering
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
E-mail: Phone: (858) 534-1779

9500 Gilman Drive

La Jolla, California 92093-0085
December 11, 2020

Professor Soon-Jo Chung

Division of Engineering and Applied Science
California Institute of Technology
1200 E. California Boulevard
Pasadena, CA 91125

Dear Professor Soon-Jo Chung:

The California Space Grant Consortium is pleased to provide a letter of support for the California
Institute of Technology’s (CalTech) proposal in response to NASA’s 2021 Big Idea Challenge for
innovative solutions needed for lunar dust mitigation. The Caltech team is proposing a solution which
involves developing modular panels utilizing electrodynamic dust shielding technology to repel lunar
dust off flat surfaces. One of the benefits of their proposed system is that the modular design will allow
astronauts to tile together many square mats that could be mounted on a variety of curved surfaces.
Moreover, this modular approach will result in a compact system that can be deployed either
autonomously or using a crew assisted approach.

Their proposed program will offer real world experience for CalTech undergraduates and graduate
students in the development of advanced systems needed to support NASA’s ARTEMIS lunar
exploration goals. We strongly support this proposal and agree to distribute augmented funding from the
National Space Grant for the Big Idea Challenge team in a timely manner to CalTech. I strongly
recommend that the CalTech team propose for this award at a 20% IDC instead of their standard 67.5%
rate. This lower IDC would provide additional funding to the team that will be used for critical research
and testing needs so that they can reach their proposed 2026 deployment plan.


John B. Kosmatka Ph.D. P.E.

Director, California Space Grant Consortium
Charles Elachi
1200 E. California Blvd., MC150-21
Pasadena, CA 91125
(626) 395-6803

To: Shelly Spear, Director of Education and Outreach at the National Institute of Aerospace

I am writing this letter to enthusiastically support the HOMES student project

submitted by a group of Caltech students.

I am a Professor of Electrical Engineering and Planetary science at Caltech. I worked

for 40 years at JPL since I was a student and, from 2001 to 2016, I was the Director of JPL.
Throughout my career, I interacted extensively with NASA Centers and young Aerospace
engineers and scientists. I consider the members of the HOMES team as some of the best I
have interacted with. I was a member of the review team that reviewed their proposal (at
their request). I was not only impressed by their technical ideas but also their approach,
mature thinking, enthusiasm and how articulate they were. They are a model of future
aerospace engineers that NASA and industry needs.

I have mentored some of them during their studies at Caltech and watched how they
approach technical problems with fresh, imaginative, out of the box ideas. I am confident
they will be very successful in their proposed BIG IDEAS project.
In fact, I was so impressed with their project and their enthusiasm that I volunteered, if they
are selected, to be one of their advisors capitalizing on my experience as PI on five Shuttle
flights instruments, a couple of deep space missions, JPL Director, and Caltech Professor.


Dr. Charles Elachi

Professor of Electrical Engineering and Planetary Science, Emeritus
California Institute of Technology
JPL Director 2001-2016
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
California Institute of Technology

December 5 2020

Shelley Spears
Director of Education & Outreach
National Institute of Aerospace

Dear Ms. Spears,

I am writing in support of the Caltech team that is submitting their Habitable
Orientable Modular Electrodynamic Shield (HOMES) proposal to NASA’s 2021 BIG Idea
Challenge focused on Lunar Dust.
I work at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory and am the deputy manager for the
Mechanical Systems Engineering Division, an organization of nearly one thousand
people that includes (among other things) structures, mechanisms, cabling, thermal,
propulsion, materials, stress analysis, dynamic environments, environmental testing,
contamination control, and mechanical & electrical fabrication.
For the past several weeks I have had a number of interactions with the HOMES
team, and advised them on technical and programmatic issues, and provided
suggestions for the PDR presentation. In addition, I have committed to continuing my
advisory role.
My experience with them has been nothing but positive. Their design addresses a
real need, is responsive to the Big Idea guidance, and is clearly feasible given how it
leverages current technology. The team has shown their ability to respond quickly and
thoughtfully to potential issues, and in so doing have made a more robust and
implementable design. I think they have a good team composition, and believe they
have the skills to take the project to a successful verification demonstration if selected
to proceed.
If I can provide any more information please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Yours sincerely,

Jason Kastner, Ph.D.

Deputy Division Manager
Mechanical Systems Engineering, Fabrication, and Test
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
4800 Oak Grove Dr., Pasadena, CA 91009
+1 (818) 653-2784

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