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CHAPTER 13 Analysis of PSC Member CONTENTS 13.1 Introduction 43-1 13.2 Advantages and Disadvantages of Prestressing- 13-1 13.3 Types of Prestressing 13-2 154 Assumptions in Analysis 13-4 13. Analysis of PSC Member 13-4 13 Analysis of PSC Member 13-1 Introduction: Psc is basically conerete im which internal stress of Suitable magnitude and distribution are introduced so that Stress resulting from external Loads are counteracted toa aesired degree Permissib)e stress fe=13N/mmt sama fc =4.SNiromn? e AON Imm le Mptt . : p- 1-@ ge cs iS bs z a es Mt y= Time 4 N/m? FetMirent SADE YE TMi Tt tresS dragrom -In final stress diagram, stress oF topand bottorn fibves are within permissible Lrmils -Ifsame BM is applied onsectron without Prestressing then Stress of bottom fibre exceeds the permissible timits (f= 4-5 N/mm) - It means, member 15 made safe by prestressing, 13-2 Advantages and Disadvantages of Prestressi, A> Advantages: ~ Smaller section size of member as compared to RCC - Concrete is mere utilized. - Less cracks as compared ty RcC - Suitable for large span beams - Reduced DL of super structure. ® Disadvantages: Costly as compared to RCC ~Not suftable for small work - More technicality 's Mvolved so skilled monpower is required - Loss of stress of wire Leads to poor performance 13.5 Types of Prestressing 13.5.1 Pre Tensioning ' wires Mould WA | O20. Oe Om Rigid Support Casting bed - Moulds are kept on casting bed and wires are inserted through moulds - Wrres are Fixed at position and tensioned from edds - Concrete 18 casted in Moulds and wires are kept in direct contact wi'th concrete - Concrete is allowed to get sufticrent strength, ~ Now. wires are cut at ends oF each mould and pre- stressing force is transfered to conerete by bong action between wire and concrete This method 1's also called as (ang Li'N¢ eelhod or Hoyer method. Tt Is generally used for smal] repeatative types of member, For eg.. railway PSC sleepers, PSC electric pole etc 13.3.2 Post Tenstoning: Anchoring | Exit - Concrete 1s casted in desired shape and size with duct inside the member at desired locatron - Duct maybe of PYC or Steel. Tris Flexible so canbe provided in any shape. - Concrete *s allowed to get sufFicrent strength. - Now cables are provided in duct and tensioned from ends. Cables can be provided inside the duct either before or after concreting = Tensroning ws done elther From one end or from both ends. ~ After tenstoning cables are anchored by any suitable arrangement 1) Freyssinet Systern alee Me Call Systern a Magnel Blaton System 4) Gifford Udall System se 0 - After anchoring, cables are Cutand prestress ing force "5 -ransfered on member. - Remaining space of duct is filled with mortar of very high workability aef Of 526 — 13-4 Assumptions in Analysrs - Plane sectron remains plane after bendin - Both materials are assumed tobe Ii pearly elastic, - No variatton of prestressing force along tength of cable. - No change of stress of cable due to bending of member, Reduction of stress Increaseof stress 135. Analysis of PSC Member 158-1 Concentrically Placed Cable: 4 13.5.2 Cable~ Placed at Constant Eccentricity “i ' fa. A simply supported &cam given below ss prestressed by cable Qveq@ 1200™m?.Inital stress of cable is 1200 N/rom- Calculate stress of top and bottom fibres at midspan > and ends of beam, am © At Ends 600 f= eo Ye a = 1200KI206 _ 1200x1200 x189 600 4100x600 “4ooxgooe 2 We fp = 4-8 Ni ror? Fo By fi = Yo 1200%)200 1200X1200x 180 600 400x600 400% 600" 2 12 fo 16.8 Nimm? eA Mid-span DL= 04x O-6xX1K25 =6kNIM Lie 25kN/m _ wi Mon> = (2546) 10" & Mpyp= 387-5KN ry A ve x a \ 8 wa fe ry ce Yo P te ‘a f= an ae a “oe 1200x 1200 “00% IOOAIES . dab, sala ~ 400x600 ~~ 400X600) 2” “Baancos) Tz festisanyrom? £50 Of 520 Pi M fox Ft Yo Ape = 1200x1200 [200x ROG X180 4 $00. 387 Sx10% | 600 400x 600 400x600" a 400xeo > a re fp= O65 NIimm* 16.8 25kN Ino O65 £51 Of 520 Eccentiicrt F proble 's solved by follow ing methods. 13553 Cable Placed at Varying "7 This type o| iStress Concept Balancing Concept 2 Load 5. Strength concept I) Stress Concept “Sie Oe Gh ++ a ces Psing £ Pe Mp Me Seite! Psfnw doa A eek es produce any| coséx1 normal stress So itismot L_ being represenied Further 2B . Be Mp Py fre B- Pez yy 4 Bo ye + hey 2 ™ ber ar Y= =e ea £52 Of 520 2 load Balancing Concept; FBD of cable eee ail Psing FBD of concrete beam 0 Pease _|_ =P rs he oe fara po as Mnel =< @Mat section x’ due to DL, Lt § 2Psind. £53 OF 520 % Other Load Balancing ble Profiles & Strength Concept [a pr ye Moar |Mon- Pex ey as fee Section ai pa gn rey Pate nok repr osOx1 Purther becoz: it doesnt produce any oval stress Pp, Pe’ fe Be Sey p . fet to= =| £54 Of 520 ." Frarn above diagram: Pe’ = Mpy Pex >erte's Mpa Pp Shift in positTon of Net comp. force _ ae Mops On section ~ Pp Now: e's a-ex *™Meaning of shiFFof net compressive force on Section: e ] shift in net =] © © comp.force on 6 section | — Pressure line/C-tine/ 5 Thrust Line -Pressure fin 1s the focus of net compressive force en along seciion along span, - In PSC member, Cand T remains constant along the span and feverarmm varies -In RCC member, C and T vary along span while Jever arm remains constant £59 OF 520 cr Ex A-simply supported beam given below 15 prestressed by 1600kN Catculate stress intop and bettam fibres ef a distance 2.5m from Support: Solve by all three methods 400 600 1) Stress concept = From cable profile OA _ og Ad Be 25 B0tCy~ 604150 er= 115mm DL= 04x06 1 x25 = 6ENIMy UDL LL= 30kN/m Point LL= 250kN Mpiila=2.5m)~ Pue to UDL + Due to Point Load = Gin) 6 (8) (exgues _ 6x2 perit (222« 23) Mps+_ = 470 kKNTO P, M fee aor EF ae = 1600x194 1600 105KS_ , 600 , F¥OXIO® £08 “400x600 00 xGO0)fig 2 * Caooxsood)/in Fp = 18. 58 NImm> £58 OF 520 feo 2H Bee Vine Mow Ys A £ = 1600x103 , I600KIO7KNS 60 AFOKIO’X 600 400x600 400% 6007 2 400xeoo? = 400% 6007 4100 x6003 12. ie f= -5.25 Nimo 2) Load Balancing Concept: > ‘250kN 2Psine =2P-6 sap Eres) E+ £2) > 2 x 1600 x (180x60 3000 =224kN DL= 6kNIM UpL LL = 50k Wry Point Load=2 50-224 = 26kN Mnet¢x=2-5m) = Dueto UDL + Due lo Point Load -(wLx _ wx?) ie -¢ oF, = )+E eee 3622.5") * (28 =) 2 2 2 = 190 kNm Pe, Monet |" Yee Ye 1600x103 _ 1600x103x 606 tqoxjo% 600 ‘400x600 400x6oo? “27” + Aeon boi a 12 > ae #2 eévemaltice. £51 Of 5260 e.. Res Moet * fxs ra a6— rz Yo _ saan _ 1600x103x60 | 4100x600 400X&00* we fy= -— 5-25 N/rom* 5) Strength Concept P _ 40x 10% 1600x103 az az 293.75mm e's a-€ =293-75- 15 e's 198.7 5mm es p, Pe’ ogee Uh = 1600x103 400x600 fer 18-58 Nem pi Pet is eee ae = (660x107 ‘i 400% 600 Aoox 600 rc fip= ~5:25 N/mm? 1600x 107 x 198.75 400x 6007 ies 1D goo _ 190x10% , 606 rs 400x600 ra $00 IGOOKIO-K PK 1481S x $09 £58 Of 520 15-15 Ex. Asimply supported beam given below is prestiesged by 1756 KN Force. Calculate stress/n top and bottom fibres fat 4m from Support: Solve by all three methods 350 1) Stress Concept: Equation of parabolic cable profile She y se ceed the Giter + Origin ps at Pet end of cable *Y-axts (5 downward, Gz 2102-9 4 (10-4) to» €z= 192 mM DL= 0-35x0-F5K 1x952 CS6KNIM LL= 35kNim = We 2 Mpsiiteqmy = “5X - WX SHS xIOK4 — 4156x 4? 2 2 Mt cx=amr= 448 72EN £59 Of 520 fre ft. Pex Ye + oH Ue = VeSox103 _ '4s0x103x192 750 | is ae 350x750 -SISRESo. 2 f= 11.62 Nimm R=F+ Pexy,- Moy, =l7sox1o3 | 1750x107 x192 | 750 a 350x750 3S oxpeso> o ve Fo= 1.40 Nemmt Solve yourself by other two methods ¥ ‘y 4.98.72%10° » BO 350% 450° re 498.4 2x10° ————. =_— Ey. What could be the cable profile for complete Load balancing of simply Supported bean subjected to 30kN/m Cneluding self wi). Effective span 8m, Prestressing force 1400kN, SecHonsize $00x600 mm, eccentricity at ends oP span is zero, Also calculate Stress jn extieme Fibres at mid-span afler complete load balancing. > Since applied load is ude so cable profile must be parabolic for complete load balancing BONITO wWoaL wp 7 For cornplete Joad balancing Worr= Wp &Ph kg Bo = 8x 1400xe a P= 171-42mMmMm Wow ~ Pe, by me les 2. Yep Moret ie he ioe Te Yee = 1400x103 4 PO y oO = + —— Yept 2 YG Foox soo i toe ae I Piype 1174 Neo? £41 Of 520 13-6 Kern Distance: This the eccentricity ef resultant prestressing force over section ¢orresponding t© which stress in one extreme thre ‘s just zero. b “4 6. a #* Note: Top kern and bottom kern are different for unsymmetrical section, 13-7 Crack ing toad / Cracking moment: load / moment Corresponding bo whieh first crack develops in extrem tension Fibre is called cracking Load! cracing moment Tensile stress ('n Permrssible extreme Lébsfon = tensile shess Fibre ™ . FOS against = — Sagging Cracking Moment: \e] © @ tenes oh scl isl Abi + esis] Goce s A we eS r ® & fey, £ feyp 36 Nimm 2 Pie Peay Mee pen ae eM te Me ss 1500x 103 I500x103 x 166, S00 _ Me. S00 36 = 2BOOR Os 168 SS... ae ee 400x500 Ao0ox 560° im moex 500? ~ 2 Aor 560? Aon soe 12 1m Mey = 425 kKNMm 2) cracking Stperimposed UPL: OLX O-4X0-SXIX25 LL= Wier for Maximum cracking Superimposed UBL BMmax= Mer WL*s me, 4 St Sieh see 42st Wricr = 75-47 KN/ of 520 3 P.0.8. against cracking Mep= 425KNM Wp, cr= SKN/M Wrcp= 79-47 KN IM Wpw> TEN/M Wy, we 20kNIno Ww (5 +20) x6.5* Mn> = wi Se . Mw = 132.08 Mer Wer ish king = a Fos against cracking = qa Wer nAes_. 32-08 — 5+20 RO) St - Chapter 13 Ends Here.. CHAPTER 14 Prestress Losses CONTENTS 141 Types of Losses 142 Loss due to Elastic Shortening of Concrete 143 Loss due to Creep of Concrete 14.4 Less due to Shrinkage of Concrete 145 Loss due to Relaxation of Stee) 14.6 Loss due to Anchorage Slip 14.7 Loss due to Friction 14-1 14-2 14-4 of 520 14. Prestress Losses 14.1 Types of Losses 4 Loss due to 2. Loss due lo 3. loss due to 4.loss due to s- Loss due lo elastic Shortening of concrete, creep of concrete shrinkage of Concrete. relaxation] creep of steel anchorage slip 6. loss due to Frictron Short Term Long Term NBlastic Shortening i Creep of Concrete 2. Anchorage Slip 2. Shrinkage of Concrete 3. Frretian 3. Relaxation PreTensionin Post Tensroning. 1 Elastic Shortening J.No Loss due to Elastic Shorte- 2. Creep of Concrete “ning in case of simultaneous 3. Shrinkg ge 4. Relaxation rensioning but it rs present In the case of successive Eensroning. Note. - Total foss of pre stressing of pre-tensfoned member 1 'S Mvartably higher than as of post-tensroned member, - for design purpose, 207. and 257. of inital pre-stress 13 considered as total loss for post-lensioned and pre-lensioned member respectively 142 Loss due to Elastic Shortening of Concrete: 14.24 PreTensroned Member Caset Concentrically Placed Cable e @ fe loss of strain of _ compressive strain cable : of concrete . fc a © Now, Loss of stiess _ Loss of strain xEs of cable of cable : Lass oF stress oF < oy f cable CaseTl: Cable placedat constant eccentricity: 2) ° Loss of stressoF _ mie cable 4 ZPELEZ where . fc= Shress in Concrete at the Level of cable, £41 Of 520 i Case Cable placed at Varying Eceentiferty: ” TTT Fea Fey Loss of stress OP cable = Mf where, Fes Fe + 3 CFea~ fer) 14.2.2 Post -Tenstoned Membter Casel? Srmullaneous Tenstoning: Lass = 0 Case lr: Successive Tensionstoning As 4 Ar yA, LOT PTTITA TAI A IT IT AP CTOPTOPT TI TRY Tensioning of cable@ Loss of cable@ =o Tensioning of cable @: lossof cableD = Due to A, Lossof cable@ =O Tensioning ef Cable@ : Total loss of cableO = Due io A,+tA,; Total toss of cable@ = Due 19 Ay Totad loss of Cable@ =6 143 Loss dueto Creep of Concrete Ultimate creep strainaf Creep coefficrent@) = eonortbe : Instantaneous elastic strain oF concrete Ultimate creep stroio_ fe oF concrete Ee Now, toss of stress P_ Loss of strain , of cable & cable Ultimate creep xp s Strain of concrete loss of stressof — g mf, cable 14.4 loss due to Shrinkage of Concrete. * Pre-Tenstoned Member Esp= 3x104 Loss = 3x10 * x Es ° Post Tensfoned Member Begs 2x10 Tog (T+2) 4 aay eee Ee fog (T+2) “ where T= Age of concrete in days atthe Hme oP trans Fer of prestressing force 14-5 Loss dueto Relaxation of Steel Some partof elastic strain provided for prestressing is converted into permanent] plastic strain, This permanent straio does not provide any Stress so there is loss of stressof cable. Loss due to reSaxation of stee! depends on Fellowing, 4. Chemica) corpositton of material. 2. Temperature of cable. Relaxatron i's more & higher temp. 3. Shess leve] of cable. Relaxation ts mere at hig her Stress level. In general, | t08% of initial prestress is considered as foss due to relaxation, £90 of 520 14.6 Loss due to Anchorage Slip: Tatal anchorage ship=A Loss of strain = A 5 toss of sess= & E where, Lz Lengthof cable x Length of Member. 14.7 Lass due to Friction: oo ISOOkN aqaky = ox Reg loss = Po-Px = Rp ap, en (Rx tHe) = (1 oben After expanding and neglecting higher order terme Loss= Po(kx + s10¢) where X— Distance between point afapplication af prestressing force and pornt under consideration, along fength of member Cin m) 4 constant Hnak depends on wave eftect/ vobble effect (0.002 /m) —~—_—~— wave t wobble effect- fle CoeFficrent af Firetron eae aes ad o £971 Of 520 oe X= Cummulative angle in radian through which tangent on cable profile turns between point of application of pre stressing force and pornt Under consideratton, For maximuna Loss. we 28 Both ends Jadeing: Pe Point of max =a Por maaimun loss, a: @ £02 Of 520 Bx A pre-bensioned PSC beam of seckion size 225x300 mm is pre-stressed by 250mm? able qrea. Initial stress 1100 Nimm?, wire focated at 100 mm from soffit, M40, relaxation of stce) SY, Es= 2xto? Nirmm*, 621.6 Calculate total Loss 1) Elastic Shortening: 2 50mM10 0 250X1100x SO 225x300 * se 2225x3008 *°° re fe= 5-43 N/mm Loss = mfe Bf = 2x108 $000 440 = 34-34 N/m? x 5-43 loss Note Effettof DL is not considered while calculating this foss because spanis required to caltylate PM, £935 OF 520 = 2 Creep: loss=O mfe = 16x 34.34 = 54.94 N/mm? 3) Shrinkage Loss= 3x10 tf, = 3X10 x 2x 105 = 6€ON/mme? A> Relaxation Loss= Sof ‘nitiad stress = Oxi. Hib 100 = 55 N/rorm? => Total loss = 204.28 Nirmnm? yloss= 204-28 x190 = 18.57% 1100 A post tensioned PSC member ts as given below Prestressing force ISOOkN initial stress 1S8oN/mm% Es= 2x109 Nimm*, Ec= 530x103 Nimm*, total anchorage slip 3mm, relaxation of stee] 37, W=0:25,kK=0 002/m, 921.6, jacking *s from beth ends, prestress ing Force i's trans fered after 28days oF casting Calculate total loss. 400 '? =. 294 Of 526 > Plastic Shortening Loss =0 2 Creep At ends: E> & (600x107 <1 BR” 400x750 dad pee ty fey = 5-33 Nimmt Spa Diz 0-4X0.F5%X 1X25 = 7-5 KNIT Mp aWpl*_ 15x85" _ 64 aan & T e|] SS o- RZ a Pry oe Me - P, fe Mo Peat gt Spe ear 1600 x1o> 1600 x10 x 200 ‘ogre Nae 73x10 toe 400x 450 400 x 4503 400x750" = 12. Fea = 8:91 Nimn? tf fhe nye he exe) = 53342 (891- 5.33) 2 742 Nima? £09 OF 520 Loss= Ormfe ex ks, f c s =n 2Noe pao 3Ox107 Loss = @2.35 N/mm? 3> Shrinkage loss-_2x10% x Es fog (1 +2) 4 . = 2X10 Ke OxGF FSSKIO*KDRIO® fog (2842) loss = 27. N/mm? 4> Relaralion Loss= 3% of enitral stress = 3xl_x1580 106 = 44.4 N/mme2 s> Anchorage slip toss.c AL wp ie ‘Ss s =3___ yx axte’ 8.54103 = 70.55 Nimm & Frietio -_ ys 4b x (Lx) 29) ACEREY my ais re de atx=0 tans AE (1-20) 1 £96 Of 520 * LE ¢ 4200 = 6.094 rad Bo axio8 50, = 62 00974¢ad Loss = Pe Ckx+ 210) = 1580~( 0.002x 88 4 0,a5x 0.094) a = 1580 X 0.032 loss= 50.56N/mm* Tetal Loss = 247 86 Nimm? 277: 86 x100 ‘loss = : 1580 ‘ross: 19.58% Ex. Calculate toss dueto elastic Shortening ently for the pretensioned section given below, Initted stress 10OOON/mm?, M= 6 360 A\= 300mm aEe: Asz= 500 mm | § 100 A3=700 mm* 50 > Pr Alxo= 300x1000 P, = 300kN Pr 500kN Ps = FOOkN Posilionof resultant preshressing — PyitPsyat Poys PLtPL+Ps Force frors) top Sibre of of 520 yr te 300 Xiod)+ S00x foo) + 00% (450) 1500 = 363.33 mm Now, 363.33-300 €> 63.73mM e, a A 2 a -_.._- @ . ri . oe le eae @- ® a . fue £- Fe = \s00%10? 1 500#10*x 63.33 a 7 sasanenes 2006007 ~~ 12 fey = 4.01 Nest - Py Pe = t+ —-e, For yt 2 I (S00x107 fea = 8.44 N/mrt fea> Pe a ~ 1800x107 Feg= 0.14 Niromt = “eox6oo 7 &s 360K 600 1500x103x 63.33 eee oe Oe ~ 260x600" 12 1$00x 10% 63.33 ore 360x 6003 12 Loss in cable = Mfc, = 24.06 Nimmo loss in cable@ loss in cable G) = Mf, = 50.46 Nimm* oe eee £95 Of 520 CHAPTER 15 Additional Topics of PSC CONTENTS 15-1 Coda) Provisions of TS 1343-2012 45.2 Deflectionin psc Beam 15.3 Effect of Bending on Stress of Cable 15.4 Transmission Length 15-5 Anchorage Zone/End Block 15.6 Reasons to Use High Grade Concrete § High Tensile Stee} 15.9 Shear in PSC Beam 15:8 Different Stages of Loading 15-9 Concordant Cable Profile 15-4 15-2 45-10 15-10 15 Additional Topics of PSC 18.1 Codal Provisions of IS 134572012 ~ M30 and M40 are the minimum grades of concrete for post - tensioned and pre-tensioned member respettively . - Tensile strength of concrete is ott hy - - Modulus of elasticity of concete’s sooot fe, -Minimum clear cover is 20mm and itis increased corresponding to exposure condrtion as given in S456. + Sacing + Pre-Lensioned - € Shieeraune Tee of wire "Nominal sizeof Ch + 5mm « Post -tensioned (For group of cables) — S$ 2 Maxrmum }* 40 mm +Nominal sizeofcy + 5mm. - Dia of duct is 2.5 to3 times dia. of dcables ~ tongitudinal reinforcement Fe 250.Fe415, Fe 500) Ay Minimum 0.2% and 0.15%. of gross areq for mild stee! and HYSD respectively, rneluding area of Prestressing wire, 8) For D>S0omMmM, 0.1% Of gross Web area 1's provided as side face rernforcement, equally drsiribubed on both Faces with spacing not more than 200 mm, -Maximun tensile stressaf wire just behind anchorage should not be more than 0-76 times ultimate stress. (076 fu) ( In previous Code, /t was 0.8 fy) - Maximum bearing stress of concrete is 0.48 fee [FB , Subject to maximum 08 fey " * Maximum upward deflection due to prestressing is So Legf Lert Lert ase 50 500 eee “Pe On the basis of cracking, Section is devided nto three class ClassT: No tensile stress over section’ Class: Tensile stress is permitted but (t should be within permissible Limit and it should net be more than 3 N/mm? Glass TW: Cracks are @llowed but it should nat affect the appearance of member, This 7s also called as partial prestressing. Se Moment Area Theereny > i4 MIN 2 # dia ; 2 i5.2 Deflectfonin PSC Beam: (en ofareg A = en = of Mo bfwAGB er about 8. pA Rh he AAP Az §= Moment of area of # dragrar blw &§ B,aboyts, a fhe bj) er 2) *4 iho “a PeL? BET ~ve sign represents upward deflecton £61 of 520 i Pe; =r Ex diagram -for prestressing Elastic Curve A=S= Moment of areaof a about A E . #2 = -2 24EI (2e,+62) dragrard bw AGB. 44 diagram for prestressing eS See A=38= Moment dof area of eg diagram b/ve Ate about A, Pie “Serre. ep © Fert) 19-3 Effect of Bending on Stress of Cable. re, ol BMD due fo ® > Prestressing BMD due to Case: 62> 6; Total elongation = 2¢€6 Gain of strain= 2e& £ 229 ee, Gain of stress = fe * Note for given case. GseL: 6, > &2 6= 6-62 Total shortening = 2€8 Loss of strain: 2£8 Loss of stress -_2¢8 xE e s 15-4 Transmission Length: It 1's the daience from ends of pretensioned member beyond which desired stress dlevelops 'o pre- stressing wi're. @~o2P 0-6? ez enh 0+ + prestressing force 0 + 22 — = Prestressing Transmission tength ——————— Hoyer Effect 18-5 Anchorage zone/ End Blocjc Bay << Arehovage zone Bursting 4 tensile shess £69 of 520 —— ~After anchorage zone, fongi tudinal stress is distributed over entire cross-secHon and almost notateral stress exists Concrete of anchorage zone Is subjected to avery high value of tensile stress (spalling stress + burstingsirg due high value of concentrated prestressing force. This is resisted by Joop sherups provided 19 anchorage zone between 0:.2Y. bo2 Ye Where 2Yye represents Z' in above dragram 15.6 Reasons to Use High Tensile Steel and High groce Concrete: A> Steel. - In general, magnitude of prestressing force is very high which canbe achieved by either Mncreasing Area of Stee] or by increasing Stress of ste]. P= Ast * 54 Increase in area of Stee! beyond acertain Limit « Geates problem in concreting and 7t also affect behavia, ‘our of member so it is preferable to use high tensile stee) - Generally, 150 to 260 Nimorn? floss of prestress is invariably present in prestressed Member. If dow grade ste] ( Fe 250, Fe4i5and Fe 500) rs Used Ehen Stress remaining after all fosses is very fess so this Preferable to use high tensile shee! of ullrmate stress B> Concrete. ~ For high bond stress between Wire and concrete in pre- tensioned member. ~ To resist high bearing stress in anchorage zone of post tensioned member - To resist high tensile stress in anchorage zone of post tensioned member dueto bursting lbehaviour of concrete. - To reduce Loss due to clastte shortening oF concrete and creepof concrete. Loss due to creep of concrete = 6: MSc <0 Es f, For higher grade of concete, Ec is also high so loss i's less. ISF Shear in PSC Beam: Shear capacity ef uncracked PSC section without shear ot ts calculated as follows Ve = 0-61 bDV fi +0.8fiph fe fr Prencipal tensile strength of = concrete under shear | ) Sy = 024 fy ! fep = Compressive stress in centroidal fibre due to Pros hrorany, fax 2 £07 of 520 Ex Calculate sum ef DL and LL that can be Carried by beam iven betow without any shear Failure. Assume section i's eentdad and critical section is at the face of support. 180EN Mz0 and prestressing force 120 300 om > Shear Capacity af Support fp =0-24 VF ey 20-24 36 ft = 1-31 Nimm? =? foo = 2 =_ 180x107 120x300 Fep = 5 Nimore Ver 0-61bDI I 40.8 Fook 0.67% 120 x 300 « fi B31 + O.BxSXI.31 Vez 63-61 kn Shear force at Support SFyro Psin8 | Wl _ V-Pe@=o A 2 v ik = Pls). wh .v- P(FE) <0 We x10 ‘ anol’) Sd ve wee. - 180 ( 15 SW- #2 For maximum Load without shear failure vc Ve > SW-7.2 = 63.61 = W= 14.16 K N/m 15.8 Different Stages of Laading: At Transfer Stage Alt Final Stage - Just after transfer of prestesing — - After application of all re possible toads. ~ No toss af prestress is considered - All prestress hosses are P=Py considered, P= KP; Only Dl and prestressing force - DL+ Prestressing wtb Sosss are considered. + all possible other Joads are consid cred, ~ Preferable stress diagram - Preferable stress diagram Se] BMD due fo presirecs BMD due to pyrestress:ny _ al 4 Detect ing without supper Defledion without suppodR Co ————— ~In Stahically delerminale structures, all cable pees are concordant . -Chapteri5 Ends Here... CHAPTER- 16 Retaining Wall CONTENTS 16-1 Intraduction 16-4 16-2 Types of Retaining Wall 16-2 16-3 Cantilever Re taining Wall 16-2 16.4 Counterfort Retaining Wa)! 16-3 16. Retaining Wal” 16.1 Introduction, Retaining wall js provided te retain earth at an angle steeper than angle of re pose. Retaining wall p>¢ (Unstable) e< (Stable) Where, $= Angle oF repose. '62 Types of Retaining Wall: I Gravity Wall 2. Cantilever Relaining wal} 3. Counter fort Retarning Wall 4. Buttress Relarng Wall Toe poiPt-toe slob “i b] friction Shear Fey = angle of repose ~ Tb becomes uneconomicas if heigh! of retained early goes beyond @m. ~ Stem, heel and toe slab bend like cantilever - Thicknessof any slab should not be fess than 150mm - Stem is generally tapered with maximum thickness at bottom - Main reinforcement of stem is provided on back face -Main reinforcement of heel and toe slab 3 0n top F bottom respectively. ~ Critical section for heel and toe slab areal barckand frontof stem respectively, ~ Critical section for bending stem is at the junctHon of base slab and stem. — Active earth pressure produces disturbing ferce and disturbing moment for sliding and ever tapatg respect - vely.. Disturbing Force= Fa dl xke HxHe Lxka¥s «Mery = dk isn? Disturbing force — P, a¢ H2 Disturbing Moment = Pa * 4/3 Pistarbing Moment x 3 ~ Restoring moment 1s obtained by self wt.of retaining wall and soll Qbove Hec/ slab Restoring Moment = (0-1) x Pe! pendicular distance bw Wand loeposnk Where, Ww, +Wa tw twa £174 Of 320 Restoring force for Sliding Is obtained from friction between base slab and Soil befow rt. IP Frietion 1s cet sufficient then shear key is provided and placed i'n Such away that marn reinforcement of stem can be extended Inside the shear key for anchorage. Restoring Forces Fitckion+ Pp =UN+Pp Where, N= odh) -While calculating restoring force and restoring rmement, only Foy. cf OL 's considered, - Fos against overturning and sliding shoud net be fess than 14 Restoring Force/Mement Disturbing Force/ Moment 0A - For most economical design , resultant of pressure from sor} Should pass through front Face of stem. TTR a Be h 7 [Tua Ie 219 Of 520 - Resultant of active earth pressure and dead foad shouk pass through middle 3rd of base slab dimension for no LFting condition. & = o3 Us Us - In general fength OF base slab i's (0:6 to O-€)times height of retained earth -For preliminary design, stem can beplaced at 1570 of Length of base flab - After every 30m, @ joint I's provided to take careof expansion ard contraction of retaining wal /. '4 Counter fort Retaining Wall ~ TENS provided if herght of retained earth goes beyond 7 bam - Cantilever action of stem and heel Slab of cantilever retaining wall ts converted into continuous slab - Design positive and negative BM are calculated using BM coefficients - Clear spacing between counter forts Lies between 473 to H/o ~ Counterfort 1s designed as T= beam and main reinforcement 1s provided en inclined face Toe counter fert ts = ster +7 Heel sss Chapter 16 Ends Here charter | f Working Stress Method CONTENTS 14) Introduction \F2 Assumptions 14.3 Permissible Stress of Material 17-4 Use of Modular Ratio 175 Analysis of Singly Reinforced Section 146 Axial Load Carrying Capacity of Column 17. Working Sivess Method [1-1 Introductfoo! WSM design of Ree member is the oldest method of design. Main aduantages of WSM are Following b Less deflection due to larger sectron size ip hess crack width due to lower stress Pevel of steel. ity Low % of gteel because of Sarger section size Note i ea pene LSM is econemical than WSM. i 172 Assumptions : 4 Plane section remains plane after bendling. ~ Tensile strength of concrete is ignored, - Modular ratio 1s 28° Fe ~ Both materials are assurned to be tinearly elastic. Sbress| Fe, Permiss: Stress Linear Strain 14-3 Permissible Stress of Materiat: > Concrete: Grade Tee Tebe Ob M10 25 BO Ne MIS 4.0 5.0 Bes M20 5-0 7-0 28 Mas 6.0 as 3.9 Tie 8-0 10.0 56 Mss 9.0 105 4.0 M40. 10.0 13.0 44 Oz= Permissible stress under direct eompress’on Czpez Permissible stress under bending compression OL = Under tension. ® Skeel (o5,) Types of Stress Fe 250 Fe 41s Fes00 «Tension ¢< 20mm 140 230 275 o> 20mm 's0 230 aes * Compression 130 190 190 ——————— aa - Oe and Cebe @re Approximately ae and lik TA ~ Above values are increased by 33.337, for structure Subjected to wind fead ‘or earthquake foad 174-4 Use of Modi lar Ratio: ed Po Pl Ps => Po fe Act fs As ee “From strain compatibility &,= & “ Be fe Es” Ee is ee Fas Es) fe foe mfe «+++ --GU froma) and@y Pa Fe Ac t+ MF) AS > Pa hAct fe (mAs) - From above expression, it & clear that area of stee) can be converted tpto equivalent area of concrete by muleip- lying modular ratio to area of steel Ea. Compare modular ratic of WIM with Short Lerra and fong term medular ratio. M30 concrete and creep coefficienl 1:6 > .wsm 280 260 ne = = 4x 3%bc 3X10 a eShorl Term: m: Es _ 2x07 _ Ee So00/30~ 1% + Long Term 5 m= 5 2 Ae = 18-98 Be Sa 00¥30 1+e6 m of WSM Lies between short term § long t Since, forthe Ba at bICK TS nadedl. erm £61 Of 520 incorporat (ng the effect of creep 145 Analysts of Singly Reinforced Section: 4-54 Positian of Neutral Axis i Shain Equivalent SecHon For positron of NA cay > L xx x Caeb= ta am Ast From stress diagram: Ca. _ balm a a-Xq cl ag = fa \ So nes fe ¢ Ake ~™ froma) ana Gi) > nna GES) fa x be ta Ast = b tq 28 = mAs, Cd- Xa) 2 = Mament of arca of Moment oF — oe comp.20¢ about zone abou Na Above expression shows that position of NA can by directly calculated by equating moment of area of comp and tension zone about NA. this cannot be applied tn Lm ath ee ee Tn WSM sleel is converted into concrefe so above expression is valid. 17.5.2 Types of Sectron Basecl on Quantity of steel present (0 section, three types of Sections are defined. D Balanced Section Amountof steel Insectfon is sucla that concrete and slee! both attain their permissible stress sitmullaneously- Seve Caz %be — ba= Be ‘Wan te OA _ oc 8° oD “eae Frye OBJ Y x - Sebo q “ ™ Ober &s a Aye (2s me+t > X=kd Note: os Posrtion of NA for balanced section (2%) depends on g rade oF stee/ only 2) Under Reinforced Section Amountof steel in Section is such that stee) attains its permissible stress before concrete. *Febe Cax Soe, bar Ge aX me - Failure of under reinforced section & Pension Failure -Paeilinder reinforced section gives sufficrent warinsng before failure se it is preferable. 3> Over Reinforced Section Amount of steel in section is such that conerete attains its permissible Stress before stee} TH Fe rse fo Ca= Sine ta<%st Xa PX, ~ allure of over reinforced section is compres failure ~ Failure of over reinforced sectron ts sudden Cwithout warning? so itis undesirable * Compaiting failure stress diagram ef all Hhree types of section. Sebo ~— Under reinforced over reinforced - Balanced Equivalent Section, MR=C XLA s _ Xa =f <%qx rb (a- Zs) MR= Txla = aha % a ¥ ASE Cd =) 'y Batanced Section: MRoai = CxLA XE EX Tye Xb (de =) EXCKART eX’ Cd - Ay ate k(!-) Zbe bd® gr Fed Rye Tepe bd ® MIR py= THLA =Tsr Ar (d~ KAY =O Ast (1- Sq MRiad = S3e-Ast (fd) F jg = A of balanced section. 2> Under Reinforced Section MR= C xLA 7 = dx Xara xb (d- 28 Ca canbe calculated from stress dfagramas follows— ae. ie 4 ats) wm MR= TxLA e051 Ast (d- (Preferable) 3> Over Reinforced Section MR= CxLA £*Xa¥ Tepe x bl d- =) (Preferable) MR= TxLA = A oe tax As,» Cd =) ta canbe calculated from stress diagram as follows: A- Xa ee GS)» Fede V4.6 Axial Load Carrying Capacity of Colursyn: ce *# Note. ~Modulur ratio of compression stee is Pohort= Pe + Py Pshort = Dee Net Fsc'Asc = Tee (Ag-Asc) + Tse Ase Pehort = See'Ag + (Gsc- See) Ase Now, Prong = Cr: Pshort where, Cy= Reduction coefficient Lege es ine = "A Ie Fimes modular ratio of tension steel Thits enhancement is} done to take are oftreep effect of concele where.m = mM>)15m 280 ee 3 be £07 of 520 Ex Calculate equivalent area of sectfon given below b ae e@> lL a % ee al Ast MAst ~)A. eo est aiter a Ast = OrDAst/ 2 Req = bat (m4)-Ast x. Calculate i) Positionof critical N-A iy Ast required for balanced section i> MR of balanced Section ivy Tf Asp ig 3 20$ then Calculate MR, also calculate k Ss stress of concrete and Steel for BM 100 en eT Ww TF Asp is 5-204 the calculate MR aso M20 - Feais. Ast e000 = 280 __ = 13.33 Bx7 me, . | (38ae? mett 13.33 x9 +230 = 0.288 x 7400 Her 201.6 mm 205 of 520 ms a) pee A xLe* Tepe XB = Gi Ast dx 2016% 4x 450= 230% Ast Ast= 138052mm Gil) MRyy = ZR I> Sebe bd * = 4 40288 « (1- 2288 ) » 1450 x700? MR ya = 200.92 knm @) For position of NA b.xq.Fa- mA . ae st (d-X a) 2 4s5ox Xa - 13.33 x3% E x 207( F00- Xa) ss Za=AI-F4amm Since, Xa< Xe So section is under reinforced. MR= TxLaA = D5 Age (d-%a) S Lt SesGr- kx Ex 207« ( F00- 074) MR: 139.32 EN-m Bm= Resistance °F section BM = cu, Fook mi . Bm= 1 xacq b(d~ 22) t0ox (0%= {1944 «Cd A50 2 «(700 131-94 ) Prom stress dfagram ; 100-1 Goze) med = Cada alt FoI) sig.390 4.05 14 bas 165 23 Nimmt » For position of NA b 2a Xa = mm Ast: Cd- Xa) 450% Ba = 13.33x 5x x20? (400-Xa) Mas 212-906M™M Since, ta> Xe SO Section ts over reinforced MR= Cxta = 1 Xa Febe*b (A ~ 2) MR= 210.93 knim _ Chapter 17 Ends Here CHAPTER 18 Water Tank CONTENTS 18-1 Classification of Water Tank 48) 18-2 Codal Provisions of 183370 18-4 18-3 Design of Circular Tank with Flexible Joint 18-3 between Base Slaband Wal) 18-4 Designof Circular Tank with Rigid Joint 18-4 between Base Slab and Wal) \&5 Design of Member Subjected toAxial Tension 18-4 (8. Water Tamk ° 18. Classification of Water Tank A Based on Elevation ' Under ground 2-Resting on ground PA ees 3. Blevated, Z ®) Based on Shape 1. Crreular/ Cylindrical Yng bear 2 Rectangular, < 3-Intze Tank 18.2 Codal Provisionsof IS 3370: 1. Permeability of concrete must be Least souse Lesser value of wie ratio 2.No porous aggregate should be used. 3- Parl of structure relainging Aiguid and enclosing space above Liquid shouldbe taken under severe exposure condit fon 4. Maximum cement content 15 400 kg/m to take care of shrinkage effect 5. Minimuro cement content far Rec tank 's 320kgIm? 6. Minimum grade of conoete js M30 1 Maximum w/e iatia ts 045 8 Minimum nominal cover 345mm 4. Maximum allowed crack widl th & 0.2mm rn LSM design 10. To reduce- cracking duce to temperature shrinkag , 1 Sec tet tat fesn ou ane 0. Cracking of concrete can be Controlled to some exten! by maintaining slope filling vale of 1m in 24hrs,at the first time of Filling 2. AN structures required to retain Liquid for both empty and full condition shatl be designe wl. €Q critical WL criticed wer wr '3.Permissible Stress 6 Stee) + pild — 115 Niram™ *HYSD — 150 N/mm? *Concrete Grade drrect tension bending tension M25 1-3Nimm* Ve Mso ns 2.0 more than 200mm the reinforcement 14, IF thickness is a-layers, One on each face. is provided in steel 15 MinimumAc.64% and 0.4% of stvface zone for mild steel and HYSD respectively TE aan be reduced to 0.35%, and 0.24% for 1s tank with no dimensfon more than 1sm, tr gasne ae un face zone surface Z6ne £935 Of 520 18.5 Design of Circular Tank with Flexible foiat between Base slab and Wall? Leak Proof maternal im P a T ie D i T 272 pcorl) Te 22 2 ~ Wall is subjected fo hoop tension nly, so it ls designeg only for azial tension, 18.4 Design of Circular Tank with Rigid Joint between Base slab and wall: primarily subjected to hoop tension ftke cantilever sion both ~ Upper portion is and bottom portion behaves = Wal) is designed for BM and axial Een Subjected to Arial Tension 18.5 Design of Member force is Member is designed in Such away entre assumed to be transfered Hhrough stee) only. P Ast = aE Section size should be such that tensile stress oFconcrete Should not exceed its perméssible stress pr Fo Potts °° =Fep-Act for Ase Oe Pz Sep (Ag ~ Ast) +0 FA faa < Se Ag + (mm DASE : I) area of slee} required ess of wall a7 Ex, Calatlate. thickness M30, Fe 415 .M= 4.33 for axial tension 250kN/™ = Ase se im = 250x103 130 Ast= 1923.07 mm* Ew Assuming thickness = b= 100™™ e - Ag t Om-DAst foa= 250x107 = 215 N/mm doy C15 Nimm*) Safe but unserviceable. Now, assuming &=250mm fo = a Ag +em-lDAst 250x107 (4B x 1000) + (9-33-1) x1923.07 Fer = 0.93 Nrmm* < Oe (1-5 Nimm) Safe and serviceable + Chapler 18 Ends Here... of 520 STAIRCASE * Width-1to 2m, Steps—3to12nos., T+2R = 500, T*R = 40000 to 42000 + Residential © T=250t0300 fet = oe oo R=Is0t0189 << f+} + + Public cts at o T=250t0 300 TT © R=120to 150 | a) ] | po | | | | ae Width 1m, 4 g0rn — public building Minimum Steps= 3 Nos Maximum Steps = 12 Nos swat te Tread 250mm 300mm 3 Riser: ott zI50mm _ Residential +t bere) live load=5 0KNim’ * finishes load = 0.6 KN nr Assuune the stairs to be supported om 230 sm thick masonry walls at the outer edges of the landing. parallel to the risers (Fig. 12.13(a)]. Use M20 concrete and Fe 415 steel. Assume meid exposure conditions. SOLUTION © Given: R= 160mm. T= 270mm > VR? +7? =314 mm Effective span —c’c distance between supports = 5.16 m [Fig. 12.13(a)} © Assume a waist slab thickness -£(/20) = 5160/20 = 258 —» 360 mm. Garcon ergenence Asouming 20 mum clear cover (mfld expostse and 19 main bars, effective depth d = 260 -20- 122=234 mm. The slab thickness inthe fanding regions may be taken as(500 mui)as the bendine ‘moments are selatively low here. = By: Vivek Gupta (9650681684, ym A strip of unit width is designed + Loads on going (Ref. 12.13(b)] on projected plan area: 2 (1) selé-weight of waist slab @ 25% 0.26% 314270 =7.56KNim* 2) settsweight steps @ 25 x (4016 =2.00 @) finishes (given) = 0.60 ) live load (eiven) = 5.00 = Factored load = 15.16 « 1.5=22.74 kNim* * Loads on landing ()_ selt-weight of slab @ 25 x 0.20 5.00 KN Q) finishes B06 @) _liveloads @so_” 10.60 Nn = Factored load = 10.60 x 1.5 = 15.90 Nir + Design Moment jeter Fig. 12.13(0)] Reaction R= (1590x1365) +(22.74x2.43)/2 = 49.33 KNim ‘Maximum moment at atidspan: “Mg= (49.33 * 2.58) —(15.90 x 1.365) * (2.58— 1.36512) (22.74) 2.58-1.36572 = 69.30 kNm‘m + Mam reinforcement Mesum? 0138 Fexba? = =0.138x20x1000% 2547 Musim = 151.412 ENe 3 So, Mu VR +7? =314mm As the flight is supported on the landings (whose length is less than 2.0 m), the effective span (as per Code) is given by the cic distance between landings. [= 2434125 = 368 m ‘+ Assume a waist slab thickness © 3680/20 = 184 —> 185 mm. Let thickness of the landing slabs also be 185 mm. Assuming 20 mm cover and 12 4 bars, d= 185-20 ~ 12/2 = 159mm * Loads on going (Ref. 12.14(b)] on projected plan area: GQ). self weight of waist slab @ 25 x 0.185 * 314270 =538kNin? (2) seléweight of steps @ 25 * {401s} =200 7 G) finishes (given) a 2s @) live load (given) ine ee 12.98 Nine = Factored load = 12.98 « 1.5 = 19.47 KN'm* + Loads on landing (2) self-weight of slab @ 25 « 0.185=4.63 KN Q) finishes aos 7” B)_ live loads @5.00 10.23 = Factored load = 10.23 « 1.5 = 15.35 Nm 50% of this load may be assumed to be acting longinidinalty, 7.68 KN’m’ [Fig. 12.14(0)]. ist lab [refer Fig. 12.14(0)] By: Vivek Gupta (9650681684, vivekguptapatna@ of 520 Reaction on landing R = (768 x 0625) ~ (19.47 x2.43/2) =28.46 KNim T=270 R= 100 Z, 34.28 kN: TT \ - 13s0 \ | 28 2600) : = 26 |.) M.=290 | aL yim 25 | 625 ) 0 (@) Fig. 12.14 Example 12.6 Design Moment at midspar: ‘My= (28:46 * 3.68:2) — (7.68 « 0.625) « (1.84— 0.62512) 19.47 « 1.21552 = 30.69 Nm + Main reinforcement a Rey 00910 ba?” 1015: Assuming M 20 concrete and Fe 415 stee!, 1.214 MPa By: Vivek Gupta (9650681684, of 520 Pi Ae 20 _ ft a S91 214/20] ~ 0.364 x 107 100" ad ~ Feat > (a reas = 0-340) x10? 159 = 579 mm" fn Required spacing of 12 bars =195 mm, Provide 12 @ 160c/e main bars in the waist slab; these bars are continued into the landing slab, as shown in Fig: 12.14(¢). Nomisal tp steel 10 @ 190e:e is sso provided at top atthe junction ofthe waist sla with the landing sla to resist possible “negative” momes, © Dismibutors: (4 nin = 0.0012 * 1000 « 185 = 222 mim, 113108 79 Regie spacing 8 tars = 22310" — 96m Provide & @ @ 220c/c distributors in the waist slab. Design of landing stabs jrefer Fig. 12.14(c)] “i ate aor aa go Se ctr wb he fending fhe naog cht hua dacs per toe See Hoods Gomme ots tion daha (Considering te il wh af anding of 1.25 x) (@ icety ontanding, 1535125 = 19.19EN Ee Ci) fom going 19.47% 2.432 266 25m = Loating on 1m wide seip= 42.85.25" 312815 Ettective pan =260 ‘= Design Moment (at midspan): (My, =34.28 * 2.6078 =29.0 kNmim a 0 se Pi Ae 20 fa soRRL TIPO] ~ 0.342 « 107 100 ~ ad ~ Deals: > (a pgs = (0.342107) 108 2159 = 544 m7) Reged pacing of12 bas = 221% 997m Provide 12 @ @ 200 cic at bottom in a direction paralle! to the risers. + The detailing of the staircase (one typical igh’ is depicted in Fig. 12.140, [Note thatthe bars sTom the waist slab aze kept above he maia bats ofthe landing Sab so thatthe desired maximum effective dep is obtained for the maia Uars in {he landing slab. This arrangement is eszentat all the more because the waist Hab is supported by the landing, and to facilitate effective load transfer. the waist slab ‘bars umst be placed above the main bars in the landing, Nominal bars 8 @ @ 200 c'c are also provided at top in the landing slabs. By: Vivek Gupta (9650681684, SOT of 320 Earthquake Design * Ground motion is in all three directions. Two orthogonal horizontal directions and one vertical direction. ‘* Origin point of earthquake inside the earth is called focus and radialy outward point (vertical) on earth surface is called Epicenter. Epicenter + Regular structures behave better in earthquake than irregular structures. ‘Three types of irregularities exist. Mass Irregutarity © Mass irregularity Mass irrgularity shal be considered to exist where 0 Vertical irregularity the seismic weight of any storey is more than 200 © Torsional irregularity. Dercenof that ofits adjacent storeys. The regularity Aved not be considered incase of rots Vertical Geometric Irregularity Vertical geometric irregularity shall be considered to exist where the horizontal dimension ofthe lateral force resisting system in any storey is more than 150 percent of that in its adjacent storey Regular in Plan 5 7 Bregular in plan Regular 1n Elevation Trregular in Elevation By: Vivek Gupta (9650681684, orses t thquake size is a quomtitative measure of the size of the earthquake at its energy released by Magnitude: source.The Richter Magnitude Scale measures the amount of seisini an earthquake. ‘+ Intensity: It is measured corresponding to damage in any area for given earthquake. The i severity of earthquake shaking is assessed using a Mercalli Intensity Seale. When an earthquake occurs, its magnitude can be given a single numerical value on the Richter Magnitude Scale. However the intensity is variable over the area affected by the earthquake, with high intensities near the epicentre and lower values further away. These ae allocated a value depending on the effects of the shaking according to the Modified Mercalli Intensity Seale. ‘Tall building behaves as cantilever however short buildings behave as portal frame. TT Eee ‘© Flexible structures attract less earthquake force than rigid structure. Q i Flexible Rigid By: Vivek Gupta (9650681684, of 520 * Ductile structures behave better in earthquake than brittle structure, a After EQ Ductile Concrete ‘+ Ductility can be enhanced by following ways. ‘© Decrease in % of tension steel (under reinforced section) © Increase in compression steel, © Use of mild steel. © Use of shear stirrup. ‘+ To maintain overall ductility behavior of structure with minimum damage. itis necessary toachieve (© Strong foundation and weak superstructure, © Strong column and weak beam, ‘© Member strong in shear than flexure because shear failure is brittle ‘+ Maximum 30% moment redistribution is permitted in RCC structure. ‘© Shear wall is provided to resist lateral load in its own plane only. It is designed for BM. ‘SP and axial force. Thickness should not be less than 150mm. ‘hs load increases From hp, to Wp, , BMD should wiewpr9 * Maximum considered Earthquake (MCE) is the most severe earthquake effect considered by IS 1893: 2002 ‘+ The design approach adopted in this standard is to ensure that structures possess at least a ‘minimum strength to withstand minor earthquakes ( Yom height szone Ir ¢ + 40m Irregular Structure + zone Tl ¢m —> 40m szone gy —2 12m By: Vivek Gupta (9650681684, oe ‘314 Of 520 FAR ~ Bed Black BLA Masonry Design (15'99° 4 9°20) 21 Bed Block — A block: bedded on a wall, ‘column or pier to disperse a concentrated load ‘on a masonry element. 2.2 Bond — Arrangement of masonry units in ‘soccessive courses to tie the masonry together both longitudinally and transversely; the arrange- ment is usually worked out to ensure that no vertical joint of one course is exactly over the ‘one in the next course above or below it, and there is maximum possible amount of lap. 2.3 Column, Pier and Buttress 2.3.1 Column —An isolated _ vertical load bearing member, width of which does not exceed four times the thickness. en 2.3.2 Pier — A thickened. section forming integral part of a wall placed at intervals along the wall, to increase the stiffness of the wall or to carry a vertical concentrated load. Thickness of 4 pier is the overall thickness including the thickness of the wall or when bonded into a leaf ‘of @ cavity wall, the thickness obtained by treating that leaf ‘as an independent wall ( see Fig. 1). 2.3.3 Buttress—A pier of masonry built as an integral part of wall and projecting from either or both surfaces, decreasing in cross-sectional area from base to top. 2.6 Effective Height — The height of a wall or Goluma to be considered for calculating slender- ness ratio. 2.7 Effective Length — The length of a wall to be considered for calculating slenderness rat & Effective Thickness — The thickness of a wall BP column to, be considered. for calculating slenderness ratio. 2.11 Joint — A junction of masonry units. 2.41.1 Bed Joint — A horizontal mortar joint upon which masonry units are laid. 2.11.2 Cross Joint — A vertical joint, normal to the face of the wal 2.11.3 Wall Joint — A vertical joint parallel to the face of the wall. PA iy RE S& 2D mr Fic, ES JuINTs IN MASONRY By: Vivek Gupta (9650681684, ‘STS Of 520 2.17 Partition Wall— An interior _non-load Dearing wall, one storey or part storey in height. 2.18 Panel Wall — An exterior non-load bearing Wall in framed construction, wholly supported at each storey but subjected fo lateral loads. 2.19 Shear Wall — A designed to carry Lorizontal forces acting in its plane with or without vertical imposed loads. 2.20 Slenderness Ratio — Ratio of effective height or effective length to effective thickness of @ saasonry clement. 2.21 Types of Walls 2.21.1 Cavity Wall — A wall comprising two leaves, each leaf being built of masonry units and separated by a cavit tied together with metal ties or bonding to ensure that the {two leaves act as one structural unit, the space between the leaves being either left as continuous cavity or filled with a non-Joad bearing insulating and waterproofing material. (Goog\e > Pic) 221. Faced Wail = A wall in, which facing and backing of two different materialsare bonde together to ensure common action under load 4 SHEIGHT oF "" Slenderness ratio= munsenio 2.21.3 Veneered Wall — A wall in which the facing “is attached to the backing but not so Ponded as to result in a common action uader Of Somm HICHEVER IS GREATER Mere LEE E/ bety 7 Minotum DiMENsions FOR Masonry WALL on BUTTRESS PROVIDING EFFECTIVE, LATERAL SUPPORT By: Vivek Gupta (9650681684, ‘319 Of 520 _ Concrete ACKNG Fic. 6-2 Burress Fig. 3 Typicat. Facep WALL ANGLE OF DISPERSAL 30° a a Tae LeveL By: Vivek Gupta (9650681684, vive tie EM ae a Fa 26 Anum Amo Maton ‘STf Of s20 ‘TABLE 1 MIX PROPORTION AND STRENGTH OF MORTARS FOR MASONRY (Ciue321) ji Goomie siinigenicn (Netawa ia re am) Suse, tseteeviits__s divers aS ao een el | See ea » @ o o @ ° o ° ke #2 gt fee 3 ieee ts 8 Ch.) Beeb 9 $ 4 % eo : 4 Pa 8 nog form 8 # eo $ : 8 {4% 3 te ac 2 8 ee $4 z % ba x form 6 fe a 2» fo Q e 9 8 f #6 3 . 4 f ¥ 1B beef 3 8 # od fom bE 8 @ ou is ¢ We § ” , 3 § ros g 8 fe ' : f 3 $ 3 ig 8 df u BW F(R Bae 8 c3 fe 3 e4 fan bik § He High Mz Medien L= Low 6832 For load bearing walls, depth of vertical and horizontal chases. shall not exceed ‘one-third and one-sixth of the wall thickness respectively. rey EA eccentricity ‘ati z SA3 Permissible Shear Stress —In case of walls builtin mortar not leaner than Grade M1 (see Table 1) and resting orgie forces in the ‘the wall, permissible shear stress, calculated on the area of bed joint, shall not exceed the value obtained by the forniula given below, subject (0 a maximum of 05 N/mm fea Ol + fal6 where “fo permisibe shear stress in N/m, oo f= compresive stress de to dead loads fo Noor Eccentncity Ratio It 5 the ratio of eccentricity ef resultant toad on wal! and thickness oF wall. By: Vivek Gupta (9650681684, ‘STS of 520 & Conpirion oF Supromr Ermecnve No, nour a ® o 1. Lateral aswell a rotational restraint 075 Hf Thats ful restraint) at top and es tom For “example, ‘when the $oorroot spans on the walls so shat {eaction {o fond of foorroot is pro- ‘ided by the walls, or when an REC Heoorroot fas "beazing nthe wal the direction fhe joan fom tion footings of wal ie lateral as ‘wel a rotational retrain 2 Lateral ag wellas rotational restaint ° 08547 Ghats fall estaint) al one end Sina’ oniy ater reateaat {What fy Partial restraint) ‘at the other, For ‘panting or aaequatey Sealng on ‘the wall and’ Tiber foor/oot not Spanning “on wall, bat adequately ‘hchored 10 t, On the other end ar Without rotational 100 arta restraint) fon both ends. For’ example, timber floor/roof, net spansing’ on the wall, but adequately anchored 10.1 On both ends of the wall, that is, top and bottom ¢ Tamghenatesatanndad 1560 Sechrne ecm Sen Selaeeie Shy nee sean Bre eat nee th os tas Saar By: Vivek Gupta (9650681684, ‘319 Of 520 = A seannnc On, WoT Spann hso7sn SPANNING OR "SPANKING j 07K Sin =) oRURQOr 9B TWMBER FLOOR ROOF. TOMER FLOOR ANO "0 FREE STAxOWS fig 2 Sate ausseo moor $55 NE or OF Stan Fig. 11 Errscrrve Hon oF WALL ivek Gupta (9650681684, (320 OF 520 4.4 Effective Length — Effective length of a wall shall be a5 given in Table 5. "TABLE 5 EFFECTIVE LENGTH OF WALLS—Comd S$. ——_Conptrions o Surroxr Emer No. (ise Fig. 13) ‘Lenora ‘TABLE 5 EFFECTIVE LENGTH OF WALLS o @ ° Where awall is fee at one end and 1-52 CConpmoxs ov Surrom Enyecrvn septinuous with across wall at The ‘ree Fis. senor et @ @ or wall is continous and is 08 Whegea val tesa one od and ed by cross wally and eves seepeang itt akanon of 8 face of cross wall It is contiouows and is 20L ponca by pirates confor bro sst3 0) * oon where aval i fot at oom ed and Sissi bee oe SRieecdonniate supported by Where walls suprted by & pier = bates a one So aod ents 21 sual ah of wall bet Sik pisroairese ao Seeen centien ‘ot aes Conforming to 421.2 (0) eral support; and Wheres wails supported ateach cod OL ie ee Oy Sone val length 9 wl om, fs Tenor batrens Where «wall i supported at teh ine costo Nor — ave there is ap opie taller tan ae osHin ail ga of wal the pening al (Continued ) ‘be consi ~ TABLE? MAXIMUM SLERDERMESS RATIO FOR ORD hEAiNe No.or Stones Maximo Suamoennecs Rano Using Lime ‘Mortar Porzolana Cement in Mortar oy 2 o Not exceeding 2 zy 20 Exceeding 2 a iB For columns « Laterally restrained at ends Hepp = 10H + Laterally not restrained atends Hepp = 20H For arch action H>iash By: Vivek Gupta (9650681684, et OF SL0 oped ferry rt Stonaersaeg fe teterminna ne Fo. 13 Errecrive Lenorn or Watt ES masa Oe BOREL Xcel ae \/ ROS Narre be CHENCV A wr Ye ee % an POC VA ME By: Vivek Gupta (9650681684, 322 OF 520 TABLE A SALIENT POINTS ON THE DESIGN STRESS-STRAIN CURVE FOR ‘COLD-WORKED BARS. (Clorse 14) ‘Seees Levee fn45 Nin! Stain Sires Stress o e o o Nimo Nim 080 fs 0001 4 287 ‘oot 74 ware 085 fa mio 267 00193 3076 O50 fa ‘9-001 82 es 00226 3 095 fe ‘oon at aes 0.00277 ano O95 he 0.002 %6 35 00 12 a9 LOhe 0003 80 09 9004 17 ore interpolation may be Gone for ntrmediate 3s. ” MODIFICATION FACTOR of ote: tg 1S SRL STRESS OF SeRMc. {5408 0 Mine! PERCENTAGE TENSION REMFORCEMENT "Sy estrone povided Po. 4 Moomeanon Facros rok Toston Renroncoer 15 ons) Bu Fon Es Eve gn dis | ow B10 | | ons OO rencennoe ceestoon nuronccnint Z 701 ‘OOF 04 0 O10 RaTlO OF WEB WoTH TO FLANGE WIDTH Pa. Moomcanay Factor ron Cowrsstos Reneoncasaet 329 OF 520 ‘Table 19 Design Shear Strength of Conerete,1,,Nimm? (Clauses 402.1, 402.2, 403, 404, 4053,4132,4133 and 4.43) ae Comer Grade ~ im o ® ° © o aso 0s ow ow 030 os, ars ose 056 os ox oo 100 00 oa om on ost Las om os om on om us ant ors on on om 23s ont ont ass 090 on 2s ont on 090 096 098 30 on on on os9 101 ove ‘Table 20 Maio Shear Stes, fqq Nim? (Claes 4023, 4023.1, 4051 ond 413.1) seme as a au as ” o

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