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Exercises {30%}

1. The internal dimensions of your class room are ______ ________ ________&_____. Then find;

a) The required amounts of HCBs, cement and sand for the walls and calculate the total costs
of the 10mm bedded HCB masonry works clearly.
b) The total cost of plastering (rendering and floating), if all material and labor cost is 120 &
80 birr/m2 respectively.
c) Total cost of whitewashing for all walls 1 and the ceiling2, if cost of whitewashing is birr 60
per m2.
d) The total overall costs of the masonry works and its corresponding finishing works of the
Measure the dimension of the door and windows and assume the current prices of HCBs @
site are 22birr/units, Manson and labor 18birr/m2, cement 750birr/qtl, water 80birr/m3 and sand
850birr/m3 with 1:3 ratio of cement mortar for the masonry. Take shrinkage and wastage 25%
and 5% respectively.

2. If wage rate of one labourer per day is birr 350 and if earth work excavation rate is birr 120 per
m3 and if a group of 10 labors for 6 days are engaged, how much quantity of earthwork are
supposed to be dug in 6 days to get full wage rate for all labourers every day?

3. If a group of 20 labourer to get wages of worth birr 60,000 and if the earth work rate is birr 120
per m3,
a) How many m3 of earth work the group has to excavate?
b) How much average earth quantity each individual has to complete?
c) If the bulking factor is 40% how many earth work the group has to haul and transport

4. In a certain construction site an estimate of a task of bush clearance for 15 acres would be
required. If the rate of bush clearance is birr 60 per m 2,
a) What would be the total estimate amount for this bush clearance task?
b) If 30 labourers are engaged, how many days they are supposed to work, if each of them has to
get birr 450 per day.

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