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ProductInformation Server: GISarea Interim

Responsible for all issues relating to maps, geo-references, and addresses

AND GISarea is AND’s integrated GIS with sophisticated caching allowing rapid manoeuvring through maps.
A wide range of map formats is supported including DXF, DWG, KML, Shapefiles, etc.
A single Oracle™ database is used for both GIS as well as the network data; Oracle Spatial™ is not required.
All network components are geo-referenced with cables are stored together with their SDO-geometries.
All objects within an address location are automatically allocated corresponding address data with address
look-up provided for street addresses, object type, etc. Where not yet available addresses can be quickly
generated. An Interface to address management systems allows for export and import of address including
automatic updates,
AND also provides optional interfaces to external mapping systems via WMS server/client.

Further AND documents about our servers include
• SmartServer

For further information contact AND Solution GmbH Munich, 10 November 2016
Join us at LinkedIn and follow Karl-Schmid-Strasse 14 Author: Diarmuid Kelly, Director Sales International
Visit us at 81829 Munich, Germany © by AND Solution GmbH

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