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Project SolarFlex: A Solar-Powered Study Lamp with a Phone Charging Mechanism

and a Multipurpose Base


Jerlyn Almirol, Roxanne Festin, Xianna Daniella Hones, Gemharly Mendoza,


Solar energy is a free and eco-friendly source of energy that converts sunlight into electrical energy.
This type of energy is a widely known alternative solution of struggling to access electricity,
particularly in developing countries where a massive population lacks access to affordable and
reliable electricity. The issue affects the quality of life of individuals and communities, including
student’s education and productivity. With the existing solar study lamp, several enhancements were
made. A solar study lamp provides an essential source of light at study hour, and to improve the
potential features of the current lamp, an innovation is made. This innovation involved adding
features, including a flexible lamp, a charging mechanism, and a multipurpose base, to extend the
beneficial effect of solar energy. This innovative product will provide a functional, versatile product to
improved and developed the quality of life of its users, particularly students. The projects subjectively
bridge for an economic application of the product to generate an efficient way of lighting.

Keywords: Solar-powered study lamp, phone charging mechanism, multipurpose base, limited access to
electricity, renewable energy, academic performance, quality of life.

Access to electricity is a crucial issue in it difficult for students to study effectively.
many parts of the world, particularly in Furthermore, it limits the amount of time that
developing countries, where a significant students can devote to their studies, as they
portion of the population lacks access to may need to help with household chores
affordable and reliable electricity. This lack of during daylight hours. In addition, lack of
access to electricity affects the quality of life of access to electricity also affects the quality of
individuals and communities, including their education, as it limits the use of modern
health, education, and productivity. According technology such as computers and phones. All
to the articles by Sensix Team (2022) and these factors contribute to lower academic
Samuel, O. (2022), the lack of access to achievement and hinder economic
electricity has a significant impact on education development in these regions. To address this
in developing countries. It leads to poor lighting issue, solar-powered lamps have been
conditions which can cause eye strain, introduced as an alternative to traditional
headaches, and other health problems, making sources of lighting, but they often lack
additional features that could enhance their brightness of the lamp is dependent on the
utility (Boujrada, n.d.; Islam et al., 2017; battery level, Materials and manufacturing
Choudhary et al., 2019). techniques will limit the design of a solar light
Despite the availability of solar-powered with a charging USB port. and the project will
lamps, many people still lack access to focus solely on developing an efficient solar
affordable and efficient lighting solutions for lamp with a charging port.
studying and other activities in off-grid areas The SolarFlex lamp can improve the lives
(Sovacool, 2014). Additionally, the lack of of students in rural areas by providing a
phone charging options in these areas’ limits reliable source of light and phone charging,
communication and access to information. leading to improved academic performance
Furthermore, the need for multi-purpose and quality of life. It can benefit entire
features in solar-powered lamps has not been communities by providing affordable and
fully addressed, leaving consumers with limited sustainable lighting, improving productivity,
options (Owolabi et al., 2021). safety, and security. The use of solar lamps
This study aims to design and develop a can reduce reliance on fossil fuels and lower
solar-powered study lamp that serves as an carbon emissions, according to the World
alternative to kerosene lamps commonly used Nuclear Organization (n.d). The SolarFlex
in off-grid rural areas. Additionally, SolarFlex is lamp can also lead to further innovation in the
equipped with a USB port for charging mobile field of renewable energy and sustainable
phones, making it a valuable resource for development. The study's findings can have
individuals who live in areas with limited far-reaching implications for the global shift
access to electricity. Furthermore, the study towards renewable energy and sustainable
aims to incorporate multi-purpose features in living.
the lamp to enhance its functionality and Methodology
versatility. Through this project, we aim to 1. Review of Related Literature
improve the quality of life of people in rural Conducting a thorough RRL for Project
areas by providing a safe, sustainable, and SolarFlex is crucial in developing a relevant
efficient lighting solution that is both affordable and innovative solar-powered study lamp with
and easily accessible. a phone charging mechanism and
The study will focus on a specific location, multipurpose base. It enables us to identify
limiting its applicability elsewhere. It has gaps in the literature and areas that require
limitations in terms of charging time and further investigation, ultimately influencing the
capacity for both study lamps and phones the success of our project.
2. Project Development Plan electrical tape, wire, flexible hose, fly wood,
The project development plan involves wall stickers and insulating gloves.
gathering materials, designing the product,
gather the feedback from a survey, and 2.2 Illustration of the Product Design
rigorous testing to ensure it meets quality
standards before.

2.1. Materials for Project Development

Figure 2. Innovative Design of the Product

The product is a versatile multipurpose

Figure 1. The Materials of the Study base that includes a study lamp, phone
charger, and in terms of multipurpose base it
The materials need for project has, mini drawer, pen holder, phone holder,
development are, two 6Vsolar panel, solar and night lamp. It is perfect for students who
need a convenient and functional workspace.
switch with auto light indicator, 12V LED and
With its numerous features, our product is an
8V LED, solar controller, 5V regulator, switch all-in-one solution for daily needs.
12V for LED, PCB controller, switch 5v for
charging,switch 4-8V Regulator Circuit with
USB Port banker, 5V USB port charger, battery
capacity, 12V rechargeable battery,
4Vrechargeable battery, Dimmer controller
circuit or volume controller, dimmer light, 4,6
and 8V regulator circuit with USB port, diode,
electrical wire, soldering iron and solder,
output while keeping the amperage the
same (EnergySage, n.d.).
2.3 Block Diagram

3.2. Connect the series-connected solar

panels to the solar switch and connector
with voltage protector. Make sure to
connect the positive and negative
terminals correctly. The solar switch
should have an auto light indicator to
show when the solar panels are
charging the battery (Solar Power Nerd,

3.3. Connect the mini solar controller to

the banker in paralleled connection to
Figure 3. Block Diagram monitor. This will regulate the charging
of the battery and prevent overcharging
or undercharging. Make sure to connect
the positive and negative terminals
correctly (Solar Power Nerd, n.d.).

3.4. Connect the 4 to 8 volts regulator to

the mini solar controller. This will
regulate the voltage output from the
Figure 4. Visual Representation of solar panels to 4-8 volts. Make sure to
connect the positive and negative
terminals correctly (Solar Power Nerd,
1. Product Development Process n.d.).
3.1. Connect the two 6V solar panels in
series by connecting the positive 3.5. Connect the 8 volts dimmer light to
terminal of one panel to the negative the 4 to 8 volts regulator. Use a dimmer
terminal of the other panel using a controller circuit or volume controller to
diode. This will increase the voltage adjust the brightness of the light. Make
sure to connect the positive and 3.10. Double-check all the connections
negative terminals correctly to make sure they are secure and
(Instructables, n.d.). correctly wired. Use electrical tape to
cover any exposed wires or
3.6. Connect the banker to the 5 volts connections. Test the wiring to ensure
CP regulated circuit. This will regulate that everything is working properly.
the voltage output from the battery to 5
volts. Make sure to connect the positive 4. Data Collection
and negative terminals correctly (Solar 4.1 Standard Measurement
Power Nerd, n.d.). The solar panel, lights, wiring, and
battery system can be measured using a
3.7. Connect the 12 volts light directly to multi-meter to test the voltage, current,
the battery. Use a switch 12V for LED to and resistance of each component. The
turn the light on and off. Make sure to wattage of the solar panel can also be
connect the positive and negative measured to ensure that it is suitable for
terminals correctly (Instructables, n.d.). the lamp's power needs. The design of
the base can be measured by its
3.8. Connect the 5V USB port charger dimensions, such as the height, width,
to the 4V rechargeable battery. This will and depth of the pencil holder.
charge the battery using the solar
panels. Use a switch 5V for charging to 4.2. Plan Validation
turn the charger on and off. Make sure Validating a project development
to connect the positive and negative plan through review and testing is crucial
terminals correctly (Instructables, n.d.). to identifying potential risks and
challenges and developing contingency
3.9. Connect the 12V rechargeable plans to ensure successful
battery to the dimmer controller circuit or implementation. (International Journal of
volume controller. This will power the Advanced Research in Computer
circuit and adjust the brightness of the Science.n.d.).
light. Make sure to connect the positive
and negative terminals correctly 4.3 Plan Revision
(Instructables, n.d.). Based on new information or
changes in circumstances is necessary
to ensure that the project remains To measure the time required to
relevant and aligned with project goals. fully charge a phone from a solar
(International Journal of Project charger, the researchers can use a
Management by Elsevier. n.d.). timer or stopwatch to record the
charging time. However, the charging
4.4 Plan Implementation time may vary depending on the

The Journal of Energy Storage capacity of the solar charger and the

states that evaluating the functionality phone's battery. A study conducted by

and performance of prototypes is crucial the Journal of Renewable and

for identifying and addressing technical Sustainable Energy (2020).In a study by

issues before moving on to the (N. U. Ahamed et al., 2013), the formula

production phase, ensuring the Time of Charging = Battery Capacity

successful implementation of the project (mAh) ÷ Charging Current (mA) used to

development plan. (Elsevier. n.d.). calculate the time required to fully

charge a battery in a solar-powered
electric vehicle.The formula Battery Life
4.5 Functionality, Versatility and Quality
= Battery Capacity (mAh) ÷ Current
of Life
Drain (mA) was also used in the study
To assess the functionality,
to estimate the battery life of the electric
versality and effects to quality of life of
the product, we will conduct a survey
with 50 students on strand of Science, 4.7 Measuring Brightness using Lux Meter
Technology, Engineering and Apps
Mathematics (STEM) at Oriental According to the research article
Mindoro National High School. With a titled "Smartphones as a Light
total of 15 questions divided into three Measurement Tool: Case of Study,’’,
parts and two open ended question’s, smartphones can be used as a light
we will determine if the product is measurement tool for various
functional enough to meet the quality applications, including measuring
standards of market. brightness using Lux Meter apps. The
article explains that the camera sensor
4.6 Measuring Time Required to Fully on smartphones can be used to measure
Charge a Phone light intensity and provide readings in lux
units. The article concludes that
smartphone-based light measurement 5.3 Data Gathering
tools can provide accurate and reliable Data gathering is a crucial step, as it
measurements for various applications. helps project managers to identify and
(Gutierrez-Martinez, J. et al.,2017). address project risks and challenges. It
will involve collecting and analyzing
4. Data Analysis information related to the project goals,
5.1 Sampling Method design, and technical specifications

The researchers will use the based on the said variables (Vanhoucke,

purposive sampling method to gather M. 2018).

data from the chosen participants. The

chosen participants will come from one of 5.4 Data Plotting
the sections in the STEM strand where Data plotting is an important tool for
they are aware of the testing procedure. visualizing and analyzing complex data
5.2 Consultation for Product Quality sets, which can help researchers to
Control identify patterns and relationships that
According to the study by Gao X., et may be missed using traditional statistical
al. (2023), consultation with stakeholders methods (Lenz et al.,2022).
during the product development process Results
is essential to ensure product quality 1. Functionality, Versatility and Effects
control. The authors emphasize that to the Quality of life
engaging stakeholders in the quality To test the product in terms of
control process can help to identify functionality, versatility and effects to
potential issues early on, leading to quality of life, researchers uses Likert
improved product design and scale as shown in table 1. The survey
development. conducted among 50 STEM students at
5.2 Plan Revision for Product Quality Oriental Mindoro National High School
Control aims to evaluate the effectiveness of the
According to Long, C. (n.d.)., a plan product in terms of functionality,
revision for product quality control versatility, and improvement of quality of
involves evaluating and improving life. With a total of 9 questions, the
existing quality control measures to survey is divided into three parts and two
ensure that products meet quality open ended questions, each focusing on
standards and customer expectations. one aspect of the product. The results of
the survey will help determine if the of the students and if it can effectively
product meets the needs and expectation improve their quality of life.

Table 1
Likert Scale for Functionality, Versatility and Effects on Quality of Life
Numerical Scale Confidence limit Verbal Verbal
for the mean
Description Interpretation
4 3.50-4.00 Strongly Agree Very Hight Extent
3 2.50-3.49 Agree High Extent
2 1.50-4.00 Disagree Low Extent
1 1.00-1.49 Strongly Disagree Very Low Extent

1.1 Functionality of the Product

Table 2
Mean Perception of the Solar-Powered Study Lamp with a Phone Charging Mechanism and a
Multipurpose Base in Terms of Functionality

Statement Mean Verbal Description Verbal Interpretation

1. The solar-powered 3.34 Agree High Extent
study lamp is easy to
operate and control.
2. The solar-powered 3.4 Agree High Extent
study lamp provides
sufficient illumination
for studying and other
3. The phone 3.24 Agree High Extent
charging mechanism
integrated into the
solar powered study
lamp is reliable.
Overall Mean 3.33 Agree High Extent
Based from the table 2, the overall mean of the 3.33 which is described as agree and
data collected from the questions in solar- interpreted as high extent. The results revealed
powered study lamp in terms of functionality is that the item no.1 obtained the highest mean
with an average of 3.34, followed by item no. 3 the product is effective and meets the needs
with an average of 3.24 and lastly followed by and expectations of the users.
item no.2 with an average of 3.4. It means that
1.2 Versatility of the Product

Table 3
Mean Perception of Solar-Powered Study Lamp with a Phone Charging Mechanism and
Multipurpose Base in terms of Versatility

Statement Mean Verbal Description Verbal Interpretation

1. The solar-powered 3.26 Agree High Extent
study lamp adapts
well to various
conditions and off-grid
2. The solar-powered 3.27 Agree High Extent
study lamp offers
additional features
that enhance its
functionality beyond
lighting and phone
3. The solar-powered 3.32 Agree High Extent
study lamp is flexible
in terms of portability
and placement
Overall Mean 3.27 Agree High Extent

We can conclude from the table 3, the average of 3.26, followed by items no. 3 with
overall mean of the data collected from the an average of 3.32. It means that the product
questions is 3.27 described as agree and is adaptable and can be used in various
interpreted as high extent. It revealed that the settings and for different purposes.
item no. 1, obtained the highest mean with an

1.3 Effect to Quality of Life

Table 4.
Mean Perception of Solar-Powered Study Lamp with a Phone Charging Mechanism and a
Multipurpose Base in terms of the Effects to the Quality of Life
Statement Mean Verbal Description Verbal Interpretation
1. The solar-powered 3.42 Agree High Extent
study lamp
significantly improves
study conditions and
opportunities for
students in off-grid
2. The solar-powered 3.42 Agree High Extent
study lamp enhances
communication and
access to information
through its phone
charging capabilities.
3.The solar-powered 3.32 Agree High Extent
study lamp effectively
addresses the
affordability and
challenges in off-grid
Overall Mean 3.32 Agree High Extent

From the table 4, the overall mean of the by item no. 2, with an average of 3. 42. It
data collected from the questions in solar- means that the product has successfully
powered study lamp in terms of improving addressed the needs and expectations of its
quality of life is 3.32 describes as agree and users, resulting in a positive impact on their
interpreted as high extent. The results revealed quality of life.
that the item no. 1 is 3.42, followed by item no.
3 with an average of 3.32 and lastly followed

1.4. Battery Charging and Battery Life of Phone

Table 5
Comparison of time required to fully charge a phone in terms of testing and computing
Computed phone Result of testing on Computed phone Result of testing in
battery charging phone battery battery life phone battery life
11.2 Hours 11 Hours 10 Hours 8 Hours

The computed charging time for the resulted in a battery life of 8 hours. These
phone battery was 11.2 hours, but the actual results suggested that the computed values for
testing resulted in a charging time of 11 hours. both charging time and battery life may have
Similarly, the computed battery life for the been slightly different.
phone was 10 hours, but the actual testing

1.5 Battery Charging and Battery Life of Study Lamp with USB charging port

Table 6
Comparison of time required to fully charge a study lamp with USB charging port in terms of testing
and computing
Computed battery Result of battery Computed battery Result of battery life
charging charging life
15 Hours 14.8 Hours 18 Hours 17.5 Hours

The computed battery charging for study a battery life of 17.5 hours. These results
lamp with USB charging port was 15 hours, but indicate that the study lamp’s battery charging,
the actual testing resulted in a charging time of and life performance were slightly lower than
14.8 hours, Similarly, the computed battery life the computed values.
was 18 hours, but the actual testing resulted in

1.6 Measurements of Brightness

Figure 5. Brightness Line Graph

Based on the graph, the intensity of light electronic devices, enabling students to access
measured using a lux meter at the appropriate online educational resources, communicate
distance indicated that the brightness of a light with teachers and classmates, and complete
source decreases as the battery charge assignments outside of school hours.
decreases. Additionally, solar-powered study lamps can
provide lighting for studying, particularly in

Functionality, Versatility and Effects to the areas without electricity infrastructure, and help

Quality of life reduce electricity bills. Overall, solar-powered

devices offer a cost-effective and sustainable
Based from Table 1, 2 and 3, the results of
solution, empowering students with technology
the responses from the 50 respondents
skills and improving their study environments,
indicate that a solar-powered device can
Moreover, respondents suggest several
benefit students in developing countries with
improvements for the SolarFlex study lamp.
limited access to electricity in various ways. It
The most common suggestions include
can provide access to educational resources,
increasing the lamp's battery life and durability
extend study hours, improve academic
for long-term use. Some respondents also
performance, and promote environmental
suggested making the it smaller or more
sustainability. Solar-powered devices can
compact, while others proposed a larger size
serve as reliable sources of power for charging
and design. Adjustable brightness settings, a
USB charging port, and the inclusion of other system efficiency was achieved by directly
charging options like lightning or wireless charging the battery from the PV system with
charging were also mentioned. Adding an no intervening electronics, and matching the
adjustable light temperature feature and a mini PV maximum power point voltage to the
fan were suggested to enhance the lamp's battery charging voltage at the desired
functionality. Additionally, respondents maximum state of charge for the battery. This
emphasized the importance of affordability and factor affects the rapid charging of the battery
accessibility to make the lamp an appealing and phone.According to a study by Roche, O.,
option for a wide range of users. & Blanchard, R. E.(2018), the brightness of a
solar-powered LED light decreases as the
Measuring Time Required to Fully Charge a battery charge decreases. The researchers
Phone found that the light output decreased by up to

To fully charge a phone and a battery, as 50% when the battery charge was low.

shown in Table 5 and Table 6, there are

several factors to consider. It is dependent to Measuring Brightness using Lux Meter
the solar panel used considering the fact that Apps
panel orientation is one of the fundamental
factors that help determine the amount of light
that can be harvested from the sun daily
(Fashina, 2015). In addition, battery chemistry
with energy storage efficiency as high as
possible should be employed to achieve high
overall efficiency. The storage efficiency
depends on battery chemistry and is related to
the types of battery electrodes and electrolyte.
(Gurung, A., &Qiao, Q. 2018). The large
magnitude of solar power available makes
highly appealing source of electricity (Shaikh,
Furthermore, due to the combination of
the study lamp and the charging mechanism, it
limits the time requirement to fully charge a
phone. According to Gibson (2010), high
In relation to the time requirement to makes a significant contribution toward a
charge a phone, measuring brightness is also cleaner and greener environment. This
affected due to the intervening charging port. research project invites further exploration of
From the result (Figure 5) in measuring the sustainable technologies and encourages us
brightness using a lux meter, the brightness of to think about how we can harness the power
the lamp exceeded the high amount of lux (the of renewable energy sources to better serve
unit of illumination in measuring the light communities worldwide.
intensity visible in the eye), which derived as a
successful output. However, the brightness of
the lamp was decreasing due to the current it
received from the system. The constant Recommendations
voltage electronic load is used to simulate the
After testing the Project SolarFlex, the
function of battery charging; that is, the voltage
researchers have resolved the issues and
at both ends of the load is stable and
made the following recommendations. Firstly,
unchanged, and the generated current that
users should charge the solar lamp during the
changes with the light intensity at different
day to maximize its benefits. Secondly, the
times is released through the electronic load.
results of this study can be used by other
(Ali, H., 2021)
researchers to support their related studies.
Lastly, for future researchers who want to
Conclusion innovate the product, they should focus on
In conclusion, the SolarFlex lamp improving the battery life and fast charging of
demonstrates great potential in revolutionizing both the study lamp with USB charging port
renewable energy and sustainable and phone battery, additionally adding more
development by offering an affordable, solar- advanced features to the product.
powered lighting and phone charging solution
for off-grid communities. The success of this Acknowledgment
innovative project relies on efficient solar panel
We would like to extend our gratitude to
orientation, optimal battery chemistry, and a
our validator and to one of the researchers'
design that seamlessly combines practical
brothers for his invaluable help in developing
features such as multipurpose functionality. By
our product. We would also like to
addressing the unique challenges faced by
acknowledge the excellent cooperation of our
students in remote areas, the SolarFlex lamp
team members; whose hard work and
not only improves their quality of life but also
dedication made this project a success. Thank
you all for your support and contributions.

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The Functionality, Versatility and Effects to the Quality of Life of the product will be answered using
the Four Points Likert Scale
Numerical Scale Confidence limit Verbal Verbal
for the mean
Description Interpretation
4 3.50-4.00 Strongly Agree Very Hight Extent
3 2.50-3.49 Agree High Extent
2 1.50-4.00 Disagree Low Extent
1 1.00-1.49 Strongly Disagree Very Low Extent

I. Functionality of the product

Statement 4 3 2 1
1. The solar-powered study lamp is easy to operate and control.
2. The solar-powered study lamp provides sufficient illumination
for studying and other activities.
3. The phone charging mechanism integrated into the solar
powered study lamp is reliable.

II. Versatility of the Product

Statement 4 3 2 1
1. The solar-powered study lamp adapts well to various
environmental conditions and off-grid settings.
2. The solar-powered study lamp offers additional features that
enhance its functionality beyond lighting and phone charging.
3. The solar-powered study lamp is flexible in terms of portability
and placement options.

III. Effects to the Quality of Life

Statement 4 3 2 1
1. The solar-powered study lamp significantly improves study
conditions and educational opportunities for students in off-grid
2. The solar-powered study lamp enhances communication and
access to information through its phone charging capabilities.
3.The solar-powered study lamp effectively addresses the
affordability and accessibility challenges in off-grid areas.1

Open-ended Questionnaire

1. In what ways do you think a solar-powered can benefit students in developing countries with
limited access to electricity?
2. Do you have any suggestions or feedback for improving the SolarFlex study lamp?


Time of Charging = Battery Capacity (mAh) ÷ Charging Battery Life = Battery Capacity (mAh) ÷ Current Drain
Current (mA) (mA)

Computed Cellphone Charging time= Computed Battery Life = 5000 mAh ÷ 500 mA = 10 hrs.

500 mAh ÷ 446 mA = 8hrs Result Cellphone Battery Life = 5000 mAh ÷ 625 mA = 8
Result of Computed Charging time in testing = 500 mAh
÷ 455 = 11 hr
Battery Life Computed Battery Life = 3600 mAh ÷ 200 mA = 18 hrs.

Battery Life = Battery Capacity (mAh) ÷ Current Drain Result Battery Life = 3600 mAh ÷ 205 mA = 17.5 hrs
Battery Life = Battery Capacity (mAh) ÷ Current Drain
Computed Battery Life = 1209 mAh ÷ 69 mA = 17.5 hrs (mA)

Result Battery Life = 1209 mAh ÷ 81.7 mA = 15 hrs Computed Battery Life = 1209 mAh ÷ 80.6 mA = 15 hrs.

Battery Life = Battery Capacity (mAh) ÷ Current Drain Result Battery Life = 1209 mAh ÷ 81.7 mA = 14.8 hrs.
In what ways do you think a solar-powered can benefit students in developing countries with limited access to electricity?
"a solar-powered device can benefit students in developing countries with limited access to electricity by providing them with
access to educational resources, extending study hours, improving academic performance, and promoting environmental


"less cost"

"Installing these help your environment become more sustainable and less reliant on the grid and non-renewable resources ,
especially when we're studying it helps us a lot to focus on what we're doing."

"it saves money , ecofriendly and comes with so many benefits"

"In a way that even though electricity can't reach them they have another source or way that provides for them not to be left out
in this time of technology."

"Students can study anytime and anywhere, even in remote areas without electricity infrastructure, enabling them to continue
learning outside traditional classroom settings."

"it can provide a reliable source of power for charging electronic devices, such as laptops, tablets, and smartphones, which are
critical tools for learning in the modern age. This can enable students to access online educational resources, communicate with
teachers and classmates, and complete assignments outside of school hours."

"They can easily study because of the solar powered study lamp"

"It is solar-paneled, a great example would be the Philippines by its hot climate. Especially considering in Oriental Mindoro where
black outs happen more often than not, this is useful paired with Philippines' scorching heat in the summers."

"A solar-powered lamp can provide light for studying and improve educational opportunities for students in developing

"Solar-powered lights can provide extended study hours for students who may not have access to electricity at home. This can
help them to study for longer periods of time, improving their academic performance."

"It can help students during at night."

"A solar-powered can provide students with access to a vast amount of educational resources"

"In educational purposes"

"Sustainable and cost-effective solution, Empowerment through technology skills, and Improved study environment"

"through the benefits that solar powered gadgets usually provide"

"Renewable energy resources"

"To lessen the bills"

"It is hard to reach the technology base world without having a medium that could let them, through this they would be able to
cope up with technology-based world."
"It can enhance their educational opportunities and improve learning conditions"

"will be able to get enough electricity"

"It helps students who live in an off-grid area with no access of electricity in terms of, they can use this product in their studying
at night charge their phone that needs if they have an online class"

"students can continue to learn and study even when there is no electricity available. It can also develop their digital skills and
gain access to new opportunities"

"solar power empowered students, bridging the digital divide and fostering educational equality in resource-constrained

"Solar panels for schools help in reducing pollution and carbon footprint which are two of the causes of climate change in our

"This will help students if they don't have electricity when doing activities at home by providing them a reliable and sustainable
source of power"

"Solar-powered can benefit students in developing countries with limited access to electricity in several ways: 1. Lighting 2.
Extended Study Hours 3.Charging Electronic Devices 4. Environmental sustainability"

"Access to educational resources: Solar-powered devices can provide students with access to educational resources, such as e-
books, videos, and online courses, that can enhance their learning experience."

"It can be a good benefit for countries that has limited access to electricity for it is a very versatile and an easy to use equipment

Since students are allowed to be in school at daytime this can lessen their section bills when it comes to electricity and its eco-

"Particularly in places with uncertain or nonexistent grid connections, solar power can provide a consistent and reliable source of
electricity. This makes sure that even after sunset, students can access electricity for studying, using technology, and finishing
their homework."

"Emergency power supply"

"when there is no power"

"It can help lessen the consume of electricity and use solar as it is more accessible."

*It can help students in conserving electricity’s"

"By giving those children a good source of energy specially a light that can use to make a homework at night."

"With the availability of a solar-powered lamp and charging area, students can effectively engage in their academic tasks and
study efficiently."

"Acquiring light for studying will cost no money and therefore saving electricity bills."

"Easy to use and affordable"

"reliable lighting"

"It will lessen paying bill in everyday using of this product."

"It could help if there are emergencies or on off grid area"


"It can help them to have lights and electric power comes to our sun"

"In order to access easy electricity, without power"

"In way that they can use it properly and not electric consuming"

"Solar-powered study lamps eliminate the need for expensive and often unavailable

conventional lighting solutions like electricity or kerosene lamps. By harnessing the power of the sun, students can save money
on purchasing fuel or batteries for traditional lighting sources. "

"This cost-saving aspect makes solar-powered study lamps a more sustainable and affordable option for students in resource-
constrained environments."

"Reduces electric bills since you will be meeting some if your energy needs with the electricity your solar system has generated,
your bills will drop"

"Sakop niya na kasi lahat so mapapadali yung gawain ng isang tao dahil don"

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