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The U.S.

Market: A Land of Opportunity for SiyezEvi

As one of the world's largest and most diverse economies, the U.S. market offers a promising
landscape for SiyezEvi's organic grains. with a booming organic food market and supportive trade
policies, the U.S. market stands as a unique opportunity for SiyezEvi's expansion. The journey into the
market begins with a careful analysis of its potentials and challenges, followed by a strategic entry
plan to ensure success.

First we’ll analyze market landscape and consumer behavior of the US market.


There is a growing trend towards healthier eating habits in the U.S consumers becoming more aware
of the nutritional value of their food. Whole grains, are highly valued for their health benefits.
SiyezEvi should focus on health conscious consumers to make informed decisions and actively
contribute to their overall wellness.


the U.S.’s culinary scene is incredibly diverse, driven by consumers who are open to exploring new
food experiences. IN NEW YORK CITY alone there is over 800 languages spoken and there are 150
different restaurants from different cuisines. US consumers are often adventurous in their food
choices they are constantly seeking unique ingredients. SiyezEvi has the opportunity to innovate
grain choices and contribute to the diverse food culture in the US.


The organic food market in the U.S. has seen consistent growth over the years, indicating strong
consumer preference for organic products. Our company’s focus on sustainable and organic farming
practises alignes with this trend.

Forecast consumption value of organic packaged food in the United States from 2018 to 2025



The market for organic grains is highly competitive -Established grain producers, recently converted
organic farms- and imported goods all compete for a share of this expanding market. On the other
hand Established brands and emerging startups continuously innovate themselves to improve
quality and sustainability.

SiyezEvi must comply with strict food safety regulations and labeling requirements in the
U.S. .The term "organic" on food labels is regulated by the National Organic Program (NOP),
overseen by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). SiyezEvi needs to understand and
stick to these regulations to ensure compliance and maintain the integrity of its organic
Economic Freedom and Liberalized Trade Policies

While regulations exist, it's important to note that they are not overly prohibitive. The high level of
economic freedom in the US creates a favorable environment for SiyezEvi's entry into the market.
Means that there are fewer government regulations and restrictions on businesses, allowing for
more competition and opportunities. Open marketplace enables SiyezEvi to compete its sustainable
and organic products without significant barriers. On the other hand, U.S. has implemented
liberalized trade policies, promote free trade and reduce trade barriers. this trade policies can result
in reduced import tariffs, making it more cost effective for SiyezEvi to import its products from

Infrastructure and Distribution Networks –

In US are so strong

Warehousing and Storage

Giant warehousing and storage facilities in the U.S. ensure the safe storage facilitating inventory
management and meeting fluctuating demand.


The U.S. possesses an extensive network of roads, railways, airports, and ports, enabling efficient

E-commerce and Retail Distribution.

SiyezEvi can utilize strong retail infrastructure and advanced e-commerce ecosystem in the U.S. to
reach target customers

Logistics Services

Top level logistics service providers in the U.S. provides seamless supply chain management,
including customs clearance, freight forwarding, tracking, and delivery

Entry Mode of the SiyezEvi will

E-commerce and Exporting: Initially, SiyezEvi will utilize digital platforms and direct exporting. In
order to gain exposure in the U.S. market. This approach requires a lower investment and minimizes
risk while still allowing the brand to reach a broad audience.

Joint Ventures: Once established, SiyezEvi will seek a strategic partnership with Whole Foods, a
company known for its emphasis on organic and sustainable products. This joint venture will increase
SiyezEvi's visibility, broaden its distribution network, and strengthen its market position through
shared resources and brand association.
Starting with exporting and e-commerce, allows SiyezEvi to understand the market and gradually
build its brand presence in the U.S. Once the brand is more established and has gained a certain level
of market recognition, entering into a joint venture with like minded entity could provide significant
benefits such as wider distribution, shared resources, and a stronger brand affiliation. It's also worth
considering that Whole Foods' customer base likely aligns well with our target market.

the U.S. presents a promising market for organic grain products, driven by increasing health
consciousness and a diverse food culture. Potential entrants will face competition and regulatory
obstacles but can benefit from favorable trade policies and an advanced infrastructure. In our case
The market entry strategy should involve direct exporting initially, followed by forming local
partnerships and eventually considering joint ventures. Aligning with these factors, the U.S. market is
primed for successful ventures within the organic grain sector.


Cultural Intelligence: Understand the U.S.'s socio-cultural differences and Develop a deep
understanding of the U.S. food culture and aling company’s marketing and operations with local

Innovation & Sustainability: SiyezEvi should remain committed to its innovative and sustainable
farming practices in order to stay competitive in the market Innovation in terms of exploring new
organic grain varieties, improving farming methods, and enhancing packaging can attract and retain
consumers. Also practicing sustainable water and soil management, reducing waste, etc could add
value to SiyezEvi’s brand image and appeal US consumers.

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