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Curriculum Committee 3rd Meeting, Academic Year 2020-2021

November 2nd

Clinical Phase Students’ Survey Responses

Year 5
Family Medicine & Psychiatry

1. Resource Sessions
- Resources are not organized on the bb, posting two guidelines for the same topic made confusion s
- The workload on the students is really heavy comparing to other rotations by many presentations and
submissions to do which are huge obstacles on students and with the 6 years experience being medical student
the benefit from these presentations is limited as students are not lecturers and depending on them to cover
heavy and important topics like HTN and DM for example is not a great idea as they don't know what to focus
on and most of the time the end up wasting the rest of the class time and focus in irrelevant topics.
- They are too long and they contain assignments that do not work in the middle of a pandemic, please
stop giving us work to do mid lecture we are only human.
- Afternoon Lectures are taking a toll on us and the exams are right around the corner we need more
- Academic day was always on Thursday before our rotation group.

2. Resource Sessions Frequency and duration

- Too long, too much

- Waste of time, as we are going 6 hours each day to hospitals and centers to see and discuss cases

4. Portfolio
- Hectic, too many unnecessary requirements

Internal Medicine II

1. Resource Sessions
- The list of objectives given for Medicine 2 is too much... compared to the last year objectives
list... this one includes all topics in all rotations especially the objectives of emergency it
covers literally everything
- Same sessions being given since year 2 especially radiology and cardio

2. Resource Sessions Frequency and duration

- Too long, too much

3. Bedside Teaching:

- The objective list sent to the hospitals is too unrealistic and don't match the requirements for
medicine 2

Surgery II
1. Resource Sessions Frequency and duration
- Too much, too long

2. Portfolio, too many requirements.

Year 4
Surgery I

1. Resource Sessions Frequency and duration

- Too much, just right duration
- Honestly, we don’t get much of the extra day we are attending I think 4 is enough

Medicine I

1. Resource Sessions Frequency and duration

- Too much, just right duration

1. Resource Sessions Frequency and duration
- Too much, too long
- Bedside teaching in qassimi - the doctors were almost never there, informing us very late when
they won’t be able to come.
- UHS. Not enough
- So far, I have had any bedside teaching except while I was doing my DOCEE this was the first
time I got to examine a patient. This happened during Dubai hospital and SK um
- al quiwen. The patients were not educated that it’s my right to examine ( as student) and they
refused ( saying that only the doctor can examine, you are not doctors)
- Al qassimi hospital had good amount

2. Labs
- Useful, enough (majority)
- Havent tried yet
- Useful, need more

Obstetrics & Gynecology

1. Resource Sessions
- Too many lectures everyday we cant focus on anything
- Flipped classroom is useless as we dont have time to prepare, doctors should just give a normal lecture we
dont need more stuff to waste our time
- We want the academic day back
- It’s over professionally hectic! No need for pre-recorded lecture, because literally no body watch them (but we
study alone and answer their questions and they think it’s because we watched that) The sequence of lectures is
very unorganised Drs are taking soo long, even 30 min after lecture time
- Lecturers take too long to finish and most of the times take more than allocated time
- The lectures are irrelevant to what we’re taking in hospitals, doctors take longer than their time and most of the
time it’s dictative and not “problem-oriented”.
- Lectures are useless and the time is very inconvenient. Most students miss the lecture because they are on the
way home or they are too tired to attend.
- Lectures are useless in the context of the current situation - sorry but attending lectures while driving is not
logical we pay to get educated not listening to lecture like listening to a radio program.
- Daily lectures are a concern

2. Bedside Teaching
- Zulekha Sharjah - Not enough at all 
- Kings college hospital for Gyn rotation Dr Amit didnt let us in for opd not even once 
- SKMC is fine American hospital is rubbish except for very few doctors
- Hospital bedside teaching is very helpful and nice however not all hospitals have that. Most of the things I
have learned are from bedside! Would appreciate if all hospitals had bedside.

3. Labs
- Useful enough (majority)
- Some labs are unnecessary
- Not useful

4. Case Based Discussions

- Useless and takes too long
- No one really focuses in them so they dont add much knowledge to us
- Case based discussions could be reduced, and replaced with TBL’s or so. We need questions or assessments
throughout the semester to assess our level of knowledge.

Suggestions for improvement:

- Bring us back on campus

- Please stop asking us too many questions during class, it takes away from the main topic
- To lessen lectures as well as timings because it’s extremely exhausting to have a full
hospital day and get back to 2 lectures/day (which need preparation and doctors are not
very understanding if we cannot answer questions or cannot open cameras). Most of our
classes are directly after hospitals (we barely have time to breathe, pray or even eat). It’s
so exhausting to be in daily race with everything to end up fainting every other day from
tiredness, after all it’s education not a marathon.
- Please listen to us. We came to university and pay not to complain, we are here to learn.
Compromising our energy is not a good idea. Give us time to study please. We need
Academic day.
- Let the students decide which Drs are candidates for being coordinates, being higher on the
hierarchy doesn’t mean they’re good for students
- Record lectures so doctors and student can benefit

Concerns, feedback and comments:

- We are tired of having our concerns ignored or heard and then brushed aside. We are
trying to be good students but the faculty is making our lives hard with the amount of
lectures given. This is not a normal year and I cannot be expected to pay attention to a 2
hour lecture every day after I come back from a long day in the hospital/clinic. I am
disappointed by the university not helping the students thrive and learn. I need to study but
I cannot while I have paperwork, presentations, assignments, logbooks, lectures, and much
more to go through. I want to learn, I want to do well in my exams, please just have mercy
on us.
- Graduation transcript 4th rotation, how many weeks will be written, as it is required a
minimum of 10 weeks in each of the core rotations for residency programs
- Hello not sure if this is the right place for this concern however I was wondering how
many weeks are they going to count for us in our Last Year 4 rotation ... on the transcript
are they going to say 10 weeks or will they say 5 weeks ... we need it to be the former as
almost all residencies have a minimum number of weeks as a cut off to accept it as a
“completed rotation” ... if they put it for us as 5 weeks or literally any number other than
the usual 10 ... then there will be future problems ... even if they state smth like oh it’s this
many weeks cause of covid ... it will still reflect bad on us ... so please tell them to put it as
10 weeks.
- Request for an Academic Day
- Less lectures
- Decreased Portfolio Requirements for Year 5

Issues Tackled:

- Graduation Transcript for 4th rotation will be kept the same.

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