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A Listen, read, and order.

How old are you?

Happy birthday, Jenny!
Thank you!
This is for you.
I'm seven years old.


B Listen, read, and choose.

Kate and Andy:Happy birthday/seven/old , Jenny !

Andy:How/What/I’m old are you?

Jenny: I'm seven years/six/books old .

Kate: This is for/here/today you .

Jenny:Thank me/you/her !

1. Happy _____, Jenny!

o birthday
o today
2. How _____are you?
o old
o birthday
3. I’m seven _____ old.
o years
o you
4. _____ is for you.
o This
o Thank
C Listen and complete.
old your birthday seven today four

It's my __________ today .

     It's__________ birthday today.
It's my birthday __________ .
    Happy birthday, Jenny!
One, two, three, __________ , five,
     six, seven years __________ ! Now I'm __________ years old .
     Now you're seven years old.
Now I'm seven years old.
   Happy birthday, Jenny!

D Read and choose.

E Read then choose.

1. How years/old/three are you?
2. I’m seven/years/old years old .
3. Who/How/It’s old are you?
4. I'm seven years happy/birthday/old .

F Listen and write.

1. ________ ________ ________ ________ ?

2. ________ ________ ________ ________ .

3. ________ ________ ________ ________ .

4. ________ ________ .

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