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Department of Mathematics and Statistics

MATH2110, Modelling and Differential Equations

Project List
Available projects in MATH2110:

A. Tasmanian devils and DFTD

B. The cold war

C. Zombie apocalypse

D. Fight night

E. In the jungle

F. Love affairs

G. A plague of possums

H. Managing a fishery

Suggestions for students:

• Derive model using Scientific Laws / Compartment modelling

• Discuss assumptions / applications

• Dimensional analysis

• Analyse system and solutions via linear stability, phase plane analysis

• Analytical solutions (if possible)

• Numerical solutions

• Discuss results and physical meaning

• Suggestions for future projects

Project A: Tasmanian devils and DFTD
It is well known that the devil facial tumour disease (DFTD) is rife within the Tasmanian devil
population. The total number of Tasmanian devils at any one time is the sum of the infection-free
Tasmanian devils and the infected Tasmanian devils. Develop and analyse a model for the DFTD
infection in a population of Tasmanian devils. Further information:

• In the absence of the disease, the infection-free Tasmanian devil population would grow to its
carrying capacity.

• An infection-free Tasmanian devil becomes infected by interacting with an infected Tasmanian


• An infected Tasmanian devil does not recover from DFTD.

• An infected Tasmanian devil does not reproduce.

• Let T (t) denote the population of the infection-free Tasmanian devils.

• Let I(t) denote the co-existing population of infected Tasmanian devils.

• Let N (t) = T (t) + I(t) denote the total Tasmanian devil population.
Project B: The cold war
During the cold war, the USA and USSR engaged in an arms race, competing to buildup their
military strength and weapons stockpiles. Develop and analyse the Richardson arms race model
that measures their respective military expenditures. Further information:

• Each nation increases its spending in direct proportion to the other nation’s current level of
spending. This can be thought of as the fear factor.

• Each nation decreases its spending in direct proportion to its own spending. This can be
thought of as a fatigue factor and a nations reluctance to spend more of their budget on arms.

• Each nation increases or decreases their spending at an additional constant rate depending
on whether their intentions are hostile or peaceful.

• Let x(t) denote the expenditure of the USA.

• Let y(t) denote the expenditure of the USSR.

Project C: Zombie apocalypse
You’ve seen the movies, you’ve read the books, it’s happened, it’s the zombie apocalypse! The
human population (in a country of your choosing) is overrun by zombies. Assuming the human
population can be divided into susceptible, zombie and deceased populations, develop and analyse
a model for a zombie infection. Further information:

• During the apocalypse, no births occur. (However, it might be worth thinking about how this
would affect your model.)

• The susceptible population can become deceased through natural causes (i.e. a non-zombie-
related death), at a rate proportional to the susceptible population.

• Zombies do not attack other zombies and zombies only have a craving for susceptible human

• Susceptibles can become zombies through transmission via an encounter with a zombie.

• Zombies can become deceased if they lose a battle with a susceptible, i.e. their head has been

• The deceased population consists of susceptibles who have died from natural causes and
zombies killed by a susceptible.

• The deceased population cannot be resurrected as zombies. (However, it might be worth

thinking about how this would affect your model.)

• Let S(t) denote the susceptible population.

• Let Z(t) denote the zombie population.

• Let D(t) denote the deceased population.

Project D: Fight night
A population of red kangaroos and grey kangaroos compete for the same food supply (grass) and
the amount available is limited. Ignoring all other effects, including predators, seasonal effects and
other resources, derive and analyse a model that describes the interaction between the two kangaroo
populations. Further information:

• Each species would grow to its carrying capacity in the absence of the other species.

• The two kangaroo populations grow at similar rates.

• When the two populations encounter each other, trouble starts. Occasionally the grey kan-
garoo gets to eat the grass, but more usually the bigger and stronger red kangaroo nudges it
out of the way and eats the grass.

• Let R(t) denote the population of red kangaroos.

• Let G(t) denote the population of grey kangaroos.

Project E: In the jungle
A population of lions and wildebeest live in the Serengeti plains. Ignoring all other effects, including
other predators and prey, seasonal effects and other resources, derive and analyse a model that
describes the interaction between the lion and and wildebeest populations. Further information:

• The lion population is totally dependent on the wildebeest population for its food source.

• Lion-lion interactions have a negative impact on the lion population.

• The wildebeest population eats only grass and has a limited food supply.

• The wildebeest population will grow to its carrying capacity in the absence of the lion popu-

• Let L(t) denote the lion population.

• Let W (t) denote the wildebeest population.

Project F: Love affairs
Do opposites attract? Does an ‘eager beaver’ find love with a ‘fickle lover’? Can two ‘cautious
lovers’ find love or will they ultimately hate one another? Develop a model that describes the
love/hate relationship between two individuals, called A and B (feel free to change the names).
Further information:

• Let A(t) denote person A’s love/hate for person B.

• Let B(t) denote person B’s love/hate for person A.

• A positive value for dA/dt would mean that A’s love for B increases with time. Similarly, a
negative value would mean A’s love for B decreases with time, i.e. A hates B.

• A positive value for dB/dt would mean that B’s love for A increases with time. Similarly, a
negative value would mean B’s love for A decreases with time, i.e. B hates A.

• The rate of change of A’s love/hate for B is proportional to a linear combination of A’s and
B’s feelings.

• The rate of change of B’s love/hate for A is proportional to a linear combination of A’s and
B’s feelings.

• Consider different scenarios, relating the model and solutions to romantic styles.
Project G: A plague of possums
Possums were first introduced to New Zealand in the 1830s for use of their fur. However, they now
carry the infectious disease bovine tuberculosis or TB. The TB infection increases the death rate
of the possums and infected possums remain infected until they die. Derive and analyse a model
that describes the plague of possums. Further information:

• The birth and natural death rates are proportional to the population of possums.

• The death rate due to the disease is proportional to the number of infected possums.

• Infected possums can die naturally and from the disease.

• A susceptible possum becomes infected by interacting with an infected possum.

• Let P (t) denote the total number of all possums.

• Let I(t) denote the size of the subset that is infected.

Project H: Managing a fishery
In the absence of fishing, the populations of two fish species, tuna (predator) and mackerel (prey),
are described by the Lotka-Volterra model (discussed in lectures). A fishery group fish regularly
and catch both types of fish. Derive and analyse a model that describes the two fish populations
with fishing. Further information:

• Fishing has a negative impact on both fish populations.

• Consider the effect of fishing at a

– constant rate,
– rate proportional to the size of each fish population.

• The rate of fishing is different for each fish population.

• Let T (t) denote the population of tuna.

• Let M (t) denote the population of Mackerel.

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