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PAIKA REBELLION OF 1817: AN ORGANISED ARMED REVOLT AGAINST BRITISH AUTHORITY yan Rao lost laws and encroachment ‘The history in recent vers has undergone apainst the ol ‘metamorphosis. The quest or itty rom sion ites. The struggle west look the past when fe was much belle The movements were mainy restorative la character ang the sense of slidarty even transcondes ‘tmie boundary ows of any ceftontatons, ye lnk between the popular ‘he itary sength of ence powerful Osha lst ts poi! supremacy and indepenonce. Though of Odile glory du Ie passed into the Afghans coul he fold in 1602 nationalist era In ou ing sug should be Gangat and autonomy of such rebeions, and abortive, isto be highigled. hands of Afghans. Belore We came across a 5 throughout Indl during 48th ans 18th people's resistance against expotaion revolts were evento Company. Ar the maghule, Osa came under the rule f the Maranates. inorder to establish k between Bengal and Mactas Presidency challenge to hers. They wanted to ensure the neutalty ofthe Raja of Khurda wih ‘popular movementsama ‘hooks’ and ugulan were ainly the promise of ging one lakh of pues andthe eee Rt restoration of the four praganas like limiai Rahenga, Chhabiskud and Sarl ayes Krushna Rejguru, who was the chief Priest and the Regent of minor king Mukunda Deva did not back the proposal, yet ulimately respected 12 desire of the king. JayeeRajgury was doubtol Integnty of Betish Commitments he believed of th permanent enemy but only have permanent hers have no permane: Interest, In the war against Marahattas, Br 103 got the province of Cuttack land port af Balasare from the In 17t December including the Dist Raja of Nagpur in perpetulty ‘Thue Odisha gid not come under at e time, Inatead it wae & plocemeal process, during which diferent portions were snnexed! for min ish al) lon under varloue admin This had pernicious effect on the hemogere! the odia race and seriously jeopardized th Integral development. ime, Bhoi danasty was established in Khurda by Rama Chandra Deva | fed an impregnable The fort stood on an area ye part ofOaisha, who had con ‘cot of Barunei 1,000 square miles cove was located at the center of a cluster of 71 forts 31 Zamidaris. A number of smaller glance to the king. The king with (Thakur Raja) had tremendous vival impact on the Ré and the people of Odisha as @ whole, After the 8 of feudatory states fish Govt of Kura the four Praganas. Jayee Rajguru was upset by the betrayal of Bish govt. and proceeded to the cout of Harcourt at the head of = contingent of ces in order to pressurize the Govt. But, Harcourt ly denied the claim and said that as the ly categs praganas belonged to Marahattas, they British Govt ‘come under the possession of However, he was prepared to pay the money as insulted and returned ‘agreed. Jayee Rajguru back with strong determination to give a frontal batt is. He reorganized the paikas, to drive out the ine ther wi modern technique of war, concluded atriparty agreement with the Rajas of Kujanga and Kanikaand declared = war againet the British in 1804 under the Banner of the Sing al success, yet he was defeated Though he had after defending the fort for long twenty one tave uitimately the fort was captured and Jayee Rajguru along with the king Mukund Deva t! were arrested! The king wrote a compassionate Le expressing innocence on what had happened Su Rajguru took to himse! exemplary heroism and pat ‘executed in a brutal way. A kingdom of Kurd, it n of Major Fletcher. and the king was adminis banished to Bali Sahi Nawar it puri & permanentiy fed the kingdom of Khurda. The martyrdom of -layee Reajguru is venerated with great respect and —_—_—_—_—_———— oo ‘Academy says, Pai Kheda shoul be aken 383 ‘valuable mitary document in the entre fd of Indian ra SSO Malley being conuinoed of the Tho History of Odisha is the ¥y and chivalrous people known fo sturdy, stubborn and adventure. They are be favoured! by geographical phenomena and natura! Every able bodied persons of boundaries. The numerous lerary and eploraphic Baures,Panas, Kandarscould escrion display of paintings, evidence on coins, terracotta, wooden carvings and lage quantity of ctginal weapons and accessories ges us enough ofthe miltaytraaiton ofthe people of Oxisha sole uniform, Thay were nt onl in charge of Paks wore managing the Boats nthe defence, but aise functioned as watchmen of ‘and se, which 92, Ganga Prasad, Nandia have been descr ennai Champatiroy in the book “Palka Kneda! book gives a dead account of pak maria! daggers, swords, shields wth pietong sppendae. ‘Tho swords were also dierent types Ne Ohyla anda, Raga bandha, Pena bansha, Nakina banda, The bows in tie amour othe anche were ofthiteen pes nd prominent mong them were Kana (Thom), Ksura (Sap Bade) ‘dha Chanda that eon shape), sapisma even oot), od gut (tin aows) a, Each anc top ‘was made of ton an shaped a connate ihe names udange, Changu, Katia Mal, Kh march noludes luggage bearers (Boghis slaleral pr county of people. This ead wth ne unpolished manuscrits raparekara, Vesra Savas, Chakede Poth and Chakade Besana eed by Suthakara Bacajena,‘AtharasaSatas' 8 Kanal Atanada of Godawarsh Misra, Lacchoma of Fair Mokan Senapati and many hori ofthe and Paik Gols of ugha Chandra Topahy enc, the Pak aston to the epic age and lage, Further, the ‘Trough the 1ingsom 5 eee ‘ovals cOUlE ot pay tno ta in ine and became Impovetished conseqsenty many deserted ther ouses and let the county These, who happy and contented naa 1 face the serous hardship and fri everthing ing the Personal belonging. Tel condi became miserabie when hay were overbuGened ‘wih many urauinorees aah erimpeston. The demands were arbirary and pressive. Al hose ings happened becau fated to “Tne zamidare also became victim to the ssecemont. in cas of igh For example, GulamKacit, Mirza Ne! nan Shyam Sungei Krush Chana Sich, las snug wealth eM 1s and Daogasofmportant places. Ther Pole and salt Osrgas wha whole opendent instruments and paraies 1 on the bu of loc, plunder ane speculation. The similar opinion has aio bee ‘expressed by Brtieh Mitoran Haiton (uth = ig often yrs (rom 180510 1816) he rab of stale sold by publ aucon amounted ‘an average of 104 year) From ine inmemaii cour (sen waste red of exchange in Osha. A tsge quan caurle was imported to Cuttack for Malasives Island. tn 1204, Bch Got. demanetized ca ane reduced siver (Shika) coins which imaruialuod at Bengal and Arcot of Waas. Tre colleded er in sive in rate than i+ cowre, The Got so xed the 4 ahanas ond 2 Panat alver oe Ove te tution of supply and demand, mat change was about "Kahane ‘9 rupee.the ange of sal, Odisha naving prosuced finest quliy of —$—— The sat po Ne Bish Gov. was gradual Reavlaton in 1804 Sutsequet Ot Sait monopoly es fom 30 4 anna a ma eMC Becher. the "Sse! s8 tron aE Jpsandh Heuasatned age the intoduction in shooting of the pee un fo rupees tro or more ont at Cua epoed 4 OF curl in the atic {eter comforts, 125 cal Baksh Ba and ote erie, beads the esate of Via Rory. His tai e onsen is two wives Rashamanilemade and hatrman Jemads Gopiatiyaghaa was ie ola son ang ShyamsundarRay was the ‘doped Son. Because ot his exalted positon, “rss eroerence nga age han an) ies wal ee connec om ing cesoste bythe pe Wale next hte dict The operation of st monet, ‘ne interior a te cure hers the rye ere oor, I was very iicu to purchase ne salt neces) fori corsugton Ets rts Dung my tour of toe of cise, as & aja He has skong common Sense ane dae he an 68 prac twas win the greatest eat, cou procure auth ‘consumption of my camp.” He rust be adits tn Stone he tah corgi of one Se suppression of 804 worn, he lost his ake Bar a ramon exnmon taxpayer ‘Suneeqeniy fe bosame a em of consoasy vantages ts fr etived by the Gov. bythe srtesion of sl ‘monopoly but per compensate tthe nation espe of he ket of Brien a and discontrtmer ocaslone by tat este a ar subjects i Cutae. “Tas, he se poscy ‘sat oe inure poop, wha ade ry or save wh camfs,Tis mas the st ond ti eeapoomnent ge revenge engoraty oseupous a ‘Coogee etre ee saw on te camer back utich edhe coe ‘rge BuniJagebandhur | un Jostens wa brn at Renan on approximately 1788. He Nad an ator {zoids Landes a hi ree hemsehes fom te sulle of las cet rie inte pce salma eon ton of aut ceed cha ite of ste bro mses oege Hs ul nae was Jagan Bator ‘staraabar ay He ashe commas chi of he sot fas of ha Ral Khia. The est was aay hi ans on hereinoa ‘ndomitamtatie courage on and wise guidance ket the 1 perpetual anxiety for along Period of seven years, Asa Seasoned stategit and take People of all categories into his confidence spective of caste, creed and soci sats Included the wan Doabeheras Nayoks and Palks. The Rojas of Feusatory states who were burdened ih exorbitant rent and the ngour wih whieh was ‘allt also extents aymipay and suppor. He ‘liso flee the ova unter the ban (the former Rala of Kou supp ot ron of and the Ganjam . reer fury as to teste our eau, nat ila of Oris awa tom be Spread of the Revatt: “he re! m1 408 0 the lst week ot Maren 1817, The Maho bay f Kho om CGhumsurcharponing the aus fhe resteraton of Srkar Brana o God rane) asserbied at nua, The Khonds were espa ciosehent on he wan ot ad uae. “They joined wi the frees at Bue! Jagabandhu sh was ae ote rye fly f Gust, ‘Bedariba ndsnergad, Ty Wares kine wih surat, who mee employed a5 gens 6 cat out the an of ene Banpur A meating was he the Daas, Dasa tong wih Ad pais to hak out the use of acon, They stacked pote station and other Govt, butéings and ransacked thers 'epore thet he insurgents les many people ani Jools the Govt tessury. When he sat agent ot fouthor division ted to eecape, his bat i he Chia ake wos capsized ana punters Ahura ‘Being emloblaned and encouraged by he sucess, they marched to Khurds and sacked the Tahasicars office and ransacked otfice f fe. The official ra to salty and i the prosess, he person! atlendant of Davoga was gene algo atarkes tne Gout “Treasury and contcata the mary to felate tne implemeniten fh plan, xhurea was i fl cowl te ra Lema ‘seston of tw army errs th pagans etn eaten of Pareuram Rover ka one Charan Patina ol Ratu, we ‘was consaeea 28 normar othe Gout gat ‘They ened its Panehaparh which wos under the re of Rar Mita De of Sambar The reaooe of Doan Sade Ra However, te Rat etcapec to Cuttack an the Dewan wat Sachidananda ed by one ux Jagabandns sprenecna tne movorertol ess om aac. stationed a contingent of veteran pats 2 —_—_——_—_——$ Ss pei Gan ee Gangapada. The reverses was a supcise the Govt, because, they remained und: Impression that the people are happy with the benevolent and enlightened administration ofthe Bish. Immediately, the measures were taken © quell the revolt. Lt. Prideausewas aavieed (© remain at Khuda, Lt, Fars was depute to Pipi tO protect the Lembal Pragana. Impey himsif with 60 sesoys advanced to Khutth and reached the erty point at gangapads Gangapada: British army's obec! 19 the rebelion at Khurd. sive was to help Li 5 Prdeause in suporessin Butt fed because impor could not eavance Sue Gangapada by the Paiks ond surge to tne blockade at cuting down ofthe provisions. Again ‘st Krueda, Ut Pridaause as ofthe Hevo ‘rightenes and fled for tis cided t retreat on 4h 1 3rtien oficial the rebels safely. Impey also 4€17, Thus, oeing ‘encouraged ty the | chased the Many local chiefs were encouraged toon te Fh ‘aimy and put thom into Yess ish rule. Finding no alternatives, the against Govt imposed martial law in Khare i ‘The main contingent of reels marched towares Ppl and joined win Balobhadra Chhotaray of Padmpurpath and engages wi arson and loo ‘ihe main body of paksincuding the Knonds of lereé Purunder Busi Jagabanahy Pip CGhumusor ‘okanath Ghat and were engaged in through L ho ish oficial, The of aginst stationed at Purl abandoned the area being —_— heed. The priests and sevavate of aganrat seamed the rebels. The king Mukund temple we! Deva: was aproached i” M readership of tne aght 2nd 10 jam the winasom 1 his torture and acknowesging proceed back to Kurds 9 reminded of 2 king bein refused. He message through Nu mitary old for bis secu. TH rage Busi Jgabandhu, who ted to aPPe0) fs inthe name of Thakur is hawever aid not a8 of Gat stat fr suppor. ther areas affected by t Gop, Tran, Kujanga, Sarangarh Marichpur a tne revott Harispur, Kanika, Asureswa! ‘The Paik instigate’ ple for insurrection and engaged in the peor activities. Oharmy Harichandan of revenget Sarangagarh and karunakarSardar of Gop, Ralé of Harispur the Raja of Kujanga, Bamadev Patsjsh, Narayan Paramgur, Saramal Nerensr2, Katunker Paramguru and many other also participated in the uprising. It also spread to Baripada and Balasore. Many parts of western in central Cosha including Sambalpur and Nagot prownce had als joined the ot of sor was also ving ‘and Andhra. Thus, the movernert had ts of Jagannath Gangapada, The the Gowt. becau! sepoys advanced impression that the people se, they to Khurde and resce the enty point at gangapade Gangapeda: ish ax rigeause In suporessing tt ‘uti filed because Impey could nota to the Blockade at Gangopada by the cutbog down of he frightened and le decides to roveat on th ght rin ofa the ebels ‘encourage by cenased the Bein army and put ther any local eles against pul ua imy's objective was to rebelton vance ve jks ane 1 peowsons. Again atthe SS 1 wri, Lt Prideause Woe 1 for nis safety Impey alsO 1 1617, Thos, Ding ‘were encouraged tojointhe fh Got. imposed maria law in Kurd PipivPur : ‘The main contingent of eb towards Pp andj marched 1d wth Balabhacra Chhoiatay cof Pacmpuigarh ana engage with arson an 0 ‘he main body of Ghumusor through Lokanal tetaating asinst paiksincutng the Khonds of ed Purlunder Buxi Jagabendnu 1h Ghat and were engaged in and sevavat ‘ightened. The oF tempo welcomed te reels The King MURS Deval was approached in nis resence (OF aeanortegin to ieaereno of te Fant OT 1 to reclaim the kingdom procted back to Knurd® put tne ing being reminded of MS torture 2nd could not ven te British govt. Ins message trough Mukiar Parsur@ is secury. This however did NOt to appeal stead itis said that he pial seeking sitar aid for tecoyrage Bux Jegabandhu, wno tt + of Gat states in the name of ThaKU tothe a Raja for suppor. ‘other areas affected by the revolt ‘Gop, Tran Kjang, Sarongarh, MarienPU Hovispur, Kanika, Asureswar and Polke instigated sundel became th theatres of x01 T lon and engaged 1” the people for insu harmu Harichandan of Gop, Raja revengotul act Sorangagath and rarunakarSardar of ur the Raja of Kujanga, Samacev yak Naren of Haris Patsjoshi Narayan Paremqur, Berar Kerunkar Paramguru and meny other also sorzad to ‘isa incusing Sambslpur and Nagpur in cena! province had algo joined in this movement. The dia lving tracts of tremor was also f Bengal and Andhra spread to larger geographical 2rea The rebellion was reported to have been ‘Thus, the movement ned {uns and gun powder Major general Mantindell JJagabarchucoud no be captured slong with many ‘other companions, ‘Buxl Jagabandhw and Gor 4m Incognito : “Tho Might of Jagabendhu wth his tasted forest andthe wich hunt cared on by wartare ie Government, Utimately, Bux Jagabandhu was with me: mes ‘an alaborate arrangement to Cuttack. 8K. Wat of persuaded to Mohammad nas depued to accompany and sire insruton was issued the police t prevent an ce wth agabandhe way of oumey. He avd at Clack 2 posession onthe ela 1 an agreement on 20th may 1825, ‘twas state thet Jagabanchu wl not loave Cuttack vithouthe permission ofthe commissonet. He had tl of bul, He was alowed 9 stay ‘kn nif at Cte wth a tly pen of fantsh Gov. i¢ oman chapler nthe pk Ro lng. The Agreements was deve announced on his head fo capture nin dead oF ‘ve. But the guia warfare orang paid of x shows the suse determination 298 ned by Brien forces, he ca ol Chore, Shorogth, Bau, Inact, Brish Gov vial adie detest by aceping most ofthe demands for which Ne fought, Bux! Jagabandhu emerged a6 2 hero wthou an indignity associated with is surrender ya crusade which he fought mosi gent and became successta He breshos ists at Cuttack on Saturday 2atn January 1829. He pen eviewg the Cat | Jopabanchs yossersed swength of ming 08 docge esitanc and datsinatin to upols the cauze wit unineing devotion. Fr long eat yeacs be kept the Beh Govt i perpetual amscy yaks eloquent ts pone seronay 8 | ‘agabendn to sceept the ‘rdenzing genus. He wes 3 patna & a ceobratee Books leader inh 7 was not an isolated event Prompted by despair, haved & rst, BiaLiocRAPHY. ‘Manuscript Records and report, Bengal Board of Revenue nd Opium Consultations (1809-1822), Guide to Orisan Records (O54), Proveeding of Revenue (OS), Report of AIM Mi JOURNALS: Journals of Andhra Historica} Reseach (1962, 1 Kalinga Hstoical Re 22), rorana-782085, 115 — ae

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