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Eric Thomas Hedden

7/28/2020 Summer Session
Rajdeep K. Rohal
CLP 30 Butte College

Discussion 6
My three themes which had the highest scores were social, Investigative and
conventional With scores of seven, six, and six. Conventional says I’m detail oriented, like to
work with data and am organized. I agreed with those characteristics being similar to mine
sometimes. I liked that industrial and engineering technology, business, and healthcare fit in
with this category however none of the specific majors were to my liking. Investigative people
like to learn, watch, analyze and solve problems and issues. Healthcare, public and human
services, and industrial and engineering technology fit in with this type of person for occupation.
I did like some of likely majors for investigative being engineering, chemistry, and consumer
economics. I love the idea of engineering but am afraid I don’t have what it takes however, my
sister is an electrical engineer who graduated from Chico State about a decade ago. The social
person had healthcare and public and human services as occupations that were suitable for this
type. College majors recommended for social were advertising, public relations, counseling,
education, and nursing. All of those were to my liking, nursing (CNA/LVN/RN/Registered Nurse
Practitioner) was what my high school senior project was about prior to my graduation. Social
people like to work with other people rather than other things. I myself agree with this when it is
a cool person, when it’s not a cool person a good new laptop does the trick. The three themes I
did not score highest in or was told I fit into were enterprise, artistic, and realistic. I definitely am
not in the enterprise category because I hate performing or acting in front of crowds or strangers
who want to judge harshly. I'm not that creative, so I was not suited with the artistic type.
Realistic people are talented with mechanical problems and are athletes. I wish I had those
qualities but in reality I might not. The big thing I noticed was that healthcare came up three
times in all categories and industrial and engineering technology came up twice. Maybe I was
right when I wanted to be a nurse in high school. They make great money, are needed
everywhere, have benefits, state job, retirement, and steady raises and room for advancement.

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