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Land scapes are made up of land forms landform is a special feature variations in landscapes are

influenced by climate geographical mountains and rivers tectonic plates humans and location
Shaped by
Rise above the surrounding landscape have steep sides and peaks result from process in the earth
Areas of low rainfall they are arid or dry hot and cold desert
Rainforests warm low pressure climate and tropical rain

Savanna traditional landscape often found between forest and desert

Aer characterised by permafrost it is too cold for trees to grow
Karst landscapes when acidic water flows over soluble rock such as lime stone can create many
landforms disappearing rivers sinkhole caves and karst mountains
Cover around 3/4 of the earth and can be classified as fresh water or marine
Islands areas of land that are completely surrounded by water
Built landscapes altered or created by humans
Processes that shape earths geology natural - tectonic activity weathering erosion and deposition
Area areas on that sit over mantle or an area under the earths outer layer crust magma better cause
crust to thing leads to volcanic activity when crust move it makes islands or underwater volcano
Weathering breaking of rocks due to the rainwater temperature change and biological action -
physical chemical biological
Water continually continual
freezes and thaws water freezes and expands making cracks and holes in rock when thaw it breaks
down rock
Limestone reacts with water by dissolving bio fungi uses chemicals break down rock and tree roots
plant then expand
Erosion were soil and rock breaks away and moved to new location
Transportation the process that moves eroded material water is most powerful transportation and
Deposition end location of eroded materials
Chains or groups of mountains located
Some islands are actually underwater mountain peaks that emerge from the water
Notable mountains include Andes south America rocky mountains Alps The Himalayas
5 types of mountains fold fault block dome plateau volcanic mountains
Fold mountains common type folding occurs when two continental plates collide and rocks buckle
fold and lift up
Fault block form when faults or cracks in the earths crust force some parts of rock up and other parts
of rock up and other parts collapse down fracturing into rocks
Plates are high large and flat areas of land pushed above level by tectonic forces or formed by lava
Dome mountains are named for their shape and formed when molten magma pushes its way
towards the surface but cools before erupt
Volcanic mountains are formed when molten magma in the earth's mantle is forced through an
opening earth's crust almost all occur where two plate boundaries meet

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