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BJA Education, 20(12): 417e423 (2020)

doi: 10.1016/j.bjae.2020.07.006
Advance Access Publication Date: 3 October 2020

Matrix codes: 1A02,

2A05, 3I00

Contrast-associated acute kidney injury

M. Everson1,*, K. Sukcharoen2 and Q. Milner2
University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust, Plymouth, UK and 2Royal Devon & Exeter NHS Foundation
Trust, Exeter, UK
*Corresponding author:

Keywords: acute kidney injury; chronic kidney disease; contrast agent

Learning objectives Key points

By reading this article you should be able to:  Exposure to a contrast agent is associated with
 Discuss the current evidence for the association acute kidney injury (CA-AKI) and the cause is
between contrast administration and develop- likely to be multifactorial.
ment of AKI.  Risk factors for CA-AKI include chronic kidney
 Identify patients at high risk of developing CA- disease (CKD), old age and hypovolaemia.
AKI.  Alternative imaging techniques should be
 Implement preventative measures to reduce the considered for patients at high risk of CA-AKI.
risk of CA-AKI.  Expansion of intravascular volume and using
lower osmolality contrast agents reduce the risk
Acute kidney injury (AKI) is common, occurring in more than of CA-AKI.
15% of patients admitted to hospital as an emergency.1 AKI
often indicates severe systemic dysfunction and can lead to
pathophysiological mechanisms and discuss the difference
chronic kidney disease (CKD) and increased mortality. Early
between contrast-induced AKI (CI-AKI) and CA-AKI; research
proactive recognition, prevention and active management can
data have not yet clearly distinguished these entities.
reduce the incidence of AKI.
Regardless of aetiology, AKI can occur after giving an intra-
Contrast-associated AKI (CA-AKI) is typified by a deterio-
vascular contrast agent. We discuss how to identify those
ration of renal function in the days after intravascular injec-
patients at high risk of CA-AKI and the evidence-based pre-
tion of a contrast agent. Historically, the prevalence of CA-AKI
ventative measures that should be taken to reduce the risk.
was thought to be substantial, and considered to be a direct
effect of iodinated contrast agents. Newer evidence questions
the prevalence of CA-AKI and the significance of contrast in History and discovery of CA-AKI
contributing towards AKI.2 In this review we describe the
CA-AKI was first described in the 1950s in patients undergoing
intravenous (i.v.) pyelography using contrast agents.3 Larger
studies that followed showed a very high incidence of CA-AKI.
Matthew Everson BSc (Hons) MRCP FRCA is a specialty registrar in It became widely believed that CA-AKI was associated with
intensive care medicine and anaesthesia in the South West Peninsula substantially increased mortality and morbidity, including the
Deanery. His interests are in perioperative medicine, vascular frequent need for renal replacement therapy (RRT). Unfortu-
anaesthesia and medical education. nately, many of these early studies did not include control
groups, therefore only demonstrated association with and not
Kittiya Sukcharoen MRCP is an academic clinical fellow and spe-
causation of the AKI. A meta-analysis examining the inci-
cialty registrar in renal and general medicine in the South West
dence of CA-AKI after an i.v. contrast agent found that only 13
Peninsula. She has research interests in monogenic renal disease and
studies of 1489 papers had suitable control groups.2
big data analysis.

Quentin Milner FRCA is a consultant anaesthetist with specialist

interest in vascular anaesthesia.

Accepted: 20 July 2020

© 2020 British Journal of Anaesthesia. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
For Permissions, please email:

Acute kidney injury

Table 1 Risks factors for CA-AKI1,4
CI-AKI is the subgroup of CA-AKI that can be linked causally to
giving contrast media (i.e. ‘contrast-induced’). ‘Contrast- 1
Patient Pre-existing renal eGFR<60 ml min
induced nephropathy’ was a historic definition, replaced by factors disease (CKD or recent 1.73 2
CI-AKI, the term endorsed by Kidney Disease: Improving AKI)
Global Outcomes (KDIGO).4 The differences between CI-AKI Elderly population >75 yr
Diabetes Especially with
and CA-AKI have become blurred in the literature. This
associated renal
makes accurate reporting of the prevalence of CA-AKI prob- disease (eGFR<40 ml
lematic and has led to publication of poor quality data on the min1 1.732)
risk factors, prevention and treatments. KDIGO defines CI- Cardiovascular disease Cardiac failure,
AKI, after exposure of a contrast agent, as one of the following: hypertension or
vascular disease
(i) an increase in serum creatinine by 26.5 mmol L1 within Concurrent Including
48 h; or nephrotoxic drugs aminoglycosides,
(ii) an increase in serum creatinine by 1.5-fold from base- NSAID, antiviral drugs
(e.g. acyclovir)
line within 1 week; or
Haemodynamic Including
(iii) urine output <0.5 ml kg1 h1 of body weight for >6 instability hypovolaemia and
consecutive hours. sepsis. Where possible,
administration of
The creatinine definition is the most sensitive, but its
contrast should be
specificity is poor. delayed until
Without appropriate randomised trials, it is impossible to hypotension is
attribute AKI after contrast to be specifically contrast-induced. corrected. Intervention
We have therefore used the more inclusive term CA-AKI in or scanning with
this article. We believe what much of the literature describes contrast, however,
should not wait for
as CI-AKI is most likely to be CA-AKI. As one example, a study
renal function
by Ho and Harahsheh stated that 41% of 137 patients under- assessment if early
going computed tomography pulmonary angiography (CTPA) imaging outweighs the
developed CI-AKI, with 26% requiring RRT.5 However, 51% of risk of delaying the
the cohort were hypotensive, 39% required inotropic drugs procedure
and 50% received mechanical ventilation; this demonstrates Procedural Intra-arterial delivery, The risk is highest with
factors compared with the first-pass renal arterial
how various causes of AKI have been attributed solely to
lower risk of i.v. exposure, for example
contrast. delivery injection into the left
CA-AKI typically occurs within 48 h of receiving contrast heart, thoracic aorta,
with recovery expected, in most cases, over the next 5 days. suprarenal abdominal
Other causes of AKI, such as hypotension, embolic disease aorta or renal arteries
and medications should be considered, investigated and Contrast Dose of contrast High volumes of
managed as necessary. factors iodinated contrast
Estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) and creatinine >350 ml or >4 ml kg1
clearance are widely used to describe renal function in stable High-osmolality
patients, but are unreliable in patients with acute illness,
Repeated exposure to Especially <72 h
when creatinine is preferred. contrast

The pathophysiological mechanisms of CA-AKI are not and viscosity. Collectively, these mechanisms, especially in
completely understood. Contrast agents are thought to have vulnerable renal tissues, can lead to impaired renal function.
both direct and indirect effects on renal function. Contrast is Attributing AKI after a contrast agent solely to these
directly nephrotoxic to renal tubular cells by increasing mechanisms is unproved. Non-contrast mediated mecha-
tubular fluid viscosity, leading to changes in renal tubular cell nisms also are at play. These include, for example, concurrent
polarity via redistribution of Naþ/Kþ ATPase pump expres- haemodynamic instability, dehydration, other nephrotoxic
sion, resulting in increased sodium delivery to the distal tu- agents, the pathology for which the contrast agent is being
bules. This causes endothelial cell apoptosis, necrosis and given and a patient’s comorbidities.
luminal obstruction, increased intratubular pressure and ul-
timately decreased glomerular filtration.
The indirect effect of contrast agents results in alterations
to vasoactive substances, such as renin, angiotensin, endo-
Types of contrast
thelin, nitric oxide and prostaglandins. This causes reduced Contrast is used to enhance tissue visibility, improve diag-
glomerular blood flow and oxygen delivery to the metaboli- nostic efficacy or make therapeutic procedures possible. CA-
cally active nephron. Contrast also increases blood osmolality AKI is associated with giving an iodinated contrast agent.

418 BJA Education - Volume 20, Number 12, 2020

Acute kidney injury

However, non-iodinated contrast agents, including cardiac interventions. One such tool, published by Mehran
gadolinium-based contrast agents (GBCAs), may also induce and colleagues, based on patients undergoing coronary in-
AKI (discussed later). terventions, can be seen in Tables 2 and 3.9 We are not aware
High osmolality contrast agents, used historically, have of a risk score available for patients receiving i.v. contrast.
approximately four times the osmolality of blood. These have
been largely replaced with either low osmolality agents,
which are still hyperosmolar (approximately 600 mOsm kg1), Prognosis
with an osmolality twice that of blood (serum 290 mOsm
In most patients, CA-AKI is transient and self-limiting, but for
kg1), or iso-osmolar agents.
some it can lead to the development of de novo CKD or pro-
A randomised trial demonstrated a 3.3 times greater risk of
gression of pre-existing CKD.4 There are limited data in pa-
developing AKI in those receiving a high osmolality contrast
tients with end-stage renal failure on the development of CA-
agent (diatrizoate, >1550 mOsm kg1) compared with a lower
AKI. In early studies, RRT for CA-AKI was used in almost 4% in
osmolality agent (iohexol, <844 mOsm kg1).6 High osmolality
those with CKD.10 More recent studies provide a more relevant
contrast agents have been predominantly abandoned by
risk, demonstrating an incidence of CA-AKI of around 5% and
radiological departments in the UK and the use of iso-osmolar
only a small proportion of these patients go on to develop CKD
and low-osmolar agents is recommended by the European
(1%) or require long-term RRT (0.06%) with i.v. contrast.11
Society of Cardiology, as these carry a lower risk of CA-AKI.7
Multiple studies demonstrate that CA-AKI is associated
Study heterogeneity makes it difficult to ascertain the
with increased mortality, prolonged duration of hospital stay
different incidence of AKI between iso-osmolar and low-
and other adverse outcomes, even mild significant deteriora-
osmolar contrast agents, but they are lower than high-
tion in renal function that is not clinically significant. A US
osmolar agents. The randomised, double blind Cardiac Angi-
retrospective analysis of 27,608 patients undergoing percuta-
ography in Renally Impaired Patients (CARE) trial directly
neous coronary intervention showed that even a small in-
compared iso-osmolar and low-osmolar contrast agents in
crease in serum creatinine was associated with increased
those with CKD undergoing percutaneous coronary inter-
inpatient mortality.12
vention (GFR 20e59 ml min1 1.732).8 The incidence of AKI
after intra-arterial contrast in both groups was not signifi-
cantly different (4.4% in the low-osmolarity group compared
with 6.7% in the iso-osmolarity group, p¼0.39), though the
mean increase in serum creatinine was lower in those AKI, of any cause, increases the risk of developing CKD. CKD
receiving low-osmolarity contrast. increases the need for RRT and has increased mortality. There
are no suitably powered studies to date that demonstrate that
prevention of CA-AKI improves mortality, but it does reduce
Risk factors the incidence of AKI and CKD. Although not proved specif-
The risk of developing CA-AKI depends on factors related to ically in CA-AKI, reducing the incidence of AKI may improve
the patient, the procedure and the type of contrast (Table 1). longer term outcomes by reducing CKD and mortality.
Pre-existing renal dysfunction is the greatest patient- A pragmatic approach to patients undergoing contrast-
related risk factor for CA-AKI. Those patients with a normal enhanced procedures should include the use of evidence-
baseline renal function have an estimated 1e2% risk of based preventative measures in those at highest risk for AKI.
developing CA-AKI.4 The risk of CA-AKI is 5% in those with a Burdensome interventions should be avoided if unnecessary.
pre-existing eGFR60 ml min1 1.732; 10% at eGFR 45e59 ml A large number of interventions have been evaluated in the
min1 1.732; 15% at eGFR 30e44 ml min1 1.732; and 30% at
eGFR<30 ml min1 1.732.
The risk of CA-AKI with i.v. contrast for CT scans is low. A Table 2 Risk factors for CA-AKI with percutaneous coronary
large meta-analysis showed no increased risk of CA-AKI with interventions (reproduced and adapted with permission)9
i.v. contrast compared with non-contrast CT scans; there were
similar incidences of AKI (6.4% contrast vs 6.5% non-contrast), Risk factor Relative
death or dialysis in both groups.2 However, this risk is likely to integer score
be increased in the patient who is critically unwell and those
with other risk factors. Hypotension (systolic BP<80 mmHg 5
requiring inotropic drugs)
Patients who are given arterial contrast, compared with
Intra-aortic balloon pump 5
i.v., are a different group of patients, receive different doses of Congestive cardiac failure (NYHA 5
contrast and often experience procedure-related physiolog- classification III/IV, history of pulmonary
ical changes, such as hypotension and arterial embolisation. oedema, or both)
Controlled studies comparing intra-arterial and i.v. contrast Age >75 yr 4
agents are not feasible, as the contrast is essential for arterial Anaemia (baseline haematocrit<39% male, 3
<36% female)
Diabetes 3
Risk stratification tools, derived from large groups of pa- Contrast media volume 1 for each 100
tients, help to identify those at low or high risk of CA-AKI. ml
Those deemed low risk can avoid unnecessary renal func- Creatinine 133 mmol L1 4
tion tests or overburdensome preventative measures; patients or
at high risk can receive preventative measures with close eGFR
40e60 ml min1 1.732 2
follow-up, with the aim of reducing the occurrence of CA-AKI.
20e40 ml min1 1.732 4
Cumulative risk factors increase the possibility of developing <20 ml min1 1.732 6
AKI exponentially.4 Most of these risk tools are developed for

BJA Education - Volume 20, Number 12, 2020 419

Acute kidney injury

contrast, stopping 2 h before the procedure and then another

Table 3 CA-AKI risk scoring model for percutaneous coronary 600 ml water after contrast.14
interventions (reproduced and adapted with permission)9 NICE and KDIGO recommend i.v. rather than oral hydra-
tion for those at high risk of CA-AKI. Many varying regimes
Risk score Risk of CA-AKI (%) Risk of needing RRT (%) have been trialled with i.v. fluids, commonly including an
infusion commencing 1 h before contrast agent administra-
5 7.5 0.04
6e10 14.0 0.12 tion and continuing for 3e6 h thereafter.4 Longer regimens (12
11e16 26.1 1.09 h post-contrast administration) have been shown to lower the
16 57.3 12.6 incidence of AKI further.15 Achieving a urine output >150 ml
h1 for 6 h after giving contrast was associated with a reduced
incidence of AKI.16 In some emergency circumstances it may
not be feasible to optimise fluid status before giving contrast,
prevention of CA-AKI. Intravascular volume expansion is the but correction of hypotension should be attempted and fluids
only intervention with definitive benefit. should be given afterwards. Forced euvolaemic diuresis with
Numerous bodies have published guidelines in an effort to furosemide or mannitol has been shown to increase the
reduce the incidence of CA-AKI, including the American Col- incidence of CA-AKI.17
lege of Radiology (ACR), the European Society of Urogenital It is unclear what volume of i.v. fluid is best to prevent AKI.
Radiology, KDIGO, the National Institute for Health and Care ACR guidelines recommend the use of i.v. saline 0.9% at 100 ml
Excellence (NICE) and the Renal Association. Many of these h1 for 6e12 h before and 4e12 h after angiography.18 Euro-
guidelines are based on expert opinion with poor quality data, pean Society of Cardiology guidelines advocate i.v. saline 0.9%
using studies without control groups. at 1e1.5 ml kg1 h1 for 12 h before and up to 24 h after the
procedure.7 The Prevention of Contrast Renal Injury with
Different Hydration Strategies (POSEIDON) trial showed fluid
Contrast agent titration to targeted left ventricular end diastolic pressures
had a lower incidence of CA-AKI compared with the control
Modifiable factors are to minimise the volume of contrast group.19 Fluid should be administered judiciously in those at
agent, using low osmolarity or iso-osmolar contrast, and using risk of fluid overload, for example concurrent heart failure or
non-iodinated contrast media. The volume of contrast agent the elderly, who may develop pulmonary oedema, although
given correlates with the risk of CA-AKI.13 the POSEIDON trial demonstrated a low incidence of adverse
effects. However, the A Maastricht Contrast-Induced Ne-
phropathy Guideline (AMACING) trial randomly assigned 660
Fluids patients deemed high risk for CA-AKI undergoing contrast
Intravascular volume expansion at the time of giving contrast procedures to receive either periprocedural i.v. isotonic saline
may counteract both the indirect intra-renal haemodynamic or no i.v. fluids.20 There was no significant difference in the
changes and direct renal tubular toxic effects of contrast. It incidence of AKI between the hydration group and the no
may reduce cellular damage by diluting the tubular concen- hydration group. It should be noted that the AMACING trial
tration of contrast agent and is likely to decrease tubular fluid excluded those with eGFR<30 ml min1 1.732, thereby omit-
viscosity. Possibly more importantly, it may correct and ting those potentially at highest risk of developing CA-AKI.
optimise other concurrent causes of AKI, unrelated to giving Most guidelines recommend i.v. hydration with either
contrast, such as dehydration. isotonic (1.26%) sodium bicarbonate or isotonic (0.9%) sodium
Intravascular volume should be optimised in any patient chloride. The Prevention of Serious Adverse Events Following
receiving contrast. The exact volume and rate of fluids given is Angiography (PRESERVE) study showed equivalent values of
probably less important, but should be individualised to ach- i.v. isotonic sodium bicarbonate and isotonic sodium chloride
ieve euvolaemia. Oral fluid is adequate for those at low risk of in patients at high risk of CA-AKI after angiography (CA-AKI in
CA-AKI and i.v. fluids are preferred for high-risk patients. 9.5% vs 8.3%, respectively [p¼0.13]).21 Sodium bicarbonate may
Regarding i.v. fluids, isotonic sodium bicarbonate or isotonic have additional therapeutic benefits, including urinary alka-
sodium chloride could be used; the former may have addi- lisation and free radical scavenging, but a meta-analysis of
tional benefits (discussed later), but the ideal rate and volume 5686 patients showed no clinical benefit of sodium bicarbon-
remains unclear. Exact fluid type should be considered in the ate over sodium chloride.22 We are not aware of any trial that
context of any electrolyte and acid-base derangements. Evi- has compared giving a balanced crystalloid fluid with isotonic
dence suggests that giving fluids reduces the incidence of CA- saline or isotonic sodium bicarbonate, despite the proved
AKI but has minimal effect on the use of RRT or mortality.4 benefits of these fluids in other settings.
Oral hydration is not considered inferior to i.v. hydration at
preventing CA-AKI.1 NICE recommends encouraging oral hy-
Pharmaceutical agents
dration before and after contrast agent exposure in adults at
risk of CA-AKI in both outpatients and inpatients if appro- N-acetylcysteine (NAC) has been extensively investigated for
priate. Outpatient hydration needs to be pragmatic and avoid the prevention of CA-AKI. Data fails to provide a significant
unnecessary prolonged admission for i.v. fluids. It would seem benefit in clinical outcomes, with either oral or i.v. NAC
reasonable to encourage oral fluid intake in the preoperative administration.21 NAC is not widely used in the UK and not
setting, whilst adhering to existing ‘nil-by-mouth’ guidelines. recommended by NICE, but it is by KDIGO, despite having no
One study provided 500 ml water in the 4 h before giving effect on mortality, AKI or need for RRT.

420 BJA Education - Volume 20, Number 12, 2020

Acute kidney injury

Contrast-enhanced scan or procedure required.

Consider alternative imaging techniques

Time-critical emergency scan or

Emergent or elective scan

Proceed to scan, do not await renal Consider and discuss in MDT:

function tests if time-critical • Probability and importance of accurate
Optimise intravascular volume status diagnosis and risk of misdiagnosis
before and after contrast (with i.v. • Alternative methods of diagnosis
isotonic saline or sodium bicarbonate), • Baseline renal function (eGFR)
avoid nephrotoxic agents, minimise • Allergic reaction risk
contrast dose

If appropriate, proceed to scan/intervention,

Closely follow up consider baseline risk factors, use risk
renal function tests (Day 3 minimum) prediction tools (e.g. Mehran).

High risk of CA-AKI Low risk of CA-AKI

(including eGFR<59 ml min–1 1.73–2, (including eGFR>60 ml
recent AKI): min–1 1.73–2):
Discuss in MDT, optimise Consider elements of
intravascular volume status before ‘high risk’ to adopt if
and after contrast (with i.v. isotonic appropriate, oral hydration
saline or sodium bicarbonate), pre- and post-contrast
avoid nephrotoxic agents,
minimise contrast dose

Follow up renal
function tests (Day 3 minimum)

Fig 1 Decision-making aid for patients needing contrast-enhanced imaging or intervention.

There is insufficient evidence to support stopping di- by intermittent haemodialysis. However, evidence does not
uretics, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors or angio- demonstrate a reduction in the incidence of CA-AKI with
tensin receptor blockers. NICE advises consideration of prophylactic RRT use after giving contrast agents and it is
temporarily stopping these medications in those with CKD currently not recommended by KDIGO.
with eGFR<40 ml min1 1.732.1 It seems appropriate to avoid
and stop nephrotoxic medications around the time of giving
contrast agent, including NSAIDs. Metformin is not itself Influence on decision making
nephrotoxic but there is risk of developing lactic acidosis in Regardless of whether AKI after contrast is a marker or a
severe AKI and it is advised to temporarily stop metformin mediator of adverse outcomes, it has an impact on clinical
after contrast is given. practice. Unnecessarily avoiding or postponing a contrast
scan or procedure may deny or delay an accurate diagnosis or
treatment. Patients with CKD are less likely to undergo coro-
Renal replacement therapy
nary angiography than those with normal renal function and
Use of prophylactic RRT is not recommended for removing this may be partly because of concerns over CA-AKI.24
contrast agent, even in those at high risk of CA-AKI. Contrast Avoiding contrast in patients with CKD occurs with other
agents are excreted predominantly by glomerular filtration, contrast-enhanced procedures. The topic is complex as this
and elimination is delayed in those with renal dysfunction.23 may equally signify the appropriate use of alternative imaging
Some 60e90% of contrast agent can be effectively removed modalities that avoid contrast.

BJA Education - Volume 20, Number 12, 2020 421

Acute kidney injury

The use of a contrast agent in patients with CKD or high Gadolinium-based contrast agents (GBCAs)
risk of CA-AKI should be discussed as part of an individualised
Gadolinium chelates are used as a contrast agent in MRI scans.
multidisciplinary team discussion, including the patient, a
GBCAs in high doses are nephrotoxic, causing CA-AKI.29 The
renal physician, the radiologist and referring clinician. NICE
incidence of CA-AKI and allergic reaction are much lower with
recommends discussion with renal physicians in those on
GBCAs than iodinated contrast agents. The Royal College of
RRT (those with residual urine output may require dialysis
Radiologists recommends caution when using GBCAs in those
after contrast) or with a renal transplant, but again this should
with renal dysfunction and alternative imaging techniques
not necessarily delay emergency imaging.1 A threshold
should be considered. If needed, minimising the dose of GBCA
eGFR<30 ml min1 1.732 or a recent AKI are recommended by
will reduce the risk of CA-AKI.
ACR as a trigger for discussion between the radiologist and
Nephrogenic systemic fibrosis (NSF) is a rare, but serious
referring clinician.18
disorder that occurs in those with impaired renal function
We propose a logical approach to management of patients
when exposed to GBCAs. Collagen disposition results in con-
receiving a contrast agent (see Fig. 1).
tractures and fibrosis of multiple systems: lung, liver, heart
and muscle. Current GBCAs pose a much lower risk than
historic agents; there is a <1% risk of developing NSF with
Special circumstances newer GBCAs in those with renal dysfunction.30 To reduce the
Gastrointestinal surgery risk of NSF the GBCA dose should be limited, lower-risk GBCAs
used, repeat contrast administration avoided within 7 days
A recent prospective cohort study of more than 5000 patients
and GBCAs avoided in patiens with AKI. Initiation of inter-
undergoing both elective and emergency abdominal surgery
mittent haemodialysis is not recommended, but for those
found an overall incidence of AKI of 13.4%.25 There was no
already on it, they should be dialysed within 24 h of giving a
increased risk of postoperative AKI in those exposed to pre-
operative i.v. contrast scans (n¼1249) using a propensity
score-matched model.
CA-AKI remains one of the leading causes of AKI, but its val-
Endovascular aneurysm repair
idity remains a clinical and research dilemma. To date, no
AKI after endovascular aneurysm repair and open aortic RCTs have been performed to truly elucidate whether CI-AKI
aneurysm repair is common and multifactorial; the incidence exists. The historically high incidence of CA-AKI is now
varies (up to 36%) because of differing definitions of AKI in the much lower than previously reported. Iso-osmolar and low
literature, but is most common in emergency open repair.26 osmolality contrast agents do not appear to be significantly
There are multiple risk factors for AKI after endovascular nephrotoxic. AKI does occur after the use of contrast, but this
aneurysm repair including: emergency procedures; guidewire is likely to reflect multifactorial mechanisms, particularly in
manipulation in the renal vessels; embolisation of athero- patients who are critically ill or those with significant risk
matous plaque into renal vessels; perioperative hypotension; factors.
and the use of contrast. Significant AKI after AAA repair is We recommend proceeding with a contrast scan or inter-
associated with increased mortality. The same principles vention in the emergency setting, if deemed appropriate, and
apply to reducing the risk of AKI as discussed previously. alternative imaging is not suitable, especially if i.v. contrast is
given. An evidence-based multidisciplinary team discussion
in elective situations is essential to highlight those at high risk
Paediatrics of CA-AKI and weigh up the risks and benefits of obtaining an
accurate diagnosis. In both settings, it is important to limit the
Risk factors for AKI in children include prematurity, postnatal
dose and volume of contrast agent, and CA-AKI prophylaxis,
infections, congenital heart disease and congenital kidney
namely intravascular volume expansion, should be given to
diseases. Children with these conditions are more likely to
those at high risk, with close follow-up of renal function.
require contrast-enhanced scans and interventions. There are
few studies examining CA-AKI in paediatric patients. Paul and
colleagues found no AKI development in severely injured
children after i.v. contrast for CT scanning.27 Preventative
measures are largely extrapolated from adult research and The associated MCQs (to support CME/CPD activity) are
clinical practice but lack primary evidence in the paediatric accessible at by subscribers to BJA
population. Education.

Intensive care Acknowledgements

Critically ill patients are at high risk of developing AKI for The authors would like to thank Professor Coralie Bingham
multiple reasons. A propensity score matched non- FRCP PhD (honorary associate professor and consultant in
randomised trial of patients in ICU found an increased risk renal medicine, Royal Devon & Exeter NHS Foundation Trust,
of AKI and dialysis in the contrast vs non-contrast group if UK) for reviewing this article before submission.
eGFR was <45 ml min1 1.732.28 However, without properly
controlled studies, it is difficult to ascertain the significance of
contrast agents in causing AKI in heterogeneous patients in
Declaration of interests
ICU. The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.

422 BJA Education - Volume 20, Number 12, 2020

Acute kidney injury

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