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Which of these people is most responsible for your academic integrity as a student?

Select one:
a. You
b. Other students
c. Your family
d. Your lecturers

The correct answer is: You

Question 2
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In which of these ways could a university lecturer best demonstrate the values of
academic integrity?

Select one:
a. Giving extra marks to a small group of students who have worked for longer on an
b. Not penalising a student the first time they are found to have breached academic
c. Changing the time of an exam from morning to afternoon to give students more
time to study
d. Assessing student essays according to a transparent marking scheme

The correct answer is: Assessing student essays according to a transparent marking
Question 3
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In which of these ways could a student best ensure that they do not accidentally
breach academic integrity?

Select one:
a. Completing their assessed work close to the deadline
b. Reading a large amount of background material before starting an assessment
c. Taking notes of the academic sources they use
d. Sharing recordings of their lectures with their friends

The correct answer is: Taking notes of the academic sources they use
Question 4
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Which of these situations represents an example of collusion?

Select one:
a. Sharing answers on a Facebook group so that you and your group can check if you
made any mistakes
b. Discussing an exercise with a friend before starting work on it
c. Including a reference that you have not read in an essay
d. Working as part of a group for a group assignment

The correct answer is: Sharing answers on a Facebook group so that you and your
group can check if you made any mistakes
Question 5
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Which of these behaviours would represent a breach of exam academic integrity?

Select one:
a. Not sleeping the night before an exam to get more time to study
b. Learning the answers to last year's exam paper by heart
c. Pointing out a mistake in the exam paper questions to an invigilator
d. Taking an extra long bathroom break and accessing your mobile phone

The correct answer is: Taking an extra long bathroom break and accessing your
mobile phone
Question 6
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According to the definition of academic integrity, which of these is an academic

integrity value?

Select one:
a. Inclusivity
b. Respect
c. Punctuality
d. Ability

The correct answer is: Respect

Question 7
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According to the definition of academic integrity, which of these pairs of words are
both academic integrity values?

Select one:
a. Trust and skill
b. Openness and fairness
c. Justice and honour
d. Respect and responsibility

The correct answer is: Respect and responsibility

Question 8
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You see an advert for a service offering to do your assessments for you. What is this
service best known as?

Select one:
a. Contract cheating
b. Fabrication
c. Collusion
d. Impersonation

The correct answer is: Contract cheating

Question 9
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One of your fellow students is taking extra assessments to complete their course
quickly. You are concerned that this may lead them to breach academic integrity.
Which of these is likely to be the main reason for your concern?

Select one:
a. They will be under extra pressure due to the increased workload
b. They are motivated by financial gain
c. They are not taking the same assessments as you, so have no one to ask for help
d. They are working more hours in their part-time job

The correct answer is: They will be under extra pressure due to the increased
Question 10
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Which of these possible student motivations for a medical student is most likely to
lead to academic integrity breaches?

Select one:
a. A personal interest in how the brain works
b. Planning to earn a substantial salary as soon as possible
c. Aiming to help people to recover from illness
d. Wanting to give back to their community

The correct answer is: Planning to earn a substantial salary as soon as possible

Which of these reasons best describes why someone acting without academic
integrity in education may also act without academic integrity in their future
professional practice?

Select one:
a. They do not believe that the two areas are related
b. They do not have the skills they should have developed
c. They do not have respect for other people
d. They believe integrity is more important in education than in professional practice

The correct answer is: They do not have the skills they should have developed
Question 2
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In a newspaper article, a journalist accidentally prints the name of one of their

confidential sources. Which principle of academic integrity does this breach?

Select one:
a. Fairness
b. Respect
c. Trust
d. Honesty

The correct answer is: Trust

Question 3
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In which of these ways could a university lecturer best demonstrate the values of
academic integrity?

Select one:
a. Giving extra marks to a small group of students who have worked for longer on an
b. Not penalising a student the first time they are found to have breached academic
c. Changing the time of an exam from morning to afternoon to give students more
time to study
d. Assessing student essays according to a transparent marking scheme
The correct answer is: Assessing student essays according to a transparent marking
Question 4
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Which of these situations represents an example of contract cheating?

Select one:
a. Making up business data used in an assessment
b. Having a friend complete an assessment for you
c. Using a plagiarism detection tool that your university has not provided
d. Including legal terminology that you do not understand in an assessment

The correct answer is: Having a friend complete an assessment for you
Question 5
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Your friend Melanie asks if you will help her by reading her essay and correcting the
mistakes. You are rather busy but Melanie has helped you in the past and you owe
her a favour. Which of these behaviours is an acceptable way for you to help her?

Select one:
a. Write a new introduction for Melanie, as her one needs to be improved
b. Read the essay and mark areas that Melanie should look at again, but don't make
any changes yourself
c. Give feedback but also keep a copy of the essay for yourself, as you have to do
that assessment next year and it will help you to write your own
d. As you're busy but want to help, pay an online service to read and edit the essay
for Melanie instead

The correct answer is: Read the essay and mark areas that Melanie should look at
again, but don't make any changes yourself
Question 6
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Which of these academic integrity related terms best describes sitting an exam for
another student?

Select one:
a. Plagiarism
b. Contract cheating
c. Impersonation
d. Essay fraud

The correct answer is: Impersonation

Question 7
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When completing an assessment, you remember you answered a similar question

before. To save time, you copy several paragraphs from the previous answer and
include them, without acknowledgement. What is this behaviour best known as?

Select one:
a. Collusion
b. Plagiarism
c. Contract cheating
d. Fabrication

The correct answer is: Plagiarism

Question 8
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You see an advert for a service offering to do your assessments for you. What is this
service best known as?

Select one:
a. Contract cheating
b. Fabrication
c. Collusion
d. Impersonation

The correct answer is: Contract cheating

Question 9
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You are concerned that you are not going to be able to complete an assessment on
time. Which of these would represent the best place for you to go to for help?

Select one:
a. An online service that will provide you with a bespoke sample assessment
b. A private tutor
c. University support services
d. Another student on your course
The correct answer is: University support services
Question 10
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Which of these reasons best reflects why it is important for you to prepare before
starting an assessment?

Select one:
a. You may not leave enough time to help your friends
b. You may accidentally commit plagiarism
c. You may get a lower mark than other students
d. You may be considered socially irresponsible

The correct answer is: You may accidentally commit plagiarism

Which of these reasons best describes why someone acting without academic
integrity in education may also act without academic integrity in their future
professional practice?
Select one:

a. They do not believe that the two areas are related

b. They do not have the skills they should have developed

c. They do not have respect for other people

d. They believe integrity is more important in education than in professional practice

The correct answer is: They do not have the skills they should have developed

Question 2

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In a newspaper article, a journalist accidentally prints the name of one of their
confidential sources. Which principle of academic integrity does this breach?
Select one:

a. Fairness

b. Respect

c. Trust

d. Honesty

The correct answer is: Trust

Question 3

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In which of these ways could a university lecturer best demonstrate the values of
academic integrity?
Select one:

a. Giving extra marks to a small group of students who have worked for longer on an

b. Not penalising a student the first time they are found to have breached academic

c. Changing the time of an exam from morning to afternoon to give students more
time to study
d. Assessing student essays according to a transparent marking scheme

The correct answer is: Assessing student essays according to a transparent marking

Question 4

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Which of these situations represents an example of contract cheating?
Select one:

a. Making up business data used in an assessment

b. Having a friend complete an assessment for you

c. Using a plagiarism detection tool that your university has not provided

d. Including legal terminology that you do not understand in an assessment

The correct answer is: Having a friend complete an assessment for you

Question 5

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Your friend Melanie asks if you will help her by reading her essay and correcting the
mistakes. You are rather busy but Melanie has helped you in the past and you owe
her a favour. Which of these behaviours is an acceptable way for you to help her?
Select one:
a. Write a new introduction for Melanie, as her one needs to be improved

b. Read the essay and mark areas that Melanie should look at again, but don't make
any changes yourself

c. Give feedback but also keep a copy of the essay for yourself, as you have to do
that assessment next year and it will help you to write your own

d. As you're busy but want to help, pay an online service to read and edit the essay
for Melanie instead

The correct answer is: Read the essay and mark areas that Melanie should look at
again, but don't make any changes yourself

Question 6

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Which of these academic integrity related terms best describes sitting an exam for
another student?
Select one:

a. Plagiarism

b. Contract cheating

c. Impersonation

d. Essay fraud

The correct answer is: Impersonation

Question 7

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When completing an assessment, you remember you answered a similar question
before. To save time, you copy several paragraphs from the previous answer and
include them, without acknowledgement. What is this behaviour best known as?
Select one:

a. Collusion

b. Plagiarism

c. Contract cheating

d. Fabrication

The correct answer is: Plagiarism

Question 8

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You see an advert for a service offering to do your assessments for you. What is this
service best known as?
Select one:

a. Contract cheating

b. Fabrication

c. Collusion

d. Impersonation

The correct answer is: Contract cheating

Question 9

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You are concerned that you are not going to be able to complete an assessment on
time. Which of these would represent the best place for you to go to for help?
Select one:

a. An online service that will provide you with a bespoke sample assessment

b. A private tutor

c. University support services

d. Another student on your course

The correct answer is: University support services

Question 10

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Which of these reasons best reflects why it is important for you to prepare before
starting an assessment?
Select one:

a. You may not leave enough time to help your friends

b. You may accidentally commit plagiarism

c. You may get a lower mark than other students

d. You may be considered socially irresponsible

The correct answer is: You may accidentally commit plagiarism

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