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Direction: In each question below is given a statement followed by two conclusions numbered I
and II. You have to assume everything in the statement to be true, then consider the two
conclusions together and decide which of them logically follows beyond a reasonable doubt
from the information given in the statement.
Give answer:
a. If only conclusion I follows
b. If only conclusion II follows
c. If either I or II follows
d. If neither I nor II follows and
e. If both I and II follow.
1. Statements: In a one-day cricket match, the total runs made by a team were 200. Out of these
160 runs were made by spinners.
a. 80% of the team consists of spinners.
b. The opening batsmen were spinners.
2. Statements: The old order changed yielding place to new.
a. Change is the law of nature.
b. Discard old ideas because they are old.
3. Statements: Government has spoiled many top-ranking financial institutions by appointing
bureaucrats as Directors of these institutions.
a. Government should appoint Directors of the financial institutes taking into consideration the
expertise of the person in the area of finance.
b. The Director of the financial institute should have expertise commensurate with the financial
work carried out by the institute.
4. Statements: Population increase coupled with depleting resources is going to be the scenario of
many developing countries in days to come.
a. The population of developing countries will not continue to increase in future.
b. It will be very difficult for the governments of developing countries to provide its people decent
quality of life.
5. Statements: Prime age school-going children in urban India have now become avid as well as
more regular viewers of television, even in households without a TV. As a result there has been
an alarming decline in the extent of readership of newspapers.
a. Method of increasing the readership of newspapers should be devised.
b. A team of experts should be sent to other countries to study the impact of TV. on the
readership of newspapers.
6. Statements: He stressed the need to stop the present examination system and its replacement
by other methods which would measure the real merit of the students.
a. Examinations should be abolished.
b. The present examination system does not measure the real merit of the students.
7. Statements: Fashion is a form of ugliness so intolerable that we have to alter it every six
a. Fashion designers do not understand the public mind very well.
b. The public by and large is highly susceptible to novelty.
8. Statements: Until our country achieves economic equality, political freedom and democracy
would be meaningless.

a. Political freedom and democracy go hand in hand.
b. Economic equality leads to real political freedom and democracy.
9. Statements: Quality has a price tag. India is allocating lots of funds to education.
a. Quality of education in India would improve soon.
b. Funding alone can enhance quality of education.
10. Statements: Although we have rating agencies like Crisil, ICRA, there is demand to have a
separate rating agency for IT companies to protect investors.
a. Assessment of financial worth of IT companies calls for separate set of skills, insight and
b. Now the investors investing in IT companies will get protection of their investment.
11. Statements: The standard of education in private schools is much better than Municipal and
Zila Parishad-run schools.
a. The Municipal and Zila Parishad should make serious efforts to improve standard of their
b. All Municipal and Zila Parishad schools should be closed immediately.
12. Statements: All the organized persons find time for rest. Sunita, in spite of her very busy
schedule, finds time for rest.
a. Sunita is an organized person.
b. Sunita is an industrious person.
13. Statements: Domestic demand has been increasing faster than the production of indigenous
crude oil.
a. Crude oil must be imported.
b. Domestic demand should be reduced.
14. Statements: Recent trends also indicate that the number of child migrants in large cities is
increasing. These children leave their families to join the ranks of urban poor doing odd jobs in
markets, workshops, hotels or in service sectors.
a. Migration to big cities should be checked.
b. The plight of poor children should be thoroughly studied.


In each of the following questions, two statements numbered I and II are given. There may be cause
and effect relationship between the two statements. These two statements may be the effect of the
same cause or independent causes. These statements may be independent causes without having
any relationship. Read both the statements in each question and mark your answer as
A. If statement I is the cause and statement II is its effect;
B. If statement II is the cause and statement I is its effect;
C. If both the statements I and II are independent causes;
D. If both the statements I and II are effects of independent causes; and
E. If both the statements I and II are effects of some common cause.
1. Statements:
a. The life today is too fast, demanding and full of variety in all aspects which at times leads to
stressful situations.
b. Number of suicide cases among teenagers is on increase.
2. Statements:

a. The prices of petrol and diesel in the domestic market have remained unchanged for the past
few months.
b. The crude oil prices in the international market have gone up substantially in the last few
3. Statements:
a. The government has recently fixed the fees for professional courses offered by the unaided
institutions which are much lower than the fees charged last year.
b. The parents of the aspiring students launched a severe agitation last year protesting against the
high fees charged by the unaided institutions.
4. Statements:
a. All the schools in the area had to be kept closed for most part of the week.
b. Many parents have withdrawn their children from the local schools.
5. Statements:
a. The police authority has recently caught a group of house breakers.
b. The citizens group in the locality have started night vigil in the area.
6. Statements:
a. Majority of the students in the college expressed their opinion against the college authority's
decision to break away from the university and become autonomous.
b. The university authorities have expressed their inability to provide grants to its constituent
7. Statements:
a. The literacy rate in the district has been increasing for the last four years.
b. The district administration has conducted extensive training program for the workers involved in
the literacy drive.
8. Statements:
a. The private medical colleges have increased the tuition fees in the current year by 200 per cent
over the last year's fees to meet the expenses.
b. The Government medical colleges have not increased their fees in spite of price escalation.

9. Statements:
a. The local co-operative credit society has decided to stop giving loans to farmers with immediate
b. A large number of credit society members have withdrawn major part of their deposits from the
credit society.
10. Statements:
a. The employees of the biggest bank in the country have given an indefinite strike call starting
from third of the next month.
b. The employees of the Central Government have withdrawn their week-long demonstrations.
11. Statements:
a. Police resorted to lathi-charge to disperse the unlawful gathering of large number of people.
b. The citizens' forum called a general strike in protest against the police atrocities.
12. Statements:
a. Majority of the citizens in the locality belongs to higher income group.
b. The sales in the local super market are comparatively much higher than in other localities
13. Statements:
a. The meteorological Department has issued a statement mentioning deficient rainfall during
monsoon in many parts of the country.
b. The Government has lowered the revised estimated GDP growth from the level of earlier
14. Statements:
a. Importance of Yoga and exercise is being realized by all sections of the society.

b. There is an increasing awareness about health in the society particularly among middle ages
group of people.

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