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BA.LL.B.(Hons) vi SEM. END SEM. EXAMINATION, 2020-21 (BLENDED MODE - ONLINE + OFFLINE) SUBJECT-LAW PAPER - INTERPRETATION OF STATUTES AND PRINCIPLES OF LEGISLATION SUBJECT CODE: LAW-CC-6145 Time : 2Hrs. Max. Marks: 60 Note: Attempt any three questions from Section-A and any two questions from Section-B 2, Use A-4 size white paper for writing the answers. © 3. Answers of the questions must be clear and in readable form Written in your own handwriting. ate 1 wes ot Va woe TA Tt ret Fo sar Aa | 2, TR A4 ora @ wre wera wr var SE | 3. Tet S ee eae BY weet Y ere yd wots EM mies Section-‘A"@S ‘3'(Short answer Type Questions) (AIST TEA) 3x10=30 Note:-Attempt any three questions. Each question carries 10 marks. ate—atg dt ver SR | vets Wea 10 aie ore | Q.1 Discuss the internal aids to interpretation. Expalin with help of decides case laws, Dec eT aePrat ot eben eA ta are aPC BY ere TTT Q.2 — Write anote on doctrine of repi cares aor Rarer we Peco Pafere | Q3. Discuss is following maxims with help of decided Cases:- Prefaftra eat ot Proffa are ¥ aersar weg — (a) Exprissio unius ist exclusion alterius __(b) Reddendo singular singulis (a) We ae wr Sede GAY wT TTA (@) afer a7 Q4 Why should a taxing statutes be strictly construed? Give your reasons and illustrations in support of your answer, Give relevant case laws. Spe feral or wale Per geal Rar ara way? ae ee Sway AT HTT ws TeTENoT eee | rtf are oT seca wifey Q.5 When liberal construction of statutes is permissible under Rules of Interpretation? Peder & Prot B arena Pea veal 7 vere aeafeaar yaa 8? Q.6 Explain The principle of ‘Nocitur-2-Soci meaty grad @ Raia oy were | Section-'8’ avs ‘w;Long answer type Questions) (dtefaendte: we) 2x15=30 Note:-Attempt any two questions. Each question carries 15 marks. ate—arg at wet Afi | gate wer 15 ie we | 0.1 Explain The ‘Doctine of Eclipse. Is it applicable to post constitutional Laws? How this principle has developed through Judicial Interpretation? meee ha arared | Far ae wearatee Prat we ary, eter #? aw Praia Prfaal are fre we ga? Q2 “The so called Golden Rule of Construction is really « modification of literal rule’, Discuss the statement with illustrations and case laws in support of your answer. earefere areafecast ser eafeia Pray area were Poo wr a Rtepa we #1 ad ween eel A Geta eT Prefer are were @ war wer Peter sAFETE Q3 “In construing a Penal law, if there appears a reasonable doubt or ambgrity, it will be resolved in favour of the person who would be liable to Penalty. Discuss the above statement with reftence to the strict construction of penal statutes. . Petes feral wt arafeaiee wet wera aft ew age vee aT ETC wel lay tae SET eel se ahh Sort Provan ate, ot se ws & fay wearer & var wer Bt feta cise feftrat S sate Prefer diet aif Q.4 Bring out the distinction between penal and remedial statutes and the Rule of interpretation applied to them. Discuss the current judicial trend in the interpretation of remedial statutes. Bifee ate ovat oral A wen oa we auton Pda @ Prant S fla Fe eve Are) ova we F Prides A arerert wanes wafrad at PRET HATE

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