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Day 40 Name: …………………………….

Test 1


I. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following sentences.
0. Tim likes _________ hide-and-seek with his friends at recess.
A. play B. plays C. playing D. played
1. I……………make new friends since I moved here.
A. can’t B. am not able to C. couldn’t D. haven’t been able to
2. Neither the teacher nor the students……………about his absence.
A. knows B. know C. is knowing D. are knowing
3. Damir comes from Russia and Russian language is his mother………….
A. tongue B. mouth C. lip D. heart
4. …………….hard he tried, he didn't succeed in getting a license.
A. However B. Moreover C. Despite D. Although

II. Polly and Max are talking after school. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answers
to complete the following dialogue.

A. Yes. I've decided to go to an adventure camp in York.

B. Yes. It looks great!
C. Yes. We are allowed to bring our mobile phones.
D. I have to ask my parents first.

Peter : Hi, Peter. Have you decided which summer camp to go to this summer?
Tony :(5)…………………
Peter : Wow! I’ve heard about that one. Did you read about it on the Internet?
Tony :(6)…………………
Peter : So, have you booked already?
Tony :(7)………………………….
Peter : Are you sure they're going to allow you to go?
Tony : Yes, of course. They know 1 love extreme sports.
Peter : So, will you try bungee jumping there?
Tony : No. I'm a little scared of heights. But I can't wait to go canoeing!
Peter : That sounds like fun. Do you know how to canoe?
Tony: No, but there will be instructors there to teach us.
Peter : I’m sure you'll have a great time.

III. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct word or
phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.

Working as a novelist is not really a career like being a doctor or a scientist. Although a few well-known
ones, like Harry Potter author J. K. Rowling, have become wealthy, most writers find it difficult even to
make a living from their book sales. Novels take a long time towrite, and authors can get into financial
(8)______ if they don‟t have money coming in regularly from another job. But for those determined to
write novels, it is without (9) ______ one of the most enjoyable kinds of work to do. The writer has to
be creative, thinking up completely new stories, and (10) ______ , meaning they put all their time and
effort into their work. They also need to be able to cope in a crisis, as nobody else can write their book
for them. For this, a good sense of (11) ______ often helps. Or the thought that maybe their novel might
one day be turned into a film and become a Hollywood (12)______.

Question 8: A. problem B. trouble C. upset D. worry

Question 9: A. difficulty B. suspicion C. thinking D. doubt
Question 10: A. deliberate B. delivered C. decided D. dedicated
Question 11: A. hoping B. humor C. smiling D. joking
Question 12: A. best-seller B. attraction C. blockbuster D. victory

IV. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to
each of the questions.
We find that bright children are rarely held back by mixed-ability teaching. On the contrary, both their
knowledge and experience are enriched. We feel that there are many disadvantages in streaming pupils.
It does not take into account the fact that children develop at different rates. It can have a bad effect on
both the bright and the not-so-bright child. After all, it can be quite discouraging to be at the bottom of
the top grade!
Besides, it is rather unreal to grade people just according to their intellectual ability. This is only one
aspect of their total personality. We are concerned to develop the abilities of all our pupils to the full, not
just their academic ability. We also value personal qualities and social skills, and we find that mixedability
teaching contributes to all these aspects of learning.
In our classroom, we work in various ways. The pupils often work in groups; this gives them the
opportunity to learn to co-operate, to share, and to develop leadership skills. They also learn how to cope
with the personal problems as well as learning how to think, to make decisions, to analyze and evaluate,
to communicate effectively. The pupils learn from each other as well as from the teachers.
Sometimes the pupils work in pairs; sometimes the work on individual tasks and assignments, they can
do this at their own speed. They also have some formal class teaching when this is appropriate. We
encourage our pupils to use the library, and we teach them the skills they need in order to do this
effectively. An advanced pupil can do advanced works; it does not matter what age the child is. We
expect our pupils to do their best, not their least, and we give them every encouragement to attain this

Question 13: The phrase "held back" in paragraph 1 means .

A. made to lag behind B. prevented from advancing
C. forced to study in lower classes D. made to remain in the same classes
Question 14: The author argues that a teacher‟s chief concern should be the development of the pupils‟
A. intellectual abilities B. learning ability and communicative skills
C. personal and social skills D. total personality
Question 15: Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?
A. Pupils also learn how to participate in teaching activities
B. Group work gives pupils the opportunity to learn to work together with others
C. Pupils also learn to develop their reasoning ability
D. Group work provides the pupils with the opportunity to learn to be capable organizers
Question 16: The author‟s purpose of writing this passage is to .
A. offer advice on the proper use of the school library
B. argue for teaching bright and not-so-bright pupils in the same class
C. recommend pair work and group work classroom activities
D. emphasize the importance of appropriate formal classroom teaching
Question 17: According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?
A. There is no fixed method in teaching pupils to develop themselves to the full
B. Development of pupils as individuals is not the aim of group work
C. It’s not good for a bright child to find out that he performs worst in a mixed-ability class
D. Pupils cannot develop in the best way if they are streamed into classes of different intellectual

V. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the
following sentences.

18. You must speak slowly or he’ll not be able to understand you.
A. Unless you speak slowly, he won’t be able to understand you.
B. Unless you don’t speak slowly, he’llbe able to understand you.
C. You can speakslowly but he’ll not be able to understand you.
D. Although you speak slowly, he’ll not be able to understand you.
19. Human beings are responsible for the changes in the environment.
A. The environment changes the responsibilities taken by human beings.
B. Responsibilities are taken with human beings in the environment.
C. Human beings takeresponsibilities for the changes in the environment.
D. Thechanges in the environment need human beings’responsibilities.
20. Calling Jim is pointless because his phone is out of order.
A. It’s useless calling Jim because his phone isout of order.
B. It’s worth notcalling Jim because his phone isout of order.
C. It’s no use to callJim because his phone isout of order.
D. There’s no point in calling Jim because his phone isout of order

Test 2


I. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following sentences.
0. Tim likes _________ hide-and-seek with his friends at recess.
A. play B. plays C. playing D. played
1. Mum and Dad didn’t fancy cooking, so we got a pizza _______.
A. be delivered B. to be delivered C. delivered D. deliver

2. My dad wants me to go to university, but I’m in_______ minds about it.

A. my B. two C. some D. different

3. The woman was convicted and sentenced _______ six months in prison.
A. for B. on C. with D. to

4. Where’s that _____ dress that your grandma gave you?

A. lovely, long, pink, silk B. pink, long, lovely, silk
C. lovely, pink, long, silk D. long, pink, silk, lovely

II. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct word or phrase
that best fits each of the numbered blanks.

Why is it that many teenagers have the energy to play computer games until late at night but can't find
the energy to get out of bed (8)_____ for school? According to a new report, today's generation of
children are in danger of getting so (9) ____ sleep that they are putting their mental and physical
health at (10) _____. Adults can easily survive on seven to eight hours' sleep a night,
(11)_____teenagers require nine or ten hours. According to medical experts, one in five youngsters
(12)_____ anything between two and five hours' sleep a night less than their parents did at their
By Tim Falla and Paul A.Davies, Solutions Advanced. OUP
Question 8: A. behind time B. about time C. in time D. at time
Question 9: A. few B. less C. much D. little
Question 10: A. jeopardy B. threat C. risk D. danger
Question 11: A. or B. because C. whereas D. so
Question 12: A. puts B. gets C. brings D. makes

IV. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to
each of the questions.

Millions of people are using cellphones today. In many places, it is actually considered unusual not to
use one. In many countries, cellphones are very popular with young people. They find that the phones
are more than a means of communication - having a mobile phone shows that they are cool and
The explosion in mobile phone use around the world has made some health professionals worried.
Some doctors are concerned that in the future many people may suffer health problems from the use of
mobile phones. In England, there has been a serious debate about this issue. Mobile phone companies
are worried about the negative publicity of such ideas. They say that there is no proof that mobile
phones are bad for your health.

On the other hand, medical studies have shown changes in the brain cells of some people who use
mobile phones. Signs of change in the tissues of the brain and head can be detected with modern
scanning equipment. In one case, a traveling salesman had to retire at young age because of serious
memory loss. He couldn't remember even simple tasks. He would often forget the name of his own son.
This man used to talk on his mobile phone for about six hours a day, every day of his working week, for
a couple of years. His family doctor blamed his mobile phone use, but his employer's doctor didn't
What is it that makes mobile phones potentially harmful? The answer is radiation. High-tech machines
can detect very small amounts of radiation from mobile phones. Mobile phone companies agree that
there is some radiation, but they say the amount is too small to worry about.
As the discussion about their safety continues, it appears that it's best to use mobile phones less often.
Use your regular phone if you want to talk for a long time. Use your mobile phone only when you really
need it. Mobile phones can be very useful and convenient, especially in emergencies. In the future,
mobile phones may have a warning label that says they are bad for your health. So for now, it's wise not
to use your mobile phone too often.

Question 13: The word “they” in paragraph 2 refers to .

A. doctors B. ideas C. professionals D. companies
Question 14: The phrase “negative publicity” in paragraph 2 most likely means .
A. poor ideas about the effects of cellphones
B. information on the lethal effects of cellphones
C. the negative public use of cellphones
D. widespread opinion about bad effect of cellphones
Question 15: According to the passage, cellphones are very popular with young people because
A. they make them look more stylish
B. they are worrying
C. they are a means of communication
D. they are considered unusual
Question 16: What could be the most suitable title for the passage?
A. Technological Innovations and Their Price
B. The Way Mobile Phones Work
C. Mobile Phones: A Must of Our Time
D. The Reasons Why Mobile Phones Are Popular
Question 17: The word “potentially” in paragraph 4 is closet in meaning to .
A. possibly B. privately C. obviously D. certainly
V. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the
following sentences.
18. As soon as he arrived at the airport, he called home.
A. Calling home, he said that he had arrived at the airport.
B. No sooner had he arrived at the airport than he called home.
C. He arrived at the airport sooner than he had expected.
D. He arrived at the airport and called me to take him home.
19. Anne had the TV on when her parents entered the room.
A. Anne’s parents told her to turn on the TV.
B. Anne noticed her parents watching TV.
C. Anne’s parents found her watching TV.
D. The TV was on a table in Anne’s room.
20. Jane refused to attend his birthday party, which made him feel sad.
A. Jane’s refusal toattend his birthday party made him feel sad.
B. He felt sad not to be able to attend Jane’s birthday party.
C. Jane made him sad despite her refusal to attend his birthday party.
D. Jane refused to attend his birthday party because it made him feel sad.


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