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1 Market Research
The organization’s product quality planning team may need to obtain
market research data and information reflecting the Voice of the Customer.
The following sources can assist in identifying customer concerns and
wants and translating those concerns into product and process
• Customer interviews
• Customer questionnaires and surveys
• Market test and positioning reports
• New product quality and reliability studies
• Competitive product quality studies
• Best Practices
• Lessons Learned

1.1.2 Historical Warranty and Quality Information

A list of historical customer concerns and wants should be prepared to
assess the potential for recurrence during the design, manufacture,
installation and use of the product. These should be considered as an
extension of the other design requirements and included in the analysis of
customer needs.
Many of the following items can assist the team in identifying customer
concerns and wants and prioritizing appropriate resolutions.
• Best Practices
• Lessons Learned
• Warranty reports
• Capability indicators
• Supplier plant internal quality reports
• Problem resolution reports
• Customer plant returns and rejections
• Field return product analysis

1.1.3 Team Experience

The team may use any source of any information as appropriate, including
the following:
• Input from higher system level or past Quality Function Deployment
(QFD) projects
• Media commentary and analysis: magazine and newspaper reports, etc.

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