RE Paper 1

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Answer all the questions.


1 (a) State one similarity between African Traditional Religion and Hinduism.
(b) Examine one way in which the ethical dimension of religion enhances social harmony.

(c) Explain three factors which contributed to the proliferation of religions in Botswana.

2 (a) According to African Traditional Religion in Botswana, what two roles in the universe are played by
human beings?


(b) Describe two possible effects of modern development on sacred places.


(c) Explain two ways in which Botho has promoted peace and harmony in Botswana.


3 (a) State two methods the early missionaries used to spread Christianity in Botswana.


(b) Assess how the missionaries participated in the politics of Botswana.


(c) “The church should not be involved in politics.”

State two arguments that supports the above statement.


4 (a) Identify and explain two Christian teachings on justice


(b) Explain how one of Jesus’ teachings on authority is similar to the modern understanding of the


(c) State three ways in which Jesus demonstrated the value of love when dealing with the needy.


5 (a) State three ways in which religions assist people who are affected by natural disasters.


(b) Examine one challenge which is often a result of religious tolerance in pluralistic societies.

(c) Describe two views of followers of African Traditional Religion on global epidemics.


Answer all the questions.[2014}

1 (a) Explain one way in which African Traditional Religion expresses itself.


(b) Describe the significance of any two practices of African Traditional Religion.


(c) ‘Religious believers should make concern for the environment a priority.’

Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion, showing you have considered other points of views.


2 (a) Explain the term ‘taboo’.


(b) Describe two duties of women in African Traditional Religion in Botswana.

(c) Explain the significance of traditional doctors’ divining bones (ditaola) and hills in African Traditional
Religion in Botswana.


3 (a) Explain the importance of family relationships in Christianity.


(b) Compare two ways in which the value of marriage is expressed in African Traditional Religion and in


(c) Evaluate how Christians view the religious roles of men and women.


4 (a) Explain the Christian understanding of loyalty to society.


(b) Explain one way in which the resurrection of Jesus Christ can be viewed as a demonstration of God’s


(c) Describe three ways in which Christians have contributed towards the attainment of justice in

When answering question 5, you should use the following religions as specified: Buddhism, Hinduism,
Islam, or Baha’i Faith.

5 (a) Describe one way in which any of the above religions deals with sexual abuse.


(b) Explain two ways in which any one of the above religions influences family life.

(c) Compare any two beliefs that are shared by any two of the religions above.


Answer all the questions.{2016}

1 (a) Explain the term religion.


(b) Describe any two differences between Judeo-Christian and Oriental religions.


(c) Examine the different attitudes held by Christians concerning the ordination of women.


2 (a) State two challenges which the early missionaries faced when they were spreading the gospel
among Batswana.

(b) Describe two ways in which Christian churches are contributing within the communication sector in


(c) Assess how Christianity affected Tswana culture.


2 (a) Explain the effect of the interaction between African Traditional Religion and Christianity in


(b) Examine any two teachings of African Traditional Religion with regard to the meaning of human life.


(c) “Polygamy is a necessary religious practice in African Traditional Religion in Botswana.”

To what extent do you agree?


4 (a) To what extent is authority effective in modern times?

(b) Explain two ways in which Christians understand the concept of love.


(c) Describe any two Bible teachings on eternal life.


5 (a) State two reasons to support why the equality between men and women is important in society.


(b) Describe why and how any one role of women has changed in African Traditional Religion in


(c) List five ways through which family ties are strengthened in African Traditional Religion in Botswana.


Answer all the questions.{2017}

1 (a) State the founders of

(i) Baha’i Faith,


(ii) Buddhism.

(b) Explain two ways in which religions can create harmony in society.


(c) Describe two political factors that led to the formation of Sikhism.


2 (a) State two beliefs of African Traditional Religion in Botswana.


(b) Describe two teachings of African Traditional Religion on the relationships between men and


(c) Assess how totemism affects animal life.


3 (a) Explain the term “peace”.


(b) A good leader should have a “big heart”.

Describe two implications of the above statement.


(c) Assess how salvation can be used to combat crime in modern society.

4 (a) State two differences between a nuclear and an extended family.


(b) Describe two ways in which the roles of women are changing in modern society.


(c) Describe two ways in which equality between men and women can contribute positively towards
nation building.


5 (a) To what extent can followers of religions solve problems associated with global epidemics.


(b) State three ways in which justice is promoted in Buddhism. [3]


(c) Explain what any two teachings of the Baha’i Faith say about humanity’s responsibility towards the

Answer all the questions.{2018}

1 (a) (i) What do Christians and Hindus believe happens to the human soul after death? [2]


(ii) How realistic is the Muslim view that Muhammad is the last prophet? [1]


(b) State three ways in which religions help to prevent crime in society. [3]


(c) Describe two ways in which the constitution of Botswana contributes to the proliferation of
religious organizations in the country. [4]


2 (a) Explain the differences between totemism and taboos. [2]


(b) Analyze any two practices of African Traditional Religion that are associated with marriage. [4]


(c) ‘Mabogo dinku a a thebana’ (Scratch my back I will scratch yours).

Describe two ways in which the above moral teaching promotes peace in Botswana. [4]

3 (a) Give a reason for one way in which Batswana reacted to the introduction of Christianity.


(b) Explain one way in which Christian churches have promoted education in Botswana.

__________________________________________________________________________________ [2]

(c) Christian churches with different beliefs and teachings have mushroomed in Botswana.

Give three reasons why these churches should be united.


4 (a) Explain the term injustice.

__________________________________________________________________________________ [2]
(b) Explain two ways in which tribal or political leaders promote social harmony in Botswana.

__________________________________________________________________________________ [4]

(c) Evaluate how salvation can influence a Christian’s interpersonal relationships.


When answering question 5(a) and 5(b), use the following religions;

Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, or Baha’i Faith.

5 (a) Assess a right of married women in one of the above religions.

(b) Describe two religious practices that prepare young people for marriage in any of the above

__________________________________________________________________________________ [4]

(c) Explain a way in which religious teachings help to protect the environment.

__________________________________________________________________________________ [4]

Answer all the questions.{2019}

1 (a) Explain one way in which religion can cause problems in society.


(b) Describe two positive effects of totemism in contemporary Botswana.

__________________________________________________________________________________ [4]

(c) Discuss the positive and negative effects of Batswana hospitality.

__________________________________________________________________________________ [4]

2 (a) State two ways in which Batswana reacted to Christian teachings introduced by the early


(b) Discuss two contributions of African Independent Churches towards the improvement of health in

__________________________________________________________________________________ [4]
(c) Explain two ways in which Christian churches in Botswana protect women against violence.

__________________________________________________________________________________ [4]

3 (a) Explain a Biblical teaching on salvation.

__________________________________________________________________________________ [2]

(b) Explain two ways in which the Christian belief in eternal life can influence human behavior.


(c) Describe two ways in which Christians can bring peace in a society.

__________________________________________________________________________________ [4]

When answering questions 4, you should use the following religions as specified;

Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, or Baha’i Faith.

4 (a) Explain the concept of marriage.


(b) Describe two ways in which family life is important in one of the religions provided.


(c) Assess two views on the marriage rights of women in one of the above religions.

2 (a) Describe two roles of women in African Traditional Religion that promote stability.


(b) Examine two ways in which marriage in African Traditional Religion can promote unity in society.


(c) Explain one positive effect of change on the roles of women in modern society.

__________________________________________________________________________________ [2]

3 (a) Describe one way in which the early missionaries contributed towards the social welfare of

__________________________________________________________________________________ [2]

(b) Describe one way in which conversion of dikgosi made it easy for missionaries to establish
Christianity in Botswana.


(c) “Some people might say they have been cheated of their cash by some Christians on the grounds of
performing miracles”.

Suggest three ways that the church can address this situation.


4 (a) Explain one way in which Christians express love.

__________________________________________________________________________________ [2]
(b) Evaluate two ways in which authority is important in society.

__________________________________________________________________________________ [4]

(c) When answering question 4(c) you should use any of the following religions:

Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, or Baha’i Faith.

In two ways show how the status of women in marriage is recognized in any of the religions above.


5 (a) Explain one way in which religious fundamentalism could be resolved.


(b) Describe any two characteristics of a Buddhist champion of justice.

__________________________________________________________________________________ [4]

(c) Describe two ways that contemporary society can benefit from religious tolerance.

__________________________________________________________________________________ [4]

Answer all the questions.[2021}

1 (a) Explain one socio-economic factor that led to the origin of Sikhism.

__________________________________________________________________________________ [2]
(b) Describe two ways in which Jesus’ role as Messiah was a threat to Jewish leaders.


(c) Justify two benefits of ethical codes to Botswana society.

__________________________________________________________________________________ [4]

2 (a) Describe one way in which taboos are important to African Traditional Religion.


(b) Examine two arguments for circumcision being a necessary and relevant practice in contemporary

__________________________________________________________________________________ [4]
(c) Describe two social benefits that Batswana receive from African Independent Churches.

__________________________________________________________________________________ [4]

3 (a) Explain one way in which courtship is important in Christianity.


(b) Describe how any two values can sustain a marriage in Christianity.


(c) Explain two ways in which society benefits from good leadership.

4 When answering question 4, you should use the following religions as specified:

Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, or Baha’i Faith.

(a) Give any two forms of human relationships.


(b) Describe two benefits of having co-existence of different religions in Botswana.

__________________________________________________________________________________ [4]

(c) Explain how two practices of any of the above religions can help reduce crime in Botswana.


5 (a) Explain any one characteristic that qualifies one to become a champion of justice.


(b) Describe two ways in which Christians respond to natural disasters.


(c) Evaluate two effects of the changing roles of women in modern society.

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