2 - Money Banking and Finance (Old & New Syllabus)

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Com Part-I) (Old & New Syllabus)


1- Explain any TEN of the following: 2x10

i) Near Money ii) Interbank Rate

iii) Exchange Control iv) Money Market
vi) Nostro Account vi) Guarantee
vii) Lien viii) Pledge
ix) Ante-dated Promissory Note x) Bill of Exchange
xi) Cheque xii) Letter of Credit
xiii) Bank Rate
2- Define Money. Discuss the qualities of good money. 5,15

3- Define Bank. Discuss in detail the functions of a commercial bank. 5,15

4- Discuss the reasons for dishonor of cheque by a bank. 20

5- What is Inflation? What are causes and remedies of inflation? 5,15

6- Define Central Bank. Discuss its function in detail. 5,15

7- What is Monetary Policy? Discuss its main objectives. 5,15

8- Discuss Islamic mode of finance in detail. 20

9- Define Trade Cycle and explain its phases. 5,15

***B.Com –I (18/A) ii ***

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