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1. What are the Problem/s of the case?

a. Lack of understanding from the top management / Not ready to accept their mistakes – The
top management hired the external consultant to fix their existing problem, that was the job of
the consultant. But when the consultant told them about the problems, that it wasn’t just the
employees fault, that there were also lapses coming from them, they did not like it. Instead,
they asked the consultant to choose if the consultant would still like to work for them.

2. What are the Courses of actions should be taken?

a. Lack of understanding from the top management / Not ready to accept their mistakes –
any good management must be humble enough to accept their lapses. This will not only
help the business grow but will also help them grow as professionals.

3. What would be your best Solution?

The best solution that I see in the problem is that, the top management should start the
changes from them, then the employees will surely follow. Also, they must not be
arrogant, instead, they should accept their lapses whole heartedly and make sure to be
better so that any inconvenience will never happen again in their business.
The management should also focus in training their employees so that they will be
knowledgeable enough to face any problem that may come along the way,

4. How will you implement it?

For the implementation, the top management should set a good example to their
employees. They should accept their lapses and mistakes so that the employees will know
that they are really sincere with what they do. And I think, admitting that you are wrong
is better than becoming arrogant about it, it shows so much about yourself.

In order to avoid any more inconvenience in the future, continuous trainings should be
provided, constant and effective communication should be practiced, and listening and
understanding one another should always be there. This will strengthen both the business
and the top management-employees’ relationship.

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