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Developing Entrepreneur Leadership Skill for the New Era of Society 5.

Om Swastyastu

Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen. Honorable all of the committees. Honorable to
all of the judges and the audiences here. And what I am proud of, my friends at Triatma
Mulya University.

Praise and gratitude we pray to the presence of God Almighty because we are still
given the opportunity to gather in this hall in good health without lacking anything. Thank
you for the time and opportunity given to me to be able to give a speech with the theme of
“Business Fest”.

Entrepreneurship is a process of creating jobs for the people and helping to reduce the
number of unemployed. We know that the number of unemployed in Indonesia is increasing
day by day. They should be able to get a job if they are creative and innovative in finding or
creating jobs. Everyone can certainly be an entrepreneur as long as there is a strong will from
within each of us. Now there are also many young entrepreneurs who have succeeded in
creating jobs and can get extraordinary profits. Indeed, entrepreneurship may initially be just
a fad or just experimenting, but if we can manage it properly and appropriately, it will
become a business that can really bring in a lot of rupiah.

Leadership is a very important factor for an entrepreneur, because without leadership

a business will not be able to run well and be directed according to the goals to be achieved.
In building a business an attitude as a leader is needed to organize, coordinate and develop
the business. That is why a combination of entrepreneurship and leadership is needed, where
an entrepreneur must have strong leadership in running his business.

Most of the entrepreneurs do not realize the importance of leadership combined with
an entrepreneurial spirit. There are 4 qualities that must be possessed by a leadership
entrepreneur, including personality qualities, leadership characteristics, skills, and leadership
culture. The combination of these four qualities is rarely owned by an entrepreneur.

Leadership, for an entrepreneur, is a capital that is as important as trust and creativity.

High creativity makes you innovative and adaptive, rich with renewal and not easily hindered
by external events.
Be proud to be entrepreneurs because they are future leaders who dare to make
decisions and are smart to find opportunities. And they are also the ones who create new jobs
for prospective workers or unemployed.

Enough of my speech. I apologize if there are mistakes in words, behavior, and

speech style. I hope my speech is useful and can be learned from. Thank you for your

Om Shanti Shanti Shanti Om

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