G9 Term3 Final Exam

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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Al-Majd Private Schools Ministry of Education

The American Diploma Program General Directorate of Education
Namar / Boys Section at Riyadh Region
Academic Year 2022 – 2023 Educational Office of International
and Foreign Education
Subject Grade Date Semester Period (s)
9 3 Final Exam
Question No. Score Total Marked by Notes

Choose the correct answer

1-you can send the Beetle to the origin without changing its color by………....
Category. (Shapes– Motion- Sensing)

2-This creates a variety of shapes at the current location of the beetle……

Category. (Shapes– Motion- Sensing)

3 .This pulls information from outside the software, implement user input
……….... Category. (Shapes– Motion- Sensing)

4 .This defines variables and create data lists. ……….... Category

(Colors – Control – Variables)

5 .This creates loops and conditional statements. ……….... Category

(Colors – Control – Variables)

6 .This changes the colors of the pen, shapes, and extrusion…….... Category

(Colors – Control – Variables)

7. This uses basic math and numeric functions. …….... Category

(Control – Operators – Colors)

8. This creates your own blocks using the previous categories …….... Category
(Control – Variables – My Blocks)

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Al-Majd Private Schools Ministry of Education
The American Diploma Program General Directorate of Education
Namar / Boys Section at Riyadh Region
Academic Year 2022 – 2023 Educational Office of International
and Foreign Education

9. When you execute the codes to draw 2D Equilateral Triangle you will
repeat the command ……… time (4 – 3 – 6)
10. When you execute the codes to draw 2D Square you will repeat the
command ……… time (4 – 3 – 6)
11. ………. tool use by click and drag the tool over the part of the image
that you want to keep. (Move – Crop- Eraser)
12. ………. tool use to removes part of an existing path or stroke
(Eraser– Type- Paint Bucket)
13. ………. tool applies a color fill to a selected part of the image or to an
entire layer. (Eraser – Move - Paint Bucket)
14. ………. tool to move the text on the page. (Move – Crop- Eraser)
15. ………. tool enables users to type text on a page (Eraser– Type- Paint
16. ………. tool draws smooth-edged paths (Type – Pen – Eraser)
17. ………. tool enables users to select a part of the image in rectangle
shape (Rectangle – Pen – Eraser)
18. The color on top in toolbar is the …………….color
(Background – foreground – Paint Bucket)
19. …………….is the number of pixels on a printed area of an image
(Color Mode– Resolution– Layers)
20. …………….let you organize your work into distinct levels that can be
edited and viewed as individual units (Layers– Pen – Eraser)

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Al-Majd Private Schools Ministry of Education
The American Diploma Program General Directorate of Education
Namar / Boys Section at Riyadh Region
Academic Year 2022 – 2023 Educational Office of International
and Foreign Education
Put () OR ()
1. You can use a code to control a beetle that can place 3D shapes. ( )

2. You can start your 2D or 3D projects online in Beetle Blocks. ( )

3. In Beetle Blocks the work area is divided into three main parts ( )

4. You can't drag and drop blocks from the library into Scripting Area ( )

5. In the Beetle’s 3D world, there are 3 axes X,Y,Z . ( )

6. Beetle Properties give you all necessary information about the current position, color,

scale and orientation ( )

7. We Use the axes X and Y to move the beetle vertically and Z to move the beetle

horizontally. ( )

8. Reset Camera mean Zoom to fit to see all the shapes you have created. ( )

9. You can draw 2D simple geometric shapes like circle by Beetle Blocks. ( )

10.After making the models, you can't print them using a 3D printer ( )

11.Change the page size by typing in new values for Width and Height. ( )

12.To create a new document, click View and then New. ( )

13.In new project You can Choose the background: white, color or transparent ( )

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Al-Majd Private Schools Ministry of Education
The American Diploma Program General Directorate of Education
Namar / Boys Section at Riyadh Region
Academic Year 2022 – 2023 Educational Office of International
and Foreign Education
14.Photoshop is specifically designed to allow users to create
and edit raster
images in multiple layers ( )
15.The default file extension for a work in progress is called .Docx. ( )

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Al-Majd Private Schools Ministry of Education
The American Diploma Program General Directorate of Education
Namar / Boys Section at Riyadh Region
Academic Year 2022 – 2023 Educational Office of International
and Foreign Education
Answer Q 1 Choose the correct answer
Choose the correct answer
1-you can send the Beetle to the origin without changing its color by………....
Category. (Shapes– Motion- Sensing)

2-This creates a variety of shapes at the current location of the beetle……

Category. (Shapes– Motion- Sensing)

3 .This pulls information from outside the software, implement user input
……….... Category. (Shapes– Motion- Sensing)

4 .This defines variables and create data lists. ……….... Category

(Colors – Control – Variables)

5 .This creates loops and conditional statements. ……….... Category

(Colors – Control – Variables)

6 .This changes the colors of the pen, shapes, and extrusion…….... Category

(Colors – Control – Variables)

7. This uses basic math and numeric functions. …….... Category

(Control – Operators – Colors)

8. This creates your own blocks using the previous categories …….... Category
(Control – Variables – My Blocks)

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Al-Majd Private Schools Ministry of Education
The American Diploma Program General Directorate of Education
Namar / Boys Section at Riyadh Region
Academic Year 2022 – 2023 Educational Office of International
and Foreign Education
9. When you execute the codes to draw 2D
Equilateral Triangle you will repeat the command ……… time (4 – 3 – 6)
10. When you execute the codes to draw 2D Square you will repeat the
command ……… time (4 – 3 – 6)
11. ………. tool use by click and drag the tool over the part of the image
that you want to keep. (Move – Crop- Eraser)
12. ………. tool use to removes part of an existing path or stroke
(Eraser– Type- Paint Bucket)
13. ………. tool applies a color fill to a selected part of the image or to an
entire layer. (Eraser – Move - Paint Bucket)
14. ………. tool to move the text on the page. (Move – Crop- Eraser)
15. ………. tool enables users to type text on a page (Eraser– Type- Paint
16. ………. tool draws smooth-edged paths (Type – Pen – Eraser)
17. ………. tool enables users to select a part of the image in rectangle
shape (Rectangle – Pen – Eraser)
18. The color on top in toolbar is the …………….color
(Background – foreground – Paint Bucket)
19. …………….is the number of pixels on a printed area of an image
(Color Mode– Resolution– Layers)
20. …………….let you organize your work into distinct levels that can be
edited and viewed as individual units (Layers– Pen – Eraser)

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Al-Majd Private Schools Ministry of Education
The American Diploma Program General Directorate of Education
Namar / Boys Section at Riyadh Region
Academic Year 2022 – 2023 Educational Office of International
and Foreign Education
Put () OR ()
1. You can use a code to control a beetle that can place 3D shapes. ( )

2. You can start your 2D or 3D projects online in Beetle Blocks. ()

3. In Beetle Blocks the work area is divided into three main parts ()

4. You can't drag and drop blocks from the library into Scripting Area ()

5. In the Beetle’s 3D world, there are 3 axes X,Y,Z . ()

6. Beetle Properties give you all necessary information about the current position, color,

scale and orientation ()

7. We Use the axes X and Y to move the beetle vertically and Z to move the beetle

horizontally. ()

8. Reset Camera mean Zoom to fit to see all the shapes you have created. ()

9. You can draw 2D simple geometric shapes like circle by Beetle Blocks. ()

10.After making the models, you can't print them using a 3D printer ()

11.Change the page size by typing in new values for Width and Height. (  )

12.To create a new document, click View and then New. (  )

13.In new project You can Choose the background: white, color or transparent ( )
14.Photoshop is specifically designed to allow users to create and edit raster

images in multiple layers ( )

15.The default file extension for a work in progress is called .Docx. ( )


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