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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Al-Majd Private Schools Ministry of Education

The American Diploma Program General Directorate of Education
N a m a r | | B o y s S e c ti o n at Riyadh Region
Academic Year 2022 – 2023 Educational Office of International
and Foreign Education

Quiz  Questionnaire  Worksheet  Other 

Subject Grade Date Trimester Period (s)
Final Revion
English Papers 9 13-14/06/23 3rd
A and B

English Final Revision Worksheets Paper A

1. December 1941 :Vi Stanley listened to the applause with satisfaction, but the feeling was
bittersweet. She wasn’t on the stage, rather behind it, having written the play her appreciative
actors had enjoyed performing. With war on the horizon, the theater was closing: too many
members of the cast and crew were obligated to take on different responsibilities for it to
continue to operate. Vi left the theater that night and never looked back.

2.May 2018: There was nothing more appealing to Tressa Lazar’s ears than the sound of
thunderous applause. A Broadway star for over a decade, Tressa had come to expect her
audience to rise to their feet when she came onto the stage to take her bow at the end of a
performance. Tonight, that sound was infinitely more important since the show she had been
appearing in was closing. It had been produced for a limited run, and though there was no
surprise at its conclusion, Tressa was still sad to have to say goodbye to the role she had
painstakingly made her own.

3. After goodbyes to the crew, Tressa made her way up the street to have a late dinner with
her co-stars. As they talked, Tressa discovered most of the others already had jobs lined up:
one woman was going to be working on a music video, and another had been cast in a
streaming sci-fi series. When they asked her what she had planned, she avoided giving a
direct answer and said her manager had mentioned something, but they hadn’t had the time
to discuss the details. There was no way Tressa was going to admit that there hadn’t been a
rush of offers from eager producers hoping she would sign contracts.

4. A call to her agent yielded no promising results. It seemed the word on Tressa was that
she was a diva and, though talented, not the easiest to work with. At first, Tressa ranted
about how unfairly she was being treated, but then the anger turned to tears of
disappointment. Her agent told her not to fret. She was working on a few possibilities, but it
might take some time, and Tressa should sit tight and perhaps take a well-deserved vacation.

5. The idea of taking a vacation from the stage made her nervous. Tressa lived on applause;
she loved making an entrance and reveled in being able to hear a pin drop because everyone
was waiting for her to begin. It was a rush like no other, and once she knew her part as if it
were a second skin, Tressa could play it to what critics often called “perfection.” Maybe, in
some ways, that was her problem—she needed her job too much.
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Al-Majd Private Schools Ministry of Education
The American Diploma Program General Directorate of Education
N a m a r | | B o y s S e c ti o n at Riyadh Region
Academic Year 2022 – 2023 Educational Office of International
and Foreign Education

6. As if sensing Tressa’s situation, her mother called with news: Tressa’s grandmother had
won the coveted writing award for best one-act play in her senior community and was given
the opportunity to stage her production at a local theater. The only thing missing was
professional advice and hands-on help. At first, Tressa made up an excuse about having
auditions and no time. Her mother could tell by the tone in Tressa’s voice that she was
making up a story of her own and challenged her.

7. “Fine,” Tressa grumbled. “I’ll be there first thing in the morning.” When Tressa arrived at
the senior center, she wondered if she had accidentally stumbled into the wrong room. No
one had even glanced her way when she entered, and it became woefully obvious to Tressa
that no one knew or cared who she was. People were sitting shoulder to shoulder at tables,
passing around scripts and buzzing about how excited they were to be a part of her
grandmother’s production.

8. Tressa was about to leave when her grandmother came in through a side door. The crowd
rose and cheered as if this tiny, older woman had won a Tony, and Tressa immediately felt
guilty for feeling envious. She would need to get back to her world and hear that wonderful
sound again, but in the meantime, she had made a promise to help, and she was going to
keep it.When her grandmother introduced Tressa to the room, she said very simply that her
granddaughter was talented and there to help. Tressa was puzzled—there were no accolades
and no specifics about her body of work. Taking her grandmother’s lead, she kept her list of
credits to herself and made the whole day about the production.

9. The piece was excellent, and Tressa was excited to see where it could go under her
volunteered direction. As Tressa was taking notes, one of the women playing a leading role
casually mentioned that it was no great surprise that Tressa’s grandmother was talented.
After all, the woman had been a writer on Broadway before the war. It was information
Tressa had never heard before and later, when they were having dinner alone, she asked her
grandmother why such an achievement had been kept a secret.

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Al-Majd Private Schools Ministry of Education
The American Diploma Program General Directorate of Education
N a m a r | | B o y s S e c ti o n at Riyadh Region
Academic Year 2022 – 2023 Educational Office of International
and Foreign Education

Part A – Reading:
1. Read the sentence from the passage.

There was nothing more appealing to Tressa Lazar’s ears than the sound of thunderous
applause. (paragraph 2)

What does the word thunderous suggest about the applause?

a- It was loud and energetic.

b- It was hesitant and sparing.
c- It was sarcastic and insincere.
d-It was sudden and frightening.

2. Read the sentence from the passage.

It was a rush like no other, and once she knew her part as if it were a second skin, Tressa
could play it to what critics often called ‘perfection.’ (paragraph 5)

What phrase could replace the word rush without changing the overall meaning of the

a- urgent need
b- sudden blast
c- intense feeling
d-harried response

3. What does this sentence from paragraph (6) mean

“Tressa’s grandmother had won the coveted writing award for best one-act play in
her senior community”

a- Tressa’s grandmother had an outstanding impact on her community.

b- Tressa’s grandmother had a historical confrontation of her community.

c- Tressa’s grandmother had won the coveted writing for being for best novel in her senior
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Al-Majd Private Schools Ministry of Education
The American Diploma Program General Directorate of Education
N a m a r | | B o y s S e c ti o n at Riyadh Region
Academic Year 2022 – 2023 Educational Office of International
and Foreign Education

4. According to this sentence from paragraph (7) “ People were sitting shoulder to shoulder
at tables, passing around scripts and buzzing about how excited they were to be a part of
her grandmother’s production.”

a- People were feeling distant from the grandmother’s production.

b- People were feeling extreme joy for the grandmother’s production.

c- People were criticizing the grandmother’s production for being.

5. The underlined word “she” in paragraph (8) refers to what?

a- Teressa’ s friend

b- Teressa’s grandmother

c- Teressa

6. What evidence in paragraph (8) proves that Teressa had enjoyed her time with
grandmother’s excellence?

a- she kept her list of credits to herself and made the whole daythinking of other people

b- she kept her list of credits to herself and made the whole day avoiding people.

c- she kept her list of credits to herself and made the whole day about the production.

7. Circle the word that can summarize the sentence from paragraph (9):

“As Tressa was taking notes, one of the women playing a leading role casually mentioned
that it was no great surprise that Tressa’s grandmother was talented.”

a- credible

b- parise

c- denounce

8. “she asked her grandmother why such an achievement had been kept a secret”.
Paragraph (9) :

Circle the correct possible reason why it had been kept secret?
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Al-Majd Private Schools Ministry of Education
The American Diploma Program General Directorate of Education
N a m a r | | B o y s S e c ti o n at Riyadh Region
Academic Year 2022 – 2023 Educational Office of International
and Foreign Education

a- The people refused her production as a sensitive.

b- The war made it impossible for people to express their opinions openly.

c- The people were convinced that the grandmother intended to hide her great works.

9. What is the proper meaning of the underlined word in paragraph (9) casually?

a- in a troubled and formal way

b- in an ambiguous and unclear way

c- in a relaxed and informal way

10.Circle the best title that can be given to the text:

a- The great woman

b- The Actress

c- A Secret of a woman

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Al-Majd Private Schools Ministry of Education
The American Diploma Program General Directorate of Education
N a m a r | | B o y s S e c ti o n at Riyadh Region
Academic Year 2022 – 2023 Educational Office of International
and Foreign Education

Part B – Vocabulary:
1. Write the vocabulary word that best describes each example using words from the
word bank below:

Perspiration - irascible - commendable

a. The act of rescuing a baby from a burning house. commandable

b. The death of one thousand people in a bomb explosion. Irascible

c. The human body produces this in order to cool itself. Prespiration

2. Below you’ll find the titles of five books. Fill in the space with the vocabulary word
that best fits the title then write the word in the space provided:

a. My Incredible Life at the Court of King Bogdan III by Ladislaw Warshevski,

an enthusiastic ………………………. (pragmatist – separatist) .

b. Raptors I Have Known by Dr. Morton Franks, chief ……………………… at

the Warren Institute for the Study of Prehistoric Life.(archeologist-paleontologist )

c. How to Keep Your Heart Healthy by Dr. Bruno Lopez, a leading

…………………… at New York Hospital. (biologist – cardiologist)

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Al-Majd Private Schools Ministry of Education
The American Diploma Program General Directorate of Education
N a m a r | | B o y s S e c ti o n at Riyadh Region
Academic Year 2022 – 2023 Educational Office of International
and Foreign Education

d. People Must Be Free: The End of Government by George Mahler, world-

famous …………………………. and revolutionary. (separatist – unionist)

e. Whole Lotta Shakin’ Goin’ On: The Violent World of Earthquakes by Dr.

Anna Wolf, head………………………. at Pacific State University.

(seismologist – mammologis t)

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Al-Majd Private Schools Ministry of Education
The American Diploma Program General Directorate of Education
N a m a r | | B o y s S e c ti o n at Riyadh Region
Academic Year 2022 – 2023 Educational Office of International
and Foreign Education

Part C - Writing:

Social Media are impacting Our Life daily and in different levels. Write an
argumentative essay in which you give clear arguments on the cultural, social and
health levels.

Social media is a big part of our lives. It has become the way we communicate with others
and even ourselves at times. We rely on social media to keep up with friends, family, and
what’s going on in the world. Social Media impacts our life in many ways, but it can also be
detrimental if used incorrectly or too much.

Social Media Has an Impact on Real Life

Social media has become an important part of our lives whether we like it or not. They can
be used for good or for bad. Social media has changed the face of communication and
personal interaction. The impact they’ve on the world can be observed in many ways.

Social media has changed the way we live our lives and will continue to do so in the
future. That’s because social media is a great place to get new information, make new
friends, and voice your opinion.
Before, you could only talk to people face-to-face or over the phone. Social media has
changed that because it allows you to connect with people from all over the world in your
everyday life. This has allowed us to expand our social network and connect with more
people than ever before.
Social media has a positive effect on our lives and can help us grow as individuals, but it can
also be harmful if abused. How Social Media Affects Mental Health? Social media can
affect your mental health in several ways. First, they can lead to feelings of inadequacy and
low self-worth.

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Al-Majd Private Schools Ministry of Education
The American Diploma Program General Directorate of Education
N a m a r | | B o y s S e c ti o n at Riyadh Region
Academic Year 2022 – 2023 Educational Office of International
and Foreign Education

English Final Revision Worksheets Paper B

Part A - Grammar :
1. Circle the correct form of the modifier in parentheses:
a- Many landlords allot the least money possible for maintenance. (little)

b- Charles was upset when he found there were more details left out of the

report than were included. (many)

c- Of all the children, Rena showed the most concern for the missing puppy.


d- Both men had an ill temper, but John’s was worse . (bad)

e- The crops by the creek suffered less from the drought than the ones on

the hillside. (little)

f- Ruta was embarrassed because she had behaved the worst of all the

disappointed children. (badly)

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Al-Majd Private Schools Ministry of Education
The American Diploma Program General Directorate of Education
N a m a r | | B o y s S e c ti o n at Riyadh Region
Academic Year 2022 – 2023 Educational Office of International
and Foreign Education

2. Choose who or whom to make each sentence correct:

a. President Roosevelt, (whom –who) at times was considered a controversial figure,
was almost outshone in some respects by Eleanor.

b. Some people made jokes about the woman to (who- whom) the President entrusted
many important jobs.

c. Franklin, (who - whom) often stayed at the White House, relied on Eleanor to tour
the nation and report on current conditions.

d. Press conferences for women correspondents were instituted by Eleanor,

(who – whom) broke through several gender barriers.

e. Beginning in 1936, Eleanor, (who – whom) was First Lady, wrote a daily
newspaper column.

f. She wrote for people with (whom – who) she wished to share her experiences.

g. For those to (whom-who) she is unfamiliar, it may be difficult to understand the

depth of her influence.

h. Mrs. Roosevelt, (who –whom) was concerned about the plight of children during the
Depression, took an avid interest in the President’s plans to help them.

10 | P a g e
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Al-Majd Private Schools Ministry of Education
The American Diploma Program General Directorate of Education
N a m a r | | B o y s S e c ti o n at Riyadh Region
Academic Year 2022 – 2023 Educational Office of International
and Foreign Education

Part B- Spelling:

1. Circle the word in each set that is spelled incorrectly:

a. chais lounge chaise longue.

b. Marde Gra Mardi Gras

c. villa vila

d. bouteck boutique

e. tortilla torteya

f. fianca fiancée

g. khaki kacki

2. Decide which word from the Word Bank is defined in each phrase below. Then
write the word:
Optimistic – integrtate - encourage

1. to stimulate Encourage
2. to unite with something else integrate
3. always thinking positively optimistic
4. able to change easily with new circumstances adaptable
5. to separate segregate

11 | P a g e
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Al-Majd Private Schools Ministry of Education
The American Diploma Program General Directorate of Education
N a m a r | | B o y s S e c ti o n at Riyadh Region
Academic Year 2022 – 2023 Educational Office of International
and Foreign Education

12 | P a g e

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