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Manage conflict

About this Unit of Competency
SITXCOM010 - Manage conflict
• Describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to resolve complex
or escalated complaints and disputes with internal and external customers and
• Requires the ability to use effective conflict resolution techniques and communication
skills to manage conflict and develop solutions
At the end of this presentation, you will be able to:
Presentation ❑ Identify conflict situations

Objectives ❑ Resolve conflict

❑ Evaluate conflict resolution
Conflict Situations
Identify Conflict Situations
Conflict is defined as a struggle or a clash of interest, opinion or principles.
Conflicts are common in the workplace. They arise due to a difference of opinion.
This difference of opinion is because individuals are different and have varied beliefs. A
situation turns into a conflict situation when two or more individuals are in a discussion and
have a difference of opinion.
Identify Conflict Situations
Conflicts can include:
• A customer complaint
• Difference of opinion within a group
• Guests in an intoxicated state
• Exchange of unpleasant emails
• Non-verbal cues like signs of disregard
• Contempt during a conversation.
Identify Conflict Situations
It is essential to attend to conflicts in their first instance. When they are not attended to or not
resolved, it can lead to various issues. These issues include:
• Customer dissatisfaction
• Poor employee morale
• Negative impact on business productivity and reputation.
Identify Conflict Situations
Conflict management is an essential and critical skill in customer-centric industries. The
foremost need in managing conflict is the need to identify conflict situations. Timely
understanding and recognition of a potential conflict help in quick management. This prevents
further damage that includes:

Conflict escalation

Business reputation damage

Decreased employee morale or customer dissatisfaction.

1.1 Identify Potential for Conflict and Take Swift and
Tactful Action to Prevent Escalation
Conflict escalation is a situation when conflict is not managed and moves to the next level of
Conflicts escalate when both parties involved cannot conclude or when a healthy debate leads
to a heated argument.
Conflict escalation is an undesirable state for any business and its operations. The damage
caused is heavier, and repairing the damage becomes longer.

1.1 Identify Potential for Conflict and Take Swift and Tactful Action to Prevent Escalation
1.1.1 Reasons Behind a Conflict
Conflicts cannot be avoided at the workplace. Different kinds of conflicts have different
triggers, so it is crucial to understand the reasons for conflict. The figure below shows some
common reasons behind conflicts with customers.

Cultural misunderstanding

Incorrect pricing of product or service

Delays or errors in providing a product or service

Misunderstanding of customer requests or communication barriers

Refused entry or ejection from the premises

Problem or fault with the product or service

1.1 Identify Potential for Conflict and Take Swift and Tactful Action to Prevent Escalation
1.1.1 Reasons Behind a Conflict
Below are some common reasons behind conflicts with customers.
• Cultural misunderstanding
People from different cultures behave differently. Something considered perfectly normal
in one culture can be offensive in another.
In such a scenario, it is vital to give the benefit of the doubt to the involved parties.

1.1 Identify Potential for Conflict and Take Swift and Tactful Action to Prevent Escalation
1.1.1 Reasons Behind a Conflict
Below are some common reasons behind conflicts with customers.
• Incorrect pricing of product or service
Incorrect pricing refers to the price of
a product or service not matching the
industry standards.
The issue arises when the product or
service is over-priced compared to
the competitors’ product or service.

1.1 Identify Potential for Conflict and Take Swift and Tactful Action to Prevent Escalation
1.1.1 Reasons Behind a Conflict
Below are some common reasons behind conflicts with customers.
• Delays or errors in providing a product or service
When customers pay for a product or service, they expect prompt delivery or service.
When this expectation is not met, a customer may feel let down.
• Misunderstanding of customer requests or communication barriers
Conflicts may arise due to misunderstandings.
Language barriers may be one reason for these

1.1 Identify Potential for Conflict and Take Swift and Tactful Action to Prevent Escalation
1.1.1 Reasons Behind a Conflict
Below are some common reasons behind conflicts with customers.
• Refused entry or ejection from the premises
A customer can be denied access into business premises depending on prevalent rules and
laws. Similarly, circumstances may forcefully remove a person who was inconveniencing
• Problem or fault with the product or service
A problem or fault with the product or the service provided may cause a conflict. This is
usually due to poor quality or service. This problem crops up when the quality of the
product or the service provided does not meet the standards.

1.1 Identify Potential for Conflict and Take Swift and Tactful Action to Prevent Escalation
1.1.1 Reasons Behind a Conflict
Below are some common reasons behind conflicts with employees.
• Job duties or roster
In jobs involving shifts, it is common for employees to prefer popular shifts. If an employee
continuously gets an inconvenient shift, it can lead to conflict.
• Lack of competence
Competence directly impacts an employee’s performance and productivity. Thus, lack of
competence hurts performance. A lack of competence can lead to delays, customer
complaints or even business losses.

1.1 Identify Potential for Conflict and Take Swift and Tactful Action to Prevent Escalation
1.1.2 Stages of Conflict
The conflict can get increasingly unmanageable if not identified. They become more
challenging at each stage. The stages of conflict include the following:

Perceived Manifest Conflict

Latent conflict Felt conflict
conflict conflict aftermath

1.1 Identify Potential for Conflict and Take Swift and Tactful Action to Prevent Escalation
1.1.2 Stages of Conflict
The stages of conflict include the following:
1. Latent conflict is the first stage where various factors that could turn into a potential
conflict exist. There is no conflict yet but there is a risk that it might happen between
different parties.
2. Perceived conflict does not involve actual conflict yet. At this stage, one party thinks
there is a conflict between them and the other party. This happens because they
misunderstood the other party’s intentions.

1.1 Identify Potential for Conflict and Take Swift and Tactful Action to Prevent Escalation
1.1.2 Stages of Conflict
The stages of conflict include the following:
3. Felt conflict describes the stage when the conflict is perceived and recognised. The
parties involved already feel the tension, anxiety or stress caused by the conflict.
4. Manifest conflict is when the parties in conflict engage in non-violent behaviour that
instigates a response from each other. In simple words, it is open hostility that each party
5. Conflict aftermath describes the outcome of the conflict. This can either be positive or

1.1 Identify Potential for Conflict and Take Swift and Tactful Action to Prevent Escalation
1.1.3 How to Identify Potential for Conflict
There are always early signs indicating the potential for conflict. However, subtle signs can be
missed. A manager must always look out for key indicators that will help identify the potential
for conflict.
The entire process can be divided into three steps, as shown below.

Recognising and Understanding the

Reading the signs
understanding the levels factors involved

1.1 Identify Potential for Conflict and Take Swift and Tactful Action to Prevent Escalation
1.1.3 How to Identify Potential for Conflict
Below are the steps in identifying the potential for conflict.
• Reading the signs
The managers in the organisation should look out for signs of potential conflict. Some signs
are evident, while some are subtle, and it is vital to observe and identify them on time:
o Anger
o A drop in productivity
o Inappropriate communication
o Frequent absence from work

1.1 Identify Potential for Conflict and Take Swift and Tactful Action to Prevent Escalation
1.1.3 How to Identify Potential for Conflict
Below are the steps in identifying the potential for conflict.
• Recognising and understanding the levels
There are five commonly identified levels of conflict. They are categorised based on the
parties involved:

Intrapersonal Interpersonal Intragroup


1.1 Identify Potential for Conflict and Take Swift and Tactful Action to Prevent Escalation
1.1.3 How to Identify Potential for Conflict
Below are the steps in identifying the potential for conflict.
• Understanding the factors involved
It is crucial to understand key factors that lead to conflict. A good understanding of these
factors will help take the necessary steps to prevent conflicts. Below are the most common
causes behind conflict situations.

Expectation Communication Inappropriate use Resistance to Explicit and

management challenges of power change implicit bias

1.1 Identify Potential for Conflict and Take Swift and Tactful Action to Prevent Escalation
1.1.4 Benefits of Taking Swift and Tactful Action
After identifying the potential for conflict, the next step in managing conflict is to take swift and
tactful action. The ideal way to manage the conflict is to do it quickly without offending anyone
involved. Being tactful is also necessary, as offending any parties involved will worsen the
The following are key benefits of taking swift and tactful action in a conflict situation:

Prevent potential Restore customer

Prevent escalation
business damage satisfaction

1.1 Identify Potential for Conflict and Take Swift and Tactful Action to Prevent Escalation
1.1.4 Benefits of Taking Swift and Tactful Action
The following are key benefits of taking swift and tactful action in a conflict situation:
• Prevent escalation
In any scenario involving conflict, escalations should be avoided. Being tactful and swift will
resolve the issue at hand and avoid further damage.
This will help preserve positive relationships. It can avoid stress and anxiety, which leads to
poor productivity or even absenteeism.

1.1 Identify Potential for Conflict and Take Swift and Tactful Action to Prevent Escalation
1.1.4 Benefits of Taking Swift and Tactful Action
The following are key benefits of taking swift and tactful action in a conflict situation:
• Prevent potential business damage
Conflicts can hurt the business reputation and operations. In the hospitality, tourism and
events industry, customers seek to relax, unwind and have a good time.
Most of the time, a conflict brings negative sentiments. These negative sentiments can
result in negative customer feedback, directly impacting customer inflow.

1.1 Identify Potential for Conflict and Take Swift and Tactful Action to Prevent Escalation
1.1.4 Benefits of Taking Swift and Tactful Action
The following are key benefits of taking swift and tactful action in a conflict situation:
Conflict escalations often lead to higher dissatisfaction leading to higher expectations.
There can be instances of legal action. It may, in turn, result in severe consequences for the
business that includes:

Increased employee
Brand image at stake Loss of current clients

Monetary loss Loss of prospects

1.1 Identify Potential for Conflict and Take Swift and Tactful Action to Prevent Escalation
1.1.4 Benefits of Taking Swift and Tactful Action
The following are key benefits of taking swift and tactful action in a conflict situation:
• Restore customer satisfaction
The ultimate goal of any business is customer satisfaction. Customers always seek a good
and positive experience, so it is imperative to take timely action in case of a potential
conflict to restore their trust.
You should also factor in the concerned employee. A conflict of any nature has an equally
negative impact on the involved employee. When employees feel that the organisation is
not worried about them, they get disengaged. It will hurt the employees’ morale and

1.1 Identify Potential for Conflict and Take Swift and Tactful Action to Prevent Escalation
1.2 Identify Threatening Situations for Customers or
Colleagues and Organise Assistance
In the hospitality, tourism, and events industry, employees have to deal with stress and anxiety.
Frontline staff may experience harassment, verbal abuse, threats and physical violence when
handling conflict situations.
Some people view hotel visits as an opportunity to act in ways they might never do at home.
They might damage property or get into arguments with fellow guests. They may also find
opportunities to cause harm when they complain about the hotel or their service.

1.2 Identify Threatening Situations for Customers or Colleagues and Organise Assistance
1.2 Identify Threatening Situations for Customers or
Colleagues and Organise Assistance
Personal safety refers to avoiding any harmful situations in your surroundings. These situations
can have serious consequences if not identified and acted upon quickly. Consequences of such
incidents include:
• Low employee morale
• Absenteeism from work
• Stress and
• Reduced productivity.

1.2 Identify Threatening Situations for Customers or Colleagues and Organise Assistance
1.2.1 Different Kinds of Threatening Situations and Ways of Dealing With Them
Conflicts with serious threats need immediate attention and intervention. Physical violence is
the highest degree of threat. It is unlawful and will likely result in legal action. Below is a
mapping of the nature of the conflict with an illustrative situation.

Conflict Nature Description Illustrative Situation

• The conflict does not cause much • Arguments between coworkers

• Disputes with customers related to
Mild • It is a simple quarrel and needs service or product quality
patience and understanding of the
situation to diffuse tension. • Disagreements within workplace

1.2 Identify Threatening Situations for Customers or Colleagues and Organise Assistance
1.2.1 Different Kinds of Threatening Situations and Ways of Dealing With Them
Below is a mapping of the nature of the conflict with an illustrative situation.

Conflict Nature Description Illustrative Situation

• The conflict has escalated to a level

that needs intervention from higher- • Customer complaints that can lead
level personnel. to arguments or escalations
High • It involves a heated argument and • Interpersonal arguments at the
might need gentle yet firm workplace that can result in a hostile
communication to ensure situation atmosphere

1.2 Identify Threatening Situations for Customers or Colleagues and Organise Assistance
1.2.1 Different Kinds of Threatening Situations and Ways of Dealing With Them
Below is a mapping of the nature of the conflict with an illustrative situation.

Conflict Nature Description Illustrative Situation

• The conflict causes damage to the

stakeholders and has a cost incurred
• Irate customer refusing to listen
to the company.
Severe • An incident with a high likelihood of
• Severe conflicts will mean that the
violence or harm, or damage
situation involves threats that may
need more assistance.

1.2 Identify Threatening Situations for Customers or Colleagues and Organise Assistance
1.2.1 Different Kinds of Threatening Situations and Ways of Dealing With Them
The following are some examples of situations that require timely action and assistance.
• Guests who appear violent or threatening
An aggressive customer can be intimidating. They pose a serious threat to other guests
with them. This is a high-risk conflict that may involve potential physical injury.
It is essential to watch for obvious signs like raised voices or threatening body language.
You should then make it an immediate priority to safeguard yourself and those around you.
After this, you can organise necessary assistance to diffuse or resolve the situation.

1.2 Identify Threatening Situations for Customers or Colleagues and Organise Assistance
1.2.1 Different Kinds of Threatening Situations and Ways of Dealing With Them
Some behaviours to remember when faced with violent or threatening situations include
the following:

Be calm and alert.

Listen patiently without interrupting.

Alert those around you as you seek assistance.

Keep the conversation going.

Resist the temptation to react.

Be courteous while speaking.

1.2 Identify Threatening Situations for Customers or Colleagues and Organise Assistance
1.2.1 Different Kinds of Threatening Situations and Ways of Dealing With Them
• Situation where someone has been or may be hurt
The level of risk involved in this situation is severe. Thus, it needs immediate attention. In
case of potential physical violence, professional assistance from the security team or police
personnel is necessary. This is required to control further damage and initiate legal steps.
Typical situations might involve customers under the influence of alcohol or drugs. They
may get offended for no reason. Most places have guest protocols defined in their policy as
a general precaution. This comes in handy when the staff identifies circumstances and
reasons to reject any guest entry.

1.2 Identify Threatening Situations for Customers or Colleagues and Organise Assistance
1.2.1 Different Kinds of Threatening Situations and Ways of Dealing With Them
The basic precautions listed below should be followed in case of potential violence or

Remove vulnerable people from the area.

Be polite but firm in warning about consequences involving security or police.

Alert those around you and call for immediate help.

Call the security team or police, if applicable.

1.2 Identify Threatening Situations for Customers or Colleagues and Organise Assistance
1.2.1 Different Kinds of Threatening Situations and Ways of Dealing With Them
• Disputes or arguments among colleagues
Disagreements and professional rivalries are common in the workplace.
Differences in personality traits, professional competence and expectations can also lead to
conflict. When employees with differences engage in a conversation, it can lead to a
constructive discussion or an argument.

1.2 Identify Threatening Situations for Customers or Colleagues and Organise Assistance
1.2.1 Different Kinds of Threatening Situations and Ways of Dealing With Them
Disputes or arguments among colleagues have the potential of reaching a full-fledged
conflict. It may also inconvenience and disturb those around them. As a manager, you need
to take the following steps quickly:

Encourage both sides to calm down.

Offer reassurance and remind them to maintain workplace


Hear them out in private.

Assure them of a mutually agreeable solution within a


1.2 Identify Threatening Situations for Customers or Colleagues and Organise Assistance
1.2.1 Different Kinds of Threatening Situations and Ways of Dealing With Them
• Drug- or alcohol-affected person
Those under the influence of alcohol or drugs tend to display extreme behaviour. Alcohol
tends to lower inhibition, damage a person’s judgment and increase the risk of aggression.
Drug-related changes in a person can cause mood swings and emotional outbursts. This is a
common and reoccurring challenge in the hospitality and tourism industry. It is considered
one that cannot be totally avoided.
Thus, it is important to understand that such cases need to be handled with the utmost

1.2 Identify Threatening Situations for Customers or Colleagues and Organise Assistance
1.2.1 Different Kinds of Threatening Situations and Ways of Dealing With Them
The following are a few pointers that will come in handy while dealing with such a

Back off and maintain safe distance from the person.

Maintain courtesy during interaction and abstain from interrupting the person.

Be non-confrontational and firm while speaking.

Seek assistance from others and call security if needed.

1.2 Identify Threatening Situations for Customers or Colleagues and Organise Assistance
1.2.2 Importance of Organising Timely and Appropriate Assistance
You have understood the importance of dealing with threatening situations swiftly and timely.
It is also essential to organise timely and appropriate assistance to manage a situation. Getting
timely assistance helps in:
• Getting a situation under control
• Ensuring the safety of others.

1.2 Identify Threatening Situations for Customers or Colleagues and Organise Assistance
1.2.2 Importance of Organising Timely and Appropriate Assistance
The following are the three key benefits of organising timely assistance for any business or
• Personal safety
Organising timely and appropriate assistance helps maintain personal safety of both
customers and employees.
On the customers’ side, they will feel safe enough to enjoy themselves in the leisurely
atmosphere you have created, encouraging them to give positive reviews for your
establishment. Employees will also be able to work better when they feel safe. This ensures
less employee turnover and a better organisational outlook.

1.2 Identify Threatening Situations for Customers or Colleagues and Organise Assistance
1.2.2 Importance of Organising Timely and Appropriate Assistance
The following are the three key benefits of organising timely assistance for any business or
• Legal implications
Matters regarding personal safety can have strict legal implications that include police
visits, investigations and legal obligations. These, in turn, can have a direct impact on the
work environment and business productivity.
Employees who witness these proceedings may doubt the organisation’s compliance with
the law and will question if the organisation can ensure their safety while they work.
Avoiding legal implications will help prevent this scenario, thus giving employees a better
sense of personal safety.

1.2 Identify Threatening Situations for Customers or Colleagues and Organise Assistance
1.2.2 Importance of Organising Timely and Appropriate Assistance
The following are the three key benefits of organising timely assistance for any business or
• Public perception
Maintaining a positive image of the business
is essential. A good public perception helps in
attracting good talent for the organisation.
It helps organisations attract better talent,
increase client and customer base and stand
a chance among the competitors in the industry.

1.2 Identify Threatening Situations for Customers or Colleagues and Organise Assistance
1.2.2 Importance of Organising Timely and Appropriate Assistance
The process of organising appropriate help includes the following steps:

• Identify whether there is a conflict situation.

• Identify the root cause for the conflict.

• Assess the severity of the conflict.

Assess and • Evaluate the options that can serve as an appropriate assistance.

• Make the appropriate assistance available at the right time.

• Ensure that the assistance offered helped to control or eliminate conflict.

1.2 Identify Threatening Situations for Customers or Colleagues and Organise Assistance
1.3 Identify and Use Resources to Manage Conflict
Resources refer to the support and help that is available during a conflict. You might not be
able to mitigate threats or diffuse the tension in a conflict by yourself. You should also
remember that the appropriate resources should be used to manage a conflict.
A simple argument over wrong pricing or poor service needs good listening skills to appease
the customer. An aggressive situation would call for other resources to handle the situation and
reduce the tension.
While dealing with a conflict situation, timely action is of prime significance. Hence, it might be
better to choose the best available resource in the absence of ‘ideal’ resources.

1.3 Identify and Use Resources to Manage Conflict

1.3.1 Classifying and Understanding Different Kind of Resources That Can be Used
to Assist in Managing Conflict
Different conflicts call for different resources. Resources depend on the nature of conflict and
its consequences.
A mild case might need reassurance from a senior staff member, while more complex issues
need more profound understanding and an experienced counsellor.
Conflicts involving potential violence need immediate assistance from security teams. Due to
legal implications, police may also be involved.

1.3 Identify and Use Resources to Manage Conflict

1.3.1 Classifying and Understanding Different Kind of Resources That Can be Used
to Assist in Managing Conflict
Given below are available resources for timely assistance in case of a conflict.

Internal security
Staff members Counsellors Mediators Police

1.3 Identify and Use Resources to Manage Conflict

1.3.1 Classifying and Understanding Different Kind of Resources That Can be Used
to Assist in Managing Conflict
• Staff Members
Colleagues and coworkers are often the most approached resource. In case of a less
serious conflict issue, staff members can come in handy to help with a resolution. These
scenarios include:
o Differences of opinion
o Complaints
o Dissatisfaction with service
o Dispute over exchange policy or refund
o Argument between colleagues.

1.3 Identify and Use Resources to Manage Conflict

1.3.1 Classifying and Understanding Different Kind of Resources That Can be Used
to Assist in Managing Conflict
• Counsellors
Counsellors display empathy, sensitivity and understanding, making them good people’s
personnel. Professional counsellors are subject matter experts. They understand human
psychology and its triggers. They help in bringing about a quick and effective resolution.
• Mediators
A mediator should be an excellent listener to understand the situation and its root cause
better. Mediators can take a neutral perspective to bring a resolution to a conflict and take
an unbiased view of the situation.

1.3 Identify and Use Resources to Manage Conflict

1.3.1 Classifying and Understanding Different Kind of Resources That Can be Used
to Assist in Managing Conflict
• Internal Security Staff
Security staff help control situations involving physical damage to people or the premises.
They are trained to take charge and reinforce orderly behaviour when the situation
• Police
Police help is sought when a conflict has the potential to create a law-and-order issue.
Police can help to restore normalcy. They are equipped legally in taking action against

1.3 Identify and Use Resources to Manage Conflict

1.3.2 How to Identify Resources That Can Assist in Managing Conflict
As a manager, you always have many options to manage a conflict situation. However, you
should remember to act quickly and not waste too much time deliberating on your choices.
This is where the role of a manager becomes more crucial, since it can help take timely and
relevant decisions and bring about a positive change in a crisis.

1.3 Identify and Use Resources to Manage Conflict

1.3.2 How to Identify Resources That Can Assist in Managing Conflict
The following tips may come in handy to identify resources:
• Analyse the impact and their consequences on all the parties involved.
• Look for earlier similar instances, if any.
• Understand the various staff members who can provide the resources you are looking for.
• Follow the organisational procedure to approach other staff to seek assistance.

1.3 Identify and Use Resources to Manage Conflict

In this presentation, we have covered:
What have  Identify conflict situations

we learned? ❑ Resolve conflict

❑ Evaluate conflict resolution
End of Chapter 1

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