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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region I
Schools Division Office I Pangasinan
Brgy. Calbueg, Malasiqui, Pangasinan

A Detailed Lesson Plan

Science 8

Prepared by:
Tandoc Nina Victoria B.
Teaching Intern

Certified by:
Mrs. Maria Christie P. Cerezo
Cooperating Teacher

School Principal I

May 2, 2023
Date of Teaching
Content Standard:

The learners should demonstrate an understanding of Cellular reproduction


After sixty-minutes discussion the students should be able to achieve at least 75 % level of

1. Gain a comprehension
Subject matter:
a. Topic: Cellular Reproduction
b. Materials: Laptop, PowerPoint Presentation and Instructional materials
References: MELCS: Infer the conditions necessary for heat transfer to occur (S7LT-IIIh-i-12)

Learning procedures:

Teaching activity Students Activity

Good morning students! Kindly inform your

classmate who are not yet around to please
come inside the class immediately. Good morning, Ma’am! Copy Ma’am


Before we proceed with our lesson, may I

request someone to lead the prayer?
Let us bow our heads and put ourselves in
the presence of God. Our Father, who art in
heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy
kingdom come; thy will be done on earth
as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily
bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we
forgive those who trespass against us; and
lead us not into temptation but deliver us
from evil. Amen.


Good morning class! How are you today?

Good morning, Ma,am! We feel great today.

That’s nice. Before you go to your respective

chair. Kindly please pick up all the small (Student will pick up all the small pieces of
pieces of paper on your area and arrange your paper on their area and arranged their
chair properly. chairs)

That’s nice. Before we proceed with our class

discussion. May I ask the class secretary to
please monitor who are the absent today.


Okay class let me remind you our classroom

rule for you to abide inside my class.

First, Arrive on time for class

Second, must wear your prescribe uniform.

Third, Pay attention with the teacher throughout

class discussion.

Fourth, avoid talking with your seatmates while

the teacher is discussing to avoid distractions.

Lastly, just raised your hand if you want to say

something or if you have questions, clarification
regards on the topic. Do not answer in chorus.

Is that alright class?

Yes, Ma’am
Okay, thank you.

Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the

new lesson (ELICIT)

Let’s have a short review before we proceed to

our next lesson. Could anyone tell us our last
topic yesterday?
Ma’am we discussed about Light waves
How would you define a light?

Light can travel only in one direction.

What else do you have in your mind?
Anyone from class? We also discussed about Types of Light
sources Ma’am.

How would you classify a type of a sources

which are naturally occurring/present in
nature that have the ability of emitting lights? Natural Light source and Artificial Light
How about a type of sources on which it source
requires heat on a high temperature to
generate light?

You got it right!

It seems that you have already mastered our

topic about Light waves. Any further
questions class?

Establishing purpose for the lesson


Before we proceed with our next topic let us

do some short game. This game is called Find
me on your area.

Try to look at the under your arm chair I

stuck a small pieces of paper which contain a
set of questions for you to answer.

Presenting new concepts and practicing

new skills

For your second activity you will be going to

observe and experiment to be present right away
which entitled “Water temperature”.

Experiment 1: Water temperature

Materials: Water ( hot, very cold and room

temp./ tap water)
3 clear glass containers
3 food coloring ( blue, red, green)
Masking tape
1. Pour the cold water in the glass
container. Add 1-2 drops of blue food
coloring in the cold water. Observe how
does molecules (food coloring) interact
with the water.
2. Pour the tap water in the glass container.
Add 1-2 drops of green food coloring in
the tap water. Observe how does
molecule interact with the water.
3. Pour the hot water in the glass
container. Add 1-2 drops of red food
coloring in the hot water. Observe how
does molecule interact with the water.

Processing Questions:

1. What happens to the drop of food coloring? Molecules moves faster when they are
warmer and slower when they are colder.
The drop of food coloring spread out
fastest in hot water because the molecule
are moving fastest of the three jars.

2. Does the food coloring behave the same in No, because each glass container consist
each of the jars? Why or why not? of different temperature.

3. What is different about the jars? Different in temperature .

4. What can you say about the relationship The higher the amount of heat applied, the
between heat and the movement of greater the movement of molecules, the
molecules. faster the amount of heat applied, the
slower the movement of molecules.
Directly proportional. The motion of
molecules depends upon how much heat
added to an object.

Okay so, upon performing such an activity

Ma’am it is all about heat transfer
what do you think is our topic for today?

You got it right!


In your previous grades, you have learned

that heat moves from one object/place to
another. In other words heat can be
transferred to an object.
For example:
1. Kettle containing water is being place at
the top of burning stove (kalan). The water
gets hot because of the heat coming from the
burning stove is being transferred.

2. Try to place your palm at the top of

casserole pot while cooking. What will Ma’am….The palm gets hot.

Yes exactly! It is because the heat coming

from the source is being transferred with
your palm.

3. Holding a chocolate in your hand for a

Ma’am… It will melt.
long period time. What do you think will
happen to the chocolate?

Yes exactly! Because the heat from your

hand raises the temperature of the chocolate
and it causes to melt.

Is that clear class? Yes Ma’am

First let us define. What is heat? From an early theory, heat is a fluid-like
Kindly read. substance called caloric, from Latin word
calor which means “heat”. It could flow in
and out of a body. This theory has not been
totally accepted, but still heat is described
as flowing from one body to another due to
a difference in temperature.

Thank you !

Heat as a fluid like substance called

“caloric”, from Latin word calor means heat.
Heat is often describe as a fluid (like water)
because they are capable for transferring
energy from one place to another in a liquid
For example:
Dipping a metal spoon in a hot water. The
outer surface of metal spoon also gets hot
because of the transfer of heat coming from
the source which is the hot water. Take note!
That hot water is in a liquid state.

It is also a result due to the difference in

temperature something hot, cold or warmer.

According to an English physicist James

Prescott Joule, “heat must be just another
form of energy”.

- Heat must be just another form of energy

because just like other form of energy. Heat
perform to work like drying clothes, for
cooking and even heat is being using in other
colder places.
Class have you ever wonder when there is
an absence of heat. Do you think we can No Ma’am
cook food or even drying clothes?

Yes exactly, without heat we cannot cook

food or even drying clothes.

Heat is the thermal energy that flows from

something of a higher temperature to
something of a lower temperature. It is the
“energy in transit.” The heat is the result of
a temperature difference.

- Heat flows from something higher or

lower in temperature. It is also called “energy
in transit” because it usually occurs due to
the difference in temperature between two
system or objects.

It shows atoms in different phases of matter

when heat is applied. All matter is made up
of atoms that are moving, even solid objects
have atoms that are vibrating.

- This illustrations shows the movement of

molecules when heat is being applied to an

In solid atoms are vibrating. Why does the

atom vibrate? Ma’am it is because they are being closer
with each other.

Yes exactly! When heat is applied in solid

atoms vibrate because molecules are closely
pack with each other.

In liquid molecules flow, Gas molecules

tend to flow, and plasma molecules moves
fast and freely in different directions.

What is heat transfer?

Heat transfer is related to change in

temperature. Heat is the transfer of thermal
energy from one object to another because of
a temperature difference.

How do you know that an object is

hot? Ma’am. We can know that an object is hot
through sense of touch and also due to its

Yes exactly!

How do we define temperature?

Kindly read. Temperature refers to the relative hotness
or coldness of an object.

To measure the temperature of an object or a

body we might use thermometer.

Class do you think is it accurate to say that

Jeslyn is sick through touching her without
prior using any instrument in measuring her No Ma’am
body temperature ?
Yes exactly! We can be aware of temperature
through our sense of touch, but it is not

Thermometer is used to determine our body

temperature and also it can measure the
temperature of a solid such as food, a liquid
such as water, or a gas such as air.

Are you familiar with this illustrations?

Yes Ma’am.. A thermometer

Very Good!

What is the relationship between heat and


Heat and temperature are not the same but

they are related to each other. Heat is the
transfer of thermal energy from one object to
another because of a temperature difference
while temperature is an indication or
measure of heat. It is measured in degrees
Celsius or degrees Fahrenheit or Kelvin. It
refers to the average kinetic energy of the
molecules of an object.
What comes to your mind when you hear
the word Kinetic energy? Ma’am those are the energy in motion

Very Good!

Phases Change

It shows the different changes when

heat is added or removed from a

1. Melting Point
Kindly read.

If enough heat is added to provide energy

to break the attraction between molecules
of solid object, it changes phase and
becomes liquid. The temperature at which
it occurs is the melting point.

Melting point takes place when the

temperature of a substance can change from
its solid state to a liquid state.

For example:
Try to expose an ice cube in a direct
sunlight or through holding it for a longer
period of time. What will happen to the ice Ma’am. It will melt

Yes, ice cube (solid) will turn into a liquid

2. Freezing point
Kindly read.

When heat is removed or released,

liquid becomes solid and the temperature at
which a liquid becomes solid is called the
freezing point.

Freezing point takes place when the

temperature at which a liquid freezes

For example:
Keeping a glass of water in the freezer for
some time. What do you think will happen? Ma’am the water will turn into ice.

Yes, water freezes to form ice.

3. Evaporation

Kindly read.
The addition of heat in liquids
increases the motion of molecules
in this phase causing it to reach its
boiling point, and if enough energy
is provided continuously to
separate its molecules, liquid
changes its phase to gaseous
phase, or vapor phase The process
is called evaporation.

 Evaporation takes place when liquid water

turns into a gas/vapor state.

For example: Boiling a water

What do you observe while boiling a water? Ma’am… A smoke

Yes basically when you try to observe while

cooking or boiling water you can see such
steam rising from the boiling water.
4. Condensation

The temperature at which a gas condenses

and becomes a liquid is called the
condensation point.

Condensation takes place when gas

condenses into a liquid.

For example:
Pouring a cold water in a glass container.
What do you observe from the outside Ma’am it will look like a fog.
surface of glass?

Yes exactly it will look a fog in the sense it

produces water droplets.

5. Sublimation
Kindly read.

Other materials like mothballs and air

fresheners can change directly from solid
to the gaseous state. This process is called

Sublimation takes place when solid

changes into gas.

For example:
Naphthalene balls,mothballs and
albatross air freshener.

Try to observe a naphthalene ball

Ma’am the size is getting smaller and
being stored in cabinet. What will
happen to its size?
Those are the common example of

6. Desublimation
Kindly read.

Its rate increases with

temperature. The reverse process of
sublimation is desublimation (or
deposition), gas phase to the solid
phase without passing through the
intermediate liquid phase.

Desublimation is the reverse process of

sublimation where gas turn into solid.

For example:
The formation of frost on a window in

Usually taken place in the polar regions.

As heat increases, substance changes

from solid to liquid and finally to gas. As
heat decreases, substance changes from gas
to liquid and finally to a solid.
Generally, temperature increases when heat
is transferred to a substance. If heat is added
to a substance or removed from a substance,
it causes a change in phase, the temperature
of the substance does not change.
- A substance can undergo changes in
phases when heat is absorbed or released
from an object.
- The reason why there is no change in
temperature at a phase change is because the
substance is using the heat only to undergo
changes the way the particles interact. There
is no increase in the particle motion and
hence no rise in temperature.
Heat transfer concerns the flow of heat
energy in matter resulting from temperature
differences. It follows natural laws of heat
transfer in flowing from one body to another.
Whenever two objects with unequal
temperatures are mixed, heat is transferred
from warmer to the cooler substance until
both substances reach a common

- Heat transfer takes place due to

difference in temperature something hot and

Look at figure 3, heat transfer. The flow of

heat is always from hotter substance to the
colder substance which is considered to be
unidirectional or moving in one direction. No
energy is lost during the transfer of heat.

For example: Ma’am. They both have an equal

Pouring the hot water into a warmer one. temperature.
What will happen to the temperature of the

Yes exactly! It means to say that heat move

in one direction only.

The heat given off is equal to the heat absorbed.

This is what the law of conservation of energy
Three methods of heat transfer

1. Conduction
Kindly read. Conduction is the flow of thermal energy
in matter as a result of molecular collisions,
energy is transferred from molecule to
molecule by direct contact between two
objects. The molecules vibrate more or less
quickly against each other. Heat is
transmitted through a medium from one
particle to another.

Conduction takes place through

direct/physical contact between two objects.

For example:
Heating a pan on a stove

The heat from the burner transfer directly to

the surface of the pan.

- Now let us differentiate Conductors from


Materials that absorb heat faster and allow

heat to flow are called conductors while
those materials that do not absorb heat easily
and do not allow heat to flow are called

Refer to the figure 4, Insulator vs Conductor.

Ma’am the metal rod.
Based on the illustration to which material
will burn hand first and why?
Yes exactly! It is because from the definition
itself metal are considered to be a good
conductors of heat.

Do you know that in cooking, the three

methods take place? Look at figure 5,
Conduction, Convection and Radiation.

In holding the pan, conduction occurs

because there is direct contact between the
hand and the metal handle.

2. Convection
Kindly read.

Convection in gases and liquids, expand

significantly when they accept thermal
energy and can develop currents of
material flow.

Convection is the mode of heat transfer that

is taking place in boiling of a water.

For example:
Boiling water

- Convective heat transfer occurs in a pan of

water being heated. The water at the bottom
of the pan accepts heat energy from the pan
through conduction.
The water in this region undergoes thermal
expansion through changing its volume.

Both conduction and convection requires

medium or material to transfer heat.

3. Radiation
Kindly read.

Radiation does not require any medium. It

can take place in a vacuum. In radiation,
the source of heat transmits heat energy in
the form of electromagnetic waves.

Radiation occur in Electromagnetic wave.

For example:
Heating a bread in microwave oven

The food is being heat in the form

electromagnetic waves. Take note that a
microwave belongs to your electromagnetic

Importance of the heat

Heat is vital in our daily life in warming the
house, heating the water, and drying the
washed clothes. Heat has many usages in the
industry s making and processing food and
manufacturing glass, paper, textiles and etc.
Heat can be used for ironing clothes, and
providing power to move cars, ships an hot
air balloons. Heat is used in welding ad
cutting materials.


Before we end our discussion, Could anyone

summarize their overall learning about what
we have tackled in this morning by
answering the following set of questions.
1. What is Heat?
1. Ma’am heat is capable of transferring
energy from one place to another due to the
difference in temperature.
2. Enumerate the phases changes
2. The phases change are melting point,
freezing point,evaporation,condensation,
sublimation and desublimation/Deposition.
3. List the methods of heat transfer
3. The methods of heat transfer are:
conduction, convection and radiation.

4. Give the importance of heat.

4. Heat plays an important role to our
daily lives through heat we can cook food
and even drying clothes for survival.

Bring out one fourth sheet of paper. Don’t

forget to write your name, section and the ( The student will get their paper and write
date today. Your quiz is subdivided into two their name, section and the date).
types Identification and Enumeration
type.Numbers your paper from 1-10. Answer

I. Identification
1. He was an English physicist who
stated that “heat must be just another form of
2. heat is a fluid-like substance called
_______ from Latin word calor which means
3. To what medium does an atom atoms
are vibrating.
4. _______ is an indication or measure
of heat.
5. _________is the flow of thermal
energy in matter as a result of molecular
collisions, energy is transferred from molecule to
molecule by direct contact between two objects.

II. Enumeration
6-8. Give the three methods of heat
9-10. A method of heat transfer which
both require a medium to transfer heat.

Answer Key:
1. James Prescott Joule
2. Caloric
3. Solid
4. Temperature
5. Conduction
6. Conduction
7. Convection
8. Radiation
9. Conduction
10. Convection


For your assignment you are going to make an

advance reading to our next topic about

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