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Volunteer Services Office March 1, 2017

Leconte Medical Center

742 Middle Creek Road, Sevierville TN 37862

Volunteer Scholarship Essay

“What is wrong with me?” My patient asks me that question and I look at her and pause, because
I cannot give her the answers she is wanting from me. Days like those, they will linger in my mind
because I do not have the correct knowledge and educational skills to be able to explain what is
happening with my patient. My abilities are limited and it is beyond my medical studies. This is why I
am eager to pursue a career path in the medical field and continue to further my education. I want to
help my patients, their families, and also, my colleagues.
I know the frustration of feeling alone, confused, and frightened. I was born in Philippines and
traveled to America by myself. I had to teach myself to become strong and independent.I set out to
fulfils my dreams and make the most out of my struggles. I have struggled most of my life for basic
necessities. But, I also learned that America was far from easy. I have struggled with every aspect of
being financially independent and alone in a foreign country. But I managed, I have earned everything I
have accomplished and will never take it for granted. I have considered myself to be blessed still, for
everything I have and everything I have the opportunity to acquire in the future. I have completed most
of my Associates programs and only have Microbiology left to complete. So as of now, I am almost all
set to enter into the Nursing program.Although,I plan to go all the way up the ladder.For now I have
had to take a break from my studies this year to go full time as a Certified Nursing Assistant due to
restrictive finances, I plan on returning to school as soon as this year. Right now, I am full time
employee of Leconte Medical Center as a night shift CNA for the “float-pool” department as well as a
Part-Time waitress. I fully depend on my work abilities and my own personal income to not only take
care of myself, but also my immediate family, in which I send almost half of my income back to in the
Philippines. Without me, my entire family could no longer survive. I have also used my income as a
CNA to currently fund my younger brother taken up Aviation course in the Philippines.
To answer the question of how will a Scholarship help me, it would immensely take a burden on
school finances off my plate and give me the opportunity to complete my schooling while also working
my job in which I am dedicated to entirely.
I am a self-motivated, very hardworking person, who consistently exceeds expectation and I
provide excellent care to my patients with a passion. I consider myself to be a huge asset to Covenant
Health and I think that receiving this Scholarship will not only help me, but will also help Covenant
Health to change an employee who is filled with passion and dedication, into an employee with those
aspects plus many skills and attributes who is fully qualified to help treat and care, thousands of
patients for years to come. After earning this amazing opportunity to further myself, I will always feel
overwhelming joy when a patient asks me “What is wrong with me?”, because it will be thanks to
Covenant Health that I am able to confidently and accurately answer my patients questions and
concerns with a heart.

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