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B7 Practice

Student book answers questions

Question Answers Extra information Mark

liver disease – alcohol 1

skin cancer – ionising radiation 1
type 2 diabetes - obesity 1
31.8 / 31.83 / 31.834 Allow 1 mark for 31.833 2
0 2.1
allow 1 mark for correct
substitution into equation.
02.2 40 Allow answer in range of 35–45. 1
as BMI increases risk of 1
developing (Type 2) diabetes
02.3 increases

at an increasing rate 1
any one from: 1
 age
 ethnic background
 genes Allow if others in the family have
 amount of exercise / it.
measure the amount of sugar 1
in the blood / urine, raised
levels of sugar indicate
any two from: 2
 eat less sugar /
02.6 carbohydrates
 do more exercise
 lose weight
03.1 mitosis 1
cells break off 1
travel in the blood 1
any three from: 3
 more men die from lung
cancer than women
 number of deaths from
lung cancer has
increased over the
 the average number of
03.3 cigarettes smoked per
person per year has
increased over the
 women smoke fewer
cigarettes (on average)
per year
 the link between
smoking cigarettes and

01718165376-Mahebul Sir:1
B7 Practice
Student book answers questions
lung cancer is stronger
in men than in women
any one from: 1
 coronary heart disease
 stroke
 emphysema
 bronchitis
 asthma

Level 1 (1–2 Level 2 (3–4
0 marks Level 3 (5–6 marks)
marks) marks)

No relevant content. At least one action Several actions (at Actions should be
should be least three) should clearly described with
described. be described and at several of these
least one correct correctly explained.
explanation. Both things to do and
things to avoid
should be included.
examples of the points made in 6
the response:

things a person should do:

 eat a balanced diet – to Allow a named nutrient –
control weight / provide correctly linked to its effect.
the correct nutrients
 exercise (regularly) – to
control weight or
maintain the heart /
bones / joint mobility
/muscle strength /
reaction time or improve
 get enough sleep / rest
 regular health checks /
vaccinations as

things to avoid:
 smoking – can cause
cancer / heart disease /
circulatory problems /
lung disorders
 too much alcohol – can
cause liver disease /
affect brain function
 too much salt – can
cause high blood

01718165376-Mahebul Sir:2
B7 Practice
Student book answers questions
 too much fat / energy –
can lead to obesity /
Type 2 diabetes / joint
 illegal drugs / named
drug- allow correctly
linked effect
 too much UV light – skin
 carcinogens / named
carcinogen – cause

01718165376-Mahebul Sir:3

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