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**Problem 1:**

Observed Time (OT) = 18.75 minutes (given)

Performance Rating (PR) = 0.96
Allowance Factor (AF) = 15% = 0.15

Normal Time (NT) = OT / PR = 18.75 / 0.96 = 19.5313 minutes (approximately)

Standard Time (ST) = NT + (NT × AF) = 19.5313 + (19.5313 × 0.15) = 22.4560 minutes

**Problem 2:**
Mean (μ) = 5.2 minutes
Standard Deviation (σ) = 1.1 minutes
Confidence Level (CL) = 95.5% = 0.955 (as a decimal)
Z-score for 95.5% confidence (from standard normal distribution table) ≈ 1.7507

For a specified maximum error (E), we use the formula:

E = Z * (σ / √n)
Solve for n:
n = (Z * σ / E)^2

a. Maximum Possible Error (E) = 0.5% = 0.005

n = (1.7507 * 1.1 / 0.005)^2 ≈ 108217

b. Maximum Error (E) = ±5% = 0.05

n = (1.7507 * 1.1 / 0.05)^2 ≈ 138

**Problem 3:**
Sample Size (n) = 400
Expected Proportion (p) = 0.30
Z-score for 90% confidence (from standard normal distribution table) = 1.645

a. Maximum Possible Error (E) = Z * √[(p * (1 - p)) / n]

E = 1.645 * √[(0.30 * (1 - 0.30)) / 400] ≈ 0.0427

b. Solve for n using the desired maximum error (E) of ±5% = 0.05:
n = (Z^2 * p * (1 - p)) / E^2 = (1.645^2 * 0.30 * (1 - 0.30)) / 0.05^2 ≈ 182

**Problem 5:**
For each element, find the average of the observed times:

Element 1: (2.1 + 2 + 2.2 + 2.1 + 2.1) / 5 = 2.1 minutes

Element 2: (1.1 + 1 + 1.0 + 1.2) / 4 = 1.075 minutes (approximately)
Element 3: (3.4 + 3.5 + 3.3 + 3.5 + 3.4 + 3.3) / 6 = 3.4167 minutes (approximately)
Element 4: (4.0 + 4.2) / 2 = 4.1 minutes
Element 5: (1.4 + 1.4 + 1.5 + 1.5 + 1.5 + 1.4) / 6 = 1.45 minutes (approximately)

These are the observed times (OT) for each element.

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