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Chat System


Antize Chat System
List of contents
1) Patch note ........................................................................................................................................... 3
2) Antize Chat System User Manual ........................................................................................................ 5
1 - Introduction.................................................................................................................................... 5
2 - Features .......................................................................................................................................... 5
3 - Technical Details............................................................................................................................. 5
3) Getting started .................................................................................................................................... 6
1 - Installation ...................................................................................................................................... 6
2 - Use custom Controller.................................................................................................................... 8
3 - Use custom Character .................................................................................................................. 10
4 - Use custom GameMode ............................................................................................................... 11
4) Add a command ................................................................................................................................ 13
5) Add a category .................................................................................................................................. 15
6) Add an emote .................................................................................................................................... 17
7) Setting up .......................................................................................................................................... 19
1 - Change category prefix and color ................................................................................................ 19
2 - Change maximum proximity distance .......................................................................................... 19
3 - Change minimum opacity of the chat window ............................................................................ 20
4 - Change GetUsername .................................................................................................................. 20
5 - Show/Hide the timestamp next to messages .............................................................................. 21
6 - Switch to the icon or text on the category button ....................................................................... 21
7 - Change/remove welcome message ............................................................................................. 22

Antize Chat System
1) Patch note
What's new in v1.12 update? (12/08/2023)
• Hotfix - Refresh actual team in the PlayerList widget
• Improved - Integration

What's new in v1.11 update? (22/02/2023)

• Added - Size and position settings for the chatbox (Requested by the community)
• Hotfix - Block/Unblock text padding

What's new in v1.10 update? (27/01/2023)

• Added - Check and remove old W_MainChat instances at start
• Added - Save settings (Requested by the community)
• Hotfix

What's new in v1.09 update? (20/01/2023)

• Added - Category (Combat log) with new settings (Requested by the community)

What's new in v1.08 update? (15/01/2023)

• Improved - Integration (Big rework)
• Added - Settings widget
• Added - Select old message
• Fixed - Compatibility with UE 5
• Hotfix

What's new in v1.07 update? (12/10/2022)

• Fixed - Animation on create (Bad call)
• Fixed - Space on system message
• Fixed - Blocked player
• Added - Tooltips widget
• Added - Spam protection
• Added - Player list
What's new in v1.06 update? (25/08/2022)
• Added - Animation on new message
• Added - Save system
• Work on the player controller (Easier to merge with a project)

What's new in v1.05 update? (14/07/2021)

• Added - Category icon
• Changed - Style setting in category button
• Changed - Category button position

What's new in v1.04 update? (06/05/2020)

• Added - Unreal Engine mannequin
• Changed - Function category

What's new in v1.03 update? (16/04/2020)

• Improved - Give unique PlayerID
• Fixed - Reliable was not checked on (Server_SendMessage)

What's new in v1.02 update? (06/04/2020)

Antize Chat System
• Improved - Change timespan visibility
• Improved - System message
• Added - Welcome message

What's new in v1.01 update? (21/03/2020)

• Added - Get player username
• Added - Team channel
• Added - Commit button
• Added - Choose to keep or not the chat open when a text is committed
• Added - Emote system
• Improved - Command system
• Improved - Fade in/out of the chat window
• Fixed - No longer takes the current time when re-adding the message in the chat
• Correction - Misspelled

Antize Chat System
2) Antize Chat System User Manual
1 - Introduction
This user manual will help you in your integration and use.

You can get the Chat System from the UE4 marketplace, if you haven't already:

2 - Features
• Fully compatible with EOS, AWS, Steam, Advanced "Steam" Sessions plugin, etc. (Can be
easily implemented).
• Supports multiple channels, new channel can be easily added
(All/Global/Proximity/Team/Private/Combat log channels are already implemented
(Proximity radius can be easily changed)).
• System message.
• Can ignore a player's messages.
• Pause the scrolling of the chat when the player writes.
• Access all previously sent messages by using Up and Down (Since 1.08).
• Settings (Since 1.08).
• Player list (Since 1.07).
• Spam prevention with error message (Since 1.07).
• Save & load messages (can be easily disabled (Since 1.06)).
• Messages and chat animations (new animation can be easily added (Since 1.06)).
• Commands, there are already existing commands (new command can be easily added).
• Emotes, new emote can be easily added.
• Ready to use, no action needed.
• Pre-made widgets, easy to customize.
• Easy to use and customize.
• Clean Blueprint with comments.
• Optimized.

3 - Technical Details
• Number of Game Mode: 1
• Number of Controller: 1
• Number of Character Blueprint: 1
• Number of Interface Blueprint: 1
• Number of Library: 1
• Number of Save Game: 1
• Number of Widget Blueprint: 5
• Number of Enumeration: 6
• Number of Structure: 1
• Number of Textures: 7

Antize Chat System
3) Getting started
There you will know how install asset and integrate into your project.

1 - Installation
1. Open your Epic Games Launcher and go the Library tab in Unreal Engine Section and search Chat

2. Click on Add to project and select the project you want to add to. It will create a directory called
AntizeChatSystem in your content folder.

Antize Chat System
3. Now you need to activate custom GameMode into your project, open Project Settings
(Only do it if you don’t have your own GameMode)

4. In Maps & Modes tab, select BP_ChatGameMode in Default GameMode

(Only do it if you don’t have your own GameMode)

Antize Chat System
2 - Use custom Controller
Do this step only if you already have your own Controller, otherwise you can use the
BP_ChatController of the asset.

1. Activate BP_ChatInterface in your PlayerController blueprint

2. Open the BP_ChatController blueprint

Antize Chat System
3. Copy all events and the Component as in BP_ChatController into your controller blueprint and
make the interfaces (Refresh the added elements if you have error/warning message)

Don't forget:
1. BP_ChatComponent is replicated
2. Do the interfaces MSG_GetPlayerID, MSG_GetUsername and MSG_GetTeamID

4. If you use BP_ChatGameMode override PlayerController

(Only do it if you don’t have your own GameMode)

Antize Chat System
3 - Use custom Character
1. Activate BP_AntizeChatInterface in your Character blueprint

2. Open the BP_ChatCharacter blueprint

Antize Chat System
3. Copy Play Emote functions, as in BP_ChatCharacter into your character blueprint and make the
interface (Refresh the added elements if you have error/warning message)

4 - Use custom GameMode

Do this step only if you already have your own GameMode, otherwise you can use the
BP_ChatGameMode of the asset.

1. Activate BP_ChatInterface in your Gam Mode blueprint

Antize Chat System
2. Copy all events and interfaces from BP_ChatGameMode into your GameMode (Refresh the added
elements if you have a error/warning message)
Don't forget to do the interfaces MSG_RequestPlayerID and MSG_GetConnectedPlayers

Antize Chat System
4) Add a command
1. In E_ChatCommand, add a new enumerator and set your command

2. In W_MainChat, open the CheckForChatCommand function and add/call your command function
on the ChatCommand Switch

Antize Chat System
3. If your command doesn’t have parameter, you must skip the verifications in the
GetSkipParameterVerification function


Antize Chat System
5) Add a category
1. In E_ChatCategory, add a new enumerator and set the name of your category

2. In W_MainChat, search Category and drag & drop a W_CategoryButtons template into the

Antize Chat System
3. Select your W_CategoryButtons and set the desired settings in the right panel

4. In BP_ChatComponent, open the OnServer_SendMessage function and define your restriction to

receive messages from your category

Antize Chat System
5. In W_MainChat, open ReceivedMessage function and add your category prefix and color

6) Add an emote
1. In E_Emote, add a new enumerator and set you emote

Antize Chat System
2. In your character, add/call your emote function on the Emote Switch.

Antize Chat System
7) Setting up
1 - Change category prefix and color
In W_MainChat, open ReceivedMessage function and add your category prefix and color

2 - Change maximum proximity distance

In BP_ChatComponent, select MaxProximityDistance and set the desired value in the right panel

Antize Chat System
3 - Change minimum opacity of the chat window
Go to at time 0 in FadeInOut and set the desired value

4 - Change GetUsername
In your character blueprint, open MSG_GetUsername interface and make your changes here

Antize Chat System
5 - Show/Hide the timestamp next to messages
Select ShowTime? and set the desired value, you can use RefreshTimeVisilibty in-game to refresh
with the desired value

6 - Switch to the icon or text on the category button

Select a category button in the W_MainChat and you will find the icon settings in the right panel

Antize Chat System
7 - Change/remove welcome message
In W_MainChat, in the event construct, you will find the welcome message

Antize Chat System

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