Final Exam-USCP

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Siramag, Balatan Camarines Sur
Final Examination
Grade 12
NAME:_______________________________________ Score: ________________________
_____1. What business organization that extends production and sales into several
A. International Government Organization C. Multinational Corporations
B. International Organization D. Transnational Groups
____2. What organization is formed by workers for common interests of their co-workers?
A. Banks C. Corporation
B. Cooperatives D. Trade Groups
____3. What organization whose activities transcend to national boundaries to facilitates
A. International Organization C. Trade Unions
B. Multinational Corporations D. Union Groups
____4. What form of government in which supreme power is absolutely lodged with an
A. Democracy C. Oligarchy
B. Monarchy D. Theocracy
____5. What form of business governed on the principle of one member, one vote?
A. Cooperatives C. States
B. Corporation D. Unions
____6. What organization of the state which makes, implements, enforces, and adjudicates the law?
A. Cooperatives C. Government
B. Corporation D. Trade Unions
_____7. What institution that allows people deposit their money for safe keeping and interests?
A. Banks C. Corporation
B. Cooperatives D. Lending Company
_____8. What institution is made up of individuals, shareholders or stockholders who engage to business?
A. Banks C. Corporation
B. Cooperatives D. Trade Unions
_____9. What type of corporation that are formed to generate revenues and provide returns
to their shareholders?
A. For-Profit C. Trade Groups
B. Not-for Profit D. Union Groups
____10.. What type of corporation that operates under the category of charitable organization?
A. For-Profit C. Trade Groups
B. Not-for Profit D. Union Groups
For items 11-14
A. Family B. Education C. Government D. Religion
____11. The institution that administers the regulatory functions of law and order,
and maintains security in society.
____12. The process of socialization, which begins informally at home and then
formally in educational institutions.
____13. The most basic social institution and is a system of organized relationship
involving workable and dependable ways of meeting basic social needs.
____14. Constitutes a set of beliefs regarding the ultimate power in the universe, the
ideal and proper pattern of behavior, and ceremonial ways to expressing these beliefs.
For Items 15-18
A. Formal Education C. Non-Formal Education
B. Informal Education D. Special Education
____15. It provides distinct services, facilities, curricula, and instructional materials
geared to pupils or students who are significantly higher or lower than the
average or norm.
____16. Refers to the systematic and deliberate process of hierarchically structured
and sequential learning.
____17. They are organized systematic education that provides selected types of
learning to a segment of the population.
____18. It is a lifelong process of learning. What other function or purpose of
education it is referring to?
For Items 19-22
A. Education is Self-Empowerment B. Fosters Participant Democracy
C. Financial stability D. To complete the socialization process
_____19. Education helps you gain sufficient academic qualification, knowledge and
skills to get a suitable employment with proper remuneration or salary.
_____20. Literacy, which is the product of education, allows full participation of the
people in democratic process and effective voting.
_____21. Receiving a good education helps empower you, thus making you strong
enough to look after yourself in any given situation or conditions.
_____22. The main social objective of education which involves the family and school
as agents of socialization.
Siramag, Balatan Camarines Sur
Final Examination
Grade 12
NAME:_______________________________________ Score: ________________________
_____23. Which of the following defines social stratification?
A. Social isolation of people from each other
B. System in which everyone is equal but perform very different tasks
C. System by which a person's place in society is defined by birth
D. None of these
_____24. Which of the following best describes how social class is related to social stratification?
A. Each layer has many layers of social stratification
B. Each layer of social stratification constitutes a social class
C. The terms social stratification and social class mean the same thing
D. Social stratification exists in caste systems, whereas social classes only
exist in noncaste systems
______25. What is the key distinction between a caste system and a class system?
A. a marriage within a specific group
B. occupational prestige
C. educational opportunity
D. social mobility
_____26. What is Social Stratification?
A. The division of society into categories, ranks, or classes.
B. The unequal sharing of scarce resources and social rewards
C. A social structure in which classes are determined by ascribed status.
D. A social structure in which classes are determined by achieved status.
_____27. The unequal sharing of scarce resources and social rewards is known as _____.
A. Social Inequality B. Social Mobility
C. Social Sharing D. Social Stratification
_____28. The most distinguishing characteristic of a caste system (where class is based
on birth) is that _______
A. People can only move intergenerationally
B. People can move vertically, but not horizontally
C. Social status is inherited and cannot be changed
D. Social status can be changed by education and hard work
_____29. A factory worker's son earns his way through college and eventually becomes a physics engineer. This is an
example of _______?
A. Horizontal mobility B. Intergenerational mobility
C. Role mobility D. Vertical mobility
_____30. Isidra moves from a job as a computer programmer to a job as a Web pagedesigner. This is an example of ___
A. Horizontal mobility
B. Intergenerational mobility
C. Role mobility
D. Vertical mobility
_____31. Which of the following perspective states that "inequality exists because some people are willing to exploit
A. Conflict perspective
B. Structural-Functionalist
C. Social Exchange
D. Symbolic-interactionist
_____32. A politician describes inequality as a motivator of people to fill the different and
necessary positions in society. He is using example of _________.
A. Conflict theory
B. Social Exchange theory
C. Structural-Functionalist theory
D. Symbolic-interactionist theory
_____33. Which of the states that stratification assures that the most qualified people fill
the most important positions, that these qualified people perform their tasks
competently, and that they are rewarded for the effort?
A. Conflict theory
B. Structural-Functionalism
C. Symbolic interactionism
D. None of the choices
_____34. Which of the following best describes the structural-functionalist theory of social stratification?
A. Inequality exists because some people are willing to exploit others.
B. Social stratification will eventually be eliminated when the workers revolt.
C. Children are taught that a person's social class is the result of their talent and effort.
D. The inequality of social classes helps assurre that the most qualified people fill the most important positions.
_____35. Which of the following best describes the symbolic-interactionist perspective of
social stratification?
A. Inequality exists because some people are willing to exploit others.
B. Social stratification will eventually be eliminated when the workers revolt.
C. Children are taught that a person's social class is the result of their talent
and effort
D. The inequality of social classes helps assure that the most qualified people
fill the most important positions.

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