Examiner's Comments and Marks

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Paper 1

McDonald’s ad
Examiner’s comments and marks

Criterion A: Knowledge, understanding and interpretation – 5 out of 5

The student’s interpretation of this advertisement is excellent, as it explores how the ad would
be received both the 'then' and 'now'. There is excellent awareness of bigger issues, such as
cultural appropriation and segregation. References to the stimulus text are consistently related
back to these bigger points.

Criterion B: Analysis and evaluation – 5 out of 5

The student clearly defines two stylistic features, diction and camera angle, and an advertising
technique, namely the bandwagon effect. The effects of these features and techniques are
explored and developed, both in how they may be helpful and harmful to the conversation on
race relations in the US in the 1970s and now.

Criterion C: Coherence, focus and organisation - 5 out of 5

The analysis is organised coherently and effectively. Although it is rather short in extent, it is
very focused and structured. Body paragraphs are organised around stylistic features and
advertising techniques. The paragraphs follow a clear PEEL structure (Point, Evidence, Explain,

Criterion D: Language - 5 out of 5

Sentence structures are varied, vocabulary is appropriate and the register is academic. Words
such as 'cultural appropriation' are excellent. The analysis reads well, thanks to good
punctuation, connecting words and varied syntax.

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