Notes Maize Farming

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What natural factors favour

1. Where is maize grown?
Our country produces around 14 million maize farming in the regions
tons of maize per year. indicated on the map?
The most significant maize producing • Summer rainfall region
regions are the Free State (45%), • Rainfall of 600 – 1000 mm
Mpumalanga (21%) and the North-West • Sunny frost-free growing period
(18%) provinces. • Dry autumn and winter harvesting period
• Well - drained, fertile loamy soils
3. Why is maize farming
important? 4. What other factors favour
• Staple food for millions of people
maize farming in South Africa?
• Animal feed e.g. chicken, cattle and
• Deep harbours and international airports
favour export of maize.
• Used in industry for production of food
• Communication networks and
products such as beer, cheese
refrigerated containers make it possible
spreads, instant coffee
to maintain quality of products for local
• Exports earn foreign exchange
and export markets.
• Creates employment on farms and
• Import tariffs to protect locally produced
related industry
• Encourages development of other
industries by using their products e.g.
fertilizer and farm equipment
• Consumes products from other 5. What are the challenges?
industries, such as fertilizers, irrigation • Unreliable rainfall reduces yields
equipment, herbicides, fuel and farm • Droughts result in huge losses
implements • Subsistence farming techniques reduced
soil fertility in some areas
Export volume of maize and maize products • Soil erosion decreases the size of the
area under cultivation
Export volume in 1000 metric tons

• Export opportunities are mainly limited to
African countries
• Cheap maize imports flood the market

• Small-scale farmers lack access to
specialist marketing support institutions



1000 Compiled by Hyran Gillion and Andre Cloete


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