Credo Jun Boy Ethics in Education Output 4

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Jun Boy O.

Credo July 24,


Output 4: Deadline – July 30, 2023 – 11:59pm

Cite 5 traits of an ethical teacher, write a personal code of ethics with pledge of commitment.

Rationale of your personal code of ethics

Pledge of commitment
Traits identified
Personal statement for each trait identified

Teachers are considered role models. They served as the epitome of good deeds, a noble
profession, and expected to promote obedience to the laws of the state. However, as students,
teachers are also susceptible to misconduct inside or outside the classroom. They are capable of
committing mistakes at their own choices. In September 8, 2022, sexually abused students from
Bacoor National High School filed an administrative charge of sexual abuse against its five
teachers. As part of the filing of administrative case against them, the accused teachers were
placed under preventive suspension that lasts for ninety days. On a separate report, a public-
school teacher was suspended for 6 months over alleged misconduct for collecting school fees
without authorization. Last November 2019, a teacher was accused of child abuse after sending
out her student from the classroom. The family of the child claimed that the boy was traumatized
and humiliated due to the misconduct done by the teacher. These instances are just some of the
cases where teachers got involved in unethical conduct. There are still unheard cases regarding
this crucial issue. Thus, this must not be ignored or neglected by the state. In this regard,
comprehensive code of ethics for professional teachers must be applied.

The code of ethics for professional teachers is very momentous. It is a moral compass
that guides our decisions and actions we make in everyday life as teachers. This ethical code
helps educators make ethical decisions, safeguarding the well-being of the students, and prevent
discrimination and exploitation inside or outside the school grounds. However, ethical issues
inside the classroom were not specifically addressed. Therefore, a comprehensive code of ethical
conduct must be applied in a more contextual manner. These below-discussed personal code of
ethics presented through 5 ethical traits of teachers, were based from personal experience and
empirical observations. By adhering to these, teachers can be able to maintain their
professionalism and contribute to the positive growth and ethical foundation of education
system. With these five concise ethical codes for teachers, some ethical issues in the classroom
can be prevented, creating a positive learning atmosphere that embraces values, morals, and

Pledge of Commitment
“As a dedicated teacher, I wholeheartedly pledge my commitment the Code of Ethics for
Professional Teacher. In my pursuit of professional development, I guarantee to create an
inclusive and supportive learning environment in which every student is treated with respect,
dignity, and fairness. I assure that their diversity will be celebrated and embraced, making certain
that their backgrounds are well-recognized and valued. With a burning heart to serve, I swear to
apply all my knowledge, skills, and talents to the fullest to bring out the best in my students and
mold them into lifelong learners. Above all, I commit to being an embodiment of a positive role
model, demonstrating empathy and compassion to my learners, and a lifelong love for learning.
With this solemn pledge, I accept the noble responsibility of being an educator, and I commit to
uphold the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers in every aspect of my teaching profession”

Five Identified Traits of an Ethical Teacher

1. Accountability. An ethical teacher shall hold full responsibility and commitment to his job in
providing a quality education and support students in their learning progress.

A teacher’s principal responsibility is to ensure that his students learn. By doing so, he/she must
attend classes regularly while observing punctuality. However, there are some teachers who do
not practice adherence to their obligations responsibly. Empirically speaking, throughout my
entire life as a student, I encountered ghost teachers. They are not physically present in our
regular class, but their presence becomes clearly visible at the end of the course. Meaning to say,
they do not teach; they just give activities and administer final examination. This irresponsibility
and negligence to their duties can cause disparity in the learning development of their learners.
Thus, they are putting the future of their students and the country at risk. Therefore, we, teachers,
must give a strong commitment and accountability to our job, as we are the driving force of the
community towards the development of the nation.

2. Fairness and Equal Treatment. An ethical teacher shall demonstrate fairness and equal
treatment to his students at all times, in any aspect of the teaching and learning process.

Despite the diversity in the classroom, an ethical teacher must treat his students with different
backgrounds equally. However, we cannot deny the fact that there are some teachers who treat
their students with bias. Favoritism is a crucial issue that we, educators, should avoid. This
problem has a negative impact on students academically and emotionally. With preferential
treatment shown by a teacher, other students may feel neglected, causing decreased participation
in class and academic performance. Personally, I experienced this situation in our teaching
internship back then. I was not able to get into the top 3 for best student teacher because my
teacher had preference to one of my classmates. Knowing that I got higher grades in our final
demonstration teaching than him, she still included that certain student without transparency
about how he got suddenly into the choices for best student teacher. That result left me in doubt,
making me feel undeserving which decreases my encouragement to give my full effort in her
class again. Conversely, favoritism and unequal treatment create a gap between the relationships
of students and teachers, making them feel unworthy to be given attention. As a result, effective
communication and positive relationship among teacher and students diminished. Therefore, we,
teachers, must observe and exercise fairness and equal treatment so that we can establish a
learning environment for our learners that is conducive.

3. Empathy and Compassion. An ethical teacher shall establish safe space for expression and
learning environment that embraces tolerance of understanding by demonstrating empathy and
compassion to his students.

As teachers, we do not just instill knowledge to our student, but also values and morals. As role
models, this should be reflected on us. However, there are teachers especially those strict ones
who cannot understand the situation and concern of their students. Illuminating our minds on the
diverse needs of our students is part of our job as teachers. We must display utmost kindness and
understanding of where they are coming from by actively listening to their concerns as much as
we can. We should keep in our mind that each and every student in our class doesn’t have the
same privilege as others. I remember, when I had my teaching internship, I had this student who
always submits his output late and I was wondering why. But little did I know that this student
always come home late in the evening because he had to walk from school to their house and
vice versa because he doesn’t have money to pay for tricycle. As consequence, he was unable to
meet my deadlines. However, instead of rejecting his submissions, I still consider his situation
and give him extensions as much as possible. To conclude, by illustrating greater understanding
and kindness, we can be able to nurture a conducive learning atmosphere that allows learners to
thrive academically and emotionally. As what Aristotle once said, “Educating the mind without
educating the heart is no education at all”.

4. Righteous. An ethical teacher shall exercise utmost righteousness and embrace justice among
his learners in any circumstances.

Misdemeanor in class is normal. Students may behave aggressively, violently, and any form of
misconduct. However, as teachers, we must deal with these instances ethically, with utmost
professionalism and righteousness. Instead of reprimanding right away and calling out students
who behaved unacceptably, take the situation in due process. Talk to them privately, and do not
put them in an arena where embarrassment exists. By practicing this principle, we can create a
just and humane learning environment.

5. Respect. An ethical teacher shall show respect to students by valuing their uniqueness and
treating them with dignity.

A classroom composes of diverse students with diverse needs and uniqueness. These differences
should be tolerated by teachers through fostering respect to each learner. Ensuring the
appropriateness of my instructions to their capabilities and preferred learning style is very
important. Every teacher should possess moral and ethics in every action they make. Choose
right words carefully when talking to students so that you may not hurt or offend them. Respect
is earned. If we want to be respected by our students, we should respect them as well.

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