Wang, 2019 Erratum

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Correction to: Plasma Ceramides,

Mediterranean Diet, and Incident
Cardiovascular Disease in the PREDIMED Trial
(Prevención con Dieta Mediterránea)
In the article by Wang et al, “Plasma Ceramides, Mediterranean Diet, and Inci-
dent Cardiovascular Disease in the PREDIMED Trial (Prevención con Dieta Mediter-
ránea),” which published online ahead of print on March 9, 2017, and appeared
in the May 23, 2017, issue of Circulation (Circulation. 2017;135:2028–2040. doi:
10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.116.024261), a correction is needed. Departures
from individual randomization procedures in the PREDIMED trial affected a small
subset of participants. Specifically, some members of the same household and a
subset of participants from the same clinics within 1 of the 11 recruiting centers
were allocated by clusters to the same intervention groups, instead of individually
The authors have updated this analysis by additionally adjusting for 2 propen-
sity scores (built with 30 predictors of intervention allocation) and applying robust
estimates of the variance to account for intra-cluster correlation within the same
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families, or clinics. These adjustments have been applied in the Cox proportional
hazards model for testing the interactions between the ceramide levels and inter-
vention groups, constructing the cumulative incidence curves, as well as in the lin-
ear mixed model for comparing temporal changes in the ceramide levels between
intervention groups.
Corrections have been made to the current online version of the article and
supplement, which is available at

© 2019 American Heart Association, Inc.

e726 October 15, 2019 Circulation. 2019;140:e726. DOI: 10.1161/CIR.0000000000000715

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