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Ed Ing Adjectives

Name: Result: __/19 Date: __/__/20__

1. It was also proclaimed throughout the ______________ States, and was
generally approved by those who had engaged in the opposition to the claims
of the British Parliament. (united/uniting)

2. Verse, too, should be more concise, for long- ______________ rhythm

tends to jade the mind, just as brief rhythm tends to attract the attention.

3. As the official class is the basis upon which Batavian society rests, it is not
______________ that ceremony should play an important part in its system.

4. She wiped the tears away from her eyes and sat up very straight, looking
out of the window as if she was very much ______________ in everything
she saw. (interested/interesting)

5. Well, I was ______________ to find them still in camp for they volunteered
to go with me the next day and help me get the deer and bear out to the road
in return for venison and bear meat. (pleased/pleasing)

6. He led me into the thickening fog, and in a few minutes I was

______________ to find myself in the British lines. (surprised/surprising)

7. When it was proposed to repeal the bill in the ______________ year,

Franklin was examined before the House of Commons; the effect of his
evidence was decisive, and the Stamp Act was repealed.

8. It is ______________ to note the following ones. (interested/interesting)

9. It is stamped upon all her colonies; it has by no means disappeared in the

______________ States. (united/uniting)

10. We hear of Tweed, of Tammany, and it is not ______________ that we

have a certain contempt for American politics. (surprised/surprising)
11. The club were excused from their recitations that afternoon, and it was
______________ to see how much spying there was among the rest of the
school to find out what was going on. (amused/amusing)

12. It would be ______________ to know if this visitor actually accomplished

his task and saw all that he proposed in the time allowed.

13. He was very much ______________, and his first query was as to who
had started the rumor. (incensed/incensing)

14. The men milled, wide-eyed, open- ______________, as I thrust through

to the cargo lock. (mouthed/mouthing)

15. I'm ______________ of the sun and the moon. (tired/tiring)

16. At the end of the time he was ______________ to see all their reserves
just about even, as they had been at first. (surprised/surprising)

17. He settled in Norwich in 1815, and in the ______________ year married a

daughter of his former master and friend. (followed/following)

18. The divorced wife and the much- ______________ wife are still alive and
not yet old. (loved/loving)

19. The hand of fellowship was extended in this broad free land of the
______________ States, where the greatness of men is measured almost by
merit alone. (united/uniting)

20. We were very much ______________ with the entertainment.


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