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Compelling 5th edition challenges for CR6 to CR9

Written and Illustrated

by Jerry Joe Seltzer

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encounter maps and illustrations

2 3
Table of Contents
66. Map - The Floor is Lava
2. Cooked Thief 34. Telden’s Traveling Tavern
‡Land Vehicles, Entertainer Background 67. Map - The Floor is Extra Lava Involves a merchant.
4. Map - Cooked Thief
36. Illustration - Telden’s Traveling Tavern Can be used in a forest or wooded setting.
5. Map - Death Toll 68. Bogged Down
37. Map - Bait and Switch ‡Sylvan, Acrobatics, Persuasion Can be used in a dry or desert setting.

6. Death Toll Takes place in mountains or hills.

‡Nature 38. Bait and Switch 70. Swept Away
‡Animal Handling, Athletics Involves a body of water.
‡Bardic Countercharm
8. Occupied! Takes place in a village setting.
‡Gaming Set, Persuasion, Soldier Background 40. Guild by Association 72. Little Shop of Curses
Takes place in a town or city setting.
‡History, Insight, Persuasion, Religion,
10. Not a Yacht Guild Artisan Background 74. Untimely Demise Usable in a winter setting.
‡Carpentry Tools, Tinker Tools, Persuasion, ‡Arcana ‡ Proficiencies that are utilized in the encounter.
Water Vehicles, Sailor Background 42. The Owlbear’s Haunt
‡Investigation, Criminal Background 76. The Rolley-Smasher
12. The Desert Giveth ‡Athletics
‡Jeweler’s Tools, Medicine, Nature 44. Overdue
‡Investigation, Sage Background 78. Four Doors Bookstore
14. Map - The Desert Giveth
15. Map - Bullpen Bullies 46. Pub-tathlon 80. History Quiz
‡Acrobatics, Athletics, Performance, ‡Cartography Tools, Three Dragon Ante, History
16. Bullpen Bullies Outlander Background, Urchin Background
‡Acrobatics, Animal Handling, Nature, Survival
82. Dead Queen’s Curse
48. Trolling for Treatment ‡Carpentry Tools, Water Vehicles
18. Recipe for Disaster ‡Alchemy Supplies, Herbalism Kit, Medicine, Survival
‡Alchemy Supplies, Cooking Utensils, Investigation,
84. Fuming Mad
Medicine 50. Field Tested ‡Alchemy Supplies, Acrobatics, Athletics
‡Alchemy Supplies, Thieves’ Tools, Tinker’s Tools
20. Cursing the Fish 86. Spying the Spiders
‡Arcana 52. Fear and Philosophy ‡Undercommon, Investigation, Nature
‡Dragon Chess, Celestial, Persuasion, Religion
88. Lying for Pets
22. Only the Worthy ‡Deception, Medicine,
‡Deception, Insight, Persuasion, Religion, 54. Making the Connection
Acolyte Background ‡Carpenter’s Tools, Smith’s Tools, Weaver’s Tools,
90. King’s Eye
Survival, Athletics
‡Cooking Utensils, Athletics
24. The Inner Circle
‡Deception, Persuasion, Charlatan Background, 56. Great Camel Race 92. Map - King’s Eye
Noble Background ‡Animal Handling, Medicine 93. Map - Whirled Apart
26. Map - The Inner Circle
58. Neither Carrot nor Stick 94. Whirled Apart
27. Map - Root Problem ‡Arcana, Investigation ‡Strength Saving Throw
28. Root Problem 60. Illustration - Neither Carrot nor Stick
‡Druidic, Folk Hero Background 96. Silent Shortcut
61. Map - Marble Walls ‡Celestial, Religion,
Sleight of Hand
30. Filled Rafters 62. Marble Walls
‡Carpentry Tools, Potter’s Tools ‡Heavy Armor 98. The Key is A#
‡Musical Instrument, Thieves’ Tools,
32. Street Level Crime 64. The Floor is Lava Investigation, Performance
‡Investigation, Outlander Background
‡Dwarven Stonecunning
Cooked Thief Summary: Bugbears hunted down a thief who stole a
sacred item. The thief is hidden in a Tiny Hut spell but the Place the woman in the scene at the
edge of the pit near the PCs, but not
bugbears have prepared for its inevitable end.
in the smoke.
Frenzied Bugbear CR 1 (450xp)
Medium humanoid (goblinoid), chaotic evil

Read to the players Armor Class 15 (Hide Armor)

Combat continues Hit Points 27 (5d8+5) Speed 30 ft.
CR6 3600 xp
Rising smoke and guttural yells draw your attention deeper into
8 Frenzied Bugbears Round 4: The smoke persists in the same area.
the forest where you find a bizarre sight. A large green dome STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
1 Bugbear Cleric All the bugbears, including the cleric(s) attack the
sits hovering above a huge fire pit. Bugbears surround the pit, 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 8 (-1) 11 (+0) 9 (-1)
PCs with morningstars. The two bugbears closest
cheering on the huge cooking fire they built beneath the dome.
CR7 4400 xp to the woman attack the PCs and then move to the
Senses Darkvision 60 Ft., passive Perception 10
10 Frenzied Bugbears woman (provoking an opportunity attack from the
Languages Common, Goblin
1 Bugbear Cleric PCs).
The thief, a young half-elf woman named Artabeth used a scroll
CR8 5600 xp
to cast a Tiny Hut. She made it green to hide among the trees Round 5: The wind shifts, driving the 30x30 foot Frenzied. When the bugbear drops to 0 hit
but the bugbears easily tracked her down. They tried tunneling cloud of smoke over the woman and anyone in that points, it makes a melee attack as a final reaction.
9 Frenzied Bugbears
under but discovered it had a floor. Then they dug out the whole area. Bugbears will continue attacking the nearest Actions
2 Bugbear Clerics
thing and built a fire underneath to cook the thief. They don’t enemy (PC or the woman). She is prone, has AC Morningstar. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to
realize it is having no effect on the occupant. However, the spell 14, and 30 hit points. hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 12 (2d8 + 2)
CR9 6400 xp
is going to end soon and things look bad for Artabeth. piercing damage (deals an extra die of damage).
11 Frenzied Bugbears Rounds 6+: The bugbears will continue fighting Javelin. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to
2 Bugbear Clerics until they are outnumbered, and will then flee. hit, reach 5 ft. or range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit:
5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage

Combat Map
With their focus on the dome, the bugbears are likely to be surprised by the PCs. The
bugbears should be spread out evenly around the pit which will minimize the impact of
an area spell.
Bugbear Cleric CR 3 (700xp)
Uses the same stats as above. Also has spellcasting.
Round 1: The bugbears want to stay close to the fire pit. If not engaged in melee, they will
throw their javelins (each only has 1 javelin) and then take cover behind the dome. The cleric(s) Spellcasting. As a priest of Hruggek, this
will cast their first spell crown of madness on the most heavily-armored PC. bugbear can cast each of the following spells once,
listed in order of preference (Save DC: 15):
Round 2: The bugbears move in to flank and attack in groups of 3 or 4, focusing on the PCs Crown of Madness, Hold Person, Dissonant Whispers,
closest to the pit. The cleric(s) cast their second spell hold person on a PC avoiding melee. Thunderwave, Cure Wounds
Rounds 3: A breeze comes by, pushing a 30x30 foot cloud of smoke in whichever direction covers
the most PCs. Visibility in the cloud is 5 feet. Anyone starting a turn while in the cloud must
make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or be blinded until the start of their next turn.
The bugbears each attack the best they can, flanking when possible. The cleric(s),
if not blinded, cast dissonant whispers on the PC nearest to them. Treasure & Resolution
Artabeth risked her life to steal a cracked geode ioun
stone, an apple-sized geode with a jagged crack that
Read to the players at the end of round 3 reveals a glimpse of the red crystals within. The stone
grants advantage on death saving throws.
The green dome suddenly vanishes as a screaming woman hurtles through the If still alive, Artabeth is shaken and will trade
air. Her jump clears the pit, but not the piles of excavated earth. She claws at the stone for an escort to the nearest town, but can she
the mounds of dirt, trying desperately not to slide down into the fire. be trusted not to steal from the party?

2 3
4 5
Death Toll Combat Begins
Treasure & Resolution
Inside the shack, which requires a bit of digging to
Round 1: “An ant the size of a large dog squeezes enter, they will find: A wooden box containing the
The party must deal through the small hole at the top of the landslide. It collected tolls (18 silver, 1 gold), personal effects for
with an endless stream of giant ants. is quickly followed by two smaller ants.” two men (clothes, toothbrushes, soap, etc.), a half
The ants move down the hill, but cannot wheel of cheese, a cask of ale. There is also a narrow
also attack this round. scroll tube. Etched into the leather of the tube are
Read to the players the words “In case of invasion only!” Inside is a
Round 2: Three more worker ants emerge, single scroll of Sending.
Following the road through a natural followed by a guard ant that gets stuck and decides
pass in the hills, you come upon a to spit a gob. The ants prefer to gang up on
wooden shack that has been partially enemies when possible to use their Pack Tactics
crushed by a landslide. A banner standing ability.
nearby indicates that this was a toll
station, but it appears to be abandoned. Round 3: “The larger ant in the hole squeezes Dire Ant Guard
through and is quickly followed by three more Medium beast, unaligned CR 1 (100xp)
smaller ants that were caught behind.”
Armor Class 15 (Natural armor)
Skill Check By now it should be obvious that killing one
of the guard ants, while it is stuck in the hole, will Hit Points 16 (3d8+3) Speed 40 ft., Climb 30

Players may roll an INT (nature) check. If they ask to block that passage.
use Survival instead, have them roll with disadvantage. 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 2 (-4) 10 (+0) 3 (-4)
The result of their check determines the extent of their Round 4: “Three ants suddenly emerge from a Dire Ant Worker
knowledge and what bonuses, if any, are gained. hole that was hidden by the bushes opposite of Senses Blindsight 60 ft., passive Perception 15
Small beast, unaligned CR 1/4 (50xp)
the shack. Up above, another larger ant gets stuck
Under 13: Nothing coming out and spits.” Keen Smell. The ant has advantage on Wisdom
Armor Class 14 (Natural armor)
13 - 15: This landslide occurred in the last day or two. This second hole, behind the bushes, is the same as (Perception) checks that rely on smell.
Hit Points 8 (2d6+2) Speed 40 ft., Climb 30
16 - 18: You know the weather from the last few days the first. It is too small for a guard ant to fit through
would not have caused this landslide. Something else easily. Closing the holes or killing a guard ant in the Pack Tactics. The ant attacks with advantage
must have caused it. Perhaps you should be quiet so as entrance is the only way to end the flow of ants. against a creature if at least one of the ant’s allies
6 (-2) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 2 (-4) 8 (-1) 3 (-4)
not to draw unwanted attention. is within 5 ft. of the creature and the ally isn’t
19 - 21: You know this landslide was caused by giant Rounds 5+: Each round a guard ant squeezes incapacitated.
Senses Blindsight 60 ft., passive Perception 9
ants. They will be coming out of the hole at the top out of each hole. Two worker ants will follow. Actions
of the landslide. You gain advantage on Stealth check Then another guard ant will fill the hole and Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5
Keen Smell. The ant has advantage on Wisdom
made not to alert the ants. spit at someone. ft., one creature. Hit: (1d4 + 2) piercing damage
(Perception) checks that rely on smell.
22 - 24: You know the ants will also have another plus (3d6)poison damage. The target must succeed
entrance nearby. Your knowledge of these ants gives you Pack Tactics. The ant attacks with advantage on a DC 11 Constitution saving throw or take the
advantage on any saving throws against their attacks or against a creature if at least one of the ant’s allies poison damage. If the poison damage reduces
abilities. is within 5 ft. of the creature and the ally isn’t the target to 0 hit points, the target is stable but
25 +: You know these ants are venomous and the larger incapacitated. poisoned for 1 hour, even after regaining hit points,
ones can spit sticky acid balls. You may spend your Actions and is paralyzed while poisoned in this way.
reaction to force an ant to reroll any one attack Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
made against you. one creature. Hit: (1d4 + 2) piercing damage plus Gob. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range
(3d6)poison damage. The target must succeed on a 60/120 ft., one creature. Hit: (1d6 + 1) acid
Stealth DC 11 Constitution saving throw or take the poison
damage. If the poison damage reduces the target to
damage and the target is restrained. At the start of
the creature’s turn, they take an additional point
If the players roll for Stealth, they all must make a DC
0 hit points, the target is stable but poisoned for 1 of acid damage, but may make a DC 15 Strength
of 15. If any of them fail, combat begins. If they make
hour, even after regaining hit points, and is paralyzed saving throw to break free from the sticky gob and
their Stealth checks but spend more than five minutes
while poisoned in this way. end the restrained condition.
in the area, combat begins.

6 7
Occupied! Summary: A unit of soldiers have taken over a place
(building, cavern, ruins, etc.) that the party wants to enter. Skill Check
They can enter only if they can persuade the soldiers.
To gain entry into the space, or even to engage the soldiers in conversation, ONE party
member will need to roll a Persuasion check. This roll CANNOT be aided by another
Read to the players party member using the Help action.
CR6 3600 xp
As you try to enter, you are surprised to see that the space The check has the following modifiers:
14 Soldiers
is filled with soldiers in chainmail. They appear to have • If the PC making the check has the Military Rank background feature, they gain a +5.
commandeered this location as their temporary camp. At a quick • If they are proficient in either the Dice or Playing Cards gaming sets, they gain a +4.
CR7 4400 xp
glance you see some soldiers setting up cots, some are playing • If they have at least one level of fighter or ranger, they gain a +3.
16 Soldiers
cards or shooting dice, and some are tending to their equipment. • If none of the modifiers above apply, then they must roll with disadvantage.
A pair of large men, each bearing the rank of sergeant, block
CR8 5600 xp
your entry. Have the PC roll the Persuasion check, including all the
20 Soldiers
“Move along,” growls one of them. “For now, this place modifiers that apply, then read the soldiers’ reaction
belongs to the king’s men, only.” that matches the result.
CR9 6400 xp
23 Soldiers 1 to 15:
“I said MOVE ALONG,” he shouts
at you as he places his hand upon
his sword hilt. Behind him, you
see the other soldiers stop what
they are doing and look your
Soldier CR 1/2 (100xp) way.
Medium humanoid (any race), lawful neutral
16 to 19
Armor Class 16/18 (Chainmail armor, shield) “The crown has dispatched us
Hit Points 32 (5d8+10) Speed 30 ft. to the mountains to deal with
a dragon there. We will rest
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA here for a day and then move
15 (+2) 11 (+0) 14 (+2) 9 (+0) 11 (+0) 10 (+0) on. You can have the place to
yourselves when we’re gone.
Senses passive Perception 10 For now, get out.”
Languages Common
20 to 23
Pack Tactics. The soldier has advantage on an The two sergeants exchange
attack roll against a creature if at least one of his glances and shrug. “Fine, come
allies is within 5 ft. of the creature and the ally in. Just stay out of our way.
isn’t incapacitated. The men need to rest up.”
Longsword Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, Treasure & Resolution 24 and up
reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) “Come in! Come in! Sorry, if I
The soldiers are packed for an expedition was curt with you. It has been
slashing damage. into the mountains. They have all the
Heavy Crossbow. Ranged a long day of traveling. Let me
provisions you might expect, but no magic introduce you to the men. Are
Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, items and only 1d10 gold each.
range 100/400 ft., If combat ensues, the soldiers will quickly don their you hungry? We are getting a
one target. Hit: 5 shields, then fight in a highly organized and efficient Attacking the soldiers may make the PCs
stew going.”
(1d10) piercing manner. Crossbow users will stand directly behind outlaws within this nation.
damage. sword and shield wielders. If half their number should
fall, they will surrender.

8 9
Not a Yacht Skill Challenges
Convincing The Hermit
Brilliah has both the knowledge and the means to get them to the next step in the
Summary: The party must convince a hermit
journey. However, she has no interest in helping them. If a party member has the Ship’s
to take them across a sea on her rickety boat.
Passage background feature, they can invoke that to get Brilliah to change her mind.
Otherwise, it will require a Persuasion)check. The DCs for all skill checks are listed in the CR
rating for this encounter.
If they fail to convince her, they can attempt a bribe. She has no need for money but
could be swayed by a gift of a magic item that has a rarity of rare or greater.
Read to the players

Your journey has led you to the edge of a foggy inland Repairing The Houseboat
sea. From here you know you must get to Rosewick This houseboat is not seaworthy. It leaks, it lists to one side, has stuff growing on
Landing. Unfortunately, without a boat and a guide, you the hull, needs the sail hung, and needs a dozen other small repairs. Carpenter’s tools will
have no way of navigating the dangerous maze of islands be used for the repairs (add Wisdom modifier). Tinker’s tools can also be used but only with
lurking in the mists ahead. disadvantage. Brilliah has one set of carpenter’s tools they can use. Ten successes are needed to
The creaky groan of wooden boards brings your repair the boat. Each set of tools can be used by a single person. Roll one check for each toolset
attention to a cobbled-together houseboat just up the shore. to represent one day’s labor with it. A critical failure subtracts a success. A critical success is
It is anchored to a willow tree by a heavy, vine-tangled worth two successes. Once ten successes are accumulated, they can get underway.
rope. It has clearly not moved in years.
The shutters of a second story window push open Navigating The Sea
followed by the head of an elderly halfling woman. She This inland sea is a foggy maze of treacherous islands.
scowls at you with furrowed brows and calls out, “I wasn’t There are odd wind shifts and strong, confusing currents,
expecting visitors and trouble’s not welcome!” but no big waves, even in a storm. Seven successes with the
Water Vehicles proficiency will be needed to get this boat to its
destination. Everyone must pitch in, so everyone will roll once
per day. Those proficient in water vehicles, including Brilliah,
Brilliah Greenfields is a reclusive hermit. She left her have advantage on their check. Every check is either a failure
shire ages ago. Determined not to spend her life as a farmer, or a success. A critical failure turns one success into a failure.
she tried her hand at sailing. After a few decades of working A critical success turns a failure into a success. If seven failures
on fishing boats, she retired to this remote mist-shrouded happen before seven successes, the boat is wrecked on an island
sea, far away from everyone else. She did her best to (go back to Repairing The Houseboat). Who knows what
cobble a few old derelict boats together and built a dangers lie in wait on those islands?
CR6 3600 xp ramshackle home atop them.
DC 15 Brilliah knows every inch of this sea,
every danger, and every narrow path
CR7 4400 xp between its labyrinth of islands.
DC 16 Unfortunately, her boat is no
Treasure & Resolution
longer seaworthy and she Brilliah will be happy to be rid of her ‘guests.’
CR8 5600 xp has neither the energy nor However, if they ever come back this way again,
DC 17 inclination to fix it. she will be happy to help them cross the sea.
CR9 6400 xp
Neither the houseboat nor Brilliah have any
DC 18
treasures or possessions worth mentioning aside
from food, rope, and carpenter’s tools.

10 11
The Desert Giveth Summary: A sandstorm briefly reveals
treasures (and monsters) that will soon be
buried again. Removing Pearls Treasure & Resolution
As an action, a proficient character can use jeweler’s
Read to the players tools to remove a pearl without damaging it. Some There is no chance of unburying the chariot from the
CR6 3600 xp other tool sets (carpenter’s tools, smith’s tools, tons of sand covering it.
DC 12 thieves’ tools, tinker’s tools, woodcarver’s tools) The pearls are worth 150 gold.
Your journey is taking you through a hot, dry desert. A parade
3 Sand Eels can also be used, but with disadvantage. Add These sand eels have never been seen before. An
of massive clouds takes turns blocking the intense sun. At your
west stand limestone cliffs. To your east, sand dunes stretch to Dexterity to the tool checks. alchemist who spends time examining them realizes that,
CR7 4400 xp • On a success, the pearl pops free. from each eel liver, they could make a potion to grant
the horizon. A gust of wind feels refreshing at first, but carries
DC 13 • Failure by 5 or less means the pearl didn’t budge. advantage to all spell saving throws. Using alchemist
stinging grains of sand into your faces, forcing you to look away.
4 Sand Eels • Failure by 6 or more means the pearl shatters. supplies, the process takes 2 hours per potion. The
The wind from the east picks up, pushing harder and harder. The
duration of a potion is ten minutes for each point above
sands at the bottom of the cliff are being swept up the cliff and
CR8 5600 xp 15 rolled on the proficiency check.
high into the air. Within moments, a river of sand is flowing into
DC 14 The red fungus is guinfarrice, a potent substance
the sky which is now dark and red.
5 Sand Eels Collecting Fungus with hallucinogenic properties. Each ounce of the fungus
With your backs to the stinging wind, you see tons of sand
A Nature or Medicine check reveals the collected can be dried to produce one pinch of guinfarrice
swept upward, revealing a hidden artifact. A massive bronze
CR9 6400 xp nature of the red fungus. As an action, a powder. Anyone who inhales a pinch of guinfarrice
chariot lies at the bottom of the cliff. Red fungus outlines the
DC 15 character can collect one ounce of it. suffers disadvantage on all Wisdom checks and Wisdom
cracks in the bronze plates. The glint of large pearls inset into the
6 Sand Eels saving throws due to hallucinations, but any illusion
heavy plates catches your eye.
spells they cast are particularly believable, raising the
The wind drops down. In less than a minute, the sand will rain
DC of such spells by 2. Both effects wear off after 2
back down, burying the chariot once again beneath tons of sand.
hours. A single pinch of guinfarrice sells for 10 gold.

Roll Initiative!
Round 6: “The sand is now pouring out of the sky
The players have 7 rounds to take actions before 30 and starting to pile up around you. You hear the roar
tons of sand hit the ground. Position them starting 30 of it rushing down on top of you. Your vision now only
to 40 feet from the chariot (see map). This whole area extends five feet.”
is difficult terrain due to the soft ground, wind, and
Sand Eel CR 3 (700xp)
Small monstrosity, unaligned
sand in the air. Round 7: “A mountain of sand is about to bury the
chariot again!”
The sand eels are hidden in the sand next to the Armor Class 15 (natural armor)
chariot. Each round they will attack anyone within 20 Hit Points 44 (8d6 +16) Speed 20 ft.
At the end of round 7, any character still within 30
feet of the cliff takes 8d8 bludgeoning damage and
is buried. Three Athletics checks must succeed for
Read at the start of round 1: “The wind has them to struggle to the surface. A creature can hold its
16 (+3) 8 (-1) 15 (+2) 2 (-4) 8 (-1) 7 (-2)
noticeably decreased.” breath for a number of minutes equal to 1 + its CON
Senses Blindsight 30 ft., passive Perception 12
modifier (minimum of 30 seconds), but then
Round 2: “The wind has now stopped. Sand still Languages –
begins dying.
swirls in the air high above.”
Lesser Magic Immunity. The sand eel is
completely unaffected by spells of 3rd level
Round 3: “A powdering of sand settles onto your
or lower. It gains advantage on saving throws
against spells of 4th level or higher.
Round 4: “You can now hear the sand as it begins Actions
Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach
streaming down the cliff face in gentle rivulets.”
5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) piercing
damage plus 7 (2d6) poison damage.
Round 5: “Sand is now raining down all over,
decreasing your vision to ten feet.”
12 13
14 15
Bullpen Bullies Marble Dragon Hatchling
Medium dragon, chaotic neutral CR 3 (700xp)

Summary: A farmer tries to save his prize bull from Armor Class 17 (natural armor)
a hungry clutch of dragon hatchlings. Hit Points 60 (8d8+24) Speed 30 ft., fly 60 ft.


19 (+4) 15 (+2) 16 (+3) 13 (+1) 8 (-1) 15 (+2)
Read to the players
Saving Throws Dex +4, Con +5, Int +3, Wis +1
Following a cart path, you emerge from Skills Perception +3, Survival +5
a forested area to a riot of sounds. To your Damage Immunities thunder
right, just beyond a four-foot-tall fieldstone Senses Blindsight 10 ft., Darkvision 60 ft., passive
wall, an angry, snorting bull is trying Perception 13
to defend himself. A clutch of dragon Languages Draconic, Giant
hatchlings are trying to take on the much
larger bull. A farmer, taking cover behind Swoop. The dragon can fly to a creature, attack
another stone wall, is firing a crossbow at it, and fly away again without provoking an
the dragons while also whistling for the opportunity attack from the target creature.
bull to come into the safety of the barn.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
CR6 3600 xp one creature. Hit: 9 (1d10 + 4) piercing damage.
4 Dragon Hatchlings Fearsome Roar (Recharge 5-6). The dragon’s Skill Checks
roar can incite fear. Creatures caught in the 40
CR7 4400 xp foot cone of the roar must make a DC 13 Wisdom
Hopping the Wall
5 Dragon Hatchlings Getting over the fieldstone wall requires 20 feet
saving throw, or be frightened for 1 minute.
of movement, but can also be cleared with an
CR8 5600 xp Acrobatics check of DC 14. If successful, no extra
6 Dragon Hatchlings movement is used. If failed, the character is prone
on the opposite side of the wall.
CR9 6400 xp Moving the Bull
7 Dragon Hatchlings As an action, a PC can attempt a DC14 Animal
Handling check to coax the bull towards the
barn. With each successful check, a PC can move
Running The Encounter the bull 20 feet in the direction they choose. The
Treasure & Resolution farmer will close the gate between the bullpen and
Time is a factor in this encounter. Have players roll initiative right away. Referring to the map, the farmer barnyard as soon as the bull is out of the bullpen.
begins at F and the bull begins at B. The players arrive on the road just outside the bullpen wall. Successful or not, the farmer is grateful for the
help and extends all the meager hospitality he and Dragon Lore
At the end of each round, the following 3 things happen: his family can manage. A Nature check will reveal certain facts about the
The hides of the hatchlings are worth 50 gold dragons:
1. Each hatchling makes a swooping attack against the bull. They start and end each turn at a height of 20 feet each. DC14: These are marble dragon hatchlings. Their
above the ground. The bull is large, has an AC of 13, and starts with its maximum of 70 hit points. If killed, If the nature check was high enough, the gray scales will eventually grow to have a beautiful
the hatchlings will feed on the carcass like vultures and use their roars to keep the PCs at bay. characters know the ground horns of marble dragons marble-like appearance. They are a common
are extremely valuable in the production of high-end nuisance in this region.
2. The farmer fires his crossbow at a random dragon. +3 to hit, 1d10+1 damage. cosmetic face powder. A Survival check is made to DC 16: And...they generally do not attack people.
harvest the horns properly. The result of the check If the bull is taken away, the hungry hatchlings will
3. The bull moves 10 feet in a random direction then wheels around in a circle, dealing 1d8+5 damage equals the number of ounces of horn acquired. It fly off in search of other food.
to every creature within 5 feet. Dex save DC 13 for half damage. sells for 20 gold per ounce. DC 19: And...their horns are particularly valuable.
16 17
Recipe For Disaster Treating The Cooks Stopping The Reaction
First, a Medicine check must be made to The first step to stopping the orange blob is to
Summary: While the PCs enjoy their time at a tavern, an alarming disaster strikes in the kitchen. understand what is hurting the cooks. An understand it through INT(cooking utensils)
The cooks have fried some pork chops in the wrong kind of oil and started a poisonous chemical reaction. Investigation check can also be used but with or INT(alchemy supplies). Alternatively, an
disadvantage. New attempts may be made each Investigation check can be made but with
Saving throws round until successful. disadvantage. A successful check reveals that the
& skill checks:
Read to the players The women’s throats are swollen shut. They bottle of olive oil next to the stove is mislabeled.
cannot swallow potions but the protection from poison It is actually hagseed oil, and when mixed with
Cutting through the noise of the tavern, you hear spell will cure them. copper and heat, will result in this noxious reaction.
CR6 2200 xp a scream and a strangled cry. The sounds are clearly
DC 12 Another solution is using the Medicine The solution, known only to someone with
coming from just beyond the kitchen door. proficiency. A character who made their previous proficiency in Cooking Utensils or Alchemy
CR7 2600 xp Medicine check knows they could attempt a Supplies, is to remove the heat and douse the blob
DC 13 Upon entering the kitchen tracheotomy (cut a hole in the neck below the voice with vinegar or wine.
box) enabling the person to breathe. To perform There is sand and a shovel in the kitchen for
CR8 3000 xp Inside the narrow kitchen, two cooks, a mother the tracheotomy, a new Medicine check should quenching the fire. An Investigation check or
DC 14 and daughter by their appearances, are both on their be made. Each attempt that fails results in a failed INT(cooking utensils) check will locate an
knees clutching at their throats. Atop the stove, a death save for the patient. unlabeled bottle of vinegar on a high shelf.
CR9 3400 xp copper frying pan dissolves into a foamy orange
DC 15 blob. It is growing rapidly, bubbling, and emitting
foul gases.

Roll Initiative!
The kitchen is a tight squeeze. Entering an occupied space requires an extra
5 feet of movement. Furthermore, a character must end their movement in
an unoccupied space or fall prone.

Any character that begins their turn within 15 feet of the blob must make a
Constitution saving throw against the noxious fumes. Bonuses against poison
apply. On a failure, their throat swells shut and they can no longer speak or
breathe, but once out of the area for a full minute, a new saving throw can be Treasure & Resolution
rolled. A creature can hold its breath for a number of minutes equal to 1 + its
CON modifier (minimum of 30 seconds), but then begins dying. If either cook dies, the tavern owner will be in a
murderous rage and blame the party. If the cooks are
both saved, the same owner will be overjoyed and call in
Round 1: The cooks cannot speak. They are pointing into their open mouths. a special favor to help them on their current quest.
Round 2: The cooks both fall unconscious. They will begin making death If the foam was neutralized before turning to ash, it
saves on the following round. The orange blob is noticeably growing. can be crushed into a bright orange powder used in the
making of rare inks, paints, and fireworks. It sells for
Round 3: The cooks begin making death saves. Unless it has been stopped, 20 gold per pound and there is 5 pounds here.
the blob grows so big it now covers the entire ten-foot stove and is securely Hagseed oil is very rare and prized by herbalists. The
anchored there. remaining amount in the bottle is worth about 40 gold.
On its own, the oil can also be used to restore hair
Rounds 4 - 19: Unless stopped, the foam continues to spew out fumes. follicles. A deep soaking in it for six hours will cure
baldness and even restore the youthful color and texture
Round 20: If still cooking, the foam becomes brittle and collapses into ash. of hair. The cooks will part with it for 2 gold, the
amount they paid the traveling merchant for it.

18 19
Cursing the Fish
Summary: In a tavern, a PC falls victim to a harmless marketing trick.

The Setup
In a tavern, a mounted fish has been enchanted
with 4 magic mouth spells, each with a specific
trigger. This is a marketing ploy to sell a specific
locally-brewed drink. The regulars at this tavern
are all aware of the joke and get a laugh out of
visitors falling for the prank.

Read to one player of your choice

You feel the call of nature and locate the lavatory.

Over the door to the lavatory is an impressive trout
mounted on a plaque. As you approach the door the
fish speaks to you in a low voice.
“Hey, friend! Up here. Hey, you gotta help me. Please!” Arcana
Shaylana, the bartender, will explain the story if asked.
The next magic mouth is triggered when this same If the player asks to make an
“Flimmel is our local wizard. A few years back he
player character asks a question. Any question, to Arcana check and they hit a DC
found a book on making rice wine. He got very
anyone. of 13, they realize this fish has
excited over it and said it would be a huge sensation.
magic mouth spells on it and is not
Said people would pay a full gold coin for a single
“I’m not really a fish. I’m a fisherman, or I was before a cursed fisherman.
shot! That bein’ crazy talk, I made a wager with him.
an evil witch cursed me.”
If he could get a dozen people to pay a gold piece a
When this same player character asks a second shot, I’d marry him. If not, he had to magic the place
question, the third magic mouth is triggered. up. Long story short, he came in the next day and
cast some spells on that twenty pound trout. Now my
“It takes a lot of… energy… to… talk. To break my tavern’s got no magic aside from a talkin’ fish and
curse… pour a shot of Flimmel’s Rice Wine into my … I’m pregnant with our third child.”
mouth. Flimmel’s Rice Wine.”

If asked, the bartender says she does have

Flimmel’s Rice Wine, but it is very expensive at
one gold per shot.
The final magic mouth is only triggered when a
liquid is poured into the fish’s mouth.

“Mmm-mmm, good! Flimmel’s Rice Wine is made

from only the finest ingredients using Flimmel’s secret
fermenting process. Try one yourself!”
The locals in the tavern all break out in laughter.
“Flimmel got another one!” chuckles one of them.
20 21
Only the Worthy The interview begins
Read the text in
Does the PC have the Shelter of the
Faithful background feature?
quotes aloud
Summary: The party is stuck with no way out. A young
priest holds the power to save a few of the people trapped here.
But how can this priest decide who to take, and who to
leave to their deaths? “Brother Nayppin preaches to you Is the PC a cleric, druid,
Result 1
about the tenets of his own faith. or other kind of divine “After trading stories of your days as
Then he asks you, Will you devote spellcaster? acolytes, Brother Nayppin says that he
yourself right now, to following these will of course bring you with him.”
The Setup teachings, and forsake the temptations Also, if a party member fails to pass
of all lesser gods?” Nayppin’s interview process, this PC
The party is in a bad situation. Perhaps
Roll CHA(deception) DC14 may ask him to reconsider and allow
they were in a shipwreck and now marooned the rejected party member to retry the
on remote island. Maybe they are in prison, interview. They can do this only once.
or enslaved in the underdark, or trapped in a “Wanting to believe you,
cave-in. Regardless of the cause, they are now Brother Nayppin tests your
physically trapped, with a dozen other people, understanding of the gods
and with no real hope of escape. and their doctrines.”
Among the group is Brother Nayppin, a
young priest of a good and widely-respected Roll INT(religion) DC13
“Brother Nayppin says, You know I
deity. He reveals to everyone that he has a cannot take everyone with me. Can you
tiny magic figurine with him. If he says a give me any reason I should choose to save
special prayer and smashes it, he and a limited you instead of someone else here?” Before
number of other people he designates, will be you answer, make an Insight check.
transported to his home temple. He would have
Roll WIS(insight) DC12 “You feel like you have passed his tests and know what he
used it already except that he has been having
wants to hear. So, as you make your final case to Brother
a hard time deciding who to take; Nayppin
Nayppin, you can roll with advantage.”
knows that whomever is left behind will likely
die here. Roll CHA(persuasion) DC14
After much prayer, the priest has decided Advantage
to interview everyone and then choose those
candidates whom his god would most approve
Result 2
of. He is convinced that this is his god’s way “You aren’t sure what he wants to “Brother Nayppin nods,
of testing him. One by one, he takes each hear. So, as you make your final confident in his decision, and
person aside to speak with them privately. case to Brother Nayppin, roll with agrees to include you in the
Result 3 group escaping to his temple.”
“With a frown, Brother Nayppin thanks
Additional Notes: Roll CHA(persuasion) DC14
you for your time and explains that he is
• You may want to locate the priest’s home temple in a rural area, lest the players think they can quickly Disadvantage
sad that he cannot take everyone. There
find a powerful spellcaster at the destination to come rescue everyone left behind. are others here that he will be taking
• Only Brother Nayppin knows the prayer needed to activate the magic figurine. He is also attuned to it. instead of you.”
• Attempts to bribe, charm, manipulate, intimidate, seduce, or otherwise affect the priest’s judgment An NPC who made the cut, may offer to
will fail and make it harder to pass his interview process. If he has resisted any attempt at manipulation trade places in exchange for money or items
from a PC, that player suffers a -2 to all skill checks during the interview. worth at least 1000 gold. They have hope
• Nayppin has +5 to Religion and Insight and +3 to all other skill checks and saving throws. a rescue of some sort will come eventually.
• If a PC decides to decline the offer to make room for an NPC, the priest views them as worthy and
only confirms his notion of taking that PC.
• Don’t be afraid to add other dangers, time limits, alternate means of escape, etc.

22 23
The Inner Circle Combat Begins Court Arcanist CR 7 (2900xp)
“Mayna Inksleeves”
Medium humanoid, lawful neutral
Round 1: The arcanist casts counterspell against
Summary: The party can use The Setup the first spell cast this round. On her turn she casts
Armor Class 11 (+1 ring)
violent or non-violent means to gain banishment, a concentration spell, on the strongest
Hit Points 48 (7d6+14) Speed 30 ft.
access to a teleportation circle. The party has been led to this place so they looking PC. The guards attack in pairs to gain
can quickly and safely be teleported to a far advantage on their attacks.
away destination. However, they quickly find 9 (-1) 11 (+0) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 12 (+2) 12 (+1)
Round 2: The arcanist again casts counterspell
out that they do not have the authorization to
use this facility. against the first spell cast this round. On her turn, Saving Throws: str+0, dex+1, con+3, int+7,
The arcanist is seated behind the desk. One she casts magic missile at any PC who successfully wis+6, cha+2
half of the guards listed are posted evenly cast a concentration spell, in an attempt to break Senses passive Perception 12
around the room. The other half come later. their concentration. The guards will try to defend Languages Common, Elven, Draconic, Gnomish
This encounter does not require bloodshed to the arcanist as best they can.
solve, but showing the encounter map lets the Spellcasting. The arcanist is a 7th-level arcane
players know that combat is an option. Round 3: For the last time, the arcanist casts spellcaster. Her spellcasting ability is Intelligence
counterspell against the first spell cast this round. She (spell save DC 14). Her preferred spells are bold.
casts toll the dead on a wounded PC and casts misty
step to escape from melee combat. Cantrips (at will): Light, Toll the Dead, Message,
Read to the players The other half of the guards, listed in the CR chart, Mage Hand
pour into the room through the side door. They can 1st level (4 slots): Magic Missile, Comprehend
As you enter through the double doors you see a large, well- move 30 feet and then their turn is finished. Languages, Identify
appointed chamber. Ahead of you is an elevated platform, like a
stage, where an elaborate magic circle is embossed on the floor. 2nd level (3 slots): Misty Step, Arcane Lock
Round 4: The arcanist casts magic missile against
Chainmailed guards with halberds stand at attention, but eye you the closest PC. The guards attack in twos or threes 3rd level (3 slots): Counterspell, Dispel Magic
suspiciously. To your right is a desk where a middle-aged woman to gain advantage.
in official robes sits and writes on a parchment. 4th level (1 slot): Banishment
“Can I help you,” she asks, only glancing up briefly from her
paperwork. Rounds 5: The arcanist again uses misty step to
escape melee and then casts toll the dead against a
wounded PC. The guards disengage from melee Royal Guard CR 1/2 (100xp)
and move to form a defensive wall around the Medium humanoid (any race), lawful neutral

Accessing the Teleportation Circle arcanist.

CR6 3600 xp Armor Class 16 (Chainmail armor)
Hit Points 32 (5d8+10) Speed 30 ft.
1 Court Arcanist
Royal Arcanist Mayna Inksleeves is a stickler for the rules. The circle Rounds 6+: The arcanist uses toll the dead each
2 Royal Guards round. The guards fight to the death.
may only be used by the royal family, members of the court, or with written STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
permission from a royal member. 15 (+2) 11 (+0) 14 (+2) 9 (+0) 11 (+0) 10 (+0)
CR7 4400 xp
A PC with the Noble background can access the circle if they are from
1 Court Arcanist
this kingdom and may take 1 attendant with them. If not from this kingdom, Senses passive Perception 10
4 Royal Guards
they can attempt to persuade or deceive the arcanist with a DC 12 skill check. Languages Common
A PC with the False Identity background feature can easily forge the
CR8 5600 xp
documents needed to allow the whole party access. They can see examples of Pack Tactics. The soldier has advantage on an
1 Court Arcanist
royal signatures on the documents scattered upon the arcanist’s desk.
Treasure & Resolution
6 Royal Guards attack roll against a creature if at least one of his
Otherwise, each PC must make a DC 16 Deception or Persuasion check allies is within 5 ft. of the creature and the ally
The instructions to activate the teleportation circle are
to convince the arcanist. The guards are itching for combat so any roll that fails isn’t incapacitated.
CR9 6400 xp written on a parchment stored in a locked desk drawer.
by 5 or more will be met with aggressive demands to get out... or else. Actions
1 Court Arcanist The Arcanist has a +1 Ring of Protection, 200gp of
The teleportation circle is activated using a command phrase and by Halberd Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, heavy,
10 Royal Guards other jewelry, and a ring of keys.
expending a spell slot of 3rd level or higher. two-handed, reach 10 ft., one creature.
Hit: 8 (1d10 + 2) slashing damage.

24 25
26 27
Root Problem Summary: The party unwittingly enters a forest
gnome village guarded by giant pangolins.

Read to the players

Passing through the old forest you enter an area where the oak
trees bulge oddly at their bases, making for bottle-shaped trunks.
Many of the roots are exposed and twist around in geometric ways
as they spread across the ground.

Before the next part, allow the players a brief moment to adjust to the
scene and attempt skill checks.
• Any character that knows Druidic can see that the roots spell
• At any point, someone can call out in Druidic or Gnomish and try to
persuade the villagers that they mean no harm. Persuasion DC 12.
• An Investigation check DC 16 reveals doors hidden in the tree
trunks. The closed doors and windows blend nearly seamlessly with
Giant Pangolin CR 3 (700xp)
Medium beast, unaligned
the tree bark.
• A Perception check DC 13 reveals a pair of small boots sitting next
Armor Class 18(20) (natural armor)
to the base of a tree.
Hit Points 56 (7d8+14) Speed 25 ft., burrow 10 ft.

Now read this to the players STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
13 (+1) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 3 (-4) 14 (+2) 10 (+0)
You first hear and then see creatures running through the forest
at you from every side. They run on four short legs and are covered Damage Immunities poison
in bronze-colored scales. Roll for initiative. Condition Immunities poisoned Treasure &
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12
Languages understands gnomish but cannot speak it. Resolution
Combat Map Curl. The pangolin can use it’s reaction to curl into a Beneath the forest floor, the forest gnomes
have a cavernous village and brewery
CR6 3600 xp ball, increasing its AC by 2. It may uncurl as a bonus
Setup: Position the pangolins coming from all directions, just outside the ring of trees. supported by a structure of branching roots.
5 Giant Pangolins action.
Round 1: The pangolins will attempt to move at least 10 ft. and then Roll into a PC. Then The gnomes only speak Druidic and Gnomish.
Roll. If the pangolin moves at least 10 feet before
CR7 4400 xp they will uncurl and make their claw attacks. Note: They will be using their Reaction on They will lock up their homes tight if they
curling, it will roll for another 15 feet (possibly
6 Giant Pangolins their turn so they cannot use it to Curl defensively. remain afraid of the party. Their doors and
exceeding its movement speed). Any creature in its
windows are thick and, while hard to break
CR8 5600 xp Round 2: The pangolins will move towards a new PC and try to Roll into them. This path while rolling takes 1d6 bludgeoning damage and
into, it’s not impossible.
7 Giant Pangolins will provoke an Opportunity Attack from the PC they are leaving. Then they will use their is knocked prone. A DC 14 Dexterity OR Strength
bonus action to uncurl and attack with their claws. saving throw (player’s choice) negates the damage If befriended, the gnomes will provide
and the prone condition. hospitality and show the PCs their
CR9 6400 xp Round 3: If any member of the party has the Rustic Hospitality feature, the forest gnomes underground brewery which uses root
8 Giant Pangolins recognize them from legends they’ve heard and intervene. They will emerge from their Actions sap. The PCs can buy 2-gallon casks of
homes and call off the pangolins. Otherwise, the fight continues and the pangolins make Multiattack. The giant pangolin makes two Spiced Root Ale here for 5 gp. It sells
claw attacks, saving their reaction to Curl defensively. claw attacks. for twice that in a city.
Rounds 4+: The pangolins will continue to attack with their claws and use their Curl Claws. Melee weapon attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., Giant pangolin pelts sell for 30 gp.
defensively. A pangolin that drops below 10 hit points will stay curled up and stop attacking. one creature. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 1) slashing damage. Roll Survival DC 12 to skin it properly,
otherwise cut the price in half.

28 29
Filled Rafters Summary: Half the rafters of
a building are actually constructs and
Sand Mephit CR 1/2 (100xp)
Small elemental, neutral evil
they are filled with sand mephits!
Armor Class 12
Hit Points 22 (5d6+5) Speed 30 ft., fly 30 ft.
The Setup
The party enters a building (or just a room) 6 (-2) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 7 (-2) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)
with a 20 foot ceiling. There are rafters running
the length of the room, some of which are Damage Immunities poison
constructs instructed to attack any unauthorized Condition Immunities poisoned
creature that passes the halfway point of the room. Senses Darkvision 90 Ft., passive Perception 10
Languages Terran
CR6 3600 xp A character with passive perception of 12 AND
Death burst. When the mephit dies, it explodes
2 Beams proficiency in Potter’s Tools or Carpentry Tools
4 ( 5 0xp)
will notice that something is amiss and can act
a f t e r CR, unaligned in a swirl of sand. Each creature within 5 feet of
CR7 4400 xp on the surprise round. R construct it must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving
Hu g e throw or be blinded until the end of its next turn.
3 Beams
s 1 0 .
Pottery Tools: “You think that some of the r Clas ed 0 ft Actions
CR8 5600 xp Ar mo ts 80 Spe H A
ceiling beams aren’t actually wooden but o i n C Claws. Melee weapon attack: +4 to hit, reach 5
4 Beams actually hardened clay that was textured and N INT ) 1 ( - 5) ft., one creature. Hit: 3 (1d4 + 2) slashing damage
X CO ) 3(-4) 3 (-
painted to look like wood.” D E
STR (-2) 10
plus succeed on a Dexterity saving throw DC12 or
CR9 6400 xp + 4 ) 6 p s yc h be blinded until the end of their next turn.
18 ( s p oison, oning,
6 Beams Carpentry Tools: “There appears to be twice nit i e dge
as many ceiling beams than are needed for a g e Immu bilities blu
Dam e Vulner a
this structure.” g
Dama i e
s blind etrified,
d e r n i t
thun mu ed, p
n d i t ion Im ed, frighten
Co afen t Treasure
h a r m ed, de e, stunned m a n y poin
c n fro
ed, pro 0 feet
poison Blindsight 3
Combat S e n s e s
gth .
A Perception or
it’s len
Investigation check
Surprise Round: The rafters bend down and strike like vipers. They can attack along ges none of DC 13 reveals a
a ost hal y
anyone in the room. One will attack the person furthest into the room. One will attack Langu r h a s l faint orange glow from
n c e a rafte eak sand. An
whomever is closest to the door they entered by. Any other rafters will attack randomly. ed. O s to l must deep inside the remnant
Crack ints, it begin acked rafter 12 of each destroyed rafter still connected
po cr C
its hit c k b y a h r o w D
Round 1: One of the rafters attacks whomever is closest to the entry and then bends to re stru aving t next to the ceiling. Inside each is a 10-inch-
creatu on a DEX s end of their diameter ring of platinum. The rings are
block the entrance. A DC 15 Acrobatics check can get past it. The shove action might also d
succee nded until th
allow someone to pass. The remaining rafters attack randomly. li each tiny portals to the elemental plane
or be b e
ts, th of sand. On one side the ring appears
Round 2: The rafter blocking the entrance lashes out at whomever is closest and then turn. g 0 h it poin rs
n u
reachi d inside po
to be filled with sand. Sand can be
resumes blocking the doorway. The other rafters focus their attacks on whomever is p o n
se. U e san physically scooped out from the ring
furthest from the entrance. Relea atters and th ephits.
sh M endlessly, but it will not pour out
rafter asing 4 Sand
le on its own. Each day there is a 1%
out, re
Rounds 3+: The rafters and the sand mephits each attack random party members. hit,
+8 to +4
chance that a sand mephit emerges
at t a c k . from the ring.
ns 12
Actio Melee weapon t. Damage 2d
Slam. ft., one targ
3 0
l u d g e oning.

30 31
Street Level Crime Where are the kids?
The kids are huddled against the wall inside the illusion of bricks.
Summary: Street urchins steal from one of the PCs and a chase ensues. The red-headed boy knows the minor illusion cantrip. He has created the
illusion of the bricks and will keep casting it to extend the duration.

Once they are discovered the kids will flee. The boys run one way, the
Read to the players girl runs the other. The girl still clutches the stolen item.

The city is crowded with people busily trudging through the streets. Wagons Running the foot race
and carriages jockey for progress through the throngs of pedestrians. Laborers
carry tools and supplies on their shoulders alongside women hauling water Roll initiative.
buckets and sharing gossip. Two shabbily-dressed boys tussle with each other,
The kids are starting from inside the illusion. It is 50 feet to either end
arguing over a brown leather ball. Their wrestling crashes into your legs,
of the alley from there.
causing you to nearly trip over them. One of them grabs the loose ball and
runs into the crowd, quickly pursued the other, yelling, “Hey! That’s mine!” The kids have +2 to initiative and grapple checks, speed of 30, AC 12, and
8 hitpoints. Once a kid has been grappled, they will surrender. However,
the kids have the special ability to move through crowded streets at full
When the boys crashed into the PCs, a girl stole something from one of the
speed. It is difficult terrain to anyone else. If they can get to either end
PCs. Unless the PC has a Passive Perception of 19 or higher, she succeeded.
of the alley and into the street, they might be able to get away.
The item taken should be something small but valuable that the PC has easy
access to such as a wand, coin purse, potion, or dagger.
Treasure & Resolution
Continue reading to the players
Bug, Dabbin, & Mirleen are street urchins. They will not put up
A nearby workman shouts to you, “Hey, that girl just robbed you.” a fight if captured. They live a meager existence by picking
You then see a girl, together with both of those boys, disappear down an pockets and pawning the goods. They live in the murky
alley together. If you run you should be able to catch them. basement of an old, unmaintained watchtower.
If treated generously, they can be
Brief pause to let players declare their intention to pursue or not. tremendous allies. They are a great source
of information about the people and places
Giving chase, you break through the traffic and turn the corner into the of the city. However, if treated badly,
alley. It is a straight alley, a hundred feet long, emerging onto another busy they will sell what they learned about
street at the other end. Brick buildings stand thirty feet tall on either side of the adventurers to the thieves guild,
the alley. You don’t see the kids, but there’s no way they could have run the detailing all of the loot and treasures
length of this alley before you turned the corner. There are four doors, two they are carrying around the city.
on each side, the back doors to whatever these buildings are. All you see is a
stray dog sniffing through some trash for rats, a pile of bricks left over from
a repair, and two drainage grates that lead into the sewers.

Features & Checks

• A PC with the Wanderer background feature automatically notices something
odd. They remember seeing a wagon come out of this alley but that pile of
bricks would make the passage too narrow for the wagon to fit through.
• Investigating the doors finds they are all locked and the debris collected
around them indicates none of them have been opened recently.
• The two sewer grates are anchored firmly in the cobblestones and the pipes
beneath them are far too narrow for anyone to fit through.
• The dog is nothing more than a nervous, hungry street dog.

32 33
Telden's Traveling Tavern The Disaster
As some point, once everyone has gotten comfortable, a huge bump throws everyone against the ceiling. Telden
has fallen asleep at the wheel. The tavern is heading downhill and picking up speed. Someone needs to take the
Summary: wheel and guide the building to safety. The NPCs are all too drunk to do it.
A tavern on Read to the players
wheels gives respite to the party This is a Dexterity(land vehicles) skill challenge. If not proficient in Land Vehicles, the checks will be made with
but disaster lies just over the You are traveling along breezy, gently-rolling green hills disadvantage. There is no room for anyone else to Help the person making the checks. See CR table for the
horizon. when, from behind, a rumbling noise breaks the quiet. A check DC. They need to make 4 successes before they make 4 failures. Read the description after each check.
large wooden building with a windmill extending above,
and many wagon wheels below, is rolling across the land. Success #1 “You narrowly manage to steer away from a Failure #1 “You hit a rock and everyone is jolted.”
CR6 2800 xp boulder that would have ripped the wheels off.” Everyone rolls Dexterity saving throws, suffering 1d12
From a balcony at the front, a man stands at a ship’s wheel
DC 12 bludgeoning damage on a failure.
and waves to you and shouts, “It’s a tavern!” He pulls a Success #2 “You figure out what one of the levers is
CR7 3600 xp
lever and a door swings open near ground level revealing for and disconnect the spinning windmill from the Failure #2 “You swerve to avoid one rock only to
DC 13
stairs within. The sounds of revelry tickle your ears and the drive gears. You’re still heading downhill, but not crash into an even bigger one. The tavern jumps
smells of hot food grab the attention of your bellies. “Hot accelerating.” into the air for a terrifying moment and then crashes
CR8 4400 xp
food and quality beer!” calls the man. “Looks like we’re down.” Everyone rolls Dexterity saving throws, suffering 1d12
heading in the same direction. Might as well travel in style!” Success #3 “On the left side, the wheels sink into soft
bludgeoning damage on a failure. One of the female NPCs hits
DC 14 ground. The tavern nearly tips over sideways, but you
her head, drops to 0 hps, and is bleeding.
steer into the tilt and make a dramatic recovery.”
CR9 5600 xp Show players the illustration on page 36. Failure #3 “You ride over a boulder, straddling it with
Success #4 “You manage to steer the tavern to the
DC 15 the wheels, but the kitchen isn’t as lucky and shatters
bottom of the hill and it gradually slows to a stop. One
to pieces behind you.”
of the tavern staff yells ‘drinks all around!’ and
everyone cheers.” Failure #4 “You lose control and the tavern flips,
The Story of Telden’s Describing the interior
crashing and splintering. It is torn apart in the crash.”
Traveling Tavern The stairs lead you up into a low-
Everyone takes 3d12 piercing damage. All the NPCs are killed.
ceilinged tavern. Sparse furniture slides
Telden heard the voice of a god one night, while
around on the floor with the constant
deep in his cups. It was the voice of the god of
movement. Tankards clank together and
drunken revelry (such as Dionysus, Olidammara,
boards creak and vibrate as the tavern
Sharess, or Lliira), who commanded him to build
rolls over the countryside.
a tavern on wheels. Telden, a miller, and all his
partying friends deconstructed their homes and There are five people in varying stages
businesses and built this bizarre contraption. It has of inebriation, all very happy to meet
the true blessing of the deity or else it surely would you. “You’re our first paying customers!”
not function. says one woman.
This is the tavern’s maiden voyage. They have been “Are you hungry?” asks a burly man. “If
traveling (and partying) for six days. Telden is at the you want, I could roast some sausages.”
wheel out front with an ale in his free hand, trying to Treasure & Resolution
steer away from the boulders that dot the landscape. Another woman gives you a tour.
A ladder leads upstairs to some tiny If the tavern is destroyed, there isn’t much to
The other five people in the tavern are the ones who bedrooms. Opening a trapdoor in the salvage aside from some basic supplies.
helped build it and are thrilled to have their first floor reveals lots of noisy wooden gears
customers. If this crazy adventure fails, they will have turning. The balcony to the front is If the tavern is saved, the deity behind this
lost their livelihoods. where Telden is steering, and out back venture blesses the one who steered it to safety.
is a rope bridge leading to a smaller The deity likewise blesses any PCs with the
They have two rooms upstairs to rent at 15 sp each.
building where the kitchen rolls along Entertainer background that performed in the
Meals are 8sp. Ales are 1sp.
behind. Supplies and tools hang from tavern. A blessed character gains use of the Lucky
A player character with the Entertainer background everywhere, swaying and slapping against feat for 1 week. The embarrassed tavern staff offer
can eat and drink for free if they provide the walls. the whole adventuring party free room and board
entertainment. in the tavern until they reach the next town.
34 35
36 37
Bait and Switch Summary: Sirens try to lure the party into
the river, but end up luring a hungry giant eagle. Great Giant Eagle
Huge beast, unaligned
CR 8(3900xp)

Armor Class 16 (Natural Armor)

Read to the players Hit Points 102 (12d12+24) Speed 20 ft., fly 80 ft.

Up ahead is a cold, fast-moving river about 125 feet STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
wide. A beautiful stone bridge arcs across the river. It 24 (+7) 17 (+3) 15 (+2) 8 (-1) 17 (+3) 14 (+2)
must have been crafted by magic ages ago. The bridge
is ten feet wide and very strong. Some small trees and Saving Throws Dex +7, Wis +7
plants grow along its side. Roots twist and hang along Skills Athletics +11, Perception +12
its length. It is an awesome sight that reminds you that Senses passive Perception 18
there is great beauty in this world. Languages Auran

Air Control. While flying, the eagle has magical

control over the air around it and ranged attacks
The Setup against it have disadvantage.
River Siren CR 3 (700xp)
The river sirens enjoy toying with people. They make a game of luring Medium fey, chaotic neutral
Multiattack. The eagle makes three attacks:
people to the edge of the bridge and then putting them to sleep so they fall in
Armor Class 14 one with its beak and two with its talons.
the water. Sirens are excellent swimmers and will not let anyone drown. They
will simply rob them and, in some cases, mate with them. However, this time Hit Points 38 (7d8+7) Beak. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to
their song attracts the attention of a huge eagle with two hungry hatchlings Speed 30 ft., swim 30 ft. hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 12
nesting at home. This encounter highlights the bard’s countercharm ability (2d6 + 5) piercing damage.
and the elves’ immunity to magical sleep. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
10 (+0) 18 (+4) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) Talon. Melee Weapon
Attack: +11 to hit, reach
5ft., one target. Hit: 16
CR6 3600 xp Combat Skills Stealth +6, Survival +4
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14 (2d10 + 5) slashing
1 Great Giant Eagle damage.
2 River Sirens Once the party begins crossing the bridge, or decides to cross the river another Languages Common, Elvish, Sylvan
way, the sirens begin their song. It can be heard for miles. The sirens are
CR7 4400 xp positioned under the bridge on the near side (whichever side the party is coming Amphibious. The siren can breathe both air and water.
1 Great Giant Eagle from. see map.)
Magic Resistance. The siren has advantage on saving throws
3 River Sirens against spells and other magical effects.
Rounds 1 & 2: The sirens use their Luring Song and, if possible, their
Charmed Slumber bonus action. They stay under the bridge so PCs will have to Actions
CR8 5600 xp
lean over the bridge or get in the water to see them. Luring Song. The sirens can sing an enchanting fey song. Each
1 Great Giant Eagle
4 River Sirens Round 3: Sirens keep singing and trying to put people to sleep. Give uncharmed round, a humanoid creature who can hear, must make a Wisdom
PCs Perception checks (visual). On a 15, they notice a bird diving out of the sky saving throw DC 14 or become charmed until the start of their
CR9 6400 xp towards them. It is big... very, very big, and it will be here in one round. next turn. A charmed creature must spend their full movement
1 Great Giant Eagle getting closer to the source of the song.
5 River Sirens Round 4: Sirens, unaware of the eagle, keep singing and putting people to
sleep for fun. The eagle picks a person on land, drops down next to them and Bonus Actions
delivers its attacks. Its goal is to incapacitate one person and fly it back to feed to Charmed Slumber. If a siren can make eye contact with a
its young. humanoid who is charmed by their song, they can choose to
put that humanoid into a magical sleep. The humanoid must
Rounds 5+: The sirens now notice the eagle and stop singing. They dive succeed on another Wisdom saving throw DC 14 to resist
deep under the water and vanish. The eagle will fight until it has someone falling asleep. Succeeding on the save resists the sleep
unconscious and can fly away with them, OR until it has taken 60 points of that round but does not negate the charmed condition.

38 39
Guild by Association Combat
The guardians can each counterspell once. They will Inquisitor CR 5 (1800xp)
Summary: The party is accused of working against a powerful church. counterspell every spell that is cast until they run out. Medium humanoid (half-elf), chaotic neutral
The inquisitor will try to stay adjacent to at least one
guardian to use her Misdirect reaction. Armor Class 11
The Setup Hit Points 40 (9d8) Speed 30 ft.
Shalea Hullwelk is a very clever, half- recruited a few local guardians of the church
Rounds 1 & 2: The guardians attack with their
great morningstars. The inquisitor uses her medallion,
elf con artist. She knows that the PCs have to arrest the party members. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
being careful not to hit any of the guardians.
some treasures and she wants them for One party member must have the Guild 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 15 (+2) 14 (+2) 16 (+3)
herself. She is impersonating an Inquisitor of Artisan background for this encounter to Round 3: The inquisitor uses her last medallion
a church of the sun deity (Pelor, Lathander, work. Knowing that this person belongs to charge to hit as many party members as possible. She Skills Deception +9, Persuasion +6, Stealth +4
Belenus, Frey, etc.). a specific guild, she has concocted evidence also catches at least one guardian in the blast. The Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12
Shalea previously pulled a similar con of a conspiracy. She claims the named guardian screams and calls out for her to heal him. Languages Common, Celestial, Goblin,
in another city and acquired a holy solar guild is plotting to attack one of the Dwarven, Thieves’ Cant
medallion. It is now part of her disguise temples. This PC, a member of the guild, is Round 4: The inquisitor tries to use the medallion
as a high-ranking official charged with obviously recruiting mercenaries (the other again, frustrated that it has stopped working, giving Solar Medallion. very rare, attunement. 60 ft.
uncovering threats to the church. She has party members) to help with the attack. away her unfamiliarity with it. “Do something!” shouts cone. 5d6 fire damage + 5d6 radiant damage
a guardian. The guardians continue fighting. to all in area. Dexterity save DC 14 for half.
Three charges. Recharges at dawn.
Rounds 5+: The inquisitor attempts to run away,
CR6 3600 xp Read to the players leaving the guardians confused. They dodge or heal. Reactions
1 Inquisitor Misdirect. The Inquisitor can use her reaction
2 Church Guardians A handful of riders dressed in white and gold ride up to you to cause an attack or spell attack that would hit
and dismount. One is a woman, dressed in clerical robes and her, to target an adjacent ally instead.
CR7 4400 xp wearing a golden sun medallion around her neck. The
1 Inquisitor others are tough-looking warriors in plate armor and
3 Church Guardians carrying two-handed morningstars.
“Which of you is GUILD MEMBER’S NAME ?” demands
CR8 5600 xp the robed woman.
1 Inquisitor
Church Guardian CR 4(700xp)
“And do you freely admit to belonging to the Medium humanoid (any), lawful good
4 Church Guardians NAMED guild?”
Armor Class 18 (Plate Armor)
CR9 6400 xp “You and your mercenary band here are under
Hit Points 52 (8d8+16) Speed 30 ft.
1 Inquisitor arrest by the authority of the church. Throw
5 Church Guardians down your weapons and come peacefully.”
16 (+3) 11 (+0) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 11 (+0) 15 (+2)
Skill Checks
Saving Throws Con +4, Wis +2
• Give the guild member a History check. On a 12+ they are sure the guild has Senses passive Perception 10
never caused trouble like she is accusing them of, and that they have nothing Languages Common, Celestial
against the church of the sun god.
• An Insight check DC 18 is needed to see through Shalea’s deception. On a Righteous Magic. Can cast counterspell and cure
success, the PC believes the church guardians are not fully convinced about her wounds (1d8+2) each once per short rest.
• A Religion check DC 14 brings to mind a sun god proverb about proof which Actions
seems to contradict the inquisitor’s actions: Beware the accuser who brings little evidence Great Morningstar. Melee Weapon Attack:
before the light. +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 9 (1d12
• If any of the checks above were successful, the PCs who made those checks can each attempt a + 3) piercing damage.
Persuasion check to win over the church guardians. If any of them hit a DC 16, the guardians will let
the party leave with only a warning to stay away from the temple. Otherwise, they try to arrest them.
40 41
The Owlbear's Haunt Ghost CR 4 (1100xp) Medium undead, chaotic evil

Armor Class 11
Summary: Deceased victims of an owlbear now haunt a desecrated place. Hit Points 45 (10d8) Speed 0 ft., fly 40 (hover)


CR6 3600 xp Read to the players 7 (-2) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 17 (+3)
3 Ghosts
It is starting to get dark as you pass through Damage Resistance acid, fire, lightning, thunder;
CR7 4400 xp a wooded area. A cold breeze rustles the branches bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks
4 Ghosts of oddly twisted trees and sends chills across the Damage Immunities cold, necrotic, poison
backs of your necks. Around you, tendrils of mist Condition Immunities Charmed, Exhaustion, Frightened,
CR8 5600 xp leak upwards through the ground and into the air. Grappled, Paralyzed, Petrified, Poisoned, Prone, Restrained
5 Ghosts Within seconds, the mists coalesce and the wailing Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11
ghosts of men and women float beside you. Languages Common
CR9 6400 xp
6 Ghosts Incorporeal Movement. The ghost can move
through other creatures and objects as if they were
difficult terrain. It takes 5 (1d10) force damage if
Combat it ends its turn inside an object.
Place the ghosts amongst the party members, adjacent Actions
to their spaces. Withering Touch. Melee Weapon Attack:
+5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 17 (4d6
Round 1: The ghosts spread their attacks among the + 3) necrotic damage.
party members.

Round 2: One ghost disengages and sinks back into

the ground. Criminal Contact
If a party member has the Criminal Contact
Brown Owlbear CR 4 (1100xp)
Large Monstrosity, unaligned
background feature they recognize the ghost closest to This ghost stops attacking. The PC recognizes
them and the ghost recognizes them, too. him as Tricky Mick, a criminal contact he has
Armor Class 13 (Natural Armor)
Any remaining ghosts use their attacks. worked with before. Tricky Mick was carrying
a message before he was killed by the owlbear Hit Points 72 (8d10+24) Speed 40 ft.
Round 3: An owlbear emerges from a nearby mound, in this desecrated place. He will ignore the
which apparently houses a lair. It shakes off some dirt combat and try to lure the PC into the owlbear’s STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Treasure & Resolution
and roars. It is possessed by the ghost who fled last nearby lair where his body still is. Tricky Mick 20 (+3) 12 (+1) 17 (+3) 3 (-4) 13 (+1) 7 (-2)
round. Once dropped to zero HP, the ghost emerges. had a wooden leg and hid messages inside a The owlbear’s stinky lair is inside the mound. It
The ghosts continue attacking. secret compartment. Mick will lead the PC Senses Darkvision 60, passive Perception 13 is a crypt buried by centuries of vegetation. There
to the leg and try to mime how to open the are bones inside and some treasures that remain
Round 4: Unless it has already been engaged in from the owlbear’s many victims.
compartment. Inside the compartment is a Actions
melee, the possessed owlbear chooses to go after a Investigation Check Results:
parchment. It has a coded message and a Multiattack. The owlbear makes two attacks with its
spellcaster. 13: Wooden leg. leather straps chewed off.
detailed diagram of a teleportation circle (as
The ghosts continue attacking. grappling claws 15: 48 gold pieces and 25 silver pieces.
per the spell). You can choose the contents of
Rounds 5+: All combatants continue attacking until the message and where the teleportation circle Grappling Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 17: Ring of Warmth
ft., one creature. Hit: 14 (2d8 + 5) slashing damage and makes 19: A bronze crown found behind a loose stone.
destroyed or until the party flees the area. leads. His mission accomplished, Mick dissolves
and goes to his eternal rest. a grapple attempt unless already grappling their target. Clearly ancient and magical. Once attuned,
the heavy bronze crown cannot be removed or
Bonus Actions unattuned. The wearer gains immunity to necrotic
Peck. If a creature is being grappled by the owlbear, it can damage, but their hitpoint maximum drops by 15.
choose to peck its victim for 10 (1d10+5) piercing damage.

42 43
Overdue Summary: Research uncovers a long-forgotten prank.
CR6 3600 xp
AC 15
Book Golem 161 hit points
Large construct, unaligned
Library Encounter CR7 4400 xp
Armor Class See the CR chart. (natural armor) AC 16
An old forgotten trap resurfaces by accident. While in a library (public, personal, academic, Hit Points See the CR chart. Speed 30 ft. 170 hit points
etc.), a PC opens a book and an old, yellowed note falls out. It is folded. When unfolded, a
glyph is revealed, triggering a spell. A glowing, floating glyph then appears in the middle STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA CR8 5600 xp
of the library. Hundreds of books and scrolls quickly fly off the shelves and collect around 22 (+6) 10 (+0) 19 (+4) 20 (+5) 14 (+2) 1 (-5) AC 17
the floating glyph, forming a humanoid-shaped mass. The creature immediately moves to
179 hit points
attack the person who triggered the spell. Damage Immunities poison, psychic; bludgeoning, piercing,
and slashing from nonmagical attacks that aren’t adamantine CR9 6400 xp
Damage Vulnerabilities fire AC 18
Condition Immunities Charmed, Exhaustion, 188 hit points
Combat Frightened, Paralyzed, Petrified, Poisoned
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12
Fighting the book golem is pretty straightforward. Languages All, but speaks only in book quotes.
The golem wants to attack the person who triggered
the spell. It was a trap laid by one wizard for his rival Immutable Form. The golem is immune to any spell or
many, many years ago. effect that would alter its form.
Most attacks will knock the books and scrolls out of Magic Resistance. The golem has advantage on saving
the mass without damaging them too much. throws against spells and other magical effects.
The keeper or owner of the library will plead for the Magic Weapons. The golem’s attacks are magical.
party not to use fire which can destroy books.
Multiattack. The golem makes two slam attacks.
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
A Big Mess one target. Hit: 19 (3d8 + 6) bludgeoning damage.
After the golem is destroyed the library is a mess. The Bonus Actions
keeper of the library demands the PCs put it back in Ash Cloud. If the book golem is on fire, it can snuff out
order and draws out a diagram to help them. the flames and blow smoke into the eyes of everyone
To do so, each PC rolls Investigation. Total all the within 5 feet, Blinding them until the start of
rolls and subtract from 100. The result is the number the golem’s next turn, unless they succeed on a
of hours it will take to put the library back in order Dexterity save DC 15.
(minimum of 2 hours). During this time, the PCs Reactions
definitely discover the information they came here in Book Toss. When a character within 40
search of. feet of the golem casts a spell requiring
concentration, the golem can use its reaction
to hurl a book at them in an attempt to
If a PC has the Researcher background feature: immediately break their concentration.
• Cut the library restoration time in half. Ranged weapon attack +9 to hit 1d4+4
• The PC makes improvements to the damage. (If hit, the player rolls a
organizational system of the library. Constitution saving throw DC10 to
• The library keeper thanks the PC with the gift of maintain their spell.)
an ancient Tome Of Clear Thought. The tome’s
magic is spent. There’s no clue as to when it was
discharged or when it will regain its magic.
44 45
Pub-tathlon List of Pubs
Fifth Pub
“Running down narrow, twisting streets,
Brewer’s Guild
Running: Same as before. See Second Pub.
The Stonehouse Tavern
the locals shower you with old vegetables,
Summary: The city is holding their annual The Crooked Pot
hurled from upper story windows. The
“You make it to the Brewer’s Guild where
tavern-themed race with big prizes for the winners. The Red Dog Inn huge crowds, mostly drunk themselves,
The Whiskey Spoon street is slippery from all the trampled
cheer and toss beer on you. You see other
The Green Maiden muck.”
The Whistling Shield
competitors already there trying to balance
These streets have become difficult terrain. If a on barrels and roll them.”
Pub-tathlon PC has the City Secrets background feature or the
Challenge: Barrel rolling. One team member must
Wanderer background feature, they know a better
The city is preparing for the annual Pub-tathlon, a race to visit six taverns scattered across the city. It is one balance on a keg, laid on its side, and roll it from one
route. Otherwise, subtract 5 from their TS.
of the biggest events of the year here. Teams are signing up at taverns. It only costs 5 silver to join. Teams end of the building to the other (100 feet). If they fall
need a team name. Prizes are a magic helmet for first place, 2000 gold for second, 1000 gold for third. Running: Same as before. See Second Pub. off, they have to start again from the beginning. Roll
Acrobatics DC 18 to succeed. For each failed check,
Endurance Check: Everyone rolls Constitution
Rules: saving throws DC 10. If anyone fails, subtract 3 from
subtract 2 from their TS. Their Time Score cannot
Begin inside any one of the six participating pubs. At 6 bells (6pm) the race begins. You are given a ribbon get higher from this point so let them know if another
the TS as they have to pause to catch their breath.
for each pub you visit, including the one you begin at. Once you have all six ribbons, you’ll go to the team finishes before them (has a higher score.)
Brewer’s Guildhouse for your final challenge. Each pub, aside from the first, requires a pub challenge to be Challenge: One-gallon casks are handed to every The Pickled Pirates: 243
completed before awarding your ribbon. Each pub challenge cannot begin until every member of the team team member. They need to drink the whole thing. The Black Knights: 211
has arrived. Only the three fastest teams win prizes. Roll DC 14 Constitution saves to get it all down Corkers & Porkers: 178
quickly. If any members fail, subtract 3 from the TS
The Time Score (TS) is a running total. It begins at zero. Keep the players informed to account for the extra time they take to drink it all. Drunken revelry follows the competition. All the
about what their Time Score is. It doesn’t matter which pub they start at. The competitors are celebrated and the prizes are
Drunkenness: Everyone makes another
next pub on the list is the logical next step. If they choose a different destination, awarded to the top three teams.
Constitution saving throw, against poison, DC 14, to
subtract 10 from their Time Score. Plenty of spectators on the streets will help see if they are affected by the ale. Anyone who fails
direct them so they won’t get lost. gets the poisoned condition, giving them disadvantage First Place Prize: Helm of the Wilds
on all future ability checks and attack rolls. (Very Rare, requires attunement)
This steel helm with rabbit fur trim has reindeer
Subtract 10 from their TS. If a PC has the City antlers sticking out from the sides. As a bonus action,
Second Pub Secrets background feature, they can bypass the the wearer can choose a different accessory for the
Running to the pub: Each team member rolls helm. Only one accessory will manifest at a time.
Athletics and adds their Speed. Take the lowest total blockade and find a shortcut adding 10 to their TS.
Rabbit Ears: Grants advantage on Initiative
and add it to their Time Score (TS). Running: Same as before. See Second Pub. Sixth Pub checks and on Perception checks that use
“Crowds line the street outside the pub Challenge: One team member must beat Gunter Running: Same as before. See Second Pub. hearing.
cheering you on. Once inside, you see the barkeep at arm wrestling. Opposed Athletics Endurance Check: Everyone rolls DC 12 Ram Horns: You can headbutt as a bonus
another team has beat you here. A young check. Gunter adds 10 to his rolls. Each failed Constitution saving throws. If anyone fails, action, a 1d8 Strength-based melee attack.
woman hurls a dart at the board and nails attempt subtracts 2 from their TS. subtract 3 from the TS as they have to pause Zebra Mane: Add 20 to your foot Speed.
the bullseye, raising cheers from the crowd to catch their breath. Reindeer Antlers: Gain darkvision 120
inside. The barkeep awards her with a red feet.
and green ribbon and the team rushes out “You arrive at a very noisy tavern with
past you.” Fourth Pub competitors singing nonsense.”
Running: Same as before. See Second Pub.
Challenge: One team member must throw a dart Challenge: One team member must loudly sing
from the 20-foot line and hit the bullseye. (Hit “You arrive at the tavern and see four the words to the popular drinking song, So I Sailed
AC20) Each miss subtracts 1 from their TS. tables with mugs on them. At three of the The Donkey Home. But, they must sing the words in
tables, individuals are balancing a tower of reverse order. Judges are listening closely to check
mugs, cheered on by their teammates.” their accuracy and will make them start over if they
Third Pub Challenge: One team member must stack 10 mugs goof. This is a C 18 Performance check. Subtract 4
“The locals are having some fun, blocking into a tower without them falling; Acrobatics check from their TS for each failed check.
off the fastest route to the next pub.” DC 20. Each failure subtracts 2 from the TS.

46 47
Trolling for Treatment Infected
Summary: After a troll attack, the party must concoct a cure for a deadly condition. The creature is infected with magical motes that slowly polymorph the creature
into a tree. Every ten minutes, they roll a DC14 Constitution saving throw. Each
time they fail, their condition advances by 1 stage. This is a unique condition
CR6 3600 xp and not a spell, curse, or disease.
2 Trolls Read to the players
Stage 1: Fever. Skin gains rough, bark-like texture.
CR7 3600 xp Some gnarled tree stumps, which you are Stage 2: Stiffness in limbs. Reduce speed by 10 feet.
2 Trolls traveling past, suddenly unfold into nine-foot-tall Stage 3: Thick bark covers the whole body. Disadvantage on Dexterity ability
giants. You recognize them as trolls even though checks and saving throws.
CR8 6400 xp their skin has an unusual bark-like texture. Their Stage 4: Tiny, leafy branches sprout from ears, chin, and shoulders. Grows taller.
3 Trolls long arms have nasty-looking claws, but also tiny Stage 5: Roots grow from feet and into the ground. Speed drops to 0.
green leaves. As they charge forward, you notice a Final Stage: Character is deceased and a tree stands in their place.
CR9 6400 xp wispy green vapor coming from their mouths.
3 Trolls

Skill Checks
Infected Troll CR 5 (1800xp) Combat
Large giant, chaotic evil Diagnosis: Medicine check DC 13. This is a Witch Hornet infection. Witch
The trolls are crazed with hunger and infection. Hornets inject their victims with a polymorphing infection (a magical disease
They fight without any strategy or common sense. not cured by lesser restoration) that slowly turns them into trees. The trolls’
Armor Class 15 Each round they move towards the nearest PC
Hit Points 76 (8d10+32) Speed 30 ft. regeneration ability fought this off and exhaled the infection in clouds of motes.
and use all their attacks on them. If their opponent Treatment: An antidote can be concocted if the nest of Witch Hornets
drops, they move to the next conscious PC. can be located.
18 (+4) 12 (+1) 19 (+4) 6 (-2) 8 (-1) 5 (-3) Searching: Survival check DC 14 to locate the nest. Each check represents ten
minutes of searching.
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11 Harvesting: Survival check DC 14 to harvest some hornets without upsetting
Languages Giant the hive. Failing the check means hornets are collected but the harvester(s) get
stung and also become Infected. Harvesting takes ten minutes.
Regeneration. The troll regains 10 hit points Concocting: DC 14 Herbalism Kit or Alchemy Supplies check (add
at the start of its turn. If the troll takes acid or Intelligence modifier) to brew an antidote. Takes twenty minutes per attempt.
fire damage, this trait doesn’t function at the Administering: Once the antidote is ingested, no more saving throws are
start of the troll’s next turn. The troll dies only needed and the condition slowly reverses by one stage every ten minutes.
if it starts its turn with 0 hit points and doesn’t

Multiattack. The troll makes three attacks: Treasure & Resolution
one with its bite and two with its claws.
Any character who was infected and subsequently
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach cured retains a benefit that isn’t immediately
5ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) piercing damage apparent. If a body part is ever severed, other
and Constitution save DC 14. On a failure, the than the head, it slowly grows back over one
target is Infected (see Infected, next page). month’s time. However, the new body part will
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach have a tree-like appearance.
5ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) slashing

48 49
Field Tested Summary: An artificer’s invention is running amok
and only someone clever and foolhardy can stop it.

Read to the players

You are traveling past tall barley fields when you notice a sound
you don’t recognize. It is a whining buzz, oscillating in pitch from a
deep roar to a piercing whistle.
As you get closer, the scene becomes more clear. Field workers
are running after a large machine with spinning drills at both ends.
The machine is tearing up the fields as it weaves recklessly, leaving a
shallow trench in its wake.
A woman runs towards you pleading for help. “We can’t stop that
machine and it is ruining our fields! Is there anything you can do?”

The Problem
A gnome artificer, Garill Hoosepopper, was demonstrating his new field-plowing machine
for these farmers. After the demonstration, he stopped the machine and locked the access
hatch. However, the machine started moving again, running over the gnome artificer,
killing him. Now it is out of control. (Show the illustration to your players.)

Every Intelligence check has an effect until
The machine moves steadily at a speed of 20, but not the machine is stopped (Note: the machine begins
in a straight line. It is resistant to all damage types with a speed of 20):
and has 400 hitpoints, so destroying it is not a good Intelligence Check Results:
option. 1-6: A toxic substance belches from a valve. The
The access hatch is locked, Thieves Tools DC 15 to character is blinded 1 minute and takes 2d8 damage.
open, and must be rolled with disadvantage due to 7-10: The machine speeds up. Add 10 to the speed.
being in motion. Allow multiple attempts. 11-14: The PC learns a little about the device.
Gains +1 bonus to future Intelligence checks.
The hatch and the space inside are small. A small- 15-18: The machine slows down. Subtract 5 from
sized character can get in fine, but a medium-sized the speed.
character will be cramped, suffering disadvantage on 19+: The machine is shut down and comes
all skill checks. to a halt.
Within the machine are dials, levers, wheels, hissing
valves, and gurgling pipes. To stop the machine, roll Treasure & Resolution
an Intelligence check. Those with Alchemist levels
or proficiency in Alchemy Supplies or Tinker Tools The farmers are grateful and provide the PCs with
can add their proficiency bonus. All others add no hospitality. The gnome inventor, Garrill Hoosepopper,
proficiency bonus and roll with disadvantage. has been crushed to a pulp. He had been transporting
the machine on a special ox-drawn wagon, drumming up
business for the upcoming plowing season. In his wagon
are some ordinary gear, tinker’s tools, 5 signed contracts,
and 4 jugs of various alchemical substances worth 300
gold each.

50 51
Fear and Philosophy Read aloud: The bearded orator
continues, “The nobles should follow the
example of their own game of dragon’s
Summary: Accused of being thugs by a soapbox philosopher, chess, where it is the humble pawn, the Are any PCs proficient in Dragon Chess?
the party must win over a city mob before things get ugly. common man, who works his way across
the board to become the hero. Not the
mage, or the thief, or even the paladin,
but the hard-working pawn with dirt on
Read to the players
his hands instead of blood!”
Everyone can attempt an
Intelligence check with
You are walking past a small mob of people disadvantage.
gathered around a long-bearded commoner standing
Roll Intelligence DC14
atop a barrel. “Those ruffians right there prove my
with disadvantage.
point!” shouts the orator pointing you out. “What
more proof do you need? Are they lawful servants
of the government? No! Yet they carry weapons Read aloud: The crowd is turning
around our city like common thugs!” against you. They look like they might
swarm you and take away your weapons The orator is mistaken about dragon chess.
The mob of commoners shouts insults at you. by force. You have one last chance to There are no pawns. It’s the warriors who are
Nearby, a pair of city guards looks on, but you persuade them otherwise. promoted to heroes if they cross the board.
sense that they are not going to intervene, not on To use this argument against the orator:
Roll CHA(persuasion) DC14
your behalf anyway. Roll CHA(persuasion) DC12
The calm emotions spell can also be used here for
“As the prophet said,” continues the bearded orator,
an automatic success.
“Sha’ der noll cael hoon, which means lay down your
arms among friends.”

Do any PCs know the Celestial language?

Result 1
Read: “The mob loses interest in the
orator. One man kicks the barrel over,
sending the orator crashing to the ground
Everyone can roll a Religion check. Result 2 in humiliation.”
Roll INT(religion) DC14 Read: “You are able to win over some Fallia Cooper, a member of the crowd,
members of the mob and they disperse, takes an interest in the party and offers
The mob encircles the party and shouts jeers: getting on with their busy lives. to assist them. She has influential
“I bet you ain’t so tough without that sword.” Having lost the crowd’s fervor, the connections or valuable information which
The orator’s interpretation of that scripture “You think we are your enemies?” orator takes a break, too.” will be vital to the party’s success. She
in the Celestial language is wrong. It is more “Did you rob somebody’s corpse for that armor?” may also resurface later if the party runs
accurately translated as lay down your arms into trouble again in this city.
at your neighbor’s dinner table.

To use this argument against the orator:

Result 3
Roll CHA(persuasion) DC12 Read: “The mob swarms you while hurling insults. Dozens of hands
reach for your weapons and other gear.”
Read aloud: The mob calms a
bit and turns back to the orator for The situation is comepletely out of hand. Guards will eventually come
his response. You get a +2 bonus on to break it up. Every PC should lose at least one weapon or other
your next Persuasion check. item to the mob. If anyone is killed, the party should be banished
from the city or even put on trial for murder.
52 53
Making the Connection Storm Drake CR 4 (1100xp)
Small dragon, chaotic neutral
Summary: A 700-foot channel might only be crossable by
repairing a ballista and firing a grappling hook across. Armor Class 15 (natural armor)
Hit Points 78 (12d6+36)
Speed 30 ft., Climb 20 ft., Fly 40 ft. (glide only)
Read to the players
CR6 3600 xp
There are no boats on the Stormcurse Sea. Merciless, 14 (+2) 15 (+2) 16 (+3) 6 (-2) 14 (+2) 11 (+0)
70% chance of
1d4 Drakes unpredictable, weather makes crossing by water impossible. So you
must cross along the isthmus that bridges the sea. It is forested on Saving Throws Dexterity +4
top and falls away in two-hundred-foot cliffs on the sides. Blustery Damage Immunity lightning
CR7 4400 xp
rain and wind make travel uncomfortable, but not unbearable. Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12
77% chance of
Then you come upon an unexpected barrier. The isthmus is Languages Auran
1d4+1 Drakes
broken. A section of it, some seven-hundred feet long is gone,
Stormbringer. The presence of storm drakes
Crossing the
CR8 5600 xp leaving only a treacherous channel. It looks like someone had
attempted to cross the channel in the past but never completed increase the chance of storms in an area.
85% chance of
1d4+2 Drakes their work. A massive ballista sits unfinished, along with hundreds Channel Actions
of feet of rope and a grappling hook. Multiattack. The drake makes three attacks:
CR9 6400 xp Loading the Ballista: A one with its bite and two with its claws.
92% chance of great deal of tension needs
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach
1d4+3 Drakes to be loaded into the ballista.
5ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage
This requires two people with
plus 3 (1d6) lightning damage.
Strengths of 14 or higher, or one
person with Strength 18 or higher, Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach
to turn cranks for ten minutes. 5ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) slashing
Hourly Progress Firing the Ballista: It is difficult to
know how much tension the ballista has and Reactions
Tools: There are rusty, how the air currents will affect the projectile. Discharge. When hit by a melee attack the
damaged Carpenter’s Tools One character proficient in martial weapons drake can use its reaction to deal 2d6 lightning
here. A character with Smith’s must make a ranged attack. Another character, damage to its attacker.
Tools can repair the tools with two also proficent in martial weapons, can Help to grant
hours work and a DC 13 check. advantage. The AC to hit with their attack roll is 20.
On a miss, the grapple falls into the channel along
Ballista: Finishing the ballista requires with 700 feet of rope, much of which gets wet. The wet
tools. For each hour a character works on rope and the grapple weigh 300 pounds which takes ten
the ballista, they make a Strength check using minutes of hard labor to reel back in. Roll to see if a new
Carpenter’s Tools or Tinker’s Tools. Others can Help to group of drakes follows it up. The ballista needs to be
grant advantage. The check result is converted to Construction cranked again and, if the rope remains wet, the ballista Treasure & Resolution
Points. At 100 Construction Points the ballista is finished. will be fired with disadvantage.
On a hit, the grapple anchors firmly to a tree or rock. The grappling hook is a dwarven relic from
Rope: The rope has been damaged by weather and pests. Each hour, a person working
The line can easily be made taut although it still sags another age. It weighs 20 pounds, has
on the rope can roll a Survival check. Add 5 to the check if they have Weaver’s Tools
quite a bit in the center. a prong radius of one foot and is made of
and 5 more if they are also proficient in Weaver’s Tools. The check result is converted to
mithral. Scratches indicate it has passed
Repair Points. At 100 Repair Points the rope is ready to be used. Crossing: It is a simple matter to rig up a harness or through many hands over the centuries.
Distracting Drakes: There are hundreds of drakes on the cliffs around the safety loop to make crossing the line easy. Without it, 10 Each drake hide that is properly taken
promontory. They regularly climb up in small groups and then glide out over the sea to successful Athletics checks need to be made at DC 12. (Survival DC 12) is worth 10gp
hunt. Each hour, there is a percentage chance of a random number of drakes showing The fall is 200 feet into very rough seas. (10d6 damage, or 5gp if the check is failed.
up (See the CR chart). Each wave of drakes attacks until one of them is killed. Then the Acrobatics DC 12 for a clean dive and half damage.
remaining ones disengage and flee, gliding off the cliff. Easy pickings for the drakes.)
54 55
Great Camel Race Check 5. The Climb
Racers go up the incline to exit the canyon.
Check 6. The Finish
The racers sprint to the finish line.
76+ You have managed your camel’s endurance well The top NPC racer scores:
Summary: Winning a camel race is and it charges up the slope like a champion. 90 Hally Pottersby, an excited young halfling man.
the only way to get access to a key NPC. +1 modifier to future checks. 86 Liliana Hedgeford, a competitive human woman.
65-75 Your camel is foaming at the mouth and you 82 Feldil, a moon elf explorer.
have to use all your effort to persuade it up the slope. 78 Knittles Topanshire, an old female halfling.
The Setup Buying A Camel 64 or less Your camel is exhausted and sits down to
Compare the PC scores to the NPC scores to
rest. Your race is over.
The party find themselves in an arid realm searching A city of tents has sprung up around the place where determine the top four finishers.
for a piece of information critical to their success in the race is being held. Hundreds of competitors are
the campaign. The person they must talk to is Fardel here from all around the region. Traders are taking Prizes
Khandor, a very rich and very reclusive man. He advantage of this gathering by selling everything from The top four winners are invited to Fardel
stays locked away in his castle, protected by guards camel whips to actual camels. A racing camel and Khandor’s castle where they will have dinner
and magical wards. However, he loves the sport of equipment costs 120 gold. When choosing their camel, and be presented with their prizes:
camel racing and once per year he holds a great a PC can roll a DC15 Animal Handling or Medicine
camel race with huge prizes. The top four finishers check. If they succeed, they have chosen well and get First place: +2 jeweled scimitar and 5000 gold
also get to dine with him in his castle. a +1 bonus to their checks during the race. Second place: +1 jeweled dagger and 3000 gold
Third place: 2000 gold
Fourth place: 500 gold
Running the Race
Each player in the race will roll six Animal Weight is a major factor in a rider’s success. For
Handling checks and keep a running total of their every 20 pounds over 140 they get a -1 modifier For
check results. They may also accumulate positive or example, a character who weighs 180 pounds with
negative modifiers. Each check represents about two their gear has a -2 modifier.
minutes of racing and roughly a mile of distance.

Check 1. The Start Check 3. The Tower Turn

A purple flare arcs across the lined-up The racers make a sharp turn around the
racers and explodes in a thunderclap to tower before heading towards the canyon.
start the race.
46+ You steer your beast adeptly around the tower.
17+ You are among fifty or so racers to get ahead of +1 modifier to future checks.
the pack. +1 modifier to each future check. 35-45 Even though your camel resists your attempts
12-16 There is a pileup of camels but you manage to to steer it, you manage to keep it on course.
steer around them. 34 or less Rather than make the turn at speed,
11 or less Your camel crashes into a pileup. Not a your camel stops running and slowly lumbers around
good start. -1 modifier to each future check. the tower. -1 modifier to future checks.

Check 2. The Sprint Check 4. The Canyon

The racers speed towards an ancient tower Racers head down a gravelly slope into a
in a mad sprint. canyon.
30+ It’s only you and a handful of other racers in
61+ You coax your camel to gracefully slide and skip
the lead. +1 modifier to future checks.
down the gravel slope. +1 modifer to future checks.
21-29 There are more racers behind you than ahead
47-60 Your camel stumbles and slides but recovers
of you but you are far from the lead.
onto its feet. -1 modifier to future checks.
20 or less Your camel jostles with many others
46 or less Your camel tumbles and falls, ending up
in the crowded rear of the pack. -1 to your future
in a pile of other camels at the bottom of the slope.
Your race is over.
56 57
Neither Carrot nor Stick Read before combat Combat
Summary: Deadly round snow monsters are stacked up to resemble snowmen. Dark eyes open in the head of Round 1: The snorbs all attack whomever is closest
the snowman. A mouth opens, too, so they can use their Pack Tactics ability.
full of ice blue teeth. Then the
Round 2: After attacking, the snorbs roll 15
Read to the players head leaps towards you on little
feet through the snow, which does not provoke
snowy legs and the middle and
opportunity attacks, and heals them each 15 hit points.
A trail of rabbit tracks is the only blemish in bottom parts of the snowman also
the pristine blanket of snow covering the land. You come alive. Roll for initiative. Round 3: The snorbs roll first this round, and end by
notice the tracks end at the base of a snowman. stacking up again into a snowman next to a PC before
There are dozens of snowmen scattered across the Show the illustration on making their bite attacks.
landscape, each at least 200 feet from the next. page 60 to your players.
Round 4: All three snorbs combine their efforts to
launch the smallest one up to 60 feet at a spellcaster
who has been hanging back. Then they each attack.
Rounds 5+: The snorbs will roll first, to heal
The rabbit tracks simply end at the base of the
snowman. There are no other footprints around and reposition, and then make their bite
and nothing to indicate that someone built the attacks.
snowman. If anyone gets within twenty feet, combat Snorb
begins. CR 5 (1800xp) Medium aberation, unaligned

Armor Class (see CR chart)

Hit Points (see CR chart) Speed 30 ft.
An Arcana check allows a character to recall the 12 (+1) 22 (+6) 19 (+4) 6 (-2) 6 (-2) 10 (+0)
following information. Read until you reach a DC
higher than their check result. Damage Vulnerabilities fire
12 These are snorbs. Three snow creatures form a Damage Resistances Cold, Piercing, Slashing
CR6 3600 xp
3 Snorbs
family unit. Father on the base, mother perched on Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
AC 16, HP 74
him, and then the child sits on top. Languages none
14 They are carnivorous aberrations created
CR7 4400 xp
accidentally when a wizard of little renown tried to Pack Tactics. The snorb has advantage on bite attacks if
entertain his daughter. He fused spirits of unknown another snorb is within 5 feet of the target.
3 Snorbs Treasure
origin into a snowman, thinking it would come to
AC 17, HP 82 Rolljuvenation. The snorb can roll up to half its speed in snow
life and amuse her. It ate her instead.
without provoking an opportunity attack. It heals 5 hit points for If the killing bl
16 Snorbs shrink to tiny snowballs when the snows ow to a snorb
CR8 5600 xp every 5 feet it moves in this way. from fire damag comes
melt and hibernate in burrows until the snows e, there is noth
3 Snorbs Actions left of it. Other in g
return. They are especially vulnerable to fire. wise, there is a
AC 18, HP 90 Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. pile of snow an tiny
18 They are very territorial and wary of each d ice. Inside th
other. Simply moving between them, along the Hit: 9 (1d6 + 6) piercing damage plus 2d6 cold damage. pile is a bluish at
CR9 6400 xp ice cube that ra
conjuration mag diates
borders of their territories, will keep you safe. ic. Investigation
3 Snobs DC 15 to stum
20 Inside each snorb is a two-inch cube of ice that ble upon it. Th
AC 18, HP 98 two-inch cube is
never melts. Fire will destroy it but ordinary heat of ice never mel
Fire will destro ts.
will not. The ice cubes are highly prized and have y it but ordinar
will not. These y heat
sold for up to 500 gold apiece at auction. ice cubes are hig
prized and hav hly
e sold for up to
gold apiece at au 500

58 59
60 61
Marble Walls Xornling
Small elemental, neutral CR 2 (450xp)
Maternal Xorn
Medium elemental, neutral CR 5 (1800xp)

Armor Class 17 (natural armor) Armor Class 19 (natural armor)

CR6 3600 xp Summary: The workers in a marble quarry Hit Points 39 (6d8+12) Hit Points 84 (8d8+48)
1 Maternal Xorn have accidentally exposed a nest of young xorn. Speed 20 ft., Climb / Burrow 20 ft. Speed 20 ft., Climb / Burrow 20 ft.
3 Xornlings
CR7 4400 xp 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 15 (+2) 10 (+0) 7 (-2) 10 (+0) 18 (+4) 11 (+0) 22 (+6) 11 (+0) 9 (-1) 10 (+0)
1 Maternal Xorn
Read to the players
4 Xornlings See maternal xorn for abilities/resistances. Damage Resistances: cold, fire, acid; piercing
You are passing by a quarry where and slashing from non-magical weapons that
CR8 5600 xp
they are extracting blocks of marble. Actions aren’t made of adamantine.
Screams from the quarry floor draw your Multiattack The xornling makes one claw attack Condition Immunities: Petrified, Prone
1 Maternal Xorn
attention. A large mechanoid tractor has and one bite attack. Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Tremorsense 60ft.,
6 Xornlings
just pulled a block from the quarry wall passive Perception 10
and revealed a nest of monsters. The red Claw Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5
CR9 6400 xp ft., one creature. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) slashing damage. Languages Terran
multi-limbed creatures rush from their
1 Maternal Xorn
hole and begin slaughtering the workers. Bite Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., Earth Glide. The xorn can burrow through stone
7 Xornlings
one creature. Hit: 10 (3d4 + 3) piercing damage. without disturbing the structure of the stone or
leaving a trail.
The Setup Treasure Sense. The xorn can sense its favorite
See map on page 61. The PCs begin at location food – precious metals and stones, such as coins
A. The mechanoid, which is large (10x10 ft.), sits on and gems – by scent, from up to 60 feet away.
location B with no operator. The xornlings and six
workers are all in that area. No maternal xorn yet.
Multiattack The xorn makes three claw attacks
and one bite attack.
Combat Begins Claw (x3) Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit,
Round 1: The xornlings are panicked and will attack reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) slashing
the nearest enemy, knocking any worker unconscious damage.
with a single hit. Rather than killing the NPCs, allow Bite Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
the party three rounds to save them. one creature. Hit: 15 (3d6 + 4) piercing damage.
Round 2: One xornling sinks its claws into the
ground and shakes. The ground within 40 feet
becomes difficult terrain as waves ripple through the
marble. Anyone in that area becomes Prone unless a
DC 13 Dexterity saving throw is made. Each other Quarry Mechanoid Treasure & Resolution
xornling attacks their closest enemy.
Anyone with heavy armor proficiency will find the
quarry mechanoid easy to operate. Everyone else has The quarry workers are very glad the party
Round 3: The maternal xornling arrives, bursting up came along when they did. They offer to buy
through the ground and savagely attacking a random disadvantage on attacks and Dexterity saving throws
while using the mechanoid. The xorns will attack the them drinks at the local pub and will provide
PC. The shaking stops. All the xornlings attack information on their quest.
whomever is nearest. operator, not the mechanoid.
The mechanoid operator keeps all their usual stats, The xornlings had just recently been fed
Rounds 4+: Whomever does the most damage to including armor class. The mech has a speed of 15 and have bellies full of rubies and agates. Each
a xornling, and stands within 20 feet of the maternal feet. It can make two attacks, one with each arm. Add xornling has 2d4 x 100 gp worth of gems
xorn, becomes the focus of her attacks. The most proficiency modifier and choice of Dexterity or Strength and the matron has double that.
wounded xornling burrows underground to escape. modifier to attack rolls. Damage is 3d12+7 bludgeoning.
Any other xornlings attack the nearest person. It can also grapple with a +10 to its check.
62 63
The Floor is Lava Summary: The party is ambushed by
a magma elemental, resulting in a long and
Magma Elemental
Large elemental, neutral CR 9 (5000xp)
difficult fight for survival.
Armor Class 18 (natural armor)
Read to the players Hit Points 152 (16d10+64) Speed 30 ft.

You are moving through a natural STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
cavern when everything begins shaking. Combat Begins 22 (+6) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 8 (-1) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)
Great fissures crack open in the floor
and lava bubbles up to the surface. See map pg. 66. Place the large (2x2 square) magma Damage Vulnerabilities: cold
You dodge away onto safer ground. elemental in the largest area of lava. PCs can be Damage Immunities: fire, poison
Out of the largest fissure, a ten-foot-tall placed nearby on any square not occupied by lava. Condition Immunities: Exhaustion, Paralyzed,
creature formed of molten rock rises up Petrified, Poisoned, Unconscious Magma Mite CR 1 (200xp)
Tiny elemental, neutral
menacingly and advances on you. Round 1: The magma elemental moves to its Senses Blindsense 30 feet, passive Perception 11
nearest opponent and makes a slam attack. Note Languages Ignan, Terran
Armor Class 15 (natural armor)
that though the elemental has ten-foot reach, it
Hit Points 22 (5d4+10) Speed 20 ft.
prefers to be adjacent to PCs when possible to also Mite Shedding. Each physical attack
Dwarven Stonecunning affect them with its Scorching Heat. (bludgeoning, slashing, piercing) that deals 10 or
more damage to the elemental, also knocks a tiny STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
A character with the Dwarven Stonecunning ability chunk of magma into a neighboring space, which 6 (-2) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 4 (-3) 8 (-1) 10 (+0)
Round 2: After making another Slam attack,
gains the following benefits in this encounter: then becomes a Magma Mite.
the magma elemental will Shoot A Mite at an Damage Vulnerabilities: cold
• Double proficiency modifier to Initiative check.
opponent who is using ranged attacks or spells. Scorching Heat. A creature that touches the Damage Immunities: fire, poison
• Attacks they make do not spawn magma mites.
Each mite (new and existing; see Mite Shedding) elemental or begins its turn within 5 feet of it Condition Immunities: Exhaustion, Paralyzed,
• An attack they assist with, using the Help action,
uses their spit attack against their closest opponent, suffers fire damage. See the CR chart for damage. Petrified, Poisoned, Unconscious
does not spawn a magma mite.
moving closer first if necessary. A Constitution saving throw of 16 reduces this Senses Blindsense 30 feet, passive Perception 9
• They know the vulnerabilities and immunities of
damage by half. Languages Ignan, Terran
magma elementals.
Round 3: The elemental makes a Slam attack
then moves to the approximate center of the area, Actions Too Hot To Handle. A creature that touches the
possibly provoking opportunity attacks. It then Slam Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 10
elemental suffers 1d8 fire damage.
Shoots a Mite at an opponent who is using ranged ft., one creature. Hit: 12 (1d12 + 6) bludgeoning
attacks or spells. Each mite makes their spit attack damage plus 13 (2d12) fire damage. Actions
CR6 3600 xp against their closest opponent, repositioning as Spit Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range10
Hot Lava Bonus Actions ft., one creature. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) fire damage.
1d8 Fire Damage needed. Shoot A Mite Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to
Lava is difficult terrain but hit, range 30/60, one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2)
CR7 4400 xp will support a character’s Round 4: The elemental roars and more lava bludgeoning damage plus 4 (1d8) fire damage.
2d8 Fire Damage weight so it can be moved bubbles up from the ground. Switch to the second The elemental loses 10 hit points when it uses this
across. A character suffers fire map, The Floor Is Extra Lava on pg 67, or expand the attack. Hit or miss, a new magma mite is placed
CR8 5600 xp damage only if they begin their lava in your map by one square in each direction. on the battlefield next to the target.
3d8 Fire Damage turn in a space with lava. See This may result in some PCs beginning their turns Treasure & Resolution
the CR chart for the amount in lava and taking damage.
CR9 6400 xp of damage. The mites make their spit attacks. The lava mostly retreats back into the earth when the
4d8 Fire Damage elemental dies but it remains suffocatingly hot in this
area. A crudely shaped, red-hot spine of adamantine
Rounds 5+: The elemental moves to its nearest is left behind. It weighs roughly two hundred pounds.
opponent and makes a slam attack. It does not After thirty minutes it is cool enough to handle.
Shoot a Mite any more. The mite spit-attacks

64 65
66 67
Bogged Down Summary: A community of tiny bog fairies
defend their home from the big bad party members. Combat
The bog fairies surround the PCs at a distance of
about 30 feet and, even though they are tiny and
CR6 2400 xp standing in tall grass, the PCs can see them. Sylvan?
Read to the players
10 Bog Fairies If anyone speaks Sylvan AND makes the DC 12
Round 1: Any fairies who did not use their enlarge Perception check, they can start to make out the
You are moving through a large bog. It is like spell in the ambush, use it now. Spread the spells
CR7 3000 xp a large meadow with knee-high grasses, but the communications of the bog fairies.
11 Bog Fairies evenly among any PCs who are still normal size. This “Freeze this big job with the sword before he kills me!”
ground is a little spongy, making this difficult may mean that some PCs get hit with more than one
terrain. Yellow butterflies flutter around the tiny “Focus on the big job with the bow!”
CR8 3600 xp spell. Each other fairy casts ray of frost at their nearest Speaking in Sylvan, the PC can attempt a
flowers in the grasses and a light breeze delivers opponent.
13 Bog Fairies the pleasing sound of songbirds. Persuasion check, with disadvantage due to the
Suddenly, a dozen squeaky, high-pitched voices Round 2: Any fairy in melee range of a PC will use pitch difference. A check can be attempted each
CR9 4400 xp erupt from all around and each of you is targeted the Disengage action and move 20 feet away. The round. If they succeed on a DC 16, they can
14 Bog Fairies by a spell. others use ray of frost and then move further away. convince the fairies they mean no harm and the
fighting can stop.
Each PC is hit with one enlarge spell. Each PC can make a DC 12 Perception check
Constitution saving throw DC 13 to negate. (hearing). On a success, they realize that the high-
Keep track of which bog fairies have cast their pitched squeaks are the fairies talking to each other.
spell since they can only cast it once. Also, the
spell requires concentration, so track which fairy Round 3: Any fairy in melee range of a PC will use
is enlarging which PC. the Disengage action and move 20 feet away. One fairy
summons a venomous coiled snake in front of itself.
Bog Fairy CR 1 (200xp)
This is a minor illusion. The snake fills the 5-foot space
Tiny fey, neutral That Sinking Feeling and would be about 40 feet long if uncoiled. Any other Treasure & Resolution
If a PC is enlarged, they double fairies use ray of frost and then move further away.
Armor Class 14
in height, increase one size
Hit Points 27 (6d4+12) Speed 20 ft.
category, and their weight Round 4: Any fairy in melee range of a PC will use There are many more fairies hiding beneath the surface
the Disengage action and move 20 feet away. The in a network of tiny tunnels. The local tribe of orcs was
multiplies by 8. If their
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA others use the Hide action to disappear. coming to attack them and steal their treasures, so they
weight now exceeds 400 pounds, developed these defense tactics to protect themselves.
5 (-3) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 17 (+3)
they immediately sink into the Round 5: All hidden fairies reappear to strike, with
bog up to their shoulders and advantage to their spell attack roll, all against the same
If the combat ended peacefully, the fairies will pay
Saving Throws Charisma +5, Dexterity +6
are restrained (Speed 0, advantage spellcaster or archer. Each other fairy casts ray of frost
the party to wipe out the orc tribe. They have many
Skills Stealth +10, Survival +3
on attack rolls against them, and their on their nearest opponent.
magic rings to pay with. The bog is full of bodies from
Senses passive Perception 11
own attack rolls have disadvantage). thousands of years.
Languages Sylvan
Escape from the bog with Rounds 6+: Wounded fairies retreat underground If the combat ended violently, the fairies stay hidden in
an Acrobatics check DC 16. through inconspicuous entrances to their lair. Any
Bog Runner. The bog fairy ignores the difficult their burrows.
Success means that they have fairy in melee range of a PC will use the Disengage
terrain and can move at full speed.
squirmed out and are prone action and move 20 feet away. The others use ray of
Spellcasting. Each bog fairy is a 1st-level on the ground, spreading their frost and then move further away, up to 60 feet.
Charisma-based spellcaster (spell save DC 13). weight out. If they stand up,
they will sink once again.
Cantrips (at will): light, mage hand, ray of frost,
minor illusion
1st level (1 slot): enlarge
Ray of Frost. Ranged Spell Attack: +5 to
hit, reach 60 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (2d8) cold
damage and target’s speed is reduced by 10 until
the fairy’s next turn.
68 69
Swept Away Summary: A dam breaks, sending a flood into
the valley where the party is currently traveling.
Things get worse
Round 4: Raise the emotional stakes. Point out how
everyone is crying out for help and simply aren’t good
enough swimmers to make it to the platform. Next, roll
Read to the players 1d6 and refer to the Who Needs Saving list. That person, or
one of that pair, just vanished under the water and is lost.
You are passing through a beautiful valley full of cultivated land.
Picturesque hamlets and low stone bridges decorate the landscape of Round 5: Roll 1d6 (not 1d10). That person, or one of that
crop fields. All is well until you hear distant thunder, which is odd pair, just vanished under the water and is lost.
since there are no storms in the sky. Then you hear screams. A brown bear, panicked and confused, breaks the
“The dam has given way!” a woman cries out, “Run for your lives!” surface and attacks a random PC who is in the water. If
Looking behind you, you see a lake’s worth of water rushing into the none are in the water, it attacks a random NPC. The bear
valley, sweeping trees, houses, animals, and people right towards you. will continue to attack whomever is nearest until killed or
calmed (Animal Handling DC 20). If calmed, it swims away.
Panicked Brown Bear
Roll for initiative AC 12, HPs 40, Swim speed 30, 2 attacks,
Helpful Guidelines & Rules Claw +7 2d6+4 and Bite +7 1d8+4
Round 1: They have one round to act before a five-foot-tall
wall of water hits them moving at a speed of 80. Swim speed is 1/2 of walking speed.
Round 6: Roll 1d6. That person, or one of that pair, just
Round 2: They are swept up in the water and will have A mounted PC can direct their mount to vanished under the water and is lost.
to start making DC10 Athletics checks each round at the swim at half speed with a DC 12 Animal The group is being swept towards a 20 foot drop
start of their turn. On a failure, they are incapacitated as Handling check. On a failure, the mount that is now a short waterfall. This is only visible to those
they fight against the roiling waters. A creature who is flying merely treads water. On a 1, the PC is standing on the platform or flying.
or has a swim speed can ignore this. A character who is dismounted.
mounted on a beast that can swim makes a DC 12 Animal Round 7: Everyone drops twenty feet into churning
If a PC makes their Athletics check to waters. Anyone on the platform can make a Dexterity save
Handling check instead. On a failure the mount treads swim for the round and are adjacent to
water, but on a 1 the PC is dismounted. DC 14 to stay on the platform, otherwise they are back in
another person, they can move that person the water.
Round 3: As they look around now, they can see various with them but now at half their swim speed Roll 1d6. That person, or one of that pair, just
people in their vicinity also being swept along in the current (round up to nearest 5ft.) vanished under the water and is lost.
and fighting to survive. The player characters and the NPCs The animals in the water are not in At the end of the round, a big log comes over the
are evenly scattered across a large area. Each PC, NPC, immediate danger of drowning. An drop, crushing and killing one random-rolled NPC.
or pair of NPCs is roughly twenty feet away from the next Animal Handling check DC 15, made as
nearest being(s). Round 8: The waters calm as they spread out. There are
an action or bonus action, can convince trees still standing here, now with water flowing around
an animal to swim 15 feet in the desired them. Anyone who has survived this far can make it to
Read: You aren’t alone in your fight safety on the platform or up a tree.
for survival against the fast-moving
water. Various people and animals
Who’s Needs Saving?
The following people/animals are scattered Resolution
around you are also struggling to keep
around the area and in danger of drowning:
their heads above the surface. The side
1. Old woman This valley is in ruin. Lives and livelihoods are lost. However, those who the party saved will be grateful.
of a wooden building, probably from
2. Mother and baby If the pregnant woman was saved, she promises to name her baby after her savior and the PC gains
a barn, is floating nearby and is large
3. Old man inspiration. If the middle-aged woman was saved, she turns out to be a priestess of agriculture. She blesses
enough to provide refuge to everyone
4. Pregnant woman & her husband her savior (they gain inspiration) and gives them an Ivory Goat figurine (goat of traveling). The dog and
if only they could get to it.
5. Teenage girl the donkey will bond to their saviors and serve them faithfully. If the old man was saved, he doesn’t live
6. Teenage boy
Some players will have various spells and abilities to help long. He dies shortly from age and exertion, but not before giving his wooden ring to his savior. It is a +1
7. Middle-aged woman clinging to a goat
in this situation, none of which will have been written with ring of protection and also grants use of the Tree Stride spell once per day. It requires attunement.
8. Father and young boy
a landscape of fast-moving water in mind. It will be most
9. Dog
fun for everyone if you go along with creative applications, Possible reasons for the dam breaking: 1. It has been raining for a week straight. 2. It is spring and there’s
10. Donkey
rather than try to argue realism or literal interpretations of an unusually heavy snow melt. 3. A huge monster has broken it by accident. 4. Enemy forces broke the dam
the rules. on purpose to kill the people in the valley.
70 71
Little Shop of Curses
Summary: A magic item boutique offers
great deals on rare, but cursed, magic items.

An Unusual Magic Shop

On a nice city street, between a high-end
tailor’s shop and luxury bootmaker, sits a small
shop called Cursed Collectibles. The proprietor is a
little old man name Melvick Ambersmith. The shop
gets very few visitors so Melvick is quick to greet
everyone who enters with a salesman’s enthusiasm.
Cursed Inventory
He explains that all of the 13 items in the shop’s
inventory are cursed, but that the curses are clearly Glamoured Studded Leather 900 gp Mantle of Spell Resistance 1500 gp
labelled. Every item in the shop has a card next to Curse: Profuse sweating when worn. Curse: Voice changes to that of a young child.
it. It lists the item’s name, the price, a few details
about how the item operates, and details about the curse +2 Warhammer 1400 gp +2 Shortbow 1400 gp
that the item carries. Curse: Voracious hunger. One minute after each use, Curse: Deafness. While in hand, you have the
The shop makes only a handful of sales each year, but the user is voraciously hungry. They gain a level of deafened condition.
still turns a good profit. Clientele are typically from the exhaustion until a large meal is eaten.
upper classes. They usually say they want a good gag gift Periapt of Proof Against Poison 1200 gp
for a friend. Although, sometimes Melvick believes clients Folding Boat 400 gp Curse: Melancholia. You struggle with persistent
have more nefarious purposes in mind. Curse: Whomever activates the boat is polymorphed depression and sadness. You can neither gain nor
If the PCs have any cursed items they want to unload, he into the bow of the boat, retaining consciousness and spend Inspiration. Nor can you gain the benefits of
will pay one tenth of their uncursed value. the ability to speak, but gains no control of the boat. Bardic Inspiration.

Robe of Eyes 1800 gp Ring of Protection 400 gp

Buyer Beware Curse: Rudeness. While worn, your mannerisms and Curse: Unfocused. While worn, you lose interest in
behaviors are very unusual and do not put people things quickly. Whenever you gain a level you must
A large sign on the back wall of the store clearly lays out at ease. This results in any Charisma-based skill choose to gain a level in a new class. If there are no
the purchasing terms: checks to be done at disadvantage. People will often more classes which you qualify for, you may increase
ALL SALES ARE FINAL. BUYER BEWARE. NO RETURNS. take offense to things you say and do, even when no your lowest existing class.
Melvick has not identified any of the items. He does not offense was intended.
know magic. The information on the cards is what has been Wand of Lightning Bolts 400 gp
told to him by the previous owners or their brokers. Mace of Smiting 600 gp Curse: Wrath. Once attuned, you gain a terrible
Curse: Bad Luck. All weapon attacks against you temper and resort to physical violence at the smallest
have advantage while you are in possession of this provocation. On any given round of combat, if using
mace. a melee attack is possible, you must do so unless you
Hidden Curse succeed on a DC 12 Wisdom saving throw.
Cube of Force 1600 gp
One of the items purchased by the PCs, chosen randomly, Curse: When in use, two of your limbs, randomly Horn of Blasting 200 gp
has an additional curse that Melvick didn’t know about. When chosen, harmlessly vanish into a pocket dimension, Curse: Docility. For 1 minute after use, you become
healing magic is used on the person who possesses this item, but return when the cube is deactivated. incapable of physically harming any creature. You
instead of healing hit point damage, they suffer an amount of cannot choose an action that will obviously cause hit
radiant damage equal to what they would have healed. Amulet of Health 900 gp point damage to another creature.
Curse: While attuned, you lose the ability to read any
written language.
72 73
Untimely Demise Summary: A bounty hunter, proficient in time
magic, comes for an item the party possesses.
Henchman CR 1 (200xp)
Medium humanoid (any race), lawful evil
Neandra Gildenhart CR 7 (2900xp)
Medium humanoid (half-elf), lawful evil

Armor Class 16 (chain shirt) Armor Class 15 (mage armor, +1 cloak)

Hit Points 33 (6d8+6) Speed 30 ft. Hit Points: 65 (10d6+10) Speed 30 ft.
CR6 4400 xp Set up
2 Henchmen Choose a powerful, unique magic item in the party’s possession. A bounty hunter, 15 (+2) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 8 (-1) 13 (+1) 12 (+1) 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 15 (+2)
Neandra Gildenhart, has been hired to retrieve it by its “rightful” owner. She
CR7 4400 xp and her henchmen are teleported by the client to the location of the item with Saving Throws Intelligence +9, Wisdom +8
Skills Stealth +4, Perception +2, Insight +2
Neandra and no information about what to expect. Her goal is to get the item and then get Skills Stealth +5, Perception +7, Insight +7
Senses passive Perception 13
2 Henchmen somewhere safe so that she can cast a teleportation circle and return to her home base. Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13
Languages Common
Languages Common, Elven, Draconic
CR8 5600 xp
Neandra and Actions Spellcasting. Neandra can cast various time-related
3 Henchmen
Read to the player with the item spells which are mentioned in the Combat section. Her
Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,
spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 16).
Out of thin air, a cloaked woman appears directly in front reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing
CR9 6400 xp damage.
of you and men with shortswords in hand appear at your sides. Reset. Neandra has an ability that triggers when
Neandra and
The woman smiles mischievously and then blinks away again. Heavy Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 she drops to 0 hit points. It only works once. When
4 Henchmen
But the men with shortswords move to attack. to hit, range 100/400 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d10 triggered, time rewinds to the point when she was
+ 3) piercing damage. teleported here. All damage is reversed and nearly
everything is reset. Everyone within 100 feet gets a DC
16 Intelligence saving throw. Neandra, and anyone
Combat who succeeds on the saving throw, remember what just
Round 3: Neandra casts force bolt and then blinks away. happened, but their spell slots remain spent. However,
Neandra specializes in time magic. She already has Her henchmen fight with sword and crossbow to the
a blink spell active when she arrives. Read her Reset once per round they can add 1d4 to a single dice roll,
best of their ability. until time catches up to the point when it was reset.
ability. If she drops to zero hit points, that ability
triggers. You will then reread the narration above and Round 4: Neandra blinks in again and casts mirror Everyone who fails the saving throw, which includes her
combat begins anew. image. She does not blink this round. Her henchmen henchmen, remember nothing of what just happened,
Her henchmen are surrounding the person with the fight with sword and crossbow to the best of their but all their spent spell slots are restored.
item. Their orders are to incapacitate the person with ability. Actions
the item and take it. Round 5: Neandra casts a custom spell on a spellcaster Force Bolt. Ranged Spell Attack: +8 to hit, range 120
Roll initiative. or ranged attacker and then blinks away. The spell ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d10) force damage.
reverse-ages the PC into their infant form. Constitution
Round 1: On her turn, Neandra blinks in. She casts save negates. This is a concentration spell and will end
hold person on the PC with the item. She then blinks away Stall. When targeted by a ranged weapon attack,
the haste if still active. As they get younger and smaller
again at the end of her turn. Neandra can use her reaction to cast a first-level spell
their gear falls around them. Their actions are limited
If the spell worked, one henchman takes the item called stall. The thrown or shot weapon then moves in
to crawling at a speed of 5, and crying. The infant is
from the PC. Other henchmen attack the PC with slow-motion and she dodges it. Neandra can do this four
not polymorphed. The spell can last up to ten minutes.
advantage, dealing critical damage on a hit. times before she is out of 1st-level spell slots.
The henchmen fight with sword and crossbow to the
If the spell failed, the henchmen focus their attacks on best of their ability.
the PC with the item, using flanking to gain advantage
on their attacks. Round 6: Neandra blinks in again and casts force bolt.
She does not blink this round. Her henchmen fight with
Round 2: On her turn, Neandra blinks in again. She sword and crossbow to the best of their ability. Treasure & Resolution
casts haste on one of her henchmen. (+30 speed, a
second attack, +2 AC, +2 Dex saves). This is another Rounds 7+: Neandra blinks in again. She casts force Neandra has a beautiful dark blue hooded cloak. It is +1 Cloak of Protection.
concentration spell and causes the hold person spell to bolt. She does not blink anymore. That spell has ended. She has rings, earrings, bracelets, and necklaces worth a total of 3200 gold. She has a pouch containing
end. She does not blink away this turn. If all her henchmen are taken down, she will attempt 90 gold and a small box. In the box are rare chalks and inks infused with gems. A DC 14 Arcana check
The henchmen will make moves and attacks that seek to flee but she is out of spells. Her henchmen fight with recognizes these as the material components for casting Teleportation Circle. There is enough here for two
to protect Neandra. sword and crossbow to the best of their ability. castings. There is also a note describing the item she was sent for and where to deliver it for payment.
74 75
The Rolley-Smasher Rolley-Smasher magical eye rays, randomly (reroll duplicates), at
three targets it can see within 60 feet.
CR 10 (5900xp) Huge abberation, chaotic evil
Summary: When everyone rushes to fortify the village gate, 1. Freezing Ray. The targeted creature takes 2d12
one PC runs into a childhood friend, creating comedic tension. Armor Class 17 cold damage and is paralyzed until the start of the
Hit Points 150 (15d12+60) Speed 40 ft. beholder’s next turn. A DC 14 Constitution saving
throw halves the damage and negates the paralyzation.
t h e player s h to close
2. Force Ray. The targeted creature takes 2d12 force
t o r s r u ey- 24 (+7) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 6 (-2) 6 (-2) 6 (-2)
Read u s e e t
he villag ls out, “The roll damage and is pushed 20 feet directly away from the
d yo n yel
p e t blares an e m . One ma ce beholder. A DC 14 Strength saving throw halves both
A tr u m
and bar
t h
huge for re Senses Darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 20
d o o r s p l a c e , a u the damage and the pushed distance.
te eam in help sec Languages none
large ga c k !” n c r o s s b e r y o n e
is ba oode . “Ev even
smasher h e y d r o p the w t h e c r ossbeam e a r b y m en and 3. Sleep Ray. The targeted creature falls asleep for
s t g n ’t
Just a e d o o r s , crackin t o i t !” All the d e n d o or. “Don Magic Resistance. The beholder has advantage on 1 minute unless a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw is
to th ht in woo r
slams in h r o w y our weig dies against the “Get in there. O all saving throws against magic and takes half damage successful. Damage or shaking will wake the creature.
the gate
! T ir bo ou. from all magic sources.
m e n t h row the n c a l l s out to y 4. Exhaustion Ray. The targeted creature gains 1
o a
a few w here,” one wom Trample. Any creature size Medium or smaller in level of exhaustion unless they succeed on a DC 14
n d t
just sta
we’re all
dead!” Rolley-Smasher the movement path of the beholder takes 1d12+7 Constitution saving throw.
bludgeoning damage and are knocked prone. A DC 12
The rolley-smasher is a type of beholder. It is huge and Dexterity saving throw halves the damage and negates 5. Poison Ray. The targeted creature takes 2d12
rolls on the ground like an enormous rugby ball. It has the prone condition. poison damage and is poisoned for 1 hour. A DC 14
three eye stalks on each side. It is extremely dangerous. Constitution saving throw halves the damage and
Choose o Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 5ft., one
negates the poisioned condition.
ne pla
the do yer wh target. Hit: 20 (2d12 + 7) piercing damage. 6. Charm Ray. The targeted creature is charmed
ors an o elec
d read ted to by the beholder for 1 minute unless a DC 14
this to push ag Eye Rays. The beholder shoots 3 of the following
Pressin them: ainst Wisdom saving throw is successful.
g into th
obese ma e crowd
n next t of villag
staring r o you lend ers,
ight at y ing his w you notice a very
name as ou. When eight to round,
if he we you catc the effor
remembe r e h his eye h t . H
r him fro
a long lo
st friend e exclaim e is
and you m your . “It’s me s your
remembe youth. Po , Poolfus
were alw r, perhap o lfus was !” And you
s with so a
ays very
cruel to me sham lways overweigh
him as a e, that y t
child. ou

The Battle At The Gate Round 1. “I’m a monk now. Can you believe it? Not Round 5. “Sorry ‘bout that. I started a new diet this Round 9. “I don’t feel so good.”
the punchy-kicky type of monk. I do research and week. Fermented cabbage for every meal.”
Roll Initiative and handle this encounter in Round 10. Poolfus passes out from exertion and low
scribe work.” Even over the other sounds, the PCs can hear Poolfus’
rounds. Each round, the monster crashes into the blood sugar. At the end of the round, the beholder
bowels gurgling.
gate and the players supporting the gate roll Athletics Round 2. “I’m actually here doing research on this gives up and rolls away from the village.
to decrease the damage (requires an action). Use the thing they call the rolley-smasher.” Round 6. “Uh oh.” Poolfus lets rip another fart. This
highest check result and add 2 for every other PC who one is even worse and needs a DC 14 Constitution save
Round 3. “It’s a new form of beholder. Very deadly,
rolled 15 or higher. Subtract that total from 30. That is or else Athletics checks are rolled with disadvantage.
but it can’t fly and it gives up quickly.”
how much damage is done to the gate. The gate starts Round 7. “If I can publish my research on this, I can
with 100 hit points. If it hits zero, the monster crashes Round 4. “So what brings you here?”
name it the Poolfus Beholder.”
in and Tramples through everyone at the gate, killing While straining against the gate, Poolfus lets loose If treated politely, Poolfus gives his old friend a
Pulfus and others. If 10 rounds pass without the gate a huge, loud, stinky fart. The PCs must succeed Round 8. “It is very resistant to magic from what I’ve spell scroll of Sending and says farewell.
giving way, the monster loses interest and leaves. on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or roll their learned. Best to keep your distance and use crossbows If the party somehow manages to kill the rolley-
At the start of each round, Poolfus says and/or Athletics check this round with disadvantage. against it.” smasher they are celebrated as heroes and saviors.
does something.
76 77
Four Doors Bookstore
Summary: A small bookstore, run by a
koala bear, shows up in seemingly random places.

Read to the players

Walking down the city street, a small shop stands out

among the others. It is freshly painted, red with white trim.
Above the door gold leaf lettering reads Four Doors Bookstore.
The only window is just above the sign and shaped like a half
circle. It reveals nothing, merely reflecting the street view.

Read upon entering the store

The interior of the bookstore is very strange. The space is

square, twenty feet on each side, and each wall has a door.
Bookshelves line the wall from the floor to the domed ceiling
twenty feet above. Strangest of all is a slender tree rooted in
the center of the store. Its branches reach out and connect to
the bookshelves on each wall at varying heights. Hugging one The Koala Bear
such branch is a fluffy gray koala bear who opens his sleepy
eyes when you enter. The koala is named Janxy. He was a wizard’s familiar
A sign tied to the tree, written in both elven and common, before his master died. Janxy is fairly smart, but cannot
reads: ‘All books 100 gold each. Limited time offer.’ speak and is not interested in conversation. He serves the
store’s customers and is then happy to fall asleep again.
Since Janxy has a magical ability to find just the right
book for customers, they might get advantage on checks
The Store related to the specific subject of that book.
There is a divine hand at work here, but its origin remains mysterious. The bookstore Should any harm come to Janxy or the store, or any
moves all the time and can appear on any city block, though not everyone can see it. books be stolen, the store will expel offenders onto one
The store’s interior is an antimagic field. It cannot be teleported into or out of, cannot be of the elemental planes.
scryed, and no magic functions within its walls. Someone outside the store cannot hear or
see someone inside the store, not even if the door is open between them.
Each of the four doors from the shop leads to a different city in the world, perhaps in
different time zones and with different weather.
There is a 75% chance that the store has a book on any specific subject. Magical tomes
are just as likely to be on the shelves though their magic will have been expended.
No one else is in the shop aside from the koala. When payment is handed to the koala, the
payment vanishes. The store does not purchase books or make trades. All sales are final.

78 79
History Quiz Summary: An old gnome won’t part
with something vital to the party because he
“You think you’re clever. So tell me which
king did the dragon Parnafex The Elder
allow to ride upon his back?”
fears they are too young.
(Answer: None, only Queen Eldrid)
INT(history) DC16. Give advantage to any
The Setup character who is at least 200 years old OR
proficient in Three Dragon Ante.
There is something the party needs or strongly desires. They are informed that the only “That is correct! And they rested on the
way to get that item or that vital bit of information, is from an old gnome named Gibbert shore of the river that no longer exists.
Herbieflox. Most days he can be found working in his garden. But of course, you remember that river’s
name, right?” (Answer: The Swan River)
The 470-year-old is very proud of the long life he has lived and very skeptical about
the character of today’s young people. He is polite and kind, but also dismissive and INT(history) DC16. Give advantage to any
paternalistic. When the party members make their request, he responds by testing their character who is at least 300 years old OR
“It seems you fall for the simplest proficient in Cartography Tools.
knowledge of the past. Everyone will get to make History checks. of tricks. You know, the very land
where we live was not always
friendly to people. Do you know
“I could give you what you seek, but I won’t. what this land was labeled on the
You are too young and foolish to be trusted old maps?”
with it. I’ve outlived ten kings of this land, but (Answer: The Land of Teeth)
you probably can’t even name three of them.”
INT(history) DC16. Give advantage to
INT(history) DC16. Give advantage to any character any character who is at least 300 years Result 2
who is at least 150 years old. old OR proficient in Cartography
“I apologise for my skepticism. It is a symptom of
old age. You are worthy folks and I’ll be happy to
give you what you ask.”
Gibbert refuses to accept any payment.

“Do you even celebrate Dragon’s Day or even

know why we remember it? I was there when it
happened, but you’re too young. Too young.”
(Answer: The gold dragon Xoranicus helped the Result 3
army win against the orc invaders.)
“Well, you seem nice enough and not quite as green as
INT(history) DC16. Give advantage to any character you look. I’ll give you what you ask. Let’s have a cup of
who is at least 250 years old OR proficient in Three tea and discuss a fair price.”
Dragon Ante.
Gibbert will give them the item or information but it does
not come cheaply.

Result 1
“Oh you kids these days. Go home and learn a trade. Make something
of yourselves and stop chasing adventures like darn fools. Go on now.”
Gibbert will not budge. He is convinced he can only do the PCs harm
by providing them with what they seek.

80 81
Dead Queen's Curse Treasure & Resolution Mummy Queen
Medium undead, lawful evil
CR 10 (5900xp)

Everyone else from the ship is lost. The mummy

Summary: During passage on a ship across a sea or queen’s iron crown is embedded with emeralds. It gives Armor Class 14 (natural armor)
ocean, an unnatural storm arrives to rip the ship apart. the wearer resistance to psychic damage and advantage Hit Points: 82 (11d8+33) Speed 20 ft.
against being charmed.
Her heart, if removed from her chest, is crystallized like STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
a delicate glass ornament. When inserted into another 16 (+3) 9 (-1) 16 (+3) 9 (-1) 14 (+2) 15 (+2)
CR6 3600 xp
All saving throws Read to the players mummified corpse, the heart will animate the mummy,
though not under anyone’s control. Saving Throws Charisma +6, Wisdom +6
are DC 13
As the skies darken and the winds whip up, the waves grow Damage Vulnerabilities fire
dangerously tall. The captain orders everything on deck stowed Damage Immunities necrotic, poison; bludgeoning,
CR7 4400 xp
and lashed down. The sails are trimmed and tied off to prevent piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks
All saving throws Condition Immunities Charmed, Exhaustion,
are DC 14 them from tearing in the gusting winds. Rain pelts the deck,
huge waves crash over the bow, and lightning spears into the Frightened, Paralyzed, Poisoned
fifty-foot waves. The whole crew retreats below deck, praying to Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 16
CR8 5600 xp Languages An archaic human language
All saving throws the gods of the sea to spare them from this unnatural curse of
are DC 15 a storm.
Magic Resistance. The mummy has advantage on
saving throws against spells and other magical effects..
CR9 6400 xp All players roll a Constitution saving throw. Anyone with
All saving throws Water Vehicles proficiency gets advantage. See the CR chart Actions
are DC 16 for the saving throw DC. That DC will apply to all saving throws Rotting Fist. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach
made in this encounter. Anyone who fails their save gains the 5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) bludgeoning
Sea Sick condition. Their movement is halved and they have damage plus 10 (3d6) necrotic damage.Target must
disadvantge on ability checks for 1 hour. The lesser restoration succeed on a Constitution saving throw or be cursed
spell grants a new saving throw with advantage. with Mummy Rot. The cursed target can’t regain hit
points, and its hit point maximum decreases by 10 (3d6)
for every 24 hours that elapse. If the curse reduces the
Read to the players target’s hit point maximum to 0, the target dies, and
its body turns to dust. The curse lasts until removed by
The ship continues to pitch and yaw at extreme angles. Some the remove curse spell or other magic.
of the cargo straps break. Crates and barrels slide dangerously
around the floor you are on. One long crate smashes open Bonus Actions
against a bulkhead, spilling out straw and a figure emerges Blasphemous Word. The mummy screams a
from the debris. A mummified woman wearing a black iron blasphemous word. Each non-undead creature within
crown screams in a language you’ve never heard before. As the 10 feet of the mummy must succeed on a Constitution
ship continues to rock violently in the storm, she advances on saving throw or be stunned until the end of the
you with dead gray hands outstretched. mummy’s next turn.

Combat Rounds 1, 2, & 3: On her turn, the Mummy queen ship breaks apart. Those who made their Perception
uses her Blaphemous Word first and then her Rotting check or Dexterity saving throw are safe in the front Rounds 6+ The mummy queen will continue fighting
Roll initiative. Fist attack. half of the ship, still afloat at the moment. The others, until killed.
Barrels and crates continue to slide around, making including the mummy, are in the other half, which is
the floor difficult terrain. Every round at the start of Round 4 At the start of the fourth round, ask sinking and drifting away. After the fight. The bow section breaks apart,
each player’s turn, they must make a Dexterity saving everyone to make a Perception check DC 14. Anyone
Round 5 The mummy queen is carried by the storm leaving the party on a raft-like plaftorm as the storm
throw or get pushed ten feet in a random direction by with proficiency in Water Vehicles or Carpentry Tools
winds from the back half of the ship to the front half, subsides. They are adrift at sea on their raft of debris.
a crate or barrel. Strangely, the debris never hits the gains advantage. Those who succeed realize the keel is
mummy queen. about to snap and the ship will break in two. Everyone confirming that she is the reason for this unnatural
else needs to make a Dexterity saving throws as the storm. She then continues with her attacks.
82 83
Fuming Mad Combat Smoke Spirit CR 7 (2900xp)
Large elemental, neutral
Summary: A smoke elemental attacks the party from the safety of a chimney. Rounds 1-3: The spirit attacks with one tendril. If a
tendril has hold of a creature, it will attempt to drag Armor Class 14
them 20 feet closer using its Drag action. Hit Points 102 (12d10+36) Speed Fly 40 ft.
Where to set the encounter Round 4: The spirit blasts black smoke out of the
fireplace, filling the room. Every creature in the room is STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
This encounter takes place in a building with a burning fireplace and a blinded and stunned. At the start of each player’s turn, 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 6 (-2) 10 (+0) 6 (-2)
chimney. It could be a tavern, inn, shop, home, castle, or any other building they can make one DC 14 Constitution saving throw to
the whole party would be gathered in. remove both conditions. Damage Resistances necrotic; bludgeoning,
piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks
Rounds 6-8: The spirit attacks with one tendril. If a Damage Immunities fire, poison
The Story tendril has hold of a creature, it will attempt to drag Condition Immunities Exhaustion, Grappled,
them 20 feet closer using its Drag action. Paralyzed, Petrified, Poisoned, Prone, Restrained,
A local forester, Knotwick, has had an escalating feud with Unconscious
Round 9: The spirit blasts black smoke out of the
a druid. The feud culminated with Knotwick cutting down Senses Blindsight (hearing) 40 ft., Darkvision
fireplace, filling the room. Every creature in the room is
a sacred oak from the druid’s grove. To further spite the 60ft., passive Perception 13
blinded and stunned. At the start of each player’s turn,
druid, Knotwick chopped up the tree and then distributed it Languages Auran, Ignan
they can make one DC 14 Constitution saving throw to
throughout the town as free firewood. The druid called his remove both conditions.
brethren together and, encircling the stump, they ritually cast Smoky. Tendrils of smoke spawned by the spirit
a curse upon the wood of the sacred tree. Rounds 10+: The spirit attacks with one tendril. If a disperse after taking 10 points of damage. This
tendril has hold of a creature, it will attempt to drag damage does not lower the spirit’s hit points as
them 20 feet closer using its Drag action. only damage to the spirit’s main body can do so.
Noticing the log Actions
Multiattack. The smoke spirit makes one
Have all party members roll Perception checks, with advantage if proficient in
Tendril attack and one Drag attack each turn.
Survival. Whoever has the highest check result notices that the log someone just
Up to four tendrils can be active at one time.
tossed in the fireplace is unusual. the core of the log is nearly white in color.
Tendril. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach
40ft., one target. Hit: target is restrained. As an
Read to the players action, a DC 16 Athletics or Acrobatics check can
escape the tendril.
The fireplace begins billowing with dark smoke. It swells Drag. A creature restrained by a tendril is pulled
outward and then all the smoke rushes up the chimney as 20 feet towards the smoke spirit’s body unless
if there were a sudden draft, but you don’t feel any wind. they make a DC 14 Strength saving throw. If
A smoky tendril shoots down the chimney and out into the pulled inside the body of the spirit, smoke is
room. It wraps around a snoring dog and yanks the startled forced inside the creature’s lungs. It takes 3d6 fire
beast up the chimney with a whoosh. Two more hungry damage each round and cannot breathe.
tendrils of smoke descend into the room.

Tactics Treasure & Resolution

As you head into combat, be aware that attacks on the tendrils will not harm The logs are distributed all over town. The forester and his
the smoke spirit. The spirit is ten feet up inside the chimney. Attacks will have family are dead. Anyone burning one of these logs before
to be directed up the chimney from below or down the chimney from above. morning will suffer the same fate. A character proficient in
Additionally, the spirit is relying on its blindsight which works only by sound. Alchemy Supplie will realize there is treasure in the other logs
Anyone who is at least forty feet from the chimney is safe from the tendrils. scattered around the town. The white core of a single log can
be chipped off and processed through alchemy into a potion of

84 85
Spying the Spiders Ssussun Trooshka CR 4 (1100xp) Actions
Medium beast, neutral Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
Summary: Giant spiders ambush prey using their invisibility to darkvision. one creature. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) piercing damage plus
Armor Class 13 (natural armor) 18 (4d8) poison damage. The target must make a A
Hit Points 55 (10d8+10) Speed 30 ft., climb 30 DC 13 Constitution saving throw reduces the poison
CR6 4400 xp The Set up damage by half. If the poison damage reduces the
3 Ssussun Trooshka STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA target to 0 hit points, the target is stable but poisoned
This encounter takes place in an underground 17 (+3) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 3 (-4) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) for 1 hour, even after regaining hit points, and is
setting and assumes that players are relying
CR7 5600 xp paralyzed while poisoned in this way.
heavily on darkvision. The spiders begin on Skills Stealth +8
4 Ssussun Trooshka
walls and attack as soon as party members are Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 15 Dark Mucus. Ranged Attack: +5 to hit, range
in range. Languages - 30/60 ft., one light source. On a hit, a small flame
CR8 5600 xp
will be extinguished. A non-flaming light source will
4 Ssussun Trooshka
Semi-Invisible. The spider is invisible to darkvision be obscured, reducing bright light to dim and dim
Nature Check but not normal vision. light to darkness. Two hits of mucus will fully block
CR9 6400 xp
most light sources.
5 Ssussun Trooshka A DC 13 Nature check will bring to mind that Spider Climb. The spider can climb difficult surfaces,
these might be Ssussun Trooshka. They are also including upside down on ceilings, without needing to
known as drow-eating spiders. make an ability check.
Combat Web Walker. The spider ignores movement
A character proficient in Undercommon will restrictions caused by webbing.
Round 1: Each spider will first shoot Dark Mucus recognize that Ssussun Trooshka means “light
at the brightest light source, if there is one, to cover or shooter” or “one that shoots at lights.” Perhaps
extinguish it. this information will give the players a clue for
how to defeat the spiders.
Round 2: Two spiders will move off the walls and
attack. If there is no light, the spiders are invisible and
their attacks are made with advantage.
Any spiders still on the walls will shoot Dark Treasure
Mucus at a light source, if there is one.
This community of ssussun trooshka has been
Round 3: A third spider will move off the wall and preying upon hapless travelers for years. They have
join in the melee. been hiding any evidence of their kills in crevices
Any spiders still on the walls will shoot Dark and covering them with mucus. An Investigation
Mucus at a light source, if there is one. check can help a PC find something. Searching
Round 4: Hunger overriding any fears that were without light, even with darkvision, is done with
holding them back before, all the spiders will now disadvantage. After 6 items are found, there are no
engage in melee, more to find. Only one ring can be found.
Investigation check results:
Rounds 5+: The spiders are simple-minded 10-12: Bundle of clothing in bad shape
creatures. Whenever a light source appears, they will 13: A coin pouch with 2d6 gold and 2d6 silver
focus on extinguishing it with Dark Mucus instead of 14: A dagger and belt with sheath
making bite attacks. The spiders only return to melee 15: A hand crossbow
fighting when there are no light sources. 16: A longsword
17: A stoppered steel flask of contact poison.
18+: A ring made of polished obsidian.
Ring of the Underdark, Very Rare, requires
attunement. The wearer of this ring gains darkvision
of 60 ft. or increases their darkvision up to 120 feet.
They gain proficiency in Undercommon, and can cast
the spell Darkness once per short rest.
86 87
Lying for Pets Arriving in Petalbrook Deception
The village of Petalbrook looks like any other Belemere will only summon an
Summary: A woman has been gifted by the gods the ability to summon
village except for the menagerie of unusual animal for someone she believes has
extraordinary pets. If the party want pets from her, they will need to deceive her
animals. One quarter of the residents have one Shepherd’s Curse as that is why she
into believing they are afflicted by a deformity.
of these pets. There’s a twelve-foot-long snake was given the gift. However, she is a
sleeping peacefully next to a man measuring fairly trusting person and deceiving
Read to the players lumber for a new house. Two boys happily run her is not terribly hard. She will meet
alongside their friend who is mounted on a one person at a time and get to know
You encounter something very bizarre while passing zebra. A large wolf sits next to an old woman in them before gifting them with an
through this rural area. Walking in the opposite direction is a a rocking chair. Each of the pet owners have the animal. If they don’t have an animal
middle-aged man in common clothes and at his side is a full- deformed legs characteristic of Shepherd’s Curse. in mind, the gods will decide for
grown cheetah. The cheetah’s long tail is happily swishing side them:
It takes little effort to find out where the
to side as the two of them stroll along. The man smiles at Roll d20: 1.Tortoise, 2.Ostrich,
woman with the gifts can be found. Her
you and pets the head of the big cat. 3.Swan, 4.Wolf, 5.Black Bear,
name is Belemere Cooper and the local
“She’s a beauty, ain’t she?” 6.Panther, 7.Yak, 8.Sloth, 9.Vulture,
smith is putting her up at his house
10.Kangaroo, 11.Mountain Goat,
while she is in town.
12.Pelican, 13.Leopard, 14.Raccoon,
The Man’s Story 15.Camel, 16.Reindeer, 17.Nutria,
The Woman with 18.Kudu, 19.Aligator, 20.Panda
The man’s name is Gilroy Flaxenrake. He explains that his
farm has a vermin problem and when he heard a woman the Gifts
A player character that wants to get
was summoning pets for folks, he decided to ask for one. He Belemere Cooper is a widow. She an animal from her will need to roll a
admits he had to be a little dishonest, though. The woman is sold her home and now travels Deception check. If they fail the DC,
only summoning pets for people with Shepherd’s Curse. It is the world. When passing through she has seen through their ruse and
an affliction many of the people in this region are born with, this region, she became broken- chastises them for their dishonesty.
causing their feet to twist inward. Gilroy pretended to have hearted by the number of Once any PC fails, Belemere is on
the curse and it worked. The nice woman asked him what people with Shepherd’s her guard and other PCs will have to
kind of animal he wanted and she summoned it for him. She Curse. She prayed to the make their checks with disadvantage.
can be found in Petalbrook, the village just ahead. gods for a way to bring
them comfort and
the gods responded.
Pet Qualities
Skill check DCs She awoke with the The pet animal is not magical. It has
for this encounter miraculous power to a docile temperment, is well-behaved,
summon extroadinary acts loyal to its owner, and is safe to
CR6 animals. Regardless of be around. It acts very much like a
DC 12 Shepherd’s Curse the species of animal, well-trained dog, but like any pet,
the ones she summons requires feeding and nurturing.
A successful Medicine check can recall the
CR7 are well-behaved,
following lore about Shepherd’s Curse:
DC 13 obedient, and smarter
It is a disease, not a curse, and it is obvious at birth. than their brethren.
CR8 Feet and lower legs twist inward creating a bow-
DC 14 legged walk. The deformity is permanent, although
cure disease can remove all signs of it if administered
CR9 in the first few months of life.
DC 15

88 89
King's Eye Summary: The party finds the source of the
rarest spice in the world, but collecting it won’t be easy.
Scaling the Cliff (map on next page)

Climbing is normally done at one-half speed, but

King Crawler Small beast, unaligned

the surface of the carving is wet and covered with Armor Class 12
many shallow-rooted plants which makes it even Hit Points 45 (10d6+10) Speed climb 10 ft.
Picking up the Scent slower. Operate this in rounds or turns.
Climbing. Have players roll Athletics checks to STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
The party members pick up the faint scent of a unique but pleasing smell. If move. Round the check down to the nearest 5 ft. That 6 (-2) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 1 (-5) 10 (+0) 2 (-4)
anyone has the Cooking Utensils proficiency they recognize it. If not, everyone is how far they can move in that turn. On a 1 they fall.
can make DC 16 History checks. That smell could only come from king’s eye, the Falling. If a character falls, they can catch Senses passive Perception 10
most rare and exotic spice in the world. No one has ever discovered the source themselves with a DC 15 Dexterity or Strength saving Languages -
of king’s eye spice and fifty years ago it vanished from markets altogether. It can throw. Failing this, they fall to the base of the carving
sell for up to one thousand gold per ounce. and suffer 1d6 bludgeoning damage for each 10 feet Death Burst. When a king crawler dies, it bursts,
they fall. spraying a viscous, slippery fluid. This covers a
Climbing Kit. If using a climbing kit, characters 15x15 foot area of the carving just below the
who roll a 1 will only fall 25 feet before their rope
Read to the players if they track the
stops them and only suffer 1d4 bludgeoning damage.
crawler. The slickened area is bright green.
Climbing checks have disadvantage in these areas.
scent to its source Teleporting. When using teleportation, misty step,
dimension door, or some other means of instant Actions
You trace the scent to an enormous, roaring waterfall. movement, the character must make a Dexterity or
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5ft.,
It is two-hundred feet tall and a hundred feet wide. The Strength saving throw DC15 to catch themselves,
one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage and
river above rushes over the cliff, creating a powerful falling on a failure.
a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or become
curtain of water. The scent is present here, but with the Flying. Flight and levitation are great solutions here,
paralyzed for 1 hour. A character resistant to poison
mist and spray from the falls, it is hard to pinpoint the but they will still be attacked by king crawlers.
has advantage on this saving throw. A paraylzed
source. King Crawlers. Each round that a character moves,
climber automatically falls.
there is a 1 in 6 chance that they encounter a king
crawler, a small-sized fat green insectoid creature that
is impossible to see until you are face to face with it.
Behind the Falls When one is encountered, (by the player rolling a 1 on
A thorough search will eventually lead the party to a a d6 after they move) combat with it begins.
mist-clouded ledge just behind the falls. There is a 5 foot
space between the face of the cliff and the wall of water.

Read to the players once they are

behind the falls
Treasure & Resolution
You stand at the bottom of a cliff face. Enough
The king’s pupils are cylindrical holes three feet deep and one foot in diameter. Continual flame spells
sunlight penetrates the waterfall to illuminate the
burn on the rear surfaces of each one. Over thousands of years, a plant learned to feed off the energy of these
sprawling relief carving looming above you; the image of
spells. It only grows in this location, producing small, intensely blue fruits. The fruits can be dried and crushed
a dwarven king. This carving must be thousands of years
to make the king’s eye spice. If a fruit is eaten, it is like consuming one ounce of king’s eye spice - see below.
old. Throughout the narrow space between the rushing
A number of ounces of spice can be made equal to the result of a character’s Cooking Utensils check.
falls and the cliff face, songbirds fly among the flowering
If proficient, and proper tools are used, roll with advantage. If neither applies, roll with disadvantage.
plants which cover most of the carving. Their chirps are
Each ounce of spice can sell for one thousand gold pieces. Obviously, only the richest people can
barely audible over the crashing roar of the waterfall.
purchase it. It can be used in food or in perfume, greatly intensifying either. If a person comsumes a whole
Far above, you notice the dark pupils of the king’s
ounce, they become unnaturally perceptive. For 1 week, they gain advantage on all Wisdom-based skill checks
eyes have a flickering orange glow.
and saving throws.
It will take 1 year for the fruits to regrow. The characters are currently the only ones alive who know
the location of this resource.

90 91
92 93
Whirled Apart Summary: On a spinning tower of stone,
the party combats an insane wild mage.
Kyriss Horn
Medium humanoid (human), chaotic neutral
Round 1: Strength save DC 10 or moved 5 feet
Armor Class (see CR chart) (AC is from spells) away from the center.
Kyriss casts chain lightning (see CR chart for
Set up Hit Points: 67 (11d6 +22) Speed 30 ft.
saving throw DCs). He will counterspell the first
An insane and unpredictable wild mage is terrorizing the town. He has STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA spell cast this round.
caused whole flocks of sheep to grow feathers instead of wool. He has caused 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 8 (-1) 8 (-1) 19 (+5) Round 2: Strength save DC 11 or moved 5 feet
damaging tornados and earthquakes. And yesterday, he caused a whirlpool in the away from the center. The platform turns a little
nearby lake, drowning three fishermen. The townsfolk want him stopped but are Saving Throws Dexterity +7, Charisma +10 faster each round.
too afraid to confront him. They will hire or beg the party to do it for them. Senses passive Perception 14 Kyriss casts ray of frost on whomever is closest
The man’s name is Kyriss Horn. He is from the town, a natural sorcerer, Languages Common to him. +10 to hit. Hit: 3d8 cold damage and
and was always touched with madness. His parents had kept him in check, but Speed reduced by 10 until Kyriss’ next turn.
they recently died, killed when lightning struck their home. Spellcasting. Kyriss is a wild magic sorcerer. His As a quickened spell, Kyriss casts erupting earth.
Kyriss can be found down by the cliffs overlooking the lake. He is dressed spell save DC can be found in the CR chart. See In addition to the normal effects of the spell,
in rags, only speaks in a low voice, and mutters incoherent nonsense. Once the the Combat section for which spells he uses. anyone in its area or between its area and the
party approaches within 40 feet of him, read the narration below. platform’s edge, must also make a Strength save
Death Petrification. When Kyriss hits zero hit
points, he instantly turns to stone. If a weapon or be pushed 5 feet away from the center by the
delivered the final blow, that weapon is caught in rocky debris rolling away.
the stone. It can be chiseled out.
Read to the players Round 3: Strength save DC 12 or moved 10 feet
away from the center.
Kyriss, the mad sorcerer screams at the ground and the Kyriss casts chain lightning. He will counterspell the
earth shakes. A huge section of the cliff rips free of the first spell cast this round.
land and begins to spin clockwise. Small rocks hover and Round 4: Strength save DC 13 or moved 10 feet
orbit defensively around him. He looks at you with deranged away from the center.
madness in his eyes and crackling energy in his fingertips. Kyriss casts ray of frost on whomever is closest
to him. +10 to hit. Hit: 3d8 cold damage and
Speed reduced by 10 until Kyriss’ next turn.
As a quickened spell, Kyriss casts confusion, he
The Spinning Platform targets it to get as many opponents as possible in
Kyriss begins in the center of the spinning platform (see map the spell’s 20-foot-diameter sphere.
on previous page). Magical forces pull him to that spot. If he is Rounds 5 & 6: Strength save DC 14 or moved
somehow moved, he is immediately pulled back to it as a free 15 feet away from the center.
CR6 3600 xp
action. Kyriss casts thunderwave.
15 Spell save DC
The PCs will all hopefully begin on the tower, ten feet from the
and Armor Class Rounds 7+: Strength save DC 15 or moved 15
Because it is spinning, the tower is difficult terrain. Also, feet away from the center. This is the top speed
CR7 4400 xp for the spinning platform.
each PC, who is standing, at the start of their turn, must
16 Spell save DC Kyriss casts ray of frost on whomever is closest
succeed on a Strength saving throw or be propelled
and Armor Class to him. +10 to hit. Hit: 3d8 cold damage and
away from the center by centrifugal force. The saving
throw DC and distance moved will change throughout Speed reduced by 10 until Kyriss’ next turn.
CR8 5600 xp
17 Spell save DC
If a PC falls off the tower, they drop 45 feet into
and Armor Class
churning waters where swimming checks are at Treasure
CR9 6400 xp
Anyone not on the tower sees characters When Kyriss dies, the tower slows to a halt and then stands firmly. A DC 13 Arcana check might prompt a search
18 Spell save DC
spinning past, except Kyriss who is fixed in inside the petrified body for a ‘soul gem’, a magical gem created by the wild mage’s death. Sure enough, in the heart
and Armor Class
the center. Likewise, anyone on the tower of the stone body is a large yellow gem. When worn around the neck and attuned, a sorcerer can freely store Sorcery
sees those on the shore and in the air as Points in the gem for later use. The soul gem can hold a maximum of 4 Sorcery Points.
constantly in motion.
94 95
Silent Shortcut Enticing Treasures
As part of the trial, noisy treasures were placed to entice failure. These
Summary: An ancient religious ordeal now provides treasures each require a DC 14 Sleight of Hand check to pick up without
a shortcut for the party, but only if they can be silent. making noise. And they each impose disadvantage on Stealth checks
unless carefully packed away and muffled.

The Setup The first treasure, discovered after the 2nd Stealth check is resolved, is on the ground
next to a human skeleton. It is a beautiful wooden quarterstaff capped with platinum on
The players know of, or discover, a tunnel that will save both ends. When moved, beads inside the hollow staff, filter through metal strips to make
them significant time on their journey. However, they music-box-like sounds.
don’t know how dangerous it is. This is the Staff of Inspiration (very rare, attunement) Anyone who benefits from bardic
inspiration, while in hearing distance of the song from this staff, can choose to reroll
their bardic inspiration die. The staff makes sounds whenever it moves.
The Entrance The second treasure, discovered after the 4th Stealth check is resolved, is
Just inside the entrance they find words chiseled into the stone hanging on the tunnel wall within reach. It is a hooded cloak made entirely
walls of the tunnel. It is written in Celestial and reads, ‘A from mithral wind chimes. This is the Herald’s Cloak (very rare, attunement)
keeper of lore passes without a sound.’ A Religion check DC 13 The wearer’s Charisma score increases by 2 to a maximum of 20 and they
will recall that priests of the god of secrets used to be called can activate a calm emotions spell once per day. This spell is centered on the
Lorekeepers. wearer and moves with them. It has a DC 15 spell save and does not require
concentration to maintain. The cloak makes wind chime sounds when it
They will also notice that the tunnel is not straight. If there moves or whenever a breeze is present.
was light, which there is not, they could only see about 200
feet ahead before the S-shaped twists of the tunnel would The third treasure, discovered after the 6th Stealth check is resolved,
block their view. can be heard before it is seen. It is a belt that resembles a rattlesnake
with a buckle for a head and an ever-twitching tail. The belt is on the
Up ahead they will find many animal skeletons laying on the ground, having long ago shaken itself off a shelf on the wall. This is
tunnel floor. There are no clues as to how they died. These the Belt of Warning (rare, attunement). Once attuned, it stops rattling
are animals who have wandered into the tunnel accidentally. and will then only rattle when danger is nearby. The wearer gains
use of the Alertness feat.

The Trial
Length of the tunnel
The tunnel was designed to test the ability of prospective Exiting the Tunnel
CR6 priests to be silent. Any sound will trigger magic missiles from
7000 feet The tunnel ends in a wall. This scripture is
the walls to hit the creature that made the sound.
7 Stealth checks written upon the wall in Celestial:
See the CR chart to the left for the total length of the tunnel.
CR7 For every 1000 feet of progress they make, the PCs will roll The weight of secrets slows your steps.
8000 feet one Stealth check. A check result below a 12 will trigger magic
missiles to target them with 2d4+2 force damage. If they are
Walk out into the world, slow and
8 Stealth checks
moving together as a group, only the character with the worst careful, so that you do not stumble.
CR8 check result gets hit. Otherwise, every offender gets hit.
This is merely scripture, not a riddle.
9000 feet A natural 1, even if the total meets the 12 DC, should indicate This wall can be passed through, but only
9 Stealth checks a mistake loud enough to trigger missiles. And don’t forget from this side. Upon passing through, the
that many armors impose disadvantage on Stealth checks. PCs receive a blessing from the god of
Anytime someone speaks, they are shot by missiles. Even a secrets. Each of them now knows the
10,000 feet
whisper will set it off. Players will have to communicate to minor illusion cantrip.
10 Stealth checks
each other without speaking.
Any spell cast with a verbal component triggers missiles and a
DC 10 Concentration check if it was a concentration spell.
96 97
The Key is A# Read to the players
Summary: A secret door can only be unlocked with a musical tone. You hear a bellowing, dissonant melody erupt from
within. A tiny panel in the door drops open and a torrent
of screaming noise jets out. The swirling mass of sound
A Secret Door takes on a vaguely humanoid form and attacks.

Someone spent a lot of money to secure whatever is behind this door. In

addition to being concealed, the door also requires two keys. The original
owner would have had a short flute in addition to a metal key. The flute would Tactics
only play one note, which would resonate with a metal strip inside the door, The sforzando does not stand
rotate a mechanism, and expose the keyhole. still. Each round it moves at least ten Sforzando CR 6 (2300xp)
feet to attack a new opponent, often Medium elemental, chaotic neutral
provoking opportunity attacks.
Armor Class 14
Discovering the Door Hit Points 104 (16d8 + 32) Speed Fly 40 ft.

A DC 13 Investigation check uncovers evidence of a secret passage but no STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
mechanism for opening it. They also find symbols crudely scratched into the door. 16 (+3) 19 (+4) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 15 (+2) 18 (+4)
A DC 15 History check will reveal is is a musical note, but Musical Instrument
proficiency is needed to read that the note is A#6. This note is too high for most Damage Resistances thunder; bludgeoning,
people to sing, especially males. piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks
Damage Immunities poison
Defeating the Lock Condition Immunities Exhaustion,
Grappled, Paralyzed, Petrified, Poisoned, Prone,
Once they read the music note, anyone proficient with Thieves’ Tools will realize this Restrained, Unconscious
must be a ‘flute lock’. A flute lock works by resonance. Loudly playing a single sustained note Senses Darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 13
will activate a mechanism inside. Languages Auran
Three ways to open the lock:
1. Singing. DC 25 Performance check. If they hit DC 23 or 24 they resonate with another Blaring Dissonance. The sforzando
mechanism and trigger the trap (see Blowing It below). constantly emits painfully loud tones.
2. Instrument. DC 16 Constitution(musical instrument) check using a wind Characters roll a DC 30 Constitution saving
instrument, not a stringed one. Hitting DC 14 or 15 resonates with another mechanism throw each round at the start of their turns and
and triggers the trap (see Blowing It below). adds their distance from the creature as a bonus
3. Magic. The spell thaumaturg y can produce the right note if the caster is given the correct to their roll. For example, a PC who is 20 feet
pitch to emulate or is themself proficient in Performance or Musical Instrument. The knock from the sforzano would add 20 to their saving
spell has a 50% chance of opening the wrong mechanism (see Blowing It below). throw. On a failure they take 4d8 thunder
damage and are deafened for 1 minute. A
Once any of the above are successful, a panel opens revealing an ordinary key lock. A deafened creature is not immune to further
Thieves’ Tools check of DC 15 will pick the lock and open the door, ending this encounter. damage.

Multiattack. The sforzando
Blowing It makes two slam attacks.
It is easy to trigger the trap in this door, either by a knock spell, or by damaging
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack:
the door, or by narrowly missing the DC of a skill check. When the trap is
+6 to hit, reach 5ft., one
triggered, a tiny panel opens up and a Medium-sized air elemental pours out,
target. Hit: 10 (2d6+3)
forming into a humanoid form ten feet in front of the door. Read the
bludgeoning damage.
description on the opposite page and begin combat.

98 99
Also from Jerry Joe Seltzer
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